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* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
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#include "CCtokens.h"
#include "importcoin.h"
/* TODO: correct this:
The SetTokenFillamounts() and ValidateTokenRemainder() work in tandem to calculate the vouts for a fill and to validate the vouts, respectively.
This pair of functions are critical to make sure the trading is correct and is the trickiest part of the tokens contract.
//vin.0: normal input
//vin.1: unspendable.(vout.0 from buyoffer) buyTx.vout[0]
//vin.2+: valid CC output satisfies buyoffer (*[2])->nValue
//vout.0: remaining amount of bid to unspendable
//vout.1: vin.1 value to signer of vin.2
//vout.2: vin.2 tokenoshis to original pubkey
//vout.3: CC output for tokenoshis change (if any)
//vout.4: normal output for change (if any)
//vout.n-1: opreturn [EVAL_ASSETS] ['B'] [tokenid] [remaining token required] [origpubkey]
Yes, this is quite confusing...
In ValidateTokenRemainder the naming convention is nValue is the coin/token with the offer on the books and "units" is what it is being paid in. The high level check is to make sure we didnt lose any coins or tokens, the harder to validate is the actual price paid as the "orderbook" is in terms of the combined nValue for the combined totalunits.
We assume that the effective unit cost in the orderbook is valid and that that amount was paid and also that any remainder will be close enough in effective unit cost to not matter. At the edge cases, this will probably be not true and maybe some orders wont be practically fillable when reduced to fractional state. However, the original pubkey that created the offer can always reclaim it.
// tx validation
bool TokensValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &tx, uint32_t nIn)
static uint256 zero;
CTxDestination address; CTransaction vinTx, createTx; uint256 hashBlock, tokenid, tokenid2;
int32_t i, starti, numvins, numvouts, preventCCvins, preventCCvouts;
int64_t remaining_price, nValue, tokenoshis, outputs, inputs, tmpprice, totalunits, ignore;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
vscript_t /*vopretExtra,*/ tmporigpubkey, ignorepubkey;
uint8_t funcid, evalCodeInOpret;
char destaddr[64], origaddr[64], CCaddr[64];
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys, vinTokenPubkeys;
if (strcmp(ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL, "ROGUE") == 0 && chainActive.Height() <= 12500)
return true;
numvins =;
numvouts = tx.vout.size();
outputs = inputs = 0;
preventCCvins = preventCCvouts = -1;
// check boundaries:
if (numvouts < 1)
return eval->Invalid("no vouts");
if ((funcid = DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout[numvouts - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCodeInOpret, tokenid, voutTokenPubkeys, oprets)) == 0)
return eval->Invalid("TokenValidate: invalid opreturn payload");
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "TokensValidate funcId=" << (char)(funcid?funcid:' ') << " evalcode=" << std::hex << (int)cp->evalcode << std::endl);
5 years ago
if (eval->GetTxUnconfirmed(tokenid, createTx, hashBlock) == 0)
return eval->Invalid("cant find token create txid");
//else if (IsCCInput([0].scriptSig) != 0)
// return eval->Invalid("illegal token vin0"); // <-- this validation was removed because some token tx might not have normal vins
else if (funcid != 'c')
if (tokenid == zeroid)
return eval->Invalid("illegal tokenid");
else if (!TokensExactAmounts(true, cp, inputs, outputs, eval, tx, tokenid)) {
if (!eval->Valid())
return false; //TokenExactAmounts must call eval->Invalid()!
return eval->Invalid("tokens cc inputs != cc outputs");
// validate spending from token cc addr: allowed only for burned non-fungible tokens:
if (ExtractTokensCCVinPubkeys(tx, vinTokenPubkeys) && std::find(vinTokenPubkeys.begin(), vinTokenPubkeys.end(), GetUnspendable(cp, NULL)) != vinTokenPubkeys.end()) {
// validate spending from token unspendable cc addr:
int64_t burnedAmount = HasBurnedTokensvouts(cp, eval, tx, tokenid);
if (burnedAmount > 0) {
vscript_t vopretNonfungible;
GetNonfungibleData(tokenid, vopretNonfungible);
if( vopretNonfungible.empty() )
return eval->Invalid("spending cc marker not supported for fungible tokens");
switch (funcid)
case 'c': // token create should not be validated as it has no CC inputs, so return 'invalid'
// token tx structure for 'c':
//vin.0: normal input
//vout.0: issuance tokenoshis to CC
//vout.1: normal output for change (if any)
//vout.n-1: opreturn EVAL_TOKENS 'c' <tokenname> <description>
return eval->Invalid("incorrect token funcid");
case 't': // transfer
// token tx structure for 't'
//vin.0: normal input
//vin.1 .. vin.n-1: valid CC outputs
//vout.0 to n-2: tokenoshis output to CC
//vout.n-2: normal output for change (if any)
//vout.n-1: opreturn EVAL_TOKENS 't' tokenid <other contract payload>
if (inputs == 0)
return eval->Invalid("no token inputs for transfer");
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "token transfer preliminarily validated inputs=" << inputs << "->outputs=" << outputs << " preventCCvins=" << preventCCvins<< " preventCCvouts=" << preventCCvouts << std::endl);
break; // breaking to other contract validation...
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "illegal tokens funcid=" << (char)(funcid?funcid:' ') << std::endl);
return eval->Invalid("unexpected token funcid");
return true;
// helper funcs:
// extract cc token vins' pubkeys:
bool ExtractTokensCCVinPubkeys(const CTransaction &tx, std::vector<CPubKey> &vinPubkeys) {
bool found = false;
CPubKey pubkey;
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS);
for (int32_t i = 0; i <; i++)
// check for cc token vins:
if( (*cpTokens->ismyvin)([i].scriptSig) )
auto findEval = [](CC *cond, struct CCVisitor _) {
bool r = false;
if (cc_typeId(cond) == CC_Secp256k1) {
*(CPubKey*)_.context = buf2pk(cond->publicKey);
//std::cerr << "findEval found pubkey=" << HexStr(*(CPubKey*)_.context) << std::endl;
r = true;
// false for a match, true for continue
return r ? 0 : 1;
CC *cond = GetCryptoCondition([i].scriptSig);
if (cond) {
CCVisitor visitor = { findEval, (uint8_t*)"", 0, &pubkey };
bool out = !cc_visit(cond, visitor);
if (pubkey.IsValid()) {
found = true;
return found;
// this is just for log messages indentation fur debugging recursive calls:
thread_local uint32_t tokenValIndentSize = 0;
// validates opret for token tx:
uint8_t ValidateTokenOpret(CTransaction tx, uint256 tokenid) {
uint256 tokenidOpret = zeroid;
uint8_t funcid;
uint8_t dummyEvalCode;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeysDummy;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> opretsDummy;
// this is just for log messages indentation fur debugging recursive calls:
std::string indentStr = std::string().append(tokenValIndentSize, '.');
if (tx.vout.size() == 0)
return (uint8_t)0;
if ((funcid = DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, tokenidOpret, voutPubkeysDummy, opretsDummy)) == 0)
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() DecodeTokenOpret could not parse opret for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
else if (funcid == 'c')
if (tokenid != zeroid && tokenid == tx.GetHash()) {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() this is tokenbase 'c' tx, txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " returning true" << std::endl);
return funcid;
else {
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() not my tokenbase txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl);
else if (funcid == 'i')
if (tokenid != zeroid && tokenid == tx.GetHash()) {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() this is import 'i' tx, txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " returning true" << std::endl);
return funcid;
else {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() not my import txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl);
else if (funcid == 't')
//std::cerr << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() tokenid=" << tokenid.GetHex() << " tokenIdOpret=" << tokenidOpret.GetHex() << " txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
if (tokenid != zeroid && tokenid == tokenidOpret) {
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() this is a transfer 't' tx, txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " returning true" << std::endl);
return funcid;
else {
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() not my tokenid=" << tokenidOpret.GetHex() << std::endl);
else {
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() not supported funcid=" << (char)funcid << " tokenIdOpret=" << tokenidOpret.GetHex() << " txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
// remove token->unspendablePk (it is only for marker usage)
void FilterOutTokensUnspendablePk(const std::vector<CPubKey> &sourcePubkeys, std::vector<CPubKey> &destPubkeys) {
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS);
CPubKey tokensUnspendablePk = GetUnspendable(cpTokens, NULL);
for (auto pk : sourcePubkeys)
if (pk != tokensUnspendablePk)
void FilterOutNonCCOprets(const std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> &oprets, vscript_t &vopret) {
if (oprets.size() > 2)
LOGSTREAM("cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "FilterOutNonCCOprets() warning!! oprets.size > 2 currently not supported" << oprets.size() << std::endl);
for (auto o : oprets) {
if (o.first < OPRETID_FIRSTNONCCDATA) { // skip burn, import, etc opret data
vopret = o.second; // return first contract opret (more than 1 is not supported yet)
// Checks if the vout is a really Tokens CC vout
// also checks tokenid in opret or txid if this is 'c' tx
// goDeeper is true: the func also validates amounts of the passed transaction:
// it should be either sum(cc vins) == sum(cc vouts) or the transaction is the 'tokenbase' ('c') tx
// checkPubkeys is true: validates if the vout is token vout1 or token vout1of2. Should always be true!
int64_t IsTokensvout(bool goDeeper, bool checkPubkeys /*<--not used, always true*/, struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction& tx, int32_t v, uint256 reftokenid)
// this is just for log messages indentation fur debugging recursive calls:
std::string indentStr = std::string().append(tokenValIndentSize, '.');
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() entered for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " v=" << v << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
int32_t n = tx.vout.size();
// just check boundaries:
if (n == 0 || v < 0 || v >= n-1) {
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "isTokensvout() incorrect params: (n == 0 or v < 0 or v >= n-1)" << " v=" << v << " n=" << n << " returning 0" << std::endl);
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition())
if (goDeeper) {
//validate all tx
int64_t myCCVinsAmount = 0, myCCVoutsAmount = 0;
// false --> because we already at the 1-st level ancestor tx and do not need to dereference ancestors of next levels
bool isEqual = TokensExactAmounts(false, cp, myCCVinsAmount, myCCVoutsAmount, eval, tx, reftokenid);
if (!isEqual) {
// if ccInputs != ccOutputs and it is not the tokenbase tx
// this means it is possibly a fake tx (dimxy):
if (reftokenid != tx.GetHash()) { // checking that this is the true tokenbase tx, by verifying that funcid=c, is done further in this function (dimxy)
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() warning: for the verified tx detected a bad vintx=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << ": cc inputs != cc outputs and not the 'tokenbase' tx, skipping the verified tx" << std::endl);
return 0;
// token opret most important checks (tokenid == reftokenid, tokenid is non-zero, tx is 'tokenbase'):
const uint8_t funcId = ValidateTokenOpret(tx, reftokenid);
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() ValidateTokenOpret returned=" << (char)(funcId?funcId:' ') << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
if (funcId != 0) {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() ValidateTokenOpret returned not-null funcId=" << (char)(funcId ? funcId : ' ') << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
uint8_t dummyEvalCode;
uint256 tokenIdOpret;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, voutPubkeysInOpret;
vscript_t vopretExtra, vopretNonfungible;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
uint8_t evalCodeNonfungible = 0;
uint8_t evalCode1 = EVAL_TOKENS; // if both payloads are empty maybe it is a transfer to non-payload-one-eval-token vout like GatewaysClaim
uint8_t evalCode2 = 0; // will be checked if zero or not
// test vouts for possible token use-cases:
std::vector<std::pair<CTxOut, std::string>> testVouts;
DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, tokenIdOpret, voutPubkeysInOpret, oprets);
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "IsTokensvout() oprets.size()=" << oprets.size() << std::endl);
// get assets/channels/gateways token data:
FilterOutNonCCOprets(oprets, vopretExtra); // NOTE: only 1 additional evalcode in token opret is currently supported
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "IsTokensvout() vopretExtra=" << HexStr(vopretExtra) << std::endl);
// get non-fungible data
GetNonfungibleData(reftokenid, vopretNonfungible);
FilterOutTokensUnspendablePk(voutPubkeysInOpret, voutPubkeys); // cannot send tokens to token unspendable cc addr (only marker is allowed there)
// NOTE: evalcode order in vouts is important:
// non-fungible-eval -> EVAL_TOKENS -> assets-eval
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
evalCodeNonfungible = evalCode1 = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
if (vopretExtra.size() > 0)
evalCode2 = vopretExtra.begin()[0];
if (evalCode1 == EVAL_TOKENS && evalCode2 != 0) {
evalCode1 = evalCode2; // for using MakeTokensCC1vout(evalcode,...) instead of MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, evalcode...)
evalCode2 = 0;
if( /*checkPubkeys &&*/ funcId != 'c' ) { // for 'c' there is no pubkeys
// verify that the vout is token by constructing vouts with the pubkeys in the opret:
// maybe this is dual-eval 1 pubkey or 1of2 pubkey vout?
if (voutPubkeys.size() >= 1 && voutPubkeys.size() <= 2) {
// check dual/three-eval 1 pubkey vout with the first pubkey
testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode1, evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("three-eval cc1 pk[0]")) );
if (evalCode2 != 0)
// also check in backward evalcode order
testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, evalCode1, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("three-eval cc1 pk[0] backward-eval")) );
if(voutPubkeys.size() == 2) {
// check dual/three eval 1of2 pubkeys vout
testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalCode1, evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0], voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("three-eval cc1of2")) );
// check dual/three eval 1 pubkey vout with the second pubkey
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode1, evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("three-eval cc1 pk[1]")));
if (evalCode2 != 0) {
// also check in backward evalcode order:
// check dual/three eval 1of2 pubkeys vout
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalCode2, evalCode1, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0], voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("three-eval cc1of2 backward-eval")));
// check dual/three eval 1 pubkey vout with the second pubkey
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, evalCode1, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("three-eval cc1 pk[1] backward-eval")));
// maybe this is like gatewayclaim to single-eval token?
if( evalCodeNonfungible == 0 ) // do not allow to convert non-fungible to fungible token
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("single-eval cc1 pk[0]")));
// maybe this is like FillSell for non-fungible token?
if( evalCode1 != 0 )
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode1, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("dual-eval-token cc1 pk[0]")));
if( evalCode2 != 0 )
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("dual-eval2-token cc1 pk[0]")));
// the same for pk[1]:
if (voutPubkeys.size() == 2) {
if (evalCodeNonfungible == 0) // do not allow to convert non-fungible to fungible token
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("single-eval cc1 pk[1]")));
if (evalCode1 != 0)
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode1, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("dual-eval-token cc1 pk[1]")));
if (evalCode2 != 0)
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("dual-eval2-token cc1 pk[1]")));
5 years ago
//special check for tx when spending from 1of2 CC address and one of pubkeys is global CC pubkey
struct CCcontract_info *cpEvalCode1,CEvalCode1;
cpEvalCode1 = CCinit(&CEvalCode1,evalCode1);
CPubKey pk=GetUnspendable(cpEvalCode1,0);
5 years ago
testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalCode1, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0], pk), std::string("dual-eval1 pegscc cc1of2 pk[0] globalccpk")) );
5 years ago
if (voutPubkeys.size() == 2) testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalCode1, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1], pk), std::string("dual-eval1 pegscc cc1of2 pk[1] globalccpk")) );
if (evalCode2!=0)
struct CCcontract_info *cpEvalCode2,CEvalCode2;
cpEvalCode2 = CCinit(&CEvalCode2,evalCode2);
CPubKey pk=GetUnspendable(cpEvalCode2,0);
5 years ago
testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0], pk), std::string("dual-eval2 pegscc cc1of2 pk[0] globalccpk")) );
5 years ago
if (voutPubkeys.size() == 2) testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1], pk), std::string("dual-eval2 pegscc cc1of2 pk[1] globalccpk")) );
// maybe it is single-eval or dual/three-eval token change?
std::vector<CPubKey> vinPubkeys, vinPubkeysUnfiltered;
ExtractTokensCCVinPubkeys(tx, vinPubkeysUnfiltered);
FilterOutTokensUnspendablePk(vinPubkeysUnfiltered, vinPubkeys); // cannot send tokens to token unspendable cc addr (only marker is allowed there)
for(std::vector<CPubKey>::iterator it = vinPubkeys.begin(); it != vinPubkeys.end(); it++) {
if (evalCodeNonfungible == 0) // do not allow to convert non-fungible to fungible token
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, *it), std::string("single-eval cc1 self vin pk")));
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode1, evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, *it), std::string("three-eval cc1 self vin pk")));
if (evalCode2 != 0)
// also check in backward evalcode order:
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, evalCode1, tx.vout[v].nValue, *it), std::string("three-eval cc1 self vin pk backward-eval")));
// try all test vouts:
for (auto t : testVouts) {
if (t.first == tx.vout[v]) { // test vout matches
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() valid amount=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " msg=" << t.second << " evalCode=" << (int)evalCode1 << " evalCode2=" << (int)evalCode2 << " txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
else { // funcid == 'c'
if (!tx.IsCoinImport()) {
vscript_t vorigPubkey;
std::string dummyName, dummyDescription;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
if (DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(tx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, vorigPubkey, dummyName, dummyDescription, oprets) == 0) {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() could not decode create opret" << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return 0;
CPubKey origPubkey = pubkey2pk(vorigPubkey);
// TODO: add voutPubkeys for 'c' tx
/* this would not work for imported tokens:
// for 'c' recognize the tokens only to token originator pubkey (but not to unspendable <-- closed sec violation)
// maybe this is like gatewayclaim to single-eval token?
if (evalCodeNonfungible == 0) // do not allow to convert non-fungible to fungible token
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, origPubkey), std::string("single-eval cc1 orig-pk")));
// maybe this is like FillSell for non-fungible token?
if (evalCode1 != 0)
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode1, tx.vout[v].nValue, origPubkey), std::string("dual-eval-token cc1 orig-pk"))); */
// note: this would not work if there are several pubkeys in the tokencreator's wallet (AddNormalinputs does not use pubkey param):
// for tokenbase tx check that normal inputs sent from origpubkey > cc outputs
int64_t ccOutputs = 0;
for (auto vout : tx.vout)
if (vout.scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() //TODO: add voutPubkey validation
&& !IsTokenMarkerVout(vout)) // should not be marker here
ccOutputs += vout.nValue;
int64_t normalInputs = TotalPubkeyNormalInputs(tx, origPubkey); // check if normal inputs are really signed by originator pubkey (someone not cheating with originator pubkey)
LOGSTREAM("cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() normalInputs=" << normalInputs << " ccOutputs=" << ccOutputs << " for tokenbase=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
if (normalInputs >= ccOutputs) {
LOGSTREAM("cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() assured normalInputs >= ccOutputs" << " for tokenbase=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
if (!IsTokenMarkerVout(tx.vout[v])) // exclude marker
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
return 0; // vout is good, but do not take marker into account
else {
LOGSTREAM("cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() skipping vout not fulfilled normalInputs >= ccOutput" << " for tokenbase=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << " normalInputs=" << normalInputs << " ccOutputs=" << ccOutputs << std::endl);
else {
// imported tokens are checked in the eval::ImportCoin() validation code
if (!IsTokenMarkerVout(tx.vout[v])) // exclude marker
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
return 0; // vout is good, but do not take marker into account
LOGSTREAM("cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() no valid vouts evalCode=" << (int)evalCode1 << " evalCode2=" << (int)evalCode2 << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
//std::cerr << indentStr; fprintf(stderr,"IsTokensvout() CC vout v.%d of n=%d amount=%.8f txid=%s\n",v,n,(double)0/COIN, tx.GetHash().GetHex().c_str());
//std::cerr << indentStr; fprintf(stderr,"IsTokensvout() normal output v.%d %.8f\n",v,(double)tx.vout[v].nValue/COIN);
bool IsTokenMarkerVout(CTxOut vout) {
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, CCtokens_info;
cpTokens = CCinit(&CCtokens_info, EVAL_TOKENS);
return vout == MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, vout.nValue, GetUnspendable(cpTokens, NULL));
// compares cc inputs vs cc outputs (to prevent feeding vouts from normal inputs)
bool TokensExactAmounts(bool goDeeper, struct CCcontract_info *cp, int64_t &inputs, int64_t &outputs, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &tx, uint256 reftokenid)
CTransaction vinTx;
uint256 hashBlock;
int64_t tokenoshis;
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS);
int32_t numvins =;
int32_t numvouts = tx.vout.size();
inputs = outputs = 0;
// this is just for log messages indentation for debugging recursive calls:
std::string indentStr = std::string().append(tokenValIndentSize, '.');
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() entered for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
for (int32_t i = 0; i<numvins; i++)
{ // check for additional contracts which may send tokens to the Tokens contract
if ((*cpTokens->ismyvin)([i].scriptSig) /*|| IsVinAllowed([i].scriptSig) != 0*/)
//std::cerr << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() eval is true=" << (eval != NULL) << " ismyvin=ok for_i=" << i << std::endl;
// we are not inside the validation code -- dimxy
if ((eval && eval->GetTxUnconfirmed([i].prevout.hash, vinTx, hashBlock) == 0) || (!eval && !myGetTransaction([i].prevout.hash, vinTx, hashBlock)))
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() cannot read vintx for i." << i << " numvins." << numvins << std::endl);
return (!eval) ? false : eval->Invalid("always should find vin tx, but didnt");
else {
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "TokenExactAmounts() checking vintx.vout for[" << i << "] nValue=" << vinTx.vout[[i].prevout.n].nValue << std::endl);
// validate vouts of vintx
tokenoshis = IsTokensvout(goDeeper, true, cpTokens, eval, vinTx,[i].prevout.n, reftokenid);
if (tokenoshis != 0)
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() adding vintx.vout for[" << i << "] tokenoshis=" << tokenoshis << std::endl);
inputs += tokenoshis;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numvouts-1; i ++) // 'numvouts-1' <-- do not check opret
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "TokenExactAmounts() recursively checking tx.vout[" << i << "] nValue=" << tx.vout[i].nValue << std::endl);
// Note: we pass in here IsTokenvout(false,...) because we don't need to call TokenExactAmounts() recursively from IsTokensvout here
// indeed, if we pass 'true' we'll be checking this tx vout again
tokenoshis = IsTokensvout(false /*<--do not recursion here*/, true /*<--exclude non-tokens vouts*/, cpTokens, eval, tx, i, reftokenid);
if (tokenoshis != 0)
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() adding tx.vout[" << i << "] tokenoshis=" << tokenoshis << std::endl);
outputs += tokenoshis;
//std::cerr << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() inputs=" << inputs << " outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
if (inputs != outputs) {
if (tx.GetHash() != reftokenid)
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "TokenExactAmounts() found unequal token cc inputs=" << inputs << " vs cc outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " and this is not the create tx" << std::endl);
5 years ago
//fprintf(stderr,"inputs %llu vs outputs %llu\n",(long long)inputs,(long long)outputs);
return false; // do not call eval->Invalid() here!
return true;
// get non-fungible data from 'tokenbase' tx (the data might be empty)
void GetNonfungibleData(uint256 tokenid, vscript_t &vopretNonfungible)
CTransaction tokenbasetx;
uint256 hashBlock;
if (!myGetTransaction(tokenid, tokenbasetx, hashBlock)) {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "GetNonfungibleData() cound not load token creation tx=" << tokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
// check if it is non-fungible tx and get its second evalcode from non-fungible payload
if (tokenbasetx.vout.size() > 0) {
std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey;
std::string name, description;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
if (DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(tokenbasetx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, origpubkey, name, description, oprets) == 'c') {
GetOpretBlob(oprets, OPRETID_NONFUNGIBLEDATA, vopretNonfungible);
// overload, adds inputs from token cc addr
int64_t AddTokenCCInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid, int64_t total, int32_t maxinputs) {
vscript_t vopretNonfungibleDummy;
return AddTokenCCInputs(cp, mtx, pk, tokenid, total, maxinputs, vopretNonfungibleDummy);
// adds inputs from token cc addr and returns non-fungible opret payload if present
// also sets evalcode in cp, if needed
int64_t AddTokenCCInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid, int64_t total, int32_t maxinputs, vscript_t &vopretNonfungible)
char tokenaddr[64], destaddr[64];
int64_t threshold, nValue, price, totalinputs = 0;
int32_t n = 0;
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> > unspentOutputs;
GetNonfungibleData(tokenid, vopretNonfungible);
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2 = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
GetTokensCCaddress(cp, tokenaddr, pk);
SetCCunspents(unspentOutputs, tokenaddr,true);
if (unspentOutputs.empty()) {
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "AddTokenCCInputs() no utxos for token dual/three eval addr=" << tokenaddr << " evalcode=" << (int)cp->evalcode << " additionalTokensEvalcode2=" << (int)cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2 << std::endl);
5 years ago
threshold = total / (maxinputs != 0 ? maxinputs : CC_MAXVINS);
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator it = unspentOutputs.begin(); it != unspentOutputs.end(); it++)
CTransaction vintx;
uint256 hashBlock;
uint256 vintxid = it->first.txhash;
int32_t vout = (int32_t)it->first.index;
if (it->second.satoshis < threshold) // this should work also for non-fungible tokens (there should be only 1 satoshi for non-fungible token issue)
int32_t ivin;
for (ivin = 0; ivin <; ivin ++)
if (vintxid ==[ivin].prevout.hash && vout ==[ivin].prevout.n)
if (ivin != // that is, the tx.vout is already added to (in some previous calls)
if (myGetTransaction(vintxid, vintx, hashBlock) != 0)
Getscriptaddress(destaddr, vintx.vout[vout].scriptPubKey);
if (strcmp(destaddr, tokenaddr) != 0 &&
strcmp(destaddr, cp->unspendableCCaddr) != 0 && // TODO: check why this. Should not we add token inputs from unspendable cc addr if mypubkey is used?
strcmp(destaddr, cp->unspendableaddr2) != 0) // or the logic is to allow to spend all available tokens (what about unspendableaddr3)?
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "AddTokenCCInputs() check vintx vout destaddress=" << destaddr << " amount=" << vintx.vout[vout].nValue << std::endl);
if ((nValue = IsTokensvout(true, true/*<--add only valid token uxtos */, cp, NULL, vintx, vout, tokenid)) > 0 && myIsutxo_spentinmempool(ignoretxid,ignorevin,vintxid, vout) == 0)
//for non-fungible tokens check payload:
if (!vopretNonfungible.empty()) {
vscript_t vopret;
// check if it is non-fungible token:
GetNonfungibleData(tokenid, vopret);
if (vopret != vopretNonfungible) {
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "AddTokenCCInputs() found incorrect non-fungible opret payload for vintxid=" << vintxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
// non-fungible evalCode2 cc contract should also check if there exists only one non-fungible vout with amount = 1
if (total != 0 && maxinputs != 0) // if it is not just to calc amount..., vout, CScript()));
nValue = it->second.satoshis;
totalinputs += nValue;
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "AddTokenCCInputs() adding input nValue=" << nValue << std::endl);
if ((total > 0 && totalinputs >= total) || (maxinputs > 0 && n >= maxinputs))
//std::cerr << "AddTokenCCInputs() found totalinputs=" << totalinputs << std::endl;
// checks if any token vouts are sent to 'dead' pubkey
int64_t HasBurnedTokensvouts(struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction& tx, uint256 reftokenid)
uint8_t dummyEvalCode;
uint256 tokenIdOpret;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, voutPubkeysDummy;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
vscript_t vopretExtra, vopretNonfungible;
uint8_t evalCode = EVAL_TOKENS; // if both payloads are empty maybe it is a transfer to non-payload-one-eval-token vout like GatewaysClaim
uint8_t evalCode2 = 0; // will be checked if zero or not
// test vouts for possible token use-cases:
std::vector<std::pair<CTxOut, std::string>> testVouts;
int32_t n = tx.vout.size();
// just check boundaries:
if (n == 0) {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "HasBurnedTokensvouts() incorrect params: tx.vout.size() == 0, txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl);
if (DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, tokenIdOpret, voutPubkeysDummy, oprets) == 0) {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "HasBurnedTokensvouts() cannot parse opret DecodeTokenOpRet returned 0, txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl);
return 0;
// get assets/channels/gateways token data:
FilterOutNonCCOprets(oprets, vopretExtra); // NOTE: only 1 additional evalcode in token opret is currently supported
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "HasBurnedTokensvouts() vopretExtra=" << HexStr(vopretExtra) << std::endl);
GetNonfungibleData(reftokenid, vopretNonfungible);
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
evalCode = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
if (vopretExtra.size() > 0)
evalCode2 = vopretExtra.begin()[0];
if (evalCode == EVAL_TOKENS && evalCode2 != 0) {
evalCode = evalCode2;
evalCode2 = 0;
int64_t burnedAmount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); i++) {
if (tx.vout[i].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition())
// make all possible token vouts for dead pk:
for (std::vector<CPubKey>::iterator it = voutPubkeys.begin(); it != voutPubkeys.end(); it++) {
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[i].nValue, *it), std::string("single-eval cc1 burn pk")));
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode, evalCode2, tx.vout[i].nValue, *it), std::string("three-eval cc1 burn pk")));
if (evalCode2 != 0)
// also check in backward evalcode order:
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, evalCode, tx.vout[i].nValue, *it), std::string("three-eval cc1 burn pk backward-eval")));
// try all test vouts:
for (auto t : testVouts) {
if (t.first == tx.vout[i]) {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "HasBurnedTokensvouts() burned amount=" << tx.vout[i].nValue << " msg=" << t.second << " evalCode=" << (int)evalCode << " evalCode2=" << (int)evalCode2 << " txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
burnedAmount += tx.vout[i].nValue;
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "HasBurnedTokensvouts() total burned=" << burnedAmount << " evalCode=" << (int)evalCode << " evalCode2=" << (int)evalCode2 << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return burnedAmount;
CPubKey GetTokenOriginatorPubKey(CScript scriptPubKey) {
uint8_t funcId, evalCode;
uint256 tokenid;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
if ((funcId = DecodeTokenOpRet(scriptPubKey, evalCode, tokenid, voutTokenPubkeys, oprets)) != 0) {
CTransaction tokenbasetx;
uint256 hashBlock;
if (myGetTransaction(tokenid, tokenbasetx, hashBlock) && tokenbasetx.vout.size() > 0) {
vscript_t vorigpubkey;
std::string name, desc;
if (DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(tokenbasetx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, vorigpubkey, name, desc) != 0)
return pubkey2pk(vorigpubkey);
return CPubKey(); //return invalid pubkey
// returns token creation signed raw tx
std::string CreateToken(int64_t txfee, int64_t tokensupply, std::string name, std::string description, vscript_t nonfungibleData)
CMutableTransaction mtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
CPubKey mypk; struct CCcontract_info *cp, C;
if (tokensupply < 0) {
CCerror = "negative tokensupply";
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "CreateToken() =" << CCerror << "=" << tokensupply << std::endl);
return std::string("");
if (!nonfungibleData.empty() && tokensupply != 1) {
CCerror = "for non-fungible tokens tokensupply should be equal to 1";
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "CreateToken() " << CCerror << std::endl);
return std::string("");
cp = CCinit(&C, EVAL_TOKENS);
if (name.size() > 32 || description.size() > 4096) // this is also checked on rpc level
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "name len=" << name.size() << " or description len=" << description.size() << " is too big" << std::endl);
CCerror = "name should be <= 32, description should be <= 4096";
if (txfee == 0)
txfee = 10000;
mypk = pubkey2pk(Mypubkey());
if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, tokensupply + 2 * txfee, 64) > 0)
int64_t mypkInputs = TotalPubkeyNormalInputs(mtx, mypk);
if (mypkInputs < tokensupply) { // check that tokens amount are really issued with mypk (because in the wallet there maybe other privkeys)
CCerror = "some inputs signed not with -pubkey=pk";
return std::string("");
uint8_t destEvalCode = EVAL_TOKENS;
if( nonfungibleData.size() > 0 )
destEvalCode = nonfungibleData.begin()[0];
// NOTE: we should prevent spending fake-tokens from this marker in IsTokenvout():
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, txfee, GetUnspendable(cp, NULL))); // new marker to token cc addr, burnable and validated, vout pos now changed to 0 (from 1)
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(destEvalCode, tokensupply, mypk));
//mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(txfee, CScript() << ParseHex(cp->CChexstr) << OP_CHECKSIG)); // old marker (non-burnable because spending could not be validated)
//mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, txfee, GetUnspendable(cp, NULL))); // ...moved to vout=0 for matching with rogue-game token
return(FinalizeCCTx(0, cp, mtx, mypk, txfee, EncodeTokenCreateOpRet('c', Mypubkey(), name, description, nonfungibleData)));
CCerror = "cant find normal inputs";
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "CreateToken() " << CCerror << std::endl);
return std::string("");
// transfer tokens to another pubkey
// param additionalEvalCode allows transfer of dual-eval non-fungible tokens
std::string TokenTransfer(int64_t txfee, uint256 tokenid, vscript_t destpubkey, int64_t total)
CMutableTransaction mtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
CPubKey mypk; uint64_t mask; int64_t CCchange = 0, inputs = 0; struct CCcontract_info *cp, C;
vscript_t vopretNonfungible, vopretEmpty;
if (total < 0) {
CCerror = strprintf("negative total");
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << CCerror << "=" << total << std::endl);
cp = CCinit(&C, EVAL_TOKENS);
if (txfee == 0)
txfee = 10000;
mypk = pubkey2pk(Mypubkey());
5 years ago
/*if ( cp->tokens1of2addr[0] == 0 )
GetTokensCCaddress(cp, cp->tokens1of2addr, mypk);
fprintf(stderr,"set tokens1of2addr <- %s\n",cp->tokens1of2addr);
5 years ago
if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, txfee, 3) > 0)
mask = ~((1LL << - 1); // seems, mask is not used anymore
if ((inputs = AddTokenCCInputs(cp, mtx, mypk, tokenid, total, 60, vopretNonfungible)) > 0) // NOTE: AddTokenCCInputs might set cp->additionalEvalCode which is used in FinalizeCCtx!
if (inputs < total) { //added dimxy
CCerror = strprintf("insufficient token inputs");
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "TokenTransfer() " << CCerror << std::endl);
return std::string("");
uint8_t destEvalCode = EVAL_TOKENS;
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
destEvalCode = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
if (inputs > total)
CCchange = (inputs - total);
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(destEvalCode, total, pubkey2pk(destpubkey))); // if destEvalCode == EVAL_TOKENS then it is actually MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS,...)
if (CCchange != 0)
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(destEvalCode, CCchange, mypk));
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
voutTokenPubkeys.push_back(pubkey2pk(destpubkey)); // dest pubkey for validating vout
return FinalizeCCTx(mask, cp, mtx, mypk, txfee, EncodeTokenOpRet(tokenid, voutTokenPubkeys, std::make_pair((uint8_t)0, vopretEmpty)));
else {
CCerror = strprintf("no token inputs");
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "TokenTransfer() " << CCerror << " for amount=" << total << std::endl);
//} else fprintf(stderr,"numoutputs.%d != numamounts.%d\n",n,(int32_t)amounts.size());
else {
CCerror = strprintf("insufficient normal inputs for tx fee");
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "TokenTransfer() " << CCerror << std::endl);
int64_t GetTokenBalance(CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid)
uint256 hashBlock;
CMutableTransaction mtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
CTransaction tokentx;
// CCerror = strprintf("obsolete, cannot return correct value without eval");
// return 0;
if (myGetTransaction(tokenid, tokentx, hashBlock) == 0)
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "cant find tokenid" << std::endl);
CCerror = strprintf("cant find tokenid");
return 0;
struct CCcontract_info *cp, C;
cp = CCinit(&C, EVAL_TOKENS);
return(AddTokenCCInputs(cp, mtx, pk, tokenid, 0, 0));
UniValue TokenInfo(uint256 tokenid)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
uint256 hashBlock;
CTransaction tokenbaseTx;
std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
vscript_t vopretNonfungible;
std::string name, description;
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensCCinfo;
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensCCinfo, EVAL_TOKENS);
if( !myGetTransaction(tokenid, tokenbaseTx, hashBlock) )
fprintf(stderr, "TokenInfo() cant find tokenid\n");
result.push_back(Pair("result", "error"));
result.push_back(Pair("error", "cant find tokenid"));
if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE && hashBlock.IsNull()) {
result.push_back(Pair("result", "error"));
result.push_back(Pair("error", "the transaction is still in mempool"));
if (tokenbaseTx.vout.size() > 0 && DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(tokenbaseTx.vout[tokenbaseTx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, origpubkey, name, description, oprets) != 'c')
5 years ago
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "TokenInfo() passed tokenid isnt token creation txid" << std::endl);
result.push_back(Pair("result", "error"));
result.push_back(Pair("error", "tokenid isnt token creation txid"));
return result;
result.push_back(Pair("result", "success"));
result.push_back(Pair("tokenid", tokenid.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("owner", HexStr(origpubkey)));
result.push_back(Pair("name", name));
int64_t supply = 0, output;
for (int v = 0; v < tokenbaseTx.vout.size() - 1; v++)
if ((output = IsTokensvout(false, true, cpTokens, NULL, tokenbaseTx, v, tokenid)) > 0)
supply += output;
result.push_back(Pair("supply", supply));
result.push_back(Pair("description", description));
GetOpretBlob(oprets, OPRETID_NONFUNGIBLEDATA, vopretNonfungible);
if( !vopretNonfungible.empty() )
result.push_back(Pair("data", HexStr(vopretNonfungible)));
if (tokenbaseTx.IsCoinImport()) { // if imported token
ImportProof proof;
CTransaction burnTx;
std::vector<CTxOut> payouts;
CTxDestination importaddress;
std::string sourceSymbol = "can't decode";
std::string sourceTokenId = "can't decode";
if (UnmarshalImportTx(tokenbaseTx, proof, burnTx, payouts))
// extract op_return to get burn source chain.
std::vector<uint8_t> burnOpret;
std::string targetSymbol;
uint32_t targetCCid;
uint256 payoutsHash;
std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof;
if (UnmarshalBurnTx(burnTx, targetSymbol, &targetCCid, payoutsHash, rawproof)) {
if (rawproof.size() > 0) {
CTransaction tokenbasetx;
E_UNMARSHAL(rawproof, ss >> sourceSymbol;
if (!ss.eof())
ss >> tokenbasetx);
if (!tokenbasetx.IsNull())
sourceTokenId = tokenbasetx.GetHash().GetHex();
result.push_back(Pair("IsImported", "yes"));
result.push_back(Pair("sourceChain", sourceSymbol));
result.push_back(Pair("sourceTokenId", sourceTokenId));
return result;
UniValue TokenList()
UniValue result(UniValue::VARR);
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount> > addressIndex;
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> > addressIndexCCMarker;
struct CCcontract_info *cp, C; uint256 txid, hashBlock;
CTransaction vintx; std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey;
std::string name, description;
cp = CCinit(&C, EVAL_TOKENS);
auto addTokenId = [&](uint256 txid) {
if (myGetTransaction(txid, vintx, hashBlock) != 0) {
if (vintx.vout.size() > 0 && DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, origpubkey, name, description) != 0) {
SetCCtxids(addressIndex, cp->normaladdr,false); // find by old normal addr marker
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount> >::const_iterator it = addressIndex.begin(); it != addressIndex.end(); it++) {
SetCCunspents(addressIndexCCMarker, cp->unspendableCCaddr,true); // find by burnable validated cc addr marker
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator it = addressIndexCCMarker.begin(); it != addressIndexCCMarker.end(); it++) {
6 years ago