Lite wallet server
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

13 lines
515 B

# Copyright 2020-2022 The Hush Developers
# Released under GPLv3
# Description: This script would be used with a NGINX reverse proxy
# you can choose either IPv4 or IPv6
# using ipv4 localhost
# NOTE: --no-tls is secure only if we use nginx as reverse proxy on localhost
./lightwalletd --grpc-bind-addr localhost:9067 --hush-conf-path ~/.hush/HUSH3/HUSH3.conf --no-tls
# Use this instead to use ipv6 localhost
#./lightwalletd -bind-addr ip6-localhost:9067 -conf-file ~/.hush/HUSH3/HUSH3.conf -no-tls