package com.tylersuehr.chips import android.content.Context import android.text.TextUtils import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.TextView import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import import import class SeedWordAdapter : ChipsAdapter { constructor(existingAdapter: ChipsAdapter) : super(existingAdapter.mDataSource, existingAdapter.mEditText, existingAdapter.mOptions) val editText = mEditText private var onDataSetChangedListener: (() -> Unit)? = null override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder { return if (viewType == CHIP) SeedWordHolder(SeedWordChipView(parent.context)) else object : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(mEditText) {} } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { if (getItemViewType(position) == CHIP) { // Chips // Display the chip information on the chip view (holder as SeedWordHolder).seedChipView.bind(mDataSource.getSelectedChip(position), position) } else { val size = mDataSource.selectedChips.size // tricky bugfix: // keep this always enabled otherwise older versions of android crash when this // view is given focus. As a work around, just hide the cursor when the user is done // editing. This is not ideal but it's better than a crash during wallet restore! mEditText.isEnabled = true mEditText.hint = if (size < 3) { mEditText.isCursorVisible = true mEditText.setHintTextColor(R.color.text_light_dimmed.toAppColor()) val ordinal = when (size) { 2 -> "3rd"; 1 -> "2nd"; else -> "1st" } "Enter $ordinal seed word" } else if (size >= 24) { mEditText.setHintTextColor(R.color.zcashGreen.toAppColor()) mEditText.isCursorVisible = false "done" } else { mEditText.isCursorVisible = true mEditText.setHintTextColor(R.color.zcashYellow.toAppColor()) "${size + 1}" } } } override fun onChipDataSourceChanged() { super.onChipDataSourceChanged() onDataSetChangedListener?.invoke() } fun onDataSetChanged(block: () -> Unit): SeedWordAdapter { onDataSetChangedListener = block return this } override fun onKeyboardActionDone(text: String?) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) return if (mDataSource.originalChips.firstOrNull { it.title == text } != null) { mDataSource.addSelectedChip(DefaultCustomChip(text)) mEditText.apply { postDelayed( { setText("") requestFocus() }, 50L ) } } } // this function is called with the contents of the field, split by the delimiter override fun onKeyboardDelimiter(text: String) { val firstMatchingWord = (mDataSource.filteredChips.firstOrNull() as? SeedWordChip)?.word?.takeUnless { !it.startsWith(text) } if (firstMatchingWord != null) { onKeyboardActionDone(firstMatchingWord) } else { onKeyboardActionDone(text) } } private inner class SeedWordHolder(chipView: SeedWordChipView) : ChipsAdapter.ChipHolder(chipView) { val seedChipView = super.chipView as SeedWordChipView } private inner class SeedWordChipView(context: Context) : ChipView(context) { private val indexView: TextView = findViewById( fun bind(chip: Chip, index: Int) { super.inflateFromChip(chip) indexView.text = (index + 1).toString() } } }