package import kotlinx.coroutines.Job class CompositeJob { private val activeJobs = mutableListOf() val size: Int get() = activeJobs.size fun add(job: Job) { activeJobs.add(job) job.invokeOnCompletion { remove(job) } } fun remove(job: Job): Boolean { return activeJobs.remove(job) } fun isActive(): Boolean { return activeJobs.any { isActive() } } suspend fun await() { // allow for concurrent modification since the list isn't coroutine or thread safe do { val job = activeJobs.firstOrNull() if (job?.isActive == true) { job.join() } else { // prevents an infinite loop in the extreme edge case where the list has a null item try { activeJobs.remove(job) } catch (t: Throwable) {} } } while (size > 0) } fun cancel() { activeJobs.filter { isActive() }.forEach { it.cancel() } } operator fun plusAssign(also: Job) { add(also) } }