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Add relnotes for 3.7.1

Duke Leto 3 years ago
  1. 27


@ -12,6 +12,33 @@ evil organizations.
# Hush 3.7.1 "Neologistic Nautilus" # Hush 3.7.1 "Neologistic Nautilus"
638 files changed, 1484 insertions(+), 962 deletions(-)
This is an OPTIONAL release for average Hush users, but is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for service providers, such as lite wallet server ops, mining pools, exchanges, bots, etc.
## Notable Changes
* :tada: More internals code related to unused Sprout transactions was removed, making Hush run and compile faster and use less memory.
* :smile: We now give a more useful error message when a user attempts to make a tx before the node is synced.
* :nerd: `z_sendmany` RPC docs now show an example of a z2z transaction
* :unicorn: Various security + privacy improvements to the network Peer To Peer (p2p) layer, including:
* The deprecated `alert` p2p message is no longer processed and nodes using it will be banned.
* `try-before-evict` ported from BTC core, which helps protect again Eclipse and Sybil Attacks
* "Feeler connections" ported from BTC, another technique which makes Eclipse and Sybil Attacks harder and more expensive
* From the paper "Eclipse Attacks on Bitcoin’s Peer-to-Peer Network" Ethan Heilman, Alison Kendler, Aviv Zohar, Sharon Goldberg.
* Related to
* :money_mouth: New RPC: `z_getbalances` returns a list of all zaddrs with non-zero balance.
* An optional paramater can filter addresses to those with a specified minimum balance, such as
`z_getbalances 0.1` will only show HUSH zaddrs with at least 0.1 HUSH.
* :rainbow: "Automagic `z_sendmany`" makes the RPC easier to use and also improves privacy
* The `z_sendmany` RPC now understands a symbolic from address of `z` which means:
* Randomly choose any zaddr with enough balance as from address
* This means CLI users no longer need to run multiple RPC's to find a zaddr with enough balance and specify it themselves
* It also means that CLI shell history and cronjobs or source code does not contain the source zaddr, improving privacy.
# Hush 3.7.0 "Diffy The DAA Kungfoo Cuckoo" # Hush 3.7.0 "Diffy The DAA Kungfoo Cuckoo"
``` ```
