Hush SDK for Android lite wallets
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import java.util.Locale
* Helper class for converting/displaying consensus branch ids. Activation height is intentionally
* omitted since this is not the source of truth for branch information but rather a tool for
* printing that information to users.
enum class ConsensusBranchId(val displayName: String, val id: Long, val hexId: String) {
// TODO: see if we can find a way to not rely on this separate source of truth (either stop converting from hex to display name in the apps or use Rust to get this info)
SPROUT("Sprout", 0, "0"),
OVERWINTER("Overwinter", 0x5ba8_1b19, "5ba81b19"),
SAPLING("Sapling", 0x76b8_09bb, "76b809bb"),
BLOSSOM("Blossom", 0x2bb4_0e60, "2bb40e60"),
HEARTWOOD("Heartwood", 0xf5b9_230b, "f5b9230b"),
CANOPY("Canopy", 0xe9ff_75a6, "e9ff75a6");
override fun toString(): String = displayName
companion object {
fun fromName(name: String): ConsensusBranchId? = values().firstOrNull { it.displayName.equals(name, true) }
fun fromId(id: Long): ConsensusBranchId? = values().firstOrNull { == id }
fun fromHex(hex: String): ConsensusBranchId? = values().firstOrNull { branch ->
hex.toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace("_", "").replaceFirst("0x", "").let { sanitized ->
branch.hexId.equals(sanitized, true)