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Cross-compile & Package Hush Full Node Binaries for Windows

These instructions are how to cross-compile and package fresh Hush Windows executables from Ubuntu 18.04. In addition to creating fresh win bins, this tutorial will also shine light on how to use a virtual machine with docker engine. This process also aids in keeping your local machine free of unwanted packages and on exit of the interactive docker terminal, the image is destroyed.


Launch a docker image in interactive mode, rm on exit of container and bind tmp directory to actual tmp

sudo docker run -it --rm -v /tmp:/tmp ubuntu:bionic

Verify building on correct OS version

cat /etc/*-release

Install dependencies

apt update && apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib \
      autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget \
      bsdmainutils automake curl unzip nano libsodium-dev g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 git zip

Clone Hush source

git clone && cd hush3

Prepare directory for zipping

mkdir hush-vX.X.X-win

Compile fresh Hush Windows binaries


Copy binaries to hush-vX.X.X-win folder

cd src/ && cp hushd.exe hush-tx.exe hush-cli.exe ../hush-vX.X.X-win/ && cd ..

Copy sapling params to hush-vX.X.X-win folder

cp sapling-output.params sapling-spend.params hush-vX.X.X-win/

Copy asmap to hush-vX.X.X-win folder

cp asmap.dat hush-vX.X.X-win/

Create README.txt

nano hush-vX.X.X-win/README.txt

Edit / Copy & Paste

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                      __\ |__|()|__| /__\______/|/

HUSH vX.X.X Windows Binaries

Download new binaries from:

Thanks to all the people who made this possible, including:
	-Hush Community


0.) Verify checksum matches downloaded file with: certutil -hashfile .\ SHA256
1.) Extract archive: right-click extract here
2.) Open up powershell or command prompt by pressing WIN+R, type powershell or cmd.
3.) Launch hushd full node by typing: ./hushd.exe or hushd if in command prompt; you will see the hush full node begin downloading the hush blockchain.
4.) In another powershell or command prompt window, you can use hushd -help and hush-cli help for managing your wallet/full-node with command line interface (CLI). As an example, to create a new z-addr, type: hush-cli z_getnewaddress OR .\hush-cli.exe getalldata.
5.) Press WIN+R, type %APPDATA% and open up your Hush folder, then see your debug.txt file and your HUSH3.conf file. The user/pass is anonymously generated, you can change these if you desire so.


- If you are running out of memory syncing blockchain and hushd is silently exiting without any errors. Run hushd without using other resources. 

- Always close hushd with hush-cli stop; an incorrect shutdown may result in a corrupt wallet. 

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Save README.txt


Compress hush-vX.X.X-win folder and all its files

zip -r hush-vX.X.X-win/

Create SHA256 Checksum for integrity


I.E. b558c52c4bdbf3290f28b2a7beaa3cd1a93aa6b110ef2db59c2ad17faff60314

Copy to actual machine directory /tmp/

cp /tmp/

Test fresh Hush Windows binaries

You will need a Windows 10 OS to test these binaries Follow the README.txt

Upload ZIP to Hush Gitea via Releases page

cp /tmp/ /home/username/Downloads

Add checksum to Gitea releases page


Exit & destroy docker container



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