Hush SDK for Android lite wallets
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
1.5 KiB

import org.json.JSONObject
// Version is not returned from the server, so version 1 is implied. A version is declared here
// to structure the parsing to be version-aware in the future.
internal val WalletBirthday.Companion.VERSION_1
get() = 1
internal val WalletBirthday.Companion.KEY_VERSION
get() = "version"
internal val WalletBirthday.Companion.KEY_HEIGHT
get() = "height"
internal val WalletBirthday.Companion.KEY_HASH
get() = "hash"
internal val WalletBirthday.Companion.KEY_EPOCH_SECONDS
get() = "time"
internal val WalletBirthday.Companion.KEY_TREE
get() = "saplingTree"
fun WalletBirthday.Companion.from(jsonString: String) = from(JSONObject(jsonString))
private fun WalletBirthday.Companion.from(jsonObject: JSONObject): WalletBirthday {
when (val version = jsonObject.optInt(WalletBirthday.KEY_VERSION, WalletBirthday.VERSION_1)) {
WalletBirthday.VERSION_1 -> {
val height = jsonObject.getInt(WalletBirthday.KEY_HEIGHT)
val hash = jsonObject.getString(WalletBirthday.KEY_HASH)
val epochSeconds = jsonObject.getLong(WalletBirthday.KEY_EPOCH_SECONDS)
val tree = jsonObject.getString(WalletBirthday.KEY_TREE)
return WalletBirthday(height, hash, epochSeconds, tree)
else -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported version $version")