our migrated utfcpp from the evil Micro$haft
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

78 lines
2.4 KiB

#include "../../source/utf8.h"
using namespace utf8;
using namespace std;
int main()
string u;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L // C++ 11 or later
append(0x0448, u);
assert (u[0] == char(0xd1) && u[1] == char(0x88) && u.length() == 2);
append(0x65e5, u);
assert (u[0] == char(0xe6) && u[1] == char(0x97) && u[2] == char(0xa5) && u.length() == 3);
append(0x3044, u);
assert (u[0] == char(0xe3) && u[1] == char(0x81) && u[2] == char(0x84) && u.length() == 3);
append(0x10346, u);
assert (u[0] == char(0xf0) && u[1] == char(0x90) && u[2] == char(0x8d) && u[3] == char(0x86) && u.length() == 4);
u16string utf16string = {0x41, 0x0448, 0x65e5, 0xd834, 0xdd1e};
u = utf16to8(utf16string);
assert (u.size() == 10);
string utf8_with_surrogates = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e";
u16string utf16result = utf8to16(utf8_with_surrogates);
assert (utf16result.length() == 4);
assert (utf16result[2] == 0xd834);
assert (utf16result[3] == 0xdd1e);
// utf32to8
u32string utf32string = {0x448, 0x65E5, 0x10346};
string utf8result = utf32to8(utf32string);
assert (utf8result.size() == 9);
// utf8to32
const char* twochars = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
u32string utf32result = utf8to32(twochars);
assert (utf32result.size() == 2);
string utf_invalid = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88\xfa";
auto invalid = find_invalid(utf_invalid);
assert (invalid == 5);
bool bvalid = is_valid(utf_invalid);
assert (bvalid == false);
bvalid = is_valid(utf8_with_surrogates);
assert (bvalid == true);
string invalid_sequence = "a\x80\xe0\xa0\xc0\xaf\xed\xa0\x80z";
string replace_invalid_result = replace_invalid(invalid_sequence, '?');
bvalid = is_valid(replace_invalid_result);
assert (bvalid);
const string fixed_invalid_sequence = "a????z";
assert (fixed_invalid_sequence == replace_invalid_result);
string byte_order_mark = {char(0xef), char(0xbb), char(0xbf)};
bool bbom = starts_with_bom(byte_order_mark);
assert (bbom == true);
string threechars = "\xf0\x90\x8d\x86\xe6\x97\xa5\xd1\x88";
bool no_bbom = starts_with_bom(threechars);
assert (no_bbom == false);
#endif // C++ 11 or later