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onryo 3 years ago
  1. 8


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<p>Even though HUSH can be considered as a most privacy respected anonymous cryptocoin and messenger available on the market, all users have to follow a few steps to prevent the potential de-anonymization by blockchain analysis companies, government, militaries, advertisers and their like.</p>
<p>This page is devided into various paragraphs that will help you to undestand on a basic level what hardware you should use, what operating system to install, what OPSEC measures to follow and best practices to stay anonymous on the Internet and use HUSH safely.</p>
<p>This page is devided into various paragraphs that will help you to understand on a basic level what hardware you should use, what operating system to install, what OPSEC measures to follow and best practices to stay anonymous on the Internet and use HUSH safely.</p>
<p>First, we do not recommend to use smartphones because of the WiFi triangulation (exact positioning based on a signal strength of the WiFi routers located nearby) and WiFi scanning, in Apple and Google Android (not the same as android or custom ROMs) there is no way to disable it.</p>
<p>IP tracking with an e-mail address or credit card information that can be mandatory to provide during the set up of a new device, Google scans every e-mail with a user's gmail account, just like the Internet activity by using Chrome that cannot be removed; the government tracking via cell carrier which is not possible to avoid.</p>
<p>In case using phone is required we can recommend either of possible solutions: install a custom ROM (so called de-googling) such as LineageOS, GrapheneOS, CalyxOS or Replicant and then install F-Droid which is the open-source alternative with free-as-freedom applications in it only.</p>
