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jl777 5 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 297


@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ bool FaucetValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,const CTransaction &tx
//int height = it->first.blockHeight;
if ( CCduration(numblocks,it->first.txhash) > 0 && numblocks > 3 )
//fprintf(stderr,"would return error %s numblocks.%d ago\n",uint256_str(str,it->first.txhash),numblocks);
return eval->Invalid("faucet is only for brand new addresses");
fprintf(stderr,"txid %s numblocks.%d ago\n",uint256_str(str,it->first.txhash),numblocks);
retval = PreventCC(eval,tx,preventCCvins,numvins,preventCCvouts,numvouts);
if ( retval != 0 )


@ -88,6 +88,54 @@ extern "C" int secp256k1_musig_pubkey_combine(const secp256k1_context* ctx, secp
#define MUSIG_PREVN 0 // for now, just use vout0 for the musig output
#define MUSIG_TXFEE 10000
struct musig_info
secp256k1_musig_session musig_session;
secp256k1_pubkey combined_pk;
uint8_t *nonce_commitments; // 32*N_SIGNERS
secp256k1_musig_session_signer_data *signer_data; //[N_SIGNERS];
secp256k1_pubkey *nonce; //[N_SIGNERS];
secp256k1_musig_partial_signature *partial_sig; //[N_SIGNERS];
int32_t myind,num;
uint8_t msg[32],pkhash[32],combpk[33];
struct musig_info *musig_infocreate(int32_t myind,int32_t num)
struct musig_info *mp = (struct musig_info *)calloc(1,sizeof(*mp));
mp->myind = myind, mp->num = num;
mp->nonce_commitments = (uint8_t *)calloc(num,32);
mp->signer_data = (uint8_t *)calloc(num,sizeof(*np->signer_data));
mp->nonce = (uint8_t *)calloc(num,sizeof(*np->nonce));
mp->partial_sig = (uint8_t *)calloc(num,sizeof(*np->partial_sig));
void musig_infofree(struct musig_info *mp)
if ( mp->partial_sig != 0 )
if ( mp->nonce != 0 )
if ( mp->signer_data != 0 )
if ( mp->nonce_commitments != 0 )
CScript musig_sendopret(uint8_t funcid,CPubKey pk)
CScript opret; uint8_t evalcode = EVAL_MUSIG;
@ -215,111 +263,158 @@ UniValue musig_combine(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *params)
UniValue musig_session(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *params)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
/** Initializes a signing session for a signer
* Returns: 1: session is successfully initialized
* 0: session could not be initialized: secret key or secret nonce overflow
* Args: ctx: pointer to a context object, initialized for signing (cannot
* be NULL)
* Out: session: the session structure to initialize (cannot be NULL)
* signers: an array of signers' data to be initialized. Array length must
* equal to `n_signers` (cannot be NULL)
* nonce_commitment32: filled with a 32-byte commitment to the generated nonce
* (cannot be NULL)
* In: session_id32: a *unique* 32-byte ID to assign to this session (cannot be
* NULL). If a non-unique session_id32 was given then a partial
* signature will LEAK THE SECRET KEY.
* msg32: the 32-byte message to be signed. Shouldn't be NULL unless you
* require sharing public nonces before the message is known
* because it reduces nonce misuse resistance. If NULL, must be
* set with `musig_session_set_msg` before signing and verifying.
* combined_pk: the combined public key of all signers (cannot be NULL)
* pk_hash32: the 32-byte hash of the signers' individual keys (cannot be
* n_signers: length of signers array. Number of signers participating in
* the MuSig. Must be greater than 0 and at most 2^32 - 1.
* my_index: index of this signer in the signers array
* seckey: the signer's 32-byte secret key (cannot be NULL)
//if (!secp256k1_musig_session_initialize(ctx, &musig_session[i], signer_data[i], nonce_commitment[i], session_id32, msg32, &combined_pk, pk_hash, N_SIGNERS, i, seckeys[i]))
//return 0;
// randombytes_buf(buf, num);
//nonce_commitment_ptr[i] = &nonce_commitment[i][0];
static secp256k1_context *ctx;
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int32_t i,n,myind,num; char *pkstr,*pkhashstr,*msgstr; uint8_t session[32],msg[32],pkhash[32],privkey[32],pub33[33]; CPubKey pk; char str[67];
if ( ctx == 0 )
ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY);
if ( params != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(params)) == 5 )
// set the 5 args: myind, num, pub33, pkhash32, msg32
if ( MUSIG != 0 )
musig_infofree(MUSIG), MUSIG = 0;
MUSIG = musig_infocreate(myind,num);
pk = buf2pk(pub33);
if ( secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(ctx,&MUSIG->combined_pk,pk.begin(),33) > 0 )
/** Initializes a signing session for a signer
* Returns: 1: session is successfully initialized
* 0: session could not be initialized: secret key or secret nonce overflow
* Args: ctx: pointer to a context object, initialized for signing (cannot
* be NULL)
* Out: session: the session structure to initialize (cannot be NULL)
* signers: an array of signers' data to be initialized. Array length must
* equal to `n_signers` (cannot be NULL)
* nonce_commitment32: filled with a 32-byte commitment to the generated nonce
* (cannot be NULL)
* In: session_id32: a *unique* 32-byte ID to assign to this session (cannot be
* NULL). If a non-unique session_id32 was given then a partial
* signature will LEAK THE SECRET KEY.
* msg32: the 32-byte message to be signed. Shouldn't be NULL unless you
* require sharing public nonces before the message is known
* because it reduces nonce misuse resistance. If NULL, must be
* set with `musig_session_set_msg` before signing and verifying.
* combined_pk: the combined public key of all signers (cannot be NULL)
* pk_hash32: the 32-byte hash of the signers' individual keys (cannot be
* n_signers: length of signers array. Number of signers participating in
* the MuSig. Must be greater than 0 and at most 2^32 - 1.
* my_index: index of this signer in the signers array
* seckey: the signer's 32-byte secret key (cannot be NULL)
if ( secp256k1_musig_session_initialize(ctx,&MUSIG->musig_session,MUSIG->signer_data, &MUSIG->nonce_commitment[MUSIG->myind * 32],session,MUSIG->msg,&MUSIG->combined_pk,MUSIG->pkhash,MUSIG->num,MUSIG->myind,privkey) > 0 )
for (i=0; i<32; i++)
sprintf(&str[i<<1],"%02x",MUSIG->nonce_commitment[MUSIG->myind*32 + i]);
str[64] = 0;
} else return(cclib_error(result,"couldnt initialize session"));
} else return(cclib_error(result,"couldnt parse combined pubkey"));
} else return(cclib_error(result,"wrong number of params, need 5: myindex, numsigners, combined_pk, pkhash, msg32"));
UniValue musig_commit(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *params)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
/** Gets the signer's public nonce given a list of all signers' data with commitments
* Returns: 1: public nonce is written in nonce
* 0: signer data is missing commitments or session isn't initialized
* for signing
* Args: ctx: pointer to a context object (cannot be NULL)
* session: the signing session to get the nonce from (cannot be NULL)
* signers: an array of signers' data initialized with
* `musig_session_initialize`. Array length must equal to
* `n_commitments` (cannot be NULL)
* Out: nonce: the nonce (cannot be NULL)
* In: commitments: array of 32-byte nonce commitments (cannot be NULL)
* n_commitments: the length of commitments and signers array. Must be the total
* number of signers participating in the MuSig.
// Set nonce commitments in the signer data and get the own public nonce
//if (!secp256k1_musig_session_get_public_nonce(ctx, &musig_session[i], signer_data[i], &nonce[i], nonce_commitment_ptr, N_SIGNERS))
// return 0;
static secp256k1_context *ctx;
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int32_t n;
if ( ctx == 0 )
ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY);
if ( params != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(params)) == 3 )
// pkhash, ind, commitment
// if all commitments, emit nonce, else just update MUSIG->
/** Gets the signer's public nonce given a list of all signers' data with commitments
* Returns: 1: public nonce is written in nonce
* 0: signer data is missing commitments or session isn't initialized
* for signing
* Args: ctx: pointer to a context object (cannot be NULL)
* session: the signing session to get the nonce from (cannot be NULL)
* signers: an array of signers' data initialized with
* `musig_session_initialize`. Array length must equal to
* `n_commitments` (cannot be NULL)
* Out: nonce: the nonce (cannot be NULL)
* In: commitments: array of 32-byte nonce commitments (cannot be NULL)
* n_commitments: the length of commitments and signers array. Must be the total
* number of signers participating in the MuSig.
// Set nonce commitments in the signer data and get the own public nonce
//if (secp256k1_musig_session_get_public_nonce(ctx, &musig_session[i], signer_data[i], &nonce[i], nonce_commitment_ptr, N_SIGNERS) > 0 )
// publish nonce
// return 0;
} else return(cclib_error(result,"wrong number of params, need 3: pkhash, ind, commitment"));
UniValue musig_nonce(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *params)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
/** Checks a signer's public nonce against a commitment to said nonce, and update
* data structure if they match
* Returns: 1: commitment was valid, data structure updated
* 0: commitment was invalid, nothing happened
* Args: ctx: pointer to a context object (cannot be NULL)
* signer: pointer to the signer data to update (cannot be NULL). Must have
* been used with `musig_session_get_public_nonce` or initialized
* with `musig_session_initialize_verifier`.
* In: nonce: signer's alleged public nonce (cannot be NULL)
//if (!secp256k1_musig_set_nonce(ctx, &signer_data[i][j], &nonce[j])) {
/** Updates a session with the combined public nonce of all signers. The combined
* public nonce is the sum of every signer's public nonce.
* Returns: 1: nonces are successfully combined
* 0: a signer's nonce is missing
* Args: ctx: pointer to a context object (cannot be NULL)
* session: session to update with the combined public nonce (cannot be
* signers: an array of signers' data, which must have had public nonces
* set with `musig_set_nonce`. Array length must equal to `n_signers`
* (cannot be NULL)
* n_signers: the length of the signers array. Must be the total number of
* signers participating in the MuSig.
* Out: nonce_is_negated: a pointer to an integer that indicates if the combined
* public nonce had to be negated.
* adaptor: point to add to the combined public nonce. If NULL, nothing is
* added to the combined nonce.
// after all nonces: if (!secp256k1_musig_session_combine_nonces(ctx, &musig_session[i], signer_data[i], N_SIGNERS, NULL, NULL)) {
static secp256k1_context *ctx;
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int32_t n;
if ( ctx == 0 )
ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY);
if ( params != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(params)) > 0 )
// pkhash, ind, nonce
// if all nonces, combine nonce, else just update MUSIG->
/** Checks a signer's public nonce against a commitment to said nonce, and update
* data structure if they match
* Returns: 1: commitment was valid, data structure updated
* 0: commitment was invalid, nothing happened
* Args: ctx: pointer to a context object (cannot be NULL)
* signer: pointer to the signer data to update (cannot be NULL). Must have
* been used with `musig_session_get_public_nonce` or initialized
* with `musig_session_initialize_verifier`.
* In: nonce: signer's alleged public nonce (cannot be NULL)
//if (!secp256k1_musig_set_nonce(ctx, &signer_data[i][j], &nonce[j])) {
/** Updates a session with the combined public nonce of all signers. The combined
* public nonce is the sum of every signer's public nonce.
* Returns: 1: nonces are successfully combined
* 0: a signer's nonce is missing
* Args: ctx: pointer to a context object (cannot be NULL)
* session: session to update with the combined public nonce (cannot be
* signers: an array of signers' data, which must have had public nonces
* set with `musig_set_nonce`. Array length must equal to `n_signers`
* (cannot be NULL)
* n_signers: the length of the signers array. Must be the total number of
* signers participating in the MuSig.
* Out: nonce_is_negated: a pointer to an integer that indicates if the combined
* public nonce had to be negated.
* adaptor: point to add to the combined public nonce. If NULL, nothing is
* added to the combined nonce.
// after all nonces: if (!secp256k1_musig_session_combine_nonces(ctx, &musig_session[i], signer_data[i], N_SIGNERS, NULL, NULL)) {
} else return(cclib_error(result,"wrong number of params, need 3: pkhash, ind, nonce"));
UniValue musig_partialsign(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *params)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
static secp256k1_context *ctx;
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int32_t n;
if ( ctx == 0 )
ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY);
if ( params != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(params)) > 0 )
// similar to commit/nonce
/** Produces a partial signature
@ -349,7 +444,14 @@ UniValue musig_partialsign(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *para
UniValue musig_sigcombine(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *params)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
static secp256k1_context *ctx;
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int32_t n;
if ( ctx == 0 )
ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY);
if ( params != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(params)) > 0 )
// finally!
/** Checks that an individual partial signature verifies
@ -387,7 +489,14 @@ UniValue musig_sigcombine(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *param
UniValue musig_verify(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *params)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
static secp256k1_context *ctx;
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int32_t n;
if ( ctx == 0 )
ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY);
if ( params != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(params)) > 0 )
// can code this out of order
/** Verify a Schnorr signature.
