# Hush Translations The Hush project welcomes people of all languages to contribute translations, to make Hush accessible to people all around the world. Please join #translations to ask questions about this document or helping. ## Rules We now have more rules: * Translator can be completely anonymous, we don't need your government ID * Translators can work on one single wallet or reserve all three wallets (SD,SDL,SDA) * Reservations are for two weeks and then that item will go back to the available pool of translations. * Translator must be a native speaker (spoken the language since childhood) * Translator must be the person who receives the bounty (no middle-people) * Translator must create and receive the bounty to a shielded address (zaddr) * A "broker" may help find native speakers and work out a fair % of the fee, for the translator to pay them, upon completion. The broker may not take payment. Additionally, here are some rules about the content of the translations: * Please submit files in .txt or .xml format, not RTF/PDF/DOCX/etc * Submitting a PR to Github `dev` branch is easiest for devs, but uploading to Discord is also fine * Please put the 2 or 3 letter language code in the name of the file (like ES for Spanish or ZH for Chinese) ## Background Learn more about QT Linguist, a GUI program you can use to edit translations files [here](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linguist-ts-file-format.html) ## SilentDragon (SD) Type: Full Node GUI Wallet Both SD+SDL use QT5 as a GUI library, and so we use QT Linguist to do translations. To see all the current translations for SD on Github, look for all the `silentdragon_*.ts` files here: https://github.com/MyHush/SilentDragon/tree/master/res These files are XML. For example, the Russian translation file for SD is here: https://github.com/MyHush/SilentDragon/blob/master/res/silentdragon_ru.ts There is currently a 500 HUSH bounty to add a new language to SD. ## SilentDragonLite (SDL) Type: Lite Node GUI Wallet All translations are here in the `silentdragonlite_*.ts` file https://github.com/MyHush/SilentDragonLite/tree/master/res For example, the French SDL translation https://github.com/MyHush/SilentDragonLite/blob/master/res/silentdragonlite_fr.ts There is currently a 500 HUSH bounty to add a new language to SDL. ## SilentDragonAndroid (SDA) Type: Android GUI Wallet that connects to SD or SDL Currently 125 HUSH bounty per language ## myhush.org website Type: XML In progress. Contact `@gilardh + @dukeleto + @berg` on Discord