Hush SDK for Android lite wallets
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import cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.Service
import io.grpc.Status
import io.grpc.Status.Code.UNAVAILABLE
* Marker for all custom exceptions from the SDK. Making it an interface would result in more typing
* so it's a supertype, instead.
open class SdkException(message: String, cause: Throwable?) : RuntimeException(message, cause)
* Exceptions thrown in the Rust layer of the SDK. We may not always be able to surface details about this
* exception so it's important for the SDK to provide helpful messages whenever these errors are encountered.
sealed class RustLayerException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(message, cause) {
class BalanceException(cause: Throwable) : RustLayerException(
"Error while requesting the current balance over " +
"JNI. This might mean that the database has been corrupted and needs to be rebuilt. Verify that " +
"blocks are not missing or have not been scanned out of order.",
* User-facing exceptions thrown by the transaction repository.
sealed class RepositoryException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(message, cause) {
object FalseStart : RepositoryException(
"The channel is closed. Note that once a repository has stopped it " +
"cannot be restarted. Verify that the repository is not being restarted."
object Unprepared : RepositoryException(
"Unprepared repository: Data cannot be accessed before the repository is prepared." +
" Ensure that things have been properly initialized. If you see this error it most" +
" likely means that you are accessing transactions or other data before starting the" +
" Synchronizer. Previously, this was a silent bug that would cause problems later." +
" Mostly, during database migrations. Now, we catch this early and explicitly prevent" +
" it from happening."
* High-level exceptions thrown by the synchronizer, which do not fall within the umbrella of a
* child component.
sealed class SynchronizerException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(message, cause) {
object FalseStart : SynchronizerException(
"This synchronizer was already started. Multiple calls to start are not" +
"allowed and once a synchronizer has stopped it cannot be restarted."
object NotYetStarted : SynchronizerException(
"The synchronizer has not yet started. Verify that" +
" start has been called prior to this operation and that the coroutineScope is not" +
" being accessed before it is initialized."
* Potentially user-facing exceptions that occur while processing compact blocks.
sealed class CompactBlockProcessorException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(message, cause) {
class DataDbMissing(path: String) : CompactBlockProcessorException(
"No data db file found at path $path. Verify " +
"that the data DB has been initialized via `rustBackend.initDataDb(path)`"
open class ConfigurationException(message: String, cause: Throwable?) : CompactBlockProcessorException(message, cause)
class FileInsteadOfPath(fileName: String) : ConfigurationException(
"Invalid Path: the given path appears to be a" +
" file name instead of a path: $fileName. The RustBackend expects the absolutePath to the database rather" +
" than just the database filename because Rust does not access the app Context." +
" So pass in context.getDatabasePath(dbFileName).absolutePath instead of just dbFileName alone.",
class FailedReorgRepair(message: String) : CompactBlockProcessorException(message)
class FailedDownload(cause: Throwable? = null) : CompactBlockProcessorException(
"Error while downloading blocks. This most " +
"likely means the server is down or slow to respond. See logs for details.",
class FailedScan(cause: Throwable? = null) : CompactBlockProcessorException(
"Error while scanning blocks. This most " +
"likely means a block was missed or a reorg was mishandled. See logs for details.",
class Disconnected(cause: Throwable? = null) : CompactBlockProcessorException("Disconnected Error. Unable to download blocks due to ${cause?.message}", cause)
object Uninitialized : CompactBlockProcessorException(
"Cannot process blocks because the wallet has not been" +
" initialized. Verify that the seed phrase was properly created or imported. If so, then this problem" +
" can be fixed by re-importing the wallet."
object NoAccount : CompactBlockProcessorException(
"Attempting to scan without an account. This is probably a setup error or a race condition."
open class EnhanceTransactionError(message: String, val height: BlockHeight?, cause: Throwable) : CompactBlockProcessorException(message, cause) {
class EnhanceTxDownloadError(height: BlockHeight?, cause: Throwable) : EnhanceTransactionError("Error while attempting to download a transaction to enhance", height, cause)
class EnhanceTxDecryptError(height: BlockHeight?, cause: Throwable) : EnhanceTransactionError("Error while attempting to decrypt and store a transaction to enhance", height, cause)
class MismatchedNetwork(clientNetwork: String?, serverNetwork: String?) : CompactBlockProcessorException(
"Incompatible server: this client expects a server using $clientNetwork but it was $serverNetwork! Try updating the client or switching servers."
class MismatchedBranch(clientBranch: String?, serverBranch: String?, networkName: String?) : CompactBlockProcessorException(
"Incompatible server: this client expects a server following consensus branch $clientBranch on $networkName but it was $serverBranch! Try updating the client or switching servers."
* Exceptions related to the wallet's birthday.
sealed class BirthdayException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(message, cause) {
object UninitializedBirthdayException : BirthdayException(
"Error the birthday cannot be" +
" accessed before it is initialized. Verify that the new, import or open functions" +
" have been called on the initializer."
class MissingBirthdayFilesException(directory: String) : BirthdayException(
"Cannot initialize wallet because no birthday files were found in the $directory directory."
class ExactBirthdayNotFoundException internal constructor(birthday: BlockHeight, nearestMatch: Checkpoint? = null) : BirthdayException(
"Unable to find birthday that exactly matches $birthday.${
if (nearestMatch != null) {
" An exact match was request but the nearest match found was ${nearestMatch.height}."
} else ""
class BirthdayFileNotFoundException(directory: String, height: BlockHeight?) : BirthdayException(
"Unable to find birthday file for $height verify that $directory/$height.json exists."
class MalformattedBirthdayFilesException(directory: String, file: String, cause: Throwable?) : BirthdayException(
"Failed to parse file $directory/$file verify that it is formatted as #####.json, " +
"where the first portion is an Int representing the height of the tree contained in the file",
* Exceptions thrown by the initializer.
sealed class InitializerException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(message, cause) {
class FalseStart(cause: Throwable?) : InitializerException("Failed to initialize accounts due to: $cause", cause)
class AlreadyInitializedException(cause: Throwable, dbPath: String) : InitializerException(
"Failed to initialize the blocks table" +
" because it already exists in $dbPath",
object MissingBirthdayException : InitializerException(
"Expected a birthday for this wallet but failed to find one. This usually means that " +
"wallet setup did not happen correctly. A workaround might be to interpret the " +
"birthday, based on the contents of the wallet data but it is probably better " +
"not to mask this error because the root issue should be addressed."
object MissingViewingKeyException : InitializerException(
"Expected a unified viewingKey for this wallet but failed to find one. This usually means" +
" that wallet setup happened incorrectly. A workaround might be to derive the" +
" unified viewingKey from the seed or seedPhrase, if they exist, but it is probably" +
" better not to mask this error because the root issue should be addressed."
class MissingAddressException(description: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : InitializerException(
"Expected a $description address for this wallet but failed to find one. This usually" +
" means that wallet setup happened incorrectly. If this problem persists, a" +
" workaround might be to go to settings and WIPE the wallet and rescan. Doing so" +
" will restore any missing address information. Meanwhile, please report that" +
" this happened so that the root issue can be uncovered and corrected." +
if (cause != null) "\nCaused by: $cause" else ""
object DatabasePathException :
"Critical failure to locate path for storing databases. Perhaps this device prevents" +
" apps from storing data? We cannot initialize the wallet unless we can store" +
" data."
class InvalidBirthdayHeightException(birthday: BlockHeight?, network: ZcashNetwork) : InitializerException(
"Invalid birthday height of ${birthday?.value}. The birthday height must be at least the height of" +
" Sapling activation on ${network.networkName} (${network.saplingActivationHeight})."
object MissingDefaultBirthdayException : InitializerException(
"The birthday height is missing and it is unclear which value to use as a default."
* Exceptions thrown while interacting with lightwalletd.
sealed class LightWalletException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(message, cause) {
object InsecureConnection : LightWalletException(
"Error: attempted to connect to lightwalletd" +
" with an insecure connection! Plaintext connections are only allowed when the" +
" resource value for 'R.bool.lightwalletd_allow_very_insecure_connections' is true" +
" because this choice should be explicit."
class ConsensusBranchException(sdkBranch: String, lwdBranch: String) :
"Error: the lightwalletd server is using a consensus branch" +
" (branch: $lwdBranch) that does not match the transactions being created" +
" (branch: $sdkBranch). This probably means the SDK and Server are on two" +
" different chains, most likely because of a recent network upgrade (NU). Either" +
" update the SDK to match lightwalletd or use a lightwalletd that matches the SDK."
open class ChangeServerException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(message, cause) {
class ChainInfoNotMatching(val propertyNames: String, val expectedInfo: Service.LightdInfo, val actualInfo: Service.LightdInfo) : ChangeServerException(
"Server change error: the $propertyNames values did not match."
class StatusException(val status: Status, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(status.toMessage(), cause) {
companion object {
private fun Status.toMessage(): String {
return when (this.code) {
"Error: the new server is unavailable. Verify that the host and port are correct. Failed with $this"
else -> "Changing servers failed with status $this"
* Potentially user-facing exceptions thrown while encoding transactions.
sealed class TransactionEncoderException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : SdkException(message, cause) {
class FetchParamsException(message: String) : TransactionEncoderException("Failed to fetch params due to: $message")
object MissingParamsException : TransactionEncoderException(
"Cannot send funds due to missing spend or output params and attempting to download them failed."
class TransactionNotFoundException(transactionId: Long) : TransactionEncoderException(
"Unable to find transactionId " +
"$transactionId in the repository. This means the wallet created a transaction and then returned a row ID " +
"that does not actually exist. This is a scenario where the wallet should have thrown an exception but failed " +
"to do so."
class TransactionNotEncodedException(transactionId: Long) : TransactionEncoderException(
"The transaction returned by the wallet," +
" with id $transactionId, does not have any raw data. This is a scenario where the wallet should have thrown" +
" an exception but failed to do so."
class IncompleteScanException(lastScannedHeight: BlockHeight) : TransactionEncoderException(
"Cannot" +
" create spending transaction because scanning is incomplete. We must scan up to the" +
" latest height to know which consensus rules to apply. However, the last scanned" +
" height was $lastScannedHeight."