Paper wallet for Hush, which you can use with no internet access while wearing a tinfoil hat inside of a Faraday cage.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
# zecpaperwallet
5 years ago
zecpaperwallet is a Zcash Sapling paper wallet generator that can run completely offline. You can run it on an air-gapped computer to generate your shielded z-addresses, which will allow you to keep your keys completely offline.
5 years ago
# Download
zecpaperwallet is available as pre-built binaries from our [release page]( Download the zip file for your platform, extract it and run the `./zecpaperwallet` binary.
# Generating wallets
To generate a zcash paper wallet, simply run `./zecpaperwallet`
You'll be asked to type some random characters that will add entropy to the random number generator. Run with `--help` to see all options
## Saving as PDFs
To generate a zcash paper wallet and save it as a PDF, run
`./zecpaperwallet -z 3 --format pdf zecpaper-output.pdf`
This will generate 3 shielded z-addresses and their corresponding private keys, and save them in a PDF file called `zecpaper-output.pdf`
# Compiling from Source
zecpaperwallet is built with rust. To compile from source, you [install Rust]( Basically, you need to:
5 years ago
curl -sSf | sh
Chekout the zecpaperwallet repository and build the CLI
5 years ago
git clone
cd zecpaperwallet/cli
cargo build --release
5 years ago
The binary is available in the `target/release` folder.
5 years ago
5 years ago
## Run without network
If you are running a newish version of Linux, you can be doubly sure that the process is not contacting the network by running zecpaperwallet without the network namespace.
sudo unshare -n ./target/release/zecpaperwallet
`unshare -n` runs the process without a network interface which means you can be sure that your data is not being sent across the network.
5 years ago
## Help options
zecpaperwallet [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [output]
-e, --entropy Provide additional entropy to the random number generator. Any random string, containing 32-64
-h, --help Prints help information
-n, --nohd Don't reuse HD keys. Normally, zecpaperwallet will use the same HD key to derive multiple
addresses. This flag will use a new seed for each address
-t, --testnet Generate Testnet addresses
-V, --version Prints version information
-f, --format <FORMAT> What format to generate the output in [default: json] [possible values: pdf, json]
-z, --zaddrs <z_addresses> Number of Z addresses (Sapling) to generate [default: 1]
<output> Name of output file.