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// Copyright (c) 2016 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "asyncrpcoperation_sendmany.h"
#include "asyncrpcqueue.h"
#include "amount.h"
#include "core_io.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "netbase.h"
#include "rpcserver.h"
#include "timedata.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "utilmoneystr.h"
#include "wallet.h"
#include "walletdb.h"
#include "script/interpreter.h"
#include "utiltime.h"
#include "rpcprotocol.h"
#include "zcash/IncrementalMerkleTree.hpp"
#include "sodium.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <string>
using namespace libzcash;
std::string fromAddress,
std::vector<SendManyRecipient> tOutputs,
std::vector<SendManyRecipient> zOutputs,
int minDepth) :
fromaddress_(fromAddress), t_outputs_(tOutputs), z_outputs_(zOutputs), mindepth_(minDepth)
if (minDepth < 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Minconf cannot be negative");
if (fromAddress.size() == 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "From address parameter missing");
if (tOutputs.size() == 0 && zOutputs.size() == 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "No recipients");
fromtaddr_ = CBitcoinAddress(fromAddress);
isfromtaddr_ = fromtaddr_.IsValid();
isfromzaddr_ = false;
libzcash::PaymentAddress addr;
if (!isfromtaddr_) {
CZCPaymentAddress address(fromAddress);
try {
PaymentAddress addr = address.Get();
// We don't need to lock on the wallet as spending key related methods are thread-safe
if (!pwalletMain->HaveSpendingKey(addr))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid from address, should be a taddr or zaddr.");
SpendingKey key;
if (!pwalletMain->GetSpendingKey(addr, key))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid from address, no spending key found for zaddr");
isfromzaddr_ = true;
frompaymentaddress_ = addr;
spendingkey_ = key;
} catch (std::runtime_error) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid from address, should be a taddr or zaddr.");
AsyncRPCOperation_sendmany::~AsyncRPCOperation_sendmany() {
void AsyncRPCOperation_sendmany::main() {
if (isCancelled())
bool success = false;
try {
success = main_impl();
} catch (Object objError) {
int code = find_value(objError, "code").get_int();
std::string message = find_value(objError, "message").get_str();
} catch (runtime_error e) {
setErrorMessage("runtime error: " + string(e.what()));
} catch (logic_error e) {
setErrorMessage("logic error: " + string(e.what()));
} catch (...) {
setErrorMessage("unknown error");
if (success) {
} else {
// This alpha currently:
// - upto one zaddr as a recipient of funds
// - spends the first available note, and the second if required.
// - the first joinsplit will set vpub_old and vpub_new.
// - does not chain joinsplits together to use more notes and pass change on (TODO)
// Perhaps restrict chaining to pure zaddr->zaddr(s) tx only?)
bool AsyncRPCOperation_sendmany::main_impl() {
bool isPureTaddrOnlyTx = (isfromtaddr_ && z_outputs_.size() == 0);
// Regardless of the from address, add all taddr outputs to the raw transaction.
if (isfromtaddr_ && !find_utxos())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, "Insufficient funds, no UTXOs found for taddr from address.");
if (isfromzaddr_ && !find_unspent_notes())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, "Insufficient funds, no unspent notes found for zaddr from address.");
CAmount t_inputs_total = 0;
for (SendManyInputUTXO & t : t_inputs_) {
t_inputs_total += std::get<2>(t);
CAmount z_inputs_total = 0;
for (SendManyInputNPT & p : z_inputs_) {
z_inputs_total += p.second;
CAmount t_outputs_total = 0;
for (SendManyRecipient & t : t_outputs_) {
t_outputs_total += std::get<1>(t);
CAmount z_outputs_total = 0;
for (SendManyRecipient & t : z_outputs_) {
z_outputs_total += std::get<1>(t);
CAmount sendAmount = z_outputs_total + t_outputs_total;
CAmount targetAmount = sendAmount + minersFee;
#if 0
std::cout << "t_inputs_total: " << t_inputs_total << std::endl;
std::cout << "z_inputs_total: " << z_inputs_total << std::endl;
std::cout << "t_outputs_total: " << t_outputs_total << std::endl;
std::cout << "z_outputs_total: " << z_outputs_total << std::endl;
std::cout << "sendAmount: " << sendAmount << std::endl;
std::cout << "feeAmount: " << minersFee << std::endl;
std::cout << "targetAmount: " << targetAmount << std::endl;
if (isfromtaddr_ && (t_inputs_total < targetAmount))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, strprintf("Insufficient transparent funds, have %ld, need %ld plus fee %ld", t_inputs_total, t_outputs_total, minersFee));
if (isfromzaddr_ && (z_inputs_total < targetAmount))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, strprintf("Insufficient protected funds, have %ld, need %ld plus fee %ld", z_inputs_total, t_outputs_total, minersFee));
// If from address is a taddr, select UTXOs to spend
CAmount selectedUTXOAmount = 0;
if (isfromtaddr_) {
std::vector<SendManyInputUTXO> selectedTInputs;
for (SendManyInputUTXO & t : t_inputs_) {
selectedUTXOAmount += std::get<2>(t);
if (selectedUTXOAmount >= targetAmount)
t_inputs_ = selectedTInputs;
t_inputs_total = selectedUTXOAmount;
// update the transaction with these inputs
CMutableTransaction rawTx(tx_);
for (SendManyInputUTXO & t : t_inputs_) {
uint256 txid = std::get<0>(t);
int vout = std::get<1>(t);
CAmount amount = std::get<2>(t);
CTxIn in(COutPoint(txid, vout));;
tx_ = CTransaction(rawTx);
// std::cout << "Added " << t_inputs_.size() << " utxos with total value " << t_inputs_total << " to the transaction" << std::endl;
// Construct JoinSplit
AsyncJoinSplitInfo info;
CAmount funds = 0;
CAmount fundsSpent = 0;
if (isfromtaddr_) {
funds += selectedUTXOAmount;
if (isfromzaddr_) {
SendManyInputNPT o = z_inputs_[0];
NotePlaintext npt = o.first;
CAmount noteFunds = o.second;
libzcash::Note inputNote = npt.note(frompaymentaddress_);
uint256 inputCommitment =;
funds += noteFunds;
// Do we need a second note (if available) ?
if (funds<targetAmount && z_inputs_.size()>=2) {
SendManyInputNPT o = z_inputs_[1];
NotePlaintext npt = o.first;
CAmount noteFunds = o.second;
libzcash::Note inputNote = npt.note(frompaymentaddress_);
uint256 inputCommitment =;
funds += noteFunds;
// Set up the movement of transparent funds across value pool
info.vpub_old = 0;
info.vpub_new = 0;
// If source of funds is a taddr, we need to take from the value pool, zOutputsTotal, and consume it in the joinsplit
if (isfromtaddr_) {
info.vpub_old = z_outputs_total;
// If source of funds ia a zaddr, we need to add to the value pool, the miners fee and any taddr outputs.
if (isfromzaddr_) {
info.vpub_new += minersFee;
info.vpub_new += t_outputs_total;
// Transparent outputs add to the value pool
if (t_outputs_total > 0) {
fundsSpent += t_outputs_total;
// Alpha limitation: for now we are dealing with just one zaddr as output
if (z_outputs_total > 0) {
SendManyRecipient smr = z_outputs_[0];
std::string address = std::get<0>(smr);
CAmount value = std::get<1>(smr);
std::string hexMemo = std::get<2>(smr);
PaymentAddress pa = CZCPaymentAddress(address).Get();
JSOutput jso = JSOutput(pa, value);
if (hexMemo.size() > 0) {
std::vector<unsigned char> rawMemo = ParseHex(hexMemo.c_str());
boost::array<unsigned char, ZC_MEMO_SIZE> memo = {{0x00}};
if (rawMemo.size() > ZC_MEMO_SIZE)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Memo size of %d is too big, maximum allowed is %d", rawMemo.size(), ZC_MEMO_SIZE));
int lenMemo = rawMemo.size();
for (int i = 0; i < ZC_MEMO_SIZE && i < lenMemo; i++) {
memo[i] = rawMemo[i];
jso.memo = memo;
fundsSpent += value;
// Miners fee will be consumed from the value pool
fundsSpent += minersFee;
// Change will flow back to sender address
CAmount change = funds - fundsSpent;
if (change < 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, strprintf("Insufficient funds or internal error, spent too much leaving negative change %ld", change));
if (change > 0) {
if (isfromzaddr_) {
info.vjsout.push_back(JSOutput(frompaymentaddress_, change));
} else if (isfromtaddr_) {
CMutableTransaction rawTx(tx_);
CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(fromtaddr_.Get());
CTxOut out(change, scriptPubKey);
tx_ = CTransaction(rawTx);
// Update the raw transaction
Object obj;
if (isPureTaddrOnlyTx) {
obj.push_back(Pair("rawtxn", EncodeHexTx(tx_)));
} else {
obj = perform_joinsplit(info);
// Sign the raw transaction
Value rawtxnValue = find_value(obj, "rawtxn");
if (rawtxnValue.is_null()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Missing hex data for raw transaction");
std::string rawtxn = rawtxnValue.get_str();
Value signResultValue = signrawtransaction({Value(rawtxn)}, false);
Object signResultObject = signResultValue.get_obj();
Value completeValue = find_value(signResultObject, "complete");
bool complete = completeValue.get_bool();
if (!complete) {
// TODO: Maybe get "errors" and print array vErrors into a string
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ENCRYPTION_FAILED, "Failed to sign transaction");
Value hexValue = find_value(signResultObject, "hex");
if (hexValue.is_null()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Missing hex data for signed transaction");
std::string signedtxn = hexValue.get_str();
// Send the signed transaction
if (!testmode) {
Value sendResultValue = sendrawtransaction({Value(signedtxn)}, false);
if (sendResultValue.is_null()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Send raw transaction did not return an error or a txid.");
std::string txid = sendResultValue.get_str();
Object o;
o.push_back(Pair("txid", txid));
o.push_back(Pair("hex", signedtxn));
} else {
// Test mode does not send the transaction to the network.
CDataStream stream(ParseHex(signedtxn), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
CTransaction tx;
stream >> tx;
Object o;
o.push_back(Pair("test", 1));
o.push_back(Pair("txid", tx.GetTxid().ToString()));
o.push_back(Pair("hex", signedtxn));
return true;
bool AsyncRPCOperation_sendmany::find_utxos() {
set<CBitcoinAddress> setAddress = {fromtaddr_};
vector<COutput> vecOutputs;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
pwalletMain->AvailableCoins(vecOutputs, false, NULL, true);
BOOST_FOREACH(const COutput& out, vecOutputs) {
if (out.nDepth < mindepth_)
if (setAddress.size()) {
CTxDestination address;
if (!ExtractDestination(out.tx->vout[out.i].scriptPubKey, address))
if (!setAddress.count(address))
// TODO: Also examine out.fSpendable ?
CAmount nValue = out.tx->vout[out.i].nValue;
SendManyInputUTXO utxo(out.tx->GetTxid(), out.i, nValue);
return t_inputs_.size() > 0;
bool AsyncRPCOperation_sendmany::find_unspent_notes() {
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
for (auto & p : pwalletMain->mapWallet) {
CWalletTx wtx = p.second;
// Filter the transactions before checking for notes
if (!CheckFinalTx(wtx) || wtx.GetBlocksToMaturity() > 0 || wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() < mindepth_)
mapNoteData_t mapNoteData = pwalletMain->FindMyNotes(wtx);
if (mapNoteData.size() == 0)
for (auto & pair : mapNoteData) {
JSOutPoint jsop = pair.first;
CNoteData nd = pair.second;
PaymentAddress pa = nd.address;
// skip notes which belong to a different payment address in the wallet
if (!(pa == frompaymentaddress_))
int i = jsop.js; // Index into CTransaction.vjoinsplit
int j = jsop.n; // Index into JSDescription.ciphertexts
// determine amount of funds in the note and if it has been spent
ZCNoteDecryption decryptor(spendingkey_.viewing_key());
auto hSig = wtx.vjoinsplit[i].h_sig(*pzcashParams, wtx.joinSplitPubKey);
try {
NotePlaintext plaintext = NotePlaintext::decrypt(
(unsigned char) j);
uint256 nullifier = plaintext.note(frompaymentaddress_).nullifier(spendingkey_);
bool isSpent = pwalletMain->IsSpent(nullifier);
if (isSpent)
z_inputs_.push_back(SendManyInputNPT(plaintext, CAmount(plaintext.value)));
#if 0
std::cout << "Found note at txid : " << wtx.GetTxid().ToString() << std::endl;
std::cout << "... vjoinsplit index: " << i << std::endl;
std::cout << "... jsdescription index: " << j << std::endl;
std::cout << "... payment address: " << CZCPaymentAddress(pa).ToString() << std::endl;
std::cout << "... spent: " << isSpent << std::endl;
std::string data(plaintext.memo.begin(), plaintext.memo.end());
std::cout << "... memo: " << HexStr(data) << std::endl;
std::cout << "... amount: " << FormatMoney(plaintext.value, false) << std::endl;
} catch (const std::exception &) {
// Couldn't decrypt with this spending key
if (z_inputs_.size() == 0)
return false;
// sort in descending order, so big notes appear first
std::sort(z_inputs_.begin(), z_inputs_.end(), [](SendManyInputNPT i, SendManyInputNPT j) -> bool {
return (i.second > j.second);
return true;
Object AsyncRPCOperation_sendmany::perform_joinsplit(AsyncJoinSplitInfo & info) {
std::vector<boost::optional < ZCIncrementalWitness>> witnesses;
uint256 anchor;
// Lock critical section (accesses blockchain)
pwalletMain->WitnessNoteCommitment(info.commitments, witnesses, anchor);
// Unlock critical section
if (!(witnesses.size() == info.notes.size()) || !(info.notes.size() == info.keys.size()))
throw runtime_error("number of notes and witnesses and keys do not match");
for (size_t i = 0; i < witnesses.size(); i++) {
if (!witnesses[i]) {
throw runtime_error("joinsplit input could not be found in tree");
info.vjsin.push_back(JSInput(*witnesses[i], info.notes[i], info.keys[i]));
// Make sure there are two inputs and two outputs
while (info.vjsin.size() < ZC_NUM_JS_INPUTS) {
while (info.vjsout.size() < ZC_NUM_JS_OUTPUTS) {
if (info.vjsout.size() != ZC_NUM_JS_INPUTS || info.vjsin.size() != ZC_NUM_JS_OUTPUTS) {
throw runtime_error("unsupported joinsplit input/output counts");
// Start to make joinsplit
uint256 joinSplitPubKey;
unsigned char joinSplitPrivKey[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES];
crypto_sign_keypair(joinSplitPubKey.begin(), joinSplitPrivKey);
CMutableTransaction mtx(tx_);
mtx.nVersion = 2;
mtx.joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey;
#if 0
std::cout << "number of existing joinsplits in tx = " << mtx.vjoinsplit.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "vpub_old: " << info.vpub_old << std::endl;
std::cout << "vpub_new: " << info.vpub_new << std::endl;
for (JSInput & o : info.vjsin)
std::cout << " in: " << o.note.value << std::endl;
for (JSOutput & o : info.vjsout)
std::cout << "out: " << o.value << std::endl;
// Generate the proof, this can take over a minute.
JSDescription jsdesc(*pzcashParams,
{info.vjsin[0], info.vjsin[1]},
{info.vjsout[0], info.vjsout[1]},
if (!(jsdesc.Verify(*pzcashParams, joinSplitPubKey)))
throw std::runtime_error("error verifying joinsplt");
// Empty output script.
CScript scriptCode;
CTransaction signTx(mtx);
uint256 dataToBeSigned = SignatureHash(scriptCode, signTx, NOT_AN_INPUT, SIGHASH_ALL);
// Add the signature
if (!(crypto_sign_detached(&mtx.joinSplitSig[0], NULL,
dataToBeSigned.begin(), 32,
) == 0))
throw std::runtime_error("crypto_sign_detached failed");
// Sanity check
if (!(crypto_sign_verify_detached(&mtx.joinSplitSig[0],
dataToBeSigned.begin(), 32,
) == 0))
throw std::runtime_error("crypto_sign_verify_detached failed");
CTransaction rawTx(mtx);
tx_ = rawTx;
ss << rawTx;
std::string encryptedNote1;
std::string encryptedNote2;
ss2 << ((unsigned char) 0x00);
ss2 << jsdesc.ephemeralKey;
ss2 << jsdesc.ciphertexts[0];
ss2 << jsdesc.h_sig(*pzcashParams, joinSplitPubKey);
encryptedNote1 = HexStr(ss2.begin(), ss2.end());
ss2 << ((unsigned char) 0x01);
ss2 << jsdesc.ephemeralKey;
ss2 << jsdesc.ciphertexts[1];
ss2 << jsdesc.h_sig(*pzcashParams, joinSplitPubKey);
encryptedNote2 = HexStr(ss2.begin(), ss2.end());
Object obj;
obj.push_back(Pair("encryptednote1", encryptedNote1));
obj.push_back(Pair("encryptednote2", encryptedNote2));
obj.push_back(Pair("rawtxn", HexStr(ss.begin(), ss.end())));
return obj;
void AsyncRPCOperation_sendmany::add_taddr_outputs_to_tx() {
CMutableTransaction rawTx(tx_);
for (SendManyRecipient & r : t_outputs_) {
std::string outputAddress = std::get<0>(r);
CAmount nAmount = std::get<1>(r);
CBitcoinAddress address(outputAddress);
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid output address, not a valid taddr.");
CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(address.Get());
CTxOut out(nAmount, scriptPubKey);
tx_ = CTransaction(rawTx);