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remove some nasty-ass jl777 KMD interest code

Duke Leto 4 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 176


@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ bool check_pprevnotarizedht();
#include "hush_utils.h"
#include "komodo_curve25519.h"
#include "komodo_cJSON.c"
#include "komodo_bitcoind.h"
#include "hush_bitcoind.h"
#include "komodo_interest.h"
#include "komodo_pax.h"
#include "hush_notary.h"


@ -17,189 +17,19 @@
#include "hush_defs.h"
#define SATOSHIDEN ((uint64_t)100000000L)
#define dstr(x) ((double)(x) / SATOSHIDEN)
#define KOMODO_ENDOFERA 7777777
#define KOMODO_INTEREST ((uint64_t)5000000) //((uint64_t)(0.05 * COIN)) // 5%
extern int64_t MAX_MONEY;
extern uint8_t NOTARY_PUBKEY33[];
#ifdef notanymore
uint64_t komodo_earned_interest(int32_t height,int64_t paidinterest)
static uint64_t *interests; static int32_t maxheight;
uint64_t total; int32_t ind,incr = 10000;
// need to make interests persistent before 2030, or just hardfork interest/mining rewards disable after MAX_MONEY is exceeded
if ( height >= maxheight )
if ( interests == 0 )
maxheight = height + incr;
interests = (uint64_t *)calloc(maxheight,sizeof(*interests) * 2);
interests = (uint64_t *)realloc(interests,(maxheight + incr) * sizeof(*interests) * 2);
memset(&interests[maxheight << 1],0,incr * sizeof(*interests) * 2);
maxheight += incr;
ind = (height << 1);
if ( paidinterest < 0 ) // request
if ( interests[ind + 1] != paidinterest ) // need to handle skips like at 80000
//fprintf(stderr,"interests.%d %.8f %.8f vs paidinterest %.8f\n",height,dstr(interests[ind]),dstr(interests[ind+1]),dstr(paidinterest));
interests[ind + 1] = paidinterest;
if ( height <= 1 )
interests[ind] = 0;
else interests[ind] = interests[ind - 2] + interests[ind - 1];
total = interests[ind] + paidinterest;
//fprintf(stderr,"reset interests[height.%d to maxheight.%d] <- %.8f\n",height,maxheight,dstr(total));
for (++height; height<maxheight; height++)
ind = (height << 1);
interests[ind] = total;
interests[ind + 1] = 0;
//else fprintf(stderr,"interests.%d %.8f %.8f\n",height,dstr(interests[ind]),dstr(interests[ind+1]));
uint64_t komodo_moneysupply(int32_t height)
if ( height <= 1 || SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 )
else return(COIN * 100000000 + (height-1) * 3 + komodo_earned_interest(height,-1));
uint64_t _komodo_interestnew(int32_t txheight,uint64_t nValue,uint32_t nLockTime,uint32_t tiptime)
int32_t minutes; uint64_t interest = 0;
if ( nLockTime >= LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD && tiptime > nLockTime && (minutes= (tiptime - nLockTime) / 60) >= (KOMODO_MAXMEMPOOLTIME/60) )
if ( minutes > 365 * 24 * 60 )
minutes = 365 * 24 * 60;
if ( txheight >= 1000000 && minutes > 31 * 24 * 60 )
minutes = 31 * 24 * 60;
minutes -= ((KOMODO_MAXMEMPOOLTIME/60) - 1);
interest = ((nValue / 10512000) * minutes);
return 0;
uint64_t komodo_interestnew(int32_t txheight,uint64_t nValue,uint32_t nLockTime,uint32_t tiptime)
uint64_t interest = 0;
if ( txheight < KOMODO_ENDOFERA && nLockTime >= LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD && tiptime != 0 && nLockTime < tiptime && nValue >= 10*COIN ) //komodo_moneysupply(txheight) < MAX_MONEY &&
interest = _komodo_interestnew(txheight,nValue,nLockTime,tiptime);
return 0;
uint64_t komodo_interest(int32_t txheight,uint64_t nValue,uint32_t nLockTime,uint32_t tiptime)
int32_t minutes,exception; uint64_t interestnew,numerator,denominator,interest = 0; uint32_t activation;
activation = 1491350400; // 1491350400 5th April
if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 )
if ( txheight >= KOMODO_ENDOFERA )
if ( nLockTime >= LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD && tiptime != 0 && nLockTime < tiptime && nValue >= 10*COIN ) //komodo_moneysupply(txheight) < MAX_MONEY &&
if ( (minutes= (tiptime - nLockTime) / 60) >= 60 )
if ( minutes > 365 * 24 * 60 )
minutes = 365 * 24 * 60;
if ( txheight >= 250000 )
minutes -= 59;
denominator = (((uint64_t)365 * 24 * 60) / minutes);
if ( denominator == 0 )
denominator = 1; // max KOMODO_INTEREST per transfer, do it at least annually!
if ( nValue > 25000LL*COIN )
exception = 0;
if ( txheight <= 155949 )
if ( (txheight == 116607 && nValue == 2502721100000LL) ||
(txheight == 126891 && nValue == 2879650000000LL) ||
(txheight == 129510 && nValue == 3000000000000LL) ||
(txheight == 141549 && nValue == 3500000000000LL) ||
(txheight == 154473 && nValue == 3983399350000LL) ||
(txheight == 154736 && nValue == 3983406748175LL) ||
(txheight == 155013 && nValue == 3983414006565LL) ||
(txheight == 155492 && nValue == 3983427592291LL) ||
(txheight == 155613 && nValue == 9997409999999797LL) ||
(txheight == 157927 && nValue == 9997410667451072LL) ||
(txheight == 155613 && nValue == 2590000000000LL) ||
(txheight == 155949 && nValue == 4000000000000LL) )
exception = 1;
if ( exception == 0 || nValue == 4000000000000LL )
printf(">>>>>>>>>>>> exception.%d txheight.%d %.8f locktime %u vs tiptime %u <<<<<<<<<\n",exception,txheight,(double)nValue/COIN,nLockTime,tiptime);
//if ( nValue == 4000000000000LL )
// printf(">>>>>>>>>>>> exception.%d txheight.%d %.8f locktime %u vs tiptime %u <<<<<<<<<\n",exception,txheight,(double)nValue/COIN,nLockTime,tiptime);
if ( exception == 0 )
numerator = (nValue / 20); // assumes 5%!
if ( txheight < 250000 )
interest = (numerator / denominator);
else if ( txheight < 1000000 )
interest = (numerator * minutes) / ((uint64_t)365 * 24 * 60);
interestnew = _komodo_interestnew(txheight,nValue,nLockTime,tiptime);
if ( interest < interestnew )
printf("pathA current interest %.8f vs new %.8f for ht.%d %.8f locktime.%u tiptime.%u\n",dstr(interest),dstr(interestnew),txheight,dstr(nValue),nLockTime,tiptime);
else interest = _komodo_interestnew(txheight,nValue,nLockTime,tiptime);
else if ( txheight < 1000000 )
numerator = (nValue * KOMODO_INTEREST);
interest = (numerator / denominator) / COIN;
interestnew = _komodo_interestnew(txheight,nValue,nLockTime,tiptime);
if ( interest < interestnew )
printf("pathB current interest %.8f vs new %.8f for ht.%d %.8f locktime.%u tiptime.%u\n",dstr(interest),dstr(interestnew),txheight,dstr(nValue),nLockTime,tiptime);
else interest = _komodo_interestnew(txheight,nValue,nLockTime,tiptime);
/* 250000 algo
numerator = (nValue * KOMODO_INTEREST);
if ( txheight < 250000 || numerator * minutes < 365 * 24 * 60 )
interest = (numerator / denominator) / COIN;
else interest = ((numerator * minutes) / ((uint64_t)365 * 24 * 60)) / COIN;
numerator = (nValue * KOMODO_INTEREST);
if ( txheight < 250000 || tiptime < activation )
if ( txheight < 250000 || numerator * minutes < 365 * 24 * 60 )
interest = (numerator / denominator) / COIN;
else interest = ((numerator * minutes) / ((uint64_t)365 * 24 * 60)) / COIN;
else if ( txheight < 1000000 )
numerator = (nValue / 20); // assumes 5%!
interest = ((numerator * minutes) / ((uint64_t)365 * 24 * 60));
//fprintf(stderr,"interest %llu %.8f <- numerator.%llu minutes.%d\n",(long long)interest,(double)interest/COIN,(long long)numerator,(int32_t)minutes);
interestnew = _komodo_interestnew(txheight,nValue,nLockTime,tiptime);
if ( interest < interestnew )
fprintf(stderr,"pathC current interest %.8f vs new %.8f for ht.%d %.8f locktime.%u tiptime.%u\n",dstr(interest),dstr(interestnew),txheight,dstr(nValue),nLockTime,tiptime);
else interest = _komodo_interestnew(txheight,nValue,nLockTime,tiptime);
if ( 0 && numerator == (nValue * KOMODO_INTEREST) )
fprintf(stderr,"komodo_interest.%d %lld %.8f nLockTime.%u tiptime.%u minutes.%d interest %lld %.8f (%llu / %llu) prod.%llu\n",txheight,(long long)nValue,(double)nValue/COIN,nLockTime,tiptime,minutes,(long long)interest,(double)interest/COIN,(long long)numerator,(long long)denominator,(long long)(numerator * minutes));
return 0;
