Settings 0 0 623 653 540 500 Settings true 3 hushd connection <html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html> Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse Qt::Horizontal 60 0 Host 60 0 Port 60 0 RPC Username 60 0 RPC Password Qt::Vertical 20 40 Options 0 0 Theme Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 Local Currency Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 AED ARS AUD BDT BHD BMD BRL BTC CAD CHF CLP CNY CZK DKK EUR GBP HKD HUF IDR ILS INR JPY KRW KWD LKR PKR MXN NOK NZD RUB SAR SEK SGD THB TRY TWD UAH USD VEF VND XAG XAU ZAR 0 0 default blue light dark midnight Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Connect via Tor Check github for updates at startup Qt::Horizontal Remember shielded transactions Normally, change from t-Addresses goes to another t-Address. Checking this option will send the change to your shielded sapling address instead. Check this option to increase your privacy. true Allow overriding the default fees when sending transactions. Enabling this option may compromise your privacy since fees are transparent. true Clear History Shielded transactions are saved locally and shown in the transactions tab. If you uncheck this, shielded transactions will not appear in the transactions tab. true Allow custom fees Shield change from t-Addresses to your sapling address Connect to the Tor network via SOCKS proxy running on Please note that you'll have to install and run the Tor service externally. true Connect to github on startup to check for updates Connect to the internet to fetch HUSH prices Fetch HUSH prices Explorer 9 9 491 13 Tx Explorer URL 9 105 491 3 Qt::Horizontal 9 28 491 20 9 54 491 13 Address Explorer URL 9 73 491 20 9 112 491 13 Testnet Tx Explorer URL 9 131 491 20 9 160 501 16 Testnet Address Explorer URL 9 180 491 20 Troubleshooting 9 118 81 23 Reindex 9 38 583 51 Rescan the blockchain for any missing wallet transactions and to correct your wallet balance. This may take several hours. You need to restart SilentDragon for this to take effect true 9 9 73 23 Rescan 9 102 583 16 Qt::Horizontal 9 95 16 17 9 147 583 51 Rebuild the entire blockchain from the genesis block, by rescanning all the block files. This may take several hours to days, depending on your hardware. You need to restart SilentDragon for this to take effect true 10 210 583 16 Qt::Horizontal 9 204 16 17 10 260 583 51 This code can greatly reduce the size of wallets and increase performance for service providers. It's designed mostly for exchanges and mining pools but anybody with a large wallet will benefit. true 10 369 583 51 Enable Old Transaction Deletion true 10 324 583 16 Qt::Horizontal 10 230 121 23 Consolidation 10 340 121 23 Deletetx 10 410 583 16 Qt::Horizontal 10 460 583 51 The new experimental Shielded Index (-zindex) which keeps track of many stats that can be seen via the new getchaintxstats RPC. These include shielded payments, anonymity set size and many other things. true 10 430 121 23 Zindex 330 550 51 17 100 210 550 111 17 Wallet.dat Size : 370 550 41 17 MB Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() Settings accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() Settings reject() 316 260 286 274