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6 years ago
* Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. *
6 years ago
* *
* the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
* SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
* *
6 years ago
#include "cc/eval.h"
#include "cc/utils.h"
#include "importcoin.h"
#include "crosschain.h"
6 years ago
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "cc/CCinclude.h"
6 years ago
//#define LEV_INFO 0
//#define LEV_DEBUG1 1
//#define LOGSTREAM(category, level, logoperator) { std::ostringstream stream; logoperator; for(int i = 0; i < level; i ++) if( LogAcceptCategory( (std::string(category) + (level > 0 ? std::string("-")+std::to_string(level) : std::string("") )).c_str() ) ) LogPrintStr(stream.str()); }
6 years ago
* CC Eval method for import coin.
* This method should control every parameter of the ImportCoin transaction, since it has no signature
* to protect it from malleability.
##### 0xffffffff is a special CCid for single chain/dual daemon imports
6 years ago
extern std::string ASSETCHAINS_SELFIMPORT;
6 years ago
// utilities from gateways.cpp
uint256 BitcoinGetProofMerkleRoot(const std::vector<uint8_t> &proofData, std::vector<uint256> &txids);
uint256 GatewaysReverseScan(uint256 &txid, int32_t height, uint256 reforacletxid, uint256 batontxid);
int32_t GatewaysCointxidExists(struct CCcontract_info *cp, uint256 cointxid);
uint8_t DecodeGatewaysBindOpRet(char *depositaddr, const CScript &scriptPubKey, std::string &coin, uint256 &tokenid, int64_t &totalsupply, uint256 &oracletxid, uint8_t &M, uint8_t &N, std::vector<CPubKey> &pubkeys, uint8_t &taddr, uint8_t &prefix, uint8_t &prefix2);
// ac_import=chain support:
// encode opret for gateways import
CScript EncodeGatewaysImportTxOpRet(uint32_t targetCCid, std::string coin, uint256 bindtxid, std::vector<CPubKey> publishers, std::vector<uint256>txids, int32_t height, uint256 cointxid, int32_t claimvout, std::string rawburntx, std::vector<uint8_t>proof, CPubKey destpub, int64_t amount)
CScript opret;
opret << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << targetCCid << coin << bindtxid << publishers << txids << height << cointxid << claimvout << rawburntx << proof << destpub << amount);
bool ImportCoinGatewaysVerify(char *refdepositaddr, uint256 oracletxid, int32_t claimvout, std::string refcoin, uint256 burntxid, const std::string rawburntx, std::vector<uint8_t>proof, uint256 merkleroot)
std::vector<uint256> txids;
uint256 proofroot, hashBlock, foundtxid = zeroid;
CTransaction oracletx, burntx;
std::string name, description, format;
char destaddr[64], destpubaddr[64], claimaddr[64];
int32_t i, numvouts;
int64_t nValue = 0;
if (myGetTransaction(oracletxid, oracletx, hashBlock) == 0 || (numvouts = oracletx.vout.size()) <= 0)
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "ImportCoinGatewaysVerify can't find oracletxid=" << oracletxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return false;
if (DecodeOraclesCreateOpRet(oracletx.vout[numvouts - 1].scriptPubKey, name, description, format) != 'C' || name != refcoin)
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "ImportCoinGatewaysVerify mismatched oracle name=" << name.c_str() << " != " << refcoin.c_str() << std::endl);
return false;
proofroot = BitcoinGetProofMerkleRoot(proof, txids);
if (proofroot != merkleroot)
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "ImportCoinGatewaysVerify mismatched proof merkleroot=" << proofroot.GetHex() << " and oracles merkleroot=" << merkleroot.GetHex() << std::endl);
return false;
// check the burntxid is in the proof:
if (std::find(txids.begin(), txids.end(), burntxid) == txids.end()) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "ImportCoinGatewaysVerify invalid proof for this burntxid=" << burntxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return false;
if (DecodeHexTx(burntx, rawburntx) != 0)
Getscriptaddress(claimaddr, burntx.vout[claimvout].scriptPubKey);
Getscriptaddress(destpubaddr, CScript() << ParseHex(HexStr(destpub)) << OP_CHECKSIG);
if (strcmp(claimaddr, destpubaddr) == 0)
for (i = 0; i<numvouts; i++)
Getscriptaddress(destaddr, burntx.vout[i].scriptPubKey);
if (strcmp(refdepositaddr, destaddr) == 0)
foundtxid = burntx.GetHash();
nValue = burntx.vout[i].nValue;
else fprintf(stderr, "claimaddr.(%s) != destpubaddr.(%s)\n", claimaddr, destpubaddr);
if (foundtxid == burntxid) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", LEV_DEBUG1, stream << "verified proof for burntxid=" << burntxid.GetHex() << " in merkleroot merkleroot" << std::endl);
else {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", LEV_INFO, stream << "verified proof for burntxid=" << burntxid.GetHex() << " in merkleroot merkleroot" << std::endl);
fprintf(stderr, "(%s) != (%s) or txid %s mismatch.%d or script mismatch\n", refdepositaddr, destaddr, uint256_str(str, foundtxid), foundtxid != burntxid);
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "verified proof for burntxid=" << burntxid.GetHex() << " in trusted merkleroot" << std::endl);
return true;
// make import tx with burntx and its proof of existence
std::string MakeGatewaysImportTx(uint64_t txfee, uint256 bindtxid, int32_t height, std::string refcoin, std::vector<uint8_t>proof, std::string rawburntx, int32_t ivout, uint256 burntxid)
CMutableTransaction mtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
CTransaction burntx, bindtx;
CPubKey mypk, gatewayspk;
uint256 oracletxid, merkleroot, mhash, hashBlock, tokenid, txid;
int64_t totalsupply;
int32_t i, m, n, numvouts;
uint8_t M, N, taddr, prefix, prefix2;
std::string coin;
struct CCcontract_info *cp, C;
std::vector<CPubKey> pubkeys, publishers;
char depositaddr[64], txidaddr[64];
cp = CCinit(&C, EVAL_GATEWAYS);
/*if (txfee == 0)
txfee = 10000;
mypk = pubkey2pk(Mypubkey());
gatewayspk = GetUnspendable(cp, 0); */
if (!E_UNMARSHAL(ParseHex(rawburntx), ss >> burntx))
return std::string("");
CAmount amount = GetCoinImportValue(burntx); // equal to int64_t
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "MakeGatewaysImportTx height=" << height << " coin=" << refcoin << " amount=" << (double)amount / COIN << " pubkeys num=" << pubkeys.size() << std::endl);
if (GetTransaction(bindtxid, bindtx, hashBlock, false) == 0 || (numvouts = bindtx.vout.size()) <= 0)
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "MakeGatewaysImportTx cant find bindtxid=" << bindtxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
/* if (DecodeGatewaysBindOpRet(depositaddr, bindtx.vout[numvouts - 1].scriptPubKey, coin, tokenid, totalsupply, oracletxid, M, N, pubkeys, taddr, prefix, prefix2) != 'B' || refcoin != coin)
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "MakeGatewaysImportTx invalid coin - bindtxid=" << bindtxid.GetHex() << " coin=" << coin.c_str() << std::endl);
} eliminate link err */
n = (int32_t)pubkeys.size();
merkleroot = zeroid;
for (i = m = 0; i < n; i++)
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "MakeGatewaysImportTx using pubkeys[" << i << "]=" << HexStr(pubkeys[i]) << std::endl);
if ((mhash = GatewaysReverseScan(txid, height, oracletxid, OraclesBatontxid(oracletxid, pubkeys[i]))) != zeroid)
if (merkleroot == zeroid)
merkleroot = mhash, m = 1;
else if (mhash == merkleroot)
m ++;
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "MakeGatewaysImportTx burntxid=" << burntxid.GetHex() << " nodes m=" << m << " of n=" << n << std::endl);
if (merkleroot == zeroid || m < n / 2) // none or less than half oracle nodes sent merkleroot
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "MakeGatewaysImportTx couldnt find merkleroot for block height=" << height << "coin=" << coin.c_str() << " oracleid=" << oracletxid.GetHex() << " m=" << m << " vs n=" << n << std::endl );
if (GatewaysCointxidExists(cp, burntxid) != 0)
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "MakeGatewaysImportTx burntxid=" << burntxid.GetHex() << " already exists" << std::endl);
if (!ImportCoinGatewaysVerify(depositaddr, oracletxid, ivout, coin, burntxid, rawburntx, proof, merkleroot))
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "MakeGatewaysImportTx could not validate burntx, txid=" << burntxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
std::vector<uint256> leaftxids;
BitcoinGetProofMerkleRoot(proof, leaftxids);
MerkleBranch newBranch(0, leaftxids);
TxProof txProof = std::make_pair(burntxid, newBranch);
std::vector<CTxOut> vouts;
return HexStr(E_MARSHAL(ss << MakeImportCoinTransaction(txProof, burntx, vouts)));
/*if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, 3 * txfee, 4) > 0)
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(cp->evalcode, txfee, destpub));
mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(txfee, CScript() << ParseHex(HexStr(CCtxidaddr(txidaddr, burntxid))) << OP_CHECKSIG));
return(FinalizeCCTx(0, cp, mtx, mypk, txfee, EncodeGatewaysImportTxOpRet(0xFFFFFFFF, coin, bindtxid, publishers, txids, height, burntxid, ivout, rawburntx, proof, destpub, amount)));
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", LEV_INFO, stream << "MakeGatewaysImportTx coud not find normal imputs" << std::endl);*/
// makes source tx for self import tx
std::string MakeSelfImportSourceTx(CTxDestination &dest, int64_t amount, CMutableTransaction &mtx)
const int64_t txfee = 10000;
int64_t inputs, change;
CPubKey myPubKey = Mypubkey();
struct CCcontract_info *cpDummy, C;
cpDummy = CCinit(&C, EVAL_TOKENS);
mtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
if( (inputs = AddNormalinputs(mtx, myPubKey, txfee, 4)) == 0 ) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "MakeSelfImportSourceTx: cannot find normal imputs for txfee" << std::endl);
return std::string("");
CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(dest);
mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(txfee, scriptPubKey));
change = inputs - txfee;
if( change != 0 )
mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(change, CScript() << ParseHex(HexStr(myPubKey)) << OP_CHECKSIG));
//make opret with amount:
return FinalizeCCTx(0, cpDummy, mtx, myPubKey, txfee, CScript() << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << (uint8_t)EVAL_IMPORTCOIN << (uint8_t)'A' << amount));
// make sure vin0 is signed by ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEY33
int32_t CheckVin0PubKey(const CTransaction &sourcetx)
CTransaction vintx;
uint256 blockHash;
char destaddr[64], pkaddr[64];
if( !myGetTransaction([0].prevout.hash, vintx, blockHash) ) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "CheckVin0PubKey() could not load vintx" <<[0].prevout.hash.GetHex() << std::endl);
if([0].prevout.n < vintx.vout.size() && Getscriptaddress(destaddr, vintx.vout[[0].prevout.n].scriptPubKey) != 0 )
pubkey2addr(pkaddr, ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEY33);
if (strcmp(pkaddr, destaddr) == 0) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "CheckVin0PubKey() mismatched vin0[prevout.n=" <<[0].prevout.n << "] -> destaddr=" << destaddr << " vs pkaddr=" << pkaddr << std::endl);
return -1;
// ac_import=PUBKEY support:
// prepare a tx for creating import tx and quasi-burn tx
int32_t GetSelfimportProof(std::string source, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CScript &scriptPubKey, TxProof &proof, std::string rawsourcetx, int32_t &ivout, uint256 sourcetxid, uint64_t burnAmount) // find burnTx with hash from "other" daemon
MerkleBranch newBranch;
CMutableTransaction tmpmtx;
CTransaction sourcetx;
tmpmtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
if (!E_UNMARSHAL(ParseHex(rawsourcetx), ss >> sourcetx)) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "GetSelfimportProof: could not unmarshal source tx" << std::endl);
if (sourcetx.vout.size() == 0) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "GetSelfimportProof: vout size is 0" << std::endl);
return -1;
if (ivout < 0) { // "ivout < 0" means "find"
// try to find vout
CPubKey myPubkey = Mypubkey();
ivout = 0;
// skip change:
if (sourcetx.vout[ivout].scriptPubKey == (CScript() << ParseHex(HexStr(myPubkey)) << OP_CHECKSIG))
if (ivout >= sourcetx.vout.size()) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "GetSelfimportProof: needed vout not found" << std::endl);
return -1;
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "GetSelfimportProof: using vout[" << ivout << "] of the passed rawtx" << std::endl);
scriptPubKey = sourcetx.vout[ivout].scriptPubKey;
//mtx is template for import tx
mtx = sourcetx;
mtx.fOverwintered = tmpmtx.fOverwintered;
//malleability fix for burn tx:
//mtx.nExpiryHeight = tmpmtx.nExpiryHeight;
mtx.nExpiryHeight = sourcetx.nExpiryHeight;
mtx.nVersionGroupId = tmpmtx.nVersionGroupId;
mtx.nVersion = tmpmtx.nVersion;
mtx.vout[0].nValue = burnAmount;
mtx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey;
// not sure we need this now as we create sourcetx ourselves:
if (sourcetx.GetHash() != sourcetxid) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "GetSelfimportProof: passed source txid incorrect" << std::endl);
// check ac_pubkey:
if (CheckVin0PubKey(sourcetx) < 0) {
return -1;
proof = std::make_pair(sourcetxid, newBranch);
return 0;
// use proof from the above functions to validate the import
int32_t CheckBEAMimport(TxProof proof,std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof,CTransaction burnTx,std::vector<CTxOut> payouts)
// check with dual-BEAM daemon via ASSETCHAINS_BEAMPORT for validity of burnTx
int32_t CheckCODAimport(TxProof proof,std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof,CTransaction burnTx,std::vector<CTxOut> payouts)
// check with dual-CODA daemon via ASSETCHAINS_CODAPORT for validity of burnTx
int32_t CheckGATEWAYimport(TxProof proof,std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof,CTransaction burnTx,std::vector<CTxOut> payouts)
// check for valid burn from external coin blockchain and if valid return(0);
int32_t CheckPUBKEYimport(TxProof proof,std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof,CTransaction burnTx,std::vector<CTxOut> payouts)
// if burnTx has ASSETCHAINS_PUBKEY vin, it is valid return(0);
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "proof txid=" << proof.first.GetHex() << std::endl);
uint256 sourcetxid = proof.first, hashBlock;
CTransaction sourcetx;
if (!myGetTransaction(sourcetxid, sourcetx, hashBlock)) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "could not load source txid=" << sourcetxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return -1;
if (sourcetx.vout.size() == 0) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "no vouts in source txid=" << sourcetxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return -1;
//ac_pubkey check:
if (CheckVin0PubKey(sourcetx) < 0) {
return -1;
// get source tx opret:
std::vector<uint8_t> vopret;
uint8_t evalCode, funcId;
int64_t amount;
GetOpReturnData(sourcetx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, vopret);
if (vopret.size() == 0 || !E_UNMARSHAL(vopret, ss >> evalCode; ss >> funcId; ss >> amount) || evalCode != EVAL_IMPORTCOIN || funcId != 'A') {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "no or incorrect opret to validate in source txid=" << sourcetxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return -1;
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "importTx amount=" << payouts[0].nValue << " burnTx amount=" << burnTx.vout[0].nValue << " opret amount=" << amount << " source txid=" << sourcetxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
// amount malleability check with the opret from the source tx:
if (payouts[0].nValue != amount) { // assume that burntx amount is checked in the common code in Eval::ImportCoin()
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "importTx amount != amount in the opret of source txid=" << sourcetxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return -1;
bool Eval::ImportCoin(const std::vector<uint8_t> params,const CTransaction &importTx,unsigned int nIn)
6 years ago
TxProof proof; CTransaction burnTx; std::vector<CTxOut> payouts; uint64_t txfee = 10000;
uint32_t targetCcid; std::string targetSymbol; uint256 payoutsHash; std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof;
if ( importTx.vout.size() < 2 )
6 years ago
return Invalid("too-few-vouts");
6 years ago
// params
6 years ago
if (!UnmarshalImportTx(importTx, proof, burnTx, payouts))
6 years ago
return Invalid("invalid-params");
// Control all aspects of this transaction
6 years ago
// It should not be at all malleable
if (MakeImportCoinTransaction(proof, burnTx, payouts, importTx.nExpiryHeight).GetHash() != importTx.GetHash())
6 years ago
return Invalid("non-canonical");
// burn params
if (!UnmarshalBurnTx(burnTx, targetSymbol, &targetCcid, payoutsHash, rawproof))
6 years ago
return Invalid("invalid-burn-tx");
6 years ago
// check burn amount
uint64_t burnAmount = burnTx.vout.back().nValue;
6 years ago
if (burnAmount == 0)
return Invalid("invalid-burn-amount");
uint64_t totalOut = 0;
for (int i=0; i<importTx.vout.size(); i++)
totalOut += importTx.vout[i].nValue;
if (totalOut > burnAmount || totalOut < burnAmount-txfee )
return Invalid("payout-too-high-or-too-low");
6 years ago
// Check burntx shows correct outputs hash
6 years ago
if (payoutsHash != SerializeHash(payouts))
6 years ago
return Invalid("wrong-payouts");
return Invalid("chain-not-fungible");
6 years ago
// Check proof confirms existance of burnTx
if ( targetCcid != 0xffffffff )
6 years ago
if ( targetCcid != GetAssetchainsCC() || targetSymbol != GetAssetchainsSymbol() )
return Invalid("importcoin-wrong-chain");
uint256 target = proof.second.Exec(burnTx.GetHash());
if (!CheckMoMoM(proof.first, target))
6 years ago
return Invalid("momom-check-fail");
if ( targetSymbol == "BEAM" )
return Invalid("BEAM-import-without-port");
else if ( CheckBEAMimport(proof,rawproof,burnTx,payouts) < 0 )
return Invalid("BEAM-import-failure");
else if ( targetSymbol == "CODA" )
return Invalid("CODA-import-without-port");
else if ( CheckCODAimport(proof,rawproof,burnTx,payouts) < 0 )
return Invalid("CODA-import-failure");
else if ( targetSymbol == "PUBKEY" )
return Invalid("PUBKEY-import-when-notPUBKEY");
else if ( CheckPUBKEYimport(proof,rawproof,burnTx,payouts) < 0 )
return Invalid("PUBKEY-import-failure");
if ( targetSymbol != ASSETCHAINS_SELFIMPORT )
return Invalid("invalid-gateway-import-coin");
else if ( CheckGATEWAYimport(proof,rawproof,burnTx,payouts) < 0 )
return Invalid("GATEWAY-import-failure");
6 years ago
return Valid();