You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

148 lines
5.5 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2022 Pieter Wuille
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or
import ipaddress
import sys
import copy
import re
import itertools
LINE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^TABLE_DUMP2?\|[0-9]+\|B\|[0-9a-f:.]+\|[0-9]+\|([0-9a-f:./]+)\|([0-9, {}]*)\|")
LINE_AP_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^TABLE_DUMP2_AP\|[0-9]+\|B\|[0-9a-f:.]+\|[0-9]+\|([0-9a-f:./]+)\|(?:[0-9]+)\|([0-9, {}]*)\|")
SPACE_PATTERN = re.compile(r" +")
def merge_path(ret, net, path, cnt):
assert len(path) > 0
asn = path[-1]
if net not in ret:
ret[net] = {asn: (path, 1)}
cnt[0] += 1
old_paths = ret[net]
if asn not in old_paths:
old_paths[asn] = (path, 1)
cnt[0] += 1
old_path, old_count = old_paths[asn]
common_len = 0
while common_len < len(old_path) and common_len < len(path):
if old_path[-common_len - 1] == path[-common_len - 1]:
common_len += 1
old_paths[asn] = (old_path[-common_len:], old_count + 1)
return True
def valid_asn(asn, net):
if asn == 0 or asn == 65535 or (asn >= 65552 and asn <= 131072) or asn == 4294967295:
# print("Skipping reserved AS%i (RFC1930) for network %s" % (asn, net))
elif asn == 23456:
# print("Skipping transition AS%i (RFC6793) for network %s" % (asn, net))
elif (asn >= 64496 and asn <= 64511) or (asn >= 65536 and asn <= 65551):
# print("Skipping documentation AS%i (RFC4893,RFC5398) for network %s" % (asn, net))
elif (asn >= 64512 and asn <= 65534) or (asn >= 4200000000 and asn <= 4294967294):
# print("Skipping private AS%i (RFC5398,RFC6996) for network %s" % (asn, net))
return True
return False
def accept_net(net):
if net.is_multicast:
print("Skipping multicast network %s" % net)
elif net.is_private:
# print("Skipping private network %s" % net)
elif net.is_unspecified:
# print("Skipping unspecified network %s" % net)
elif net.is_reserved:
# print("Skipping reserved network %s" % net)
elif net.is_loopback:
print("Skipping loopback network %s" % net)
elif net.is_link_local:
print("Skipping link-local network %s" % net)
elif not net.is_global:
# print("Skipping non-global network %s" % net)
elif net.prefixlen == 0:
# print("Skipping entire network %s" % net)
elif net.prefixlen > 48 and isinstance(net, ipaddress.IPv6Network):
# print("Skipping IPv6 range smaller than a /48: %s" % net)
elif net.prefixlen > 24 and isinstance(net, ipaddress.IPv4Network):
# print("Skipping IPv4 range smaller than a /24: %s" % net)
return True
return False
routes = 0
valid_routes = 0
kept_routes = [0]
ASNS = set()
RES = {}
reports = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
match = LINE_PATTERN.match(line)
if not match:
match = LINE_AP_PATTERN.match(line)
if match:
routes += 1
net = ipaddress.ip_network(match[1], strict=True)
except ValueError:
net = None
if net is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot parse network %s" % match[1])
if accept_net(net):
path_str = match[2]
# Ignore AS_SETs at the end of the path.
while path_str.endswith('}'):
path_str = path_str[:path_str.rindex('{')]
# Drop anything up to and including the last AS_SET in the path before that.
close_pos = path_str.rfind('}')
if close_pos >= 0:
path_str = path_str[close_pos + 1:]
# Convert to list of AS numbers
as_path = [int(x) for x in path_str.split(' ') if len(x) > 0]
if len(as_path):
# Remove duplicates from the list.
as_path = [i[0] for i in itertools.groupby(as_path)]
if valid_asn(as_path[-1], net):
merge_path(RES, net, as_path, kept_routes)
valid_routes += 1
print("Skipping empty path for %s: %s" % (net, match[2]))
print("Ignoring unparseable line: %s" % line.strip())
if routes >= (reports + 1) * 10000000:
print("%i routes, %i valid, %i kept; %i ASNs; %i prefixes" % (valid_routes, routes, kept_routes[0], len(ASNS), len(RES)))
reports = routes // 10000000
with open("output-bottlenext.txt", "w") as out:
for net in sorted(RES, key=ipaddress.get_mixed_type_key):
paths = RES[net]
first = True
for path, cnt in sorted(paths.values(), key=lambda f: (-f[1], f[0])):
out.write("%s%s AS%i # %i times %s\n" % ("" if first else "# ", net, path[0], cnt, " ".join("AS%i" % x for x in path)))
first = False
with open("output-final.txt", "w") as out:
for net in sorted(RES, key=ipaddress.get_mixed_type_key):
paths = RES[net]
first = True
for path, cnt in sorted(paths.values(), key=lambda f: (-f[1], f[0])):
out.write("%s%s AS%i # %i times %s\n" % ("" if first else "# ", net, path[-1], cnt, " ".join("AS%i" % x for x in path)))
first = False