A community-based website both available as .onion and clearnet
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

925 B

Hush.land as .onion

Hush.land on Tor is a Tor Hidden Service with a set of advantages over normal websites:

  • No javascript, no trackers, no cookies, no images, no external CSS
  • The absolute majority of Hushers prefer the dark mode, so no #FFF for your eyes
  • No bloat, you get exactly what you need, only text is allowed so it loads fast
  • Mobile-friendly, it works on any browser or device
  • Both clients requesting the webpage and the server returning it remain private
  • All communication is encrypted, like HTTPS which protects from MITM attacks
  • Good luck with censoring the .onion websites

The .onion address is http://bslxa6bakbckexxwxhyfexnee46qbjoksf2xwubbwsbkybr4nxp3xcid.onion

Hush.land as clearnet


private.hush.land is a peertube instance for Hush cryptocoin

https://private.hush.land (in progress)