# DragonX "Remember Remember the 5th November for freedom of speech is not free!!" ``` ___====-_ _-====___ _--~~~#####// \\#####~~~--_ _-~##########// ( ) \\##########~-_ -############// :\^^/: \\############- _~############// (@::@) \\############~_ ~#############(( \\// ))#############~ -###############\\ (^^) //###############- -#################\\ / "" \ //#################- -###################\\/ \//###################- _#/:##########/\######( /\ )######/\##########:\#_ :/ :#/\#/\#/\/ \#/\##\ : : /##/\#/ \/\#/\#/\#: \: " :/ V V " V \#\: : : :/#/ V " V V \: " " " " " \ : : : : / " " " " ``` DRAGONX is a new privacy coin launching November 5th 2022. It can be mined on CPU with RandomX Proof-of-Work. ## Official Website https://dragonx.is ## BitcoinTalk https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5415965.msg61063012#msg61063012 ## Telegram https://t.me/+buXjVDFKJk05OTg5 ## Matrix Matrix bridged to Telegram: http://app.element.io/#/room/#dragonx:matrix.org ## Inspirational Videos https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Hm8I8X_jQIE https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=B4rwvDF3qTU ## Mining Instructions You must have Hush v3.9.2 or greater to mine DRAGONX. Compile your own binaries (best for privacy and security) or download binaries here: https://git.hush.is/hush/hush3/releases/tag/v3.9.2 . Mining currently requires using the command-line in Linux, Windows or Mac. Mac currently requires the Hush `dev` branch of Hush. If you need binaries for Mac, ask on Telegram. NOTE: Exact Mining Instructions for Mainnet Will Be Released on Nov 5th 2022! What follows are instructions to mine a testcoin version of DRAGONX called TESTDRAGONX, to verify your binaries work. For Linux or Mac on the command line: ``` cd ~/git/hush3/src # or the directory where your binaries exist # This mines a testcoin called TESTDRAGONX, to verify your binaries work ./hush-smart-chain -debug=randomx -ac_name=TESTDRAGONX -ac_algo=randomx -ac_halving=3500000 \ -ac_reward=300000000 -ac_blocktime=36 -ac_private=1 -testnode=1 -gen=1 &> TESTDRAGONX.log & # Wait a few minutes, watch an inspirational video above to get in the mood # See if you have a balance > 0. If so, you have successfully mined a block! ./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTDRAGONX getwalletinfo | grep balance # If you see a balance > 0, everything is working fine. Here are some additional tests you can run: # make new zaddr ZADDR=$(./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTDRAGONX z_getnewaddress) # look at your new zaddr echo $ZADDR # Shield your mining funds to your new zaddr ./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTDRAGONX z_shieldcoinbase "*" $ZADDR # Check the status of your ztx: ./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTDRAGONX z_getoperationstatus | grep status # If you see "status": "success" it worked ``` Run this to see many details about mining: `tail -f TESTDRAGONX.log` You can also run this (on Linux) to see more general details of your TESTDRAGONX full node: `tail -f ~/.hush/TESTDRAGONX/debug.log` When you are done testing: `./hush-cli -ac_name=TESTDRAGONX stop` If problems, join Telegram and ask for help.