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documentation and refactoring in buildmap

James O'Beirne 4 years ago
  1. 227


@ -1,25 +1,94 @@
Intake a map of IP prefixes -> AS numbers and output instructions that will
allow a decoder to match an IP address to an ASN by following a sequence
of instructions.
The instructions describe a prefix tree that can be navigated using the bits of
an IP address (i.e. 0 for left child, 1 for right child, leaf nodes
corresponding to a given ASN). The types of instructions are denoted by the
*Type() functions defined below. Once an IP address specifies a bit for which
there is no path in the tree (i.e. the part of its address more specific than
any known network prefix), the tree returns a "default" ASN value that has been
set based on the last valid location in the tree.
See `` for an illustration of how the decoding process
Before the prefix tree is encoded into instructions using bits, it is compacted
(e.g. duplicate subtrees removed) and annotated with which default ASN values
should be set for particular regions of the tree.
import sys
import re
import ipaddress
from collections import namedtuple
def Parse(entries: list):
Read in a file of the format
def Parse(entries): AS13335 # ipv4.dump:4856343 AS56203 # ipv4.dump:2759291
Ignoring comments following '#'. Creates an Entry object for each line.
Maps IPv4 networks into IPv6 space.
entries: modified in place with the new Entrys.
for line in sys.stdin:
line = line.split('#')[0].lstrip(' ').rstrip(' \r\n')
prefix, asn = line.split(' ')
assert(len(asn) > 2 and asn[:2] == "AS")
network = ipaddress.ip_network(prefix)
prefix_len = network.prefixlen
net_addr = int.from_bytes(network.network_address.packed, 'big')
# Map an IPv4 prefix into IPv6 space.
if isinstance(network, ipaddress.IPv4Network):
entries.append((network.prefixlen + 96, int.from_bytes(network.network_address.packed, 'big') + 0xffff00000000, int(asn[2:])))
elif isinstance(network, ipaddress.IPv6Network):
entries.append((network.prefixlen, int.from_bytes(network.network_address.packed, 'big'), int(asn[2:])))
prefix_len += 96
net_addr += 0xffff00000000
entries.append(Entry(prefix_len, net_addr, int(asn[2:])))
# Add a list of (prefixlen, addrbits, asn) entries to a tree
def UpdateTree(gtree, addrlen, entries):
Entry = namedtuple('Entry', (
# The length of the network prefix in bits. E.g. '26' for
# An int containing the bits of the network address.
# An int for the autonomous system (AS) number.
def UpdateTree(gtree, addrlen: int, entries: [Entry]):
Returns a prefix tree such that following a path down through the
tree based on the bits of a network prefix (in order of most significant
bit) leads to an ASN.
gtree: tree structure to encode the mappings into. Modified in-place.
addrlen: The maximum number of bits in a network address.
This is 128 for IPv6 (16 bytes).
entries: The network prefix -> ASN mappings to encode.
for prefix, val, asn in sorted(entries):
tree = gtree
default = None
# Iterate through each bit in the network prefix, starting with the
# most significant bit.
for i in range(prefix):
bit = (val >> (addrlen - 1 - i)) & 1
# If we have passed the end of the network prefix, all entries
# under subsequent bits will be associated with the same ASN.
needs_inner = i < prefix - 1
if tree[bit] is None:
if needs_inner:
@ -44,9 +113,20 @@ def UpdateTree(gtree, addrlen, entries):
tree = tree[bit]
return gtree
# Remove redundancy from a tree.
# If approx is True, unassigned ranges may get reassigned to arbitrary ASNs.
def CompactTree(tree, approx=True):
def CompactTree(tree, approx=True) -> (list, set):
Remove redundancy from a tree.
E.g. if all nodes in a subtree point to the same ASN, compact the subtree
into a single int.
(the compacted tree, a set of all ASNs in the tree)
approx: if True, unassigned ranges may get reassigned to arbitrary ASNs.
num = 0
if tree is None:
return (tree, set())
@ -63,60 +143,119 @@ def CompactTree(tree, approx=True):
return tree[0], set([tree[0]])
return (tree, allas)
# Get the (key, value) with maximum value from a dict.
def DictMax(d):
mk = None
mv = None
for k, v in d.items():
if mv is None or v > mv:
mk, mv = k, v
return mk, mv
# Annotate internal nodes in the tree with the most common leafs below it.
# The binary serialization later uses this.
def PropTree(tree, approx=True):
def PropTree(tree, approx=True) -> (list, Counter, bool):
Annotate internal nodes in the tree with the most common leafs below it.
The binary serialization later uses this.
This changes the shape of the `tree` datastructure from
`[left_child, right_child]` to `[lc, rc, max_ASN_in_tree]`.
(tree, Counter of ASNs in tree, whether or not tree is empty)
if tree is None:
return (tree, {}, True)
return (tree, Counter(), True)
if isinstance(tree, int):
return (tree, {tree: 1}, False)
return (tree, Counter({tree: 1}), False)
tree[0], leftcnt, leftnone = PropTree(tree[0], approx)
tree[1], rightcnt, rightnone = PropTree(tree[1], approx)
allcnt = {k: leftcnt.get(k, 0) + rightcnt.get(k, 0) for k in set(leftcnt) | set(rightcnt)}
allcnt = leftcnt + rightcnt
allnone = leftnone | rightnone
maxasn, maxcount = DictMax(allcnt)
maxasn, maxcount = allcnt.most_common(1)[0]
if maxcount is not None and maxcount >= 2 and (approx or not allnone):
return ([tree[0], tree[1], maxasn], {maxasn: 1}, allnone)
return ([tree[0], tree[1], maxasn], Counter({maxasn: 1}), allnone)
return (tree, allcnt, allnone)
def EncodeBits(val, minval, bit_sizes):
def EncodeBits(val, minval, bit_sizes) -> [int]:
Perform a variable-length encoding of a value to bits, least significant
bit first.
For each `bit_sizes` passed, attempt to encode the value with that number
of bits + 1. Normalize the encoded value by `minval` to potentially save
bits - the value will be corrected during decoding.
a list of bits representing the value to encode.
val -= minval
ret = []
for pos in range(len(bit_sizes)):
bit_size = bit_sizes[pos]
# If the value will not fit in `bit_size` bits, absorb the largest
# value for this bitsize and continue to the next smallest size.
if val >= (1 << bit_size):
val -= (1 << bit_size)
ret += [1]
# If we aren't encoding the largest possible value per the largest
# bitsize...
if (pos + 1 < len(bit_sizes)):
ret += [0]
# Use remaining bits to encode the rest of val.
for b in range(bit_size):
ret += [(val >> (bit_size - 1 - b)) & 1]
return ret
# Couldn't fit val into any of the bit_sizes
def EncodeType(v):
def MatchType() -> [int]:
The match instruction descends into the tree based on a bit path. If at any
point the match fails to hit a valid path through the tree, it will fail
and return the current default ASN (which changes as we move through the
return EncodeType(2)
def JumpType() -> [int]:
The jump instruction allows us to quickly seek to one side of the tree
or the other. By encoding the length of the left child, we can skip over
it to the right child if need be.
return EncodeType(1)
def LeafType() -> [int]:
"""The leaf instruction encodes an ASN at the end of a bit path."""
return EncodeType(0)
def SetNewDefaultType() -> [int]:
This instruction establishes a new default ASN to return should we fail
while traversing this path.
return EncodeType(3)
def EncodeType(v) -> [int]:
return EncodeBits(v, 0, [0, 0, 1])
def EncodeASN(v):
def EncodeASN(v) -> [int]:
# It's reasonable to ask why "15" (indicating 16 bits) is the minimum size
# we might try to pack an ASN into, given there are many ASNs below 2**16.
# The reason that we start at 15 here is because we want the first bitsize
# we specify to contain ~50% of the values we are trying to encode - this
# is because each separate bitsize we try will add a digit to our encoded
# values, so we simultaneously want to minimize the number of bitsizes we
# allow while also minimizing the bit length of the encoded data, which
# is a trade-off.
return EncodeBits(v, 1, [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24])
def EncodeMatch(v):
def EncodeMatch(v) -> [int]:
return EncodeBits(v, 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
def EncodeJump(v):
def EncodeJump(v) -> [int]:
return EncodeBits(v, 17, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30])
def EncodeBytes(bits):
def EncodeBytes(bits) -> [int]:
"""Encode a sequence of bits as a sequence of bytes."""
val = 0
nbits = 0
bytes = []
@ -135,6 +274,9 @@ def TreeSer(tree, default):
match = 1
assert(tree is not None)
assert(not (isinstance(tree, int) and tree == default))
# If one side of the tree is empty (i.e. represents a path without
# choices), encode a match instruction up to 8 bits.
while isinstance(tree, list) and match <= 0xFF:
if tree[0] is None or tree[0] == default:
match = (match << 1) + 1
@ -145,21 +287,30 @@ def TreeSer(tree, default):
if match >= 2:
return EncodeType(2) + EncodeMatch(match) + TreeSer(tree, default)
return MatchType() + EncodeMatch(match) + TreeSer(tree, default)
# Leaf node: return the ASN.
if isinstance(tree, int):
return EncodeType(0) + EncodeASN(tree)
return LeafType() + EncodeASN(tree)
# Return the tree along with a new "default" ASN value should we fail to
# match while along this path.
if len(tree) > 2 and tree[2] != default:
return EncodeType(3) + EncodeASN(tree[2]) + TreeSer(tree, tree[2])
return SetNewDefaultType() + EncodeASN(tree[2]) + TreeSer(tree, tree[2])
left = TreeSer(tree[0], default)
right = TreeSer(tree[1], default)
return EncodeType(1) + EncodeJump(len(left)) + left + right
# Start the program by specifying a possible jump to either child of the
# first node.
return JumpType() + EncodeJump(len(left)) + left + right
def BuildTree(entries, approx=True):
tree = [None, None]
tree = UpdateTree(tree, 128, entries)
return tree
entries = []
entries: [Entry] = []
print("[INFO] Loading", file=sys.stderr)
print("[INFO] Read %i prefixes" % len(entries), file=sys.stderr)
