Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2019 Hush developers
5 years ago
# Released under the GPLv3
import sys
import base58
from binascii import unhexlify
from base58 import b58encode, b58decode_check
from hashlib import sha256
# based on
def addr_convert(prefix, address, prefix_bytes):
rmd160_dict = {}
# ZEC/HUSH/etc have 2 prefix bytes, BTC/KMD only have 1
# NOTE: any changes to this code should be verified against
ripemd = b58decode_check(address).hex()[2*prefix_bytes:]
net_byte = prefix + ripemd
bina = unhexlify(net_byte)
sha256a = sha256(bina).hexdigest()
binb = unhexlify(sha256a)
sha256b = sha256(binb).hexdigest()
final = b58encode(unhexlify(net_byte + sha256b[:8]))
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.exit('Usage: %s hushv2address' % sys.argv[0])
address = sys.argv[1]
# convert given address to a KMD address
print(addr_convert('3c', address,2))