#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Hush developers # Copyright (c) 2018 SuperNET developers # Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.authproxy import JSONRPCException from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_greater_than, \ initialize_chain_clean, initialize_chain, start_nodes, start_node, connect_nodes_bi, \ stop_nodes, sync_blocks, sync_mempools, wait_bitcoinds, rpc_port, assert_raises import time from decimal import Decimal from random import choice from string import ascii_uppercase def assert_success(result): assert_equal(result['result'], 'success') def assert_error(result): assert_equal(result['result'], 'error') def generate_random_string(length): random_string = ''.join(choice(ascii_uppercase) for i in range(length)) return random_string class CryptoConditionsTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def setup_chain(self): print("Initializing CC test directory "+self.options.tmpdir) self.num_nodes = 2 initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, self.num_nodes) def setup_network(self, split = False): print("Setting up network...") self.addr = "RWPg8B91kfK5UtUN7z6s6TeV9cHSGtVY8D" self.pubkey = "02676d00110c2cd14ae24f95969e8598f7ccfaa675498b82654a5b5bd57fc1d8cf" self.privkey = "UqMgxk7ySPNQ4r9nKAFPjkXy6r5t898yhuNCjSZJLg3RAM4WW1m9" self.addr1 = "RXEXoa1nRmKhMbuZovpcYwQMsicwzccZBp" self.pubkey1 = "024026d4ad4ecfc1f705a9b42ca64af6d2ad947509c085534a30b8861d756c6ff0" self.privkey1 = "UtdydP56pGTFmawHzHr1wDrc4oUwCNW1ttX8Pc3KrvH3MA8P49Wi" self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args=[[ # always give -ac_name as first extra_arg and port as third '-ac_name=REGTEST', '-conf='+self.options.tmpdir+'/node0/REGTEST.conf', '-port=64367', '-rpcport=64368', '-regtest', '-addressindex=1', '-spentindex=1', '-ac_supply=5555555', '-ac_reward=10000000000000', '-pubkey=' + self.pubkey, '-ac_cc=2', '-allowlist=', '-debug', '--daemon', '-rpcuser=rt', '-rpcpassword=rt' ], ['-ac_name=REGTEST', '-conf='+self.options.tmpdir+'/node1/REGTEST.conf', '-port=64365', '-rpcport=64366', '-regtest', '-addressindex=1', '-spentindex=1', '-ac_supply=5555555', '-ac_reward=10000000000000', '-pubkey=' + self.pubkey1, '-ac_cc=2', '-allowlist=', '-debug', '-addnode=', '--daemon', '-rpcuser=rt', '-rpcpassword=rt']] ) self.is_network_split = split self.rpc = self.nodes[0] self.rpc1 = self.nodes[1] self.sync_all() print("Done setting up network") def send_and_mine(self, xtn, rpc_connection): txid = rpc_connection.sendrawtransaction(xtn) assert txid, 'got txid' # we need the tx above to be confirmed in the next block rpc_connection.generate(1) return txid def run_faucet_tests(self): rpc = self.rpc rpc1 = self.rpc1 # basic sanity tests result = rpc.getwalletinfo() assert_greater_than(result['txcount'], 100) assert_greater_than(result['balance'], 0.0) balance = result['balance'] faucet = rpc.faucetaddress() assert_equal(faucet['result'], 'success') # verify all keys look like valid AC addrs, could be better for x in ['myCCAddress(Faucet)', 'FaucetCCAddress', 'FaucetCCTokensAddress', 'myaddress', 'FaucetNormalAddress']: assert_equal(faucet[x][0], 'R') result = rpc.faucetaddress(self.pubkey) assert_success(result) # test that additional CCaddress key is returned for x in ['myCCAddress(Faucet)', 'FaucetCCAddress', 'FaucetCCTokensAddress', 'myaddress', 'FaucetNormalAddress']: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') # no funds in the faucet yet result = rpc.faucetget() assert_error(result) result = rpc.faucetinfo() assert_success(result) result = rpc.faucetfund("0") assert_error(result) result = rpc.faucetfund("-1") assert_error(result) # we need at least 1 + txfee to get result = rpc.faucetfund("2") assert_success(result) assert result['hex'], "hex key found" # broadcast the xtn result = rpc.sendrawtransaction(result['hex']) txid = result[0] assert txid, "found txid" # we need the tx above to be confirmed in the next block rpc.generate(1) self.sync_all() result = rpc.getwalletinfo() # minus one block reward balance2 = result['balance'] - 100000 # make sure our balance is less now assert_greater_than(balance, balance2) result = rpc.faucetinfo() assert_success(result) assert_greater_than( result['funding'], 0 ) # claiming faucet on second node faucetgethex = rpc1.faucetget() assert_success(faucetgethex) assert faucetgethex['hex'], "hex key found" balance1 = rpc1.getwalletinfo()['balance'] # try to broadcast the faucetget transaction result = self.send_and_mine(faucetgethex['hex'], rpc1) assert txid, "transaction broadcasted" balance2 = rpc1.getwalletinfo()['balance'] assert_greater_than(balance2, balance1) self.sync_all() def run_dice_tests(self): rpc = self.nodes[0] rpc1 = self.nodes[1] self.sync_all() # have to generate few blocks on second node to be able to place bets rpc1.generate(10) result = rpc1.getbalance() assert_greater_than(result, 100000) dice = rpc.diceaddress() assert_equal(dice['result'], 'success') for x in ['myCCAddress(Dice)', 'DiceCCAddress', 'DiceCCTokensAddress', 'myaddress', 'DiceNormalAddress']: assert_equal(dice[x][0], 'R') dice = rpc.diceaddress(self.pubkey) assert_equal(dice['result'], 'success') for x in ['myCCAddress(Dice)', 'DiceCCAddress', 'DiceCCTokensAddress', 'myaddress', 'DiceNormalAddress']: assert_equal(dice[x][0], 'R') # no dice created yet result = rpc.dicelist() assert_equal(result, []) # creating dice plan with too long name (>8 chars) result = rpc.dicefund("THISISTOOLONG", "10000", "10", "10000", "10", "5") assert_error(result) # creating dice plan with < 100 funding result = rpc.dicefund("LUCKY","10","1","10000","10","5") assert_error(result) # creating dice plan with 0 blocks timeout result = rpc.dicefund("LUCKY","10","1","10000","10","0") assert_error(result) # creating dice plan dicefundtx = rpc.dicefund("LUCKY","1000","1","800","10","5") diceid = self.send_and_mine(dicefundtx['hex'], rpc) # checking if it in plans list now result = rpc.dicelist() assert_equal(result[0], diceid) # set dice name for futher usage dicename = "LUCKY" # adding zero funds to plan result = rpc.diceaddfunds(dicename,diceid,"0") assert_error(result) # adding negative funds to plan result = rpc.diceaddfunds(dicename,diceid,"-1") assert_error(result) # adding funds to plan addfundstx = rpc.diceaddfunds(dicename,diceid,"1100") result = self.send_and_mine(addfundstx['hex'], rpc) # checking if funds added to plan result = rpc.diceinfo(diceid) assert_equal(result["funding"], "2100.00000000") # not valid dice info checking result = rpc.diceinfo("invalid") assert_error(result) # placing 0 amount bet result = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"0","2") assert_error(result) # placing negative amount bet result = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"-1","2") assert_error(result) # placing bet more than maxbet result = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"900","2") assert_error(result) # placing bet with amount more than funding result = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"3000","2") assert_error(result) # placing bet with potential won more than funding result = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"750","9") assert_error(result) # placing 0 odds bet result = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"1","0") assert_error(result) # placing negative odds bet result = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"1","-1") assert_error(result) # placing bet with odds more than allowed result = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"1","11") assert_error(result) # placing bet with not correct dice name result = rpc1.dicebet("nope",diceid,"100","2") assert_error(result) # placing bet with not correct dice id result = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,self.pubkey,"100","2") assert_error(result) # have to make some entropy for the next test entropytx = 0 fundingsum = 1 while entropytx < 110: fundingsuminput = str(fundingsum) fundinghex = rpc.diceaddfunds(dicename,diceid,fundingsuminput) result = self.send_and_mine(fundinghex['hex'], rpc) entropytx = entropytx + 1 fundingsum = fundingsum + 1 rpc.generate(2) self.sync_all() # valid bet placing placebet = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"100","2") betid = self.send_and_mine(placebet["hex"], rpc1) assert result, "bet placed" # check bet status result = rpc1.dicestatus(dicename,diceid,betid) assert_success(result) # note initial dice funding state at this point. # TODO: track player balance somehow (hard to do because of mining and fees) diceinfo = rpc.diceinfo(diceid) funding = float(diceinfo['funding']) # # placing same amount bets with amount 1 and odds 1:3, checking if balance changed correct # losscounter = 0 # wincounter = 0 # betcounter = 0 # # while (betcounter < 10): # placebet = rpc1.dicebet(dicename,diceid,"1","2") # betid = self.send_and_mine(placebet["hex"], rpc1) # time.sleep(3) # self.sync_all() # finish = rpc.dicefinish(dicename,diceid,betid) # self.send_and_mine(finish["hex"], rpc1) # self.sync_all() # time.sleep(3) # betresult = rpc1.dicestatus(dicename,diceid,betid) # betcounter = betcounter + 1 # if betresult["status"] == "loss": # losscounter = losscounter + 1 # elif betresult["status"] == "win": # wincounter = wincounter + 1 # else: # pass # # # funding balance should increase if player loss, decrease if player won # fundbalanceguess = funding + losscounter - wincounter * 2 # fundinfoactual = rpc.diceinfo(diceid) # assert_equal(round(fundbalanceguess),round(float(fundinfoactual['funding']))) def run_token_tests(self): rpc = self.nodes[0] result = rpc.tokenaddress() assert_success(result) for x in ['myCCAddress(Tokens)', 'TokensNormalAddress', 'TokensNormalAddress', 'myaddress','TokensCCAddress']: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') result = rpc.tokenaddress(self.pubkey) assert_success(result) for x in ['myCCAddress(Tokens)', 'TokensNormalAddress', 'TokensNormalAddress', 'myaddress','TokensCCAddress']: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') # there are no tokens created yet result = rpc.tokenlist() assert_equal(result, []) # trying to create token with negaive supply result = rpc.tokencreate("NUKE", "-1987420", "no bueno supply") assert_error(result) # creating token with name more than 32 chars result = rpc.tokencreate("NUKE123456789012345678901234567890", "1987420", "name too long") assert_error(result) # creating valid token result = rpc.tokencreate("DUKE", "1987.420", "Duke's custom token") assert_success(result) tokenid = self.send_and_mine(result['hex'], rpc) result = rpc.tokenlist() assert_equal(result[0], tokenid) # get token balance for token with pubkey result = rpc.tokenbalance(tokenid, self.pubkey) assert_success(result) assert_equal(result['balance'], 198742000000) assert_equal(result['tokenid'], tokenid) # get token balance for token without pubkey result = rpc.tokenbalance(tokenid) assert_success(result) assert_equal(result['balance'], 198742000000) assert_equal(result['tokenid'], tokenid) # this is not a valid assetid result = rpc.tokeninfo(self.pubkey) assert_error(result) # check tokeninfo for valid token result = rpc.tokeninfo(tokenid) assert_success(result) assert_equal(result['tokenid'], tokenid) assert_equal(result['owner'], self.pubkey) assert_equal(result['name'], "DUKE") assert_equal(result['supply'], 198742000000) assert_equal(result['description'], "Duke's custom token") # invalid numtokens ask result = rpc.tokenask("-1", tokenid, "1") assert_error(result) # invalid numtokens ask result = rpc.tokenask("0", tokenid, "1") assert_error(result) # invalid price ask result = rpc.tokenask("1", tokenid, "-1") assert_error(result) # invalid price ask result = rpc.tokenask("1", tokenid, "0") assert_error(result) # invalid tokenid ask result = rpc.tokenask("100", "deadbeef", "1") assert_error(result) # valid ask tokenask = rpc.tokenask("100", tokenid, "7.77") tokenaskhex = tokenask['hex'] tokenaskid = self.send_and_mine(tokenask['hex'], rpc) result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) order = result[0] assert order, "found order" # invalid ask fillunits result = rpc.tokenfillask(tokenid, tokenaskid, "0") assert_error(result) # invalid ask fillunits result = rpc.tokenfillask(tokenid, tokenaskid, "-777") assert_error(result) # valid ask fillunits fillask = rpc.tokenfillask(tokenid, tokenaskid, "777") result = self.send_and_mine(fillask['hex'], rpc) txid = result[0] assert txid, "found txid" # should be no token orders result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) assert_equal(result, []) # checking ask cancellation testorder = rpc.tokenask("100", tokenid, "7.77") testorderid = self.send_and_mine(testorder['hex'], rpc) cancel = rpc.tokencancelask(tokenid, testorderid) self.send_and_mine(cancel["hex"], rpc) result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) assert_equal(result, []) # invalid numtokens bid result = rpc.tokenbid("-1", tokenid, "1") assert_error(result) # invalid numtokens bid result = rpc.tokenbid("0", tokenid, "1") assert_error(result) # invalid price bid result = rpc.tokenbid("1", tokenid, "-1") assert_error(result) # invalid price bid result = rpc.tokenbid("1", tokenid, "0") assert_error(result) # invalid tokenid bid result = rpc.tokenbid("100", "deadbeef", "1") assert_error(result) tokenbid = rpc.tokenbid("100", tokenid, "10") tokenbidhex = tokenbid['hex'] tokenbidid = self.send_and_mine(tokenbid['hex'], rpc) result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) order = result[0] assert order, "found order" # invalid bid fillunits result = rpc.tokenfillbid(tokenid, tokenbidid, "0") assert_error(result) # invalid bid fillunits result = rpc.tokenfillbid(tokenid, tokenbidid, "-777") assert_error(result) # valid bid fillunits fillbid = rpc.tokenfillbid(tokenid, tokenbidid, "1000") result = self.send_and_mine(fillbid['hex'], rpc) txid = result[0] assert txid, "found txid" # should be no token orders result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) assert_equal(result, []) # checking bid cancellation testorder = rpc.tokenbid("100", tokenid, "7.77") testorderid = self.send_and_mine(testorder['hex'], rpc) cancel = rpc.tokencancelbid(tokenid, testorderid) self.send_and_mine(cancel["hex"], rpc) result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) assert_equal(result, []) # invalid token transfer amount (have to add status to CC code!) randompubkey = "021a559101e355c907d9c553671044d619769a6e71d624f68bfec7d0afa6bd6a96" result = rpc.tokentransfer(tokenid,randompubkey,"0") assert_error(result) # invalid token transfer amount (have to add status to CC code!) result = rpc.tokentransfer(tokenid,randompubkey,"-1") assert_error(result) # valid token transfer sendtokens = rpc.tokentransfer(tokenid,randompubkey,"1") self.send_and_mine(sendtokens["hex"], rpc) result = rpc.tokenbalance(tokenid,randompubkey) assert_equal(result["balance"], 1) def run_rewards_tests(self): rpc = self.nodes[0] result = rpc.rewardsaddress() for x in ['myCCAddress(Rewards)', 'myaddress', 'RewardsCCAddress', 'RewardsCCTokensAddress', 'RewardsNormalAddress']: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') result = rpc.rewardsaddress(self.pubkey) for x in ['myCCAddress(Rewards)', 'myaddress', 'RewardsCCAddress', 'RewardsCCTokensAddress', 'RewardsNormalAddress']: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') # no rewards yet result = rpc.rewardslist() assert_equal(result, []) # looking up non-existent reward should return error result = rpc.rewardsinfo("none") assert_error(result) # creating rewards plan with name > 8 chars, should return error result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFFSTUFF", "7777", "25", "0", "10", "10") assert_error(result) # creating rewards plan with 0 funding result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "0", "25", "0", "10", "10") assert_error(result) # creating rewards plan with 0 maxdays result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "7777", "25", "0", "10", "0") assert_error(result) # creating rewards plan with > 25% APR result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "7777", "30", "0", "10", "10") assert_error(result) # creating valid rewards plan result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "7777", "25", "0", "10", "10") assert result['hex'], 'got raw xtn' fundingtxid = rpc.sendrawtransaction(result['hex']) assert fundingtxid, 'got txid' # confirm the above xtn rpc.generate(1) result = rpc.rewardsinfo(fundingtxid) assert_success(result) assert_equal(result['name'], 'STUFF') assert_equal(result['APR'], "25.00000000") assert_equal(result['minseconds'], 0) assert_equal(result['maxseconds'], 864000) assert_equal(result['funding'], "7777.00000000") assert_equal(result['mindeposit'], "10.00000000") assert_equal(result['fundingtxid'], fundingtxid) # checking if new plan in rewardslist result = rpc.rewardslist() assert_equal(result[0], fundingtxid) # creating reward plan with already existing name, should return error result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "7777", "25", "0", "10", "10") assert_error(result) # add funding amount must be positive result = rpc.rewardsaddfunding("STUFF", fundingtxid, "-1") assert_error(result) # add funding amount must be positive result = rpc.rewardsaddfunding("STUFF", fundingtxid, "0") assert_error(result) # adding valid funding result = rpc.rewardsaddfunding("STUFF", fundingtxid, "555") addfundingtxid = self.send_and_mine(result['hex'], rpc) assert addfundingtxid, 'got funding txid' # checking if funding added to rewardsplan result = rpc.rewardsinfo(fundingtxid) assert_equal(result['funding'], "8332.00000000") # trying to lock funds, locking funds amount must be positive result = rpc.rewardslock("STUFF", fundingtxid, "-5") assert_error(result) # trying to lock funds, locking funds amount must be positive result = rpc.rewardslock("STUFF", fundingtxid, "0") assert_error(result) # trying to lock less than the min amount is an error result = rpc.rewardslock("STUFF", fundingtxid, "7") assert_error(result) # locking funds in rewards plan result = rpc.rewardslock("STUFF", fundingtxid, "10") assert_success(result) locktxid = result['hex'] assert locktxid, "got lock txid" # locktxid has not been broadcast yet result = rpc.rewardsunlock("STUFF", fundingtxid, locktxid) assert_error(result) # broadcast xtn txid = rpc.sendrawtransaction(locktxid) assert txid, 'got txid from sendrawtransaction' # confirm the xtn above rpc.generate(1) # will not unlock since reward amount is less than tx fee result = rpc.rewardsunlock("STUFF", fundingtxid, locktxid) assert_error(result) def run_oracles_tests(self): rpc = self.nodes[0] rpc1 = self.nodes[1] result = rpc1.oraclesaddress() result = rpc.oraclesaddress() assert_success(result) for x in ['OraclesCCAddress', 'OraclesNormalAddress', 'myCCAddress(Oracles)','OraclesCCTokensAddress', 'myaddress']: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') result = rpc.oraclesaddress(self.pubkey) assert_success(result) for x in ['OraclesCCAddress', 'OraclesNormalAddress', 'myCCAddress(Oracles)','OraclesCCTokensAddress', 'myaddress']: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') # there are no oracles created yet result = rpc.oracleslist() assert_equal(result, []) # looking up non-existent oracle should return error. result = rpc.oraclesinfo("none") assert_error(result) # attempt to create oracle with not valid data type should return error result = rpc.oraclescreate("Test", "Test", "Test") assert_error(result) # attempt to create oracle with description > 32 symbols should return error too_long_name = generate_random_string(33) result = rpc.oraclescreate(too_long_name, "Test", "s") # attempt to create oracle with description > 4096 symbols should return error too_long_description = generate_random_string(4100) result = rpc.oraclescreate("Test", too_long_description, "s") assert_error(result) # # valid creating oracles of different types # # using such naming to re-use it for data publishing / reading (e.g. oracle_s for s type) # valid_formats = ["s", "S", "d", "D", "c", "C", "t", "T", "i", "I", "l", "L", "h", "Ihh"] # for f in valid_formats: # result = rpc.oraclescreate("Test", "Test", f) # assert_success(result) # globals()["oracle_{}".format(f)] = self.send_and_mine(result['hex'], rpc) def run_test (self): print("Mining blocks...") rpc = self.nodes[0] rpc1 = self.nodes[1] # utxos from block 1 become mature in block 101 rpc.generate(101) self.sync_all() rpc.getinfo() rpc1.getinfo() # this corresponds to -pubkey above print("Importing privkeys") rpc.importprivkey(self.privkey) rpc1.importprivkey(self.privkey1) self.run_faucet_tests() self.sync_all() self.run_rewards_tests() self.sync_all() self.run_dice_tests() self.sync_all() self.run_token_tests() self.sync_all() self.run_oracles_tests() if __name__ == '__main__': CryptoConditionsTest ().main()