#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Hush developers # Copyright (c) 2018 SuperNET developers # Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html import time from test_framework.test_framework import CryptoconditionsTestFramework from test_framework.authproxy import JSONRPCException from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_greater_than, \ initialize_chain_clean, initialize_chain, start_nodes, start_node, connect_nodes_bi, \ stop_nodes, sync_blocks, sync_mempools, wait_bitcoinds, rpc_port, assert_raises from cryptoconditions import assert_success, assert_error, generate_random_string class CryptoconditionsChannelsTest(CryptoconditionsTestFramework): def run_channels_tests(self): """!!! for testing needed test daemon which built with custom flag export CONFIGURE_FLAGS='CPPFLAGS=-DTESTMODE' since in usual mode 101 confirmations are needed for payment/refund """ rpc = self.nodes[0] rpc1 = self.nodes[1] # checking channelsaddress call result = rpc.channelsaddress(self.pubkey) assert_success(result) # test that additional CCaddress key is returned for x in result.keys(): if x.find('ddress') > 0: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') # getting empty channels list result = rpc.channelslist() assert_equal(len(result), 2) assert_equal(result["result"], "success") assert_equal(result["name"], "Channels List") # 10 payments, 100000 sat denomination channel opening with second node pubkey new_channel_hex = rpc.channelsopen(self.pubkey1, "10", "100000") assert_success(new_channel_hex) channel_txid = self.send_and_mine(new_channel_hex["hex"], rpc) assert channel_txid, "got channel txid" # checking if our new channel in common channels list result = rpc.channelslist() assert_equal(len(result), 3) # checking info about channel directly result = rpc.channelsinfo(channel_txid) assert_success(result) assert_equal(result["Transactions"][0]["Open"], channel_txid) # open transaction should be confirmed rpc.generate(1) # trying to make wrong denomination channel payment result = rpc.channelspayment(channel_txid, "199000") assert_error(result) # trying to make 0 channel payment result = rpc.channelspayment(channel_txid, "0") assert_error(result) # trying to make negative channel payment result = rpc.channelspayment(channel_txid, "-1") assert_error(result) # valid channel payment result = rpc.channelspayment(channel_txid, "100000") assert_success(result) payment_tx_id = self.send_and_mine(result["hex"], rpc) assert payment_tx_id, "got txid" # now in channelinfo payment information should appear result = rpc.channelsinfo(channel_txid) assert_equal(result["Transactions"][1]["Payment"], payment_tx_id) # number of payments should be equal 1 (one denomination used) result = rpc.channelsinfo(channel_txid)["Transactions"][1]["Number of payments"] assert_equal(result, 1) # payments left param should reduce 1 and be equal 9 now ( 10 - 1 = 9 ) result = rpc.channelsinfo(channel_txid)["Transactions"][1]["Payments left"] assert_equal(result, 9) # lets try payment with x2 amount to ensure that counters works correct result = rpc.channelspayment(channel_txid, "200000") assert_success(result) payment_tx_id = self.send_and_mine(result["hex"], rpc) assert payment_tx_id, "got txid" result = rpc.channelsinfo(channel_txid) assert_equal(result["Transactions"][2]["Payment"], payment_tx_id) result = rpc.channelsinfo(channel_txid)["Transactions"][2]["Number of payments"] assert_equal(result, 2) result = rpc.channelsinfo(channel_txid)["Transactions"][2]["Payments left"] assert_equal(result, 7) # check if payment value really transferred raw_transaction = rpc.getrawtransaction(payment_tx_id, 1) result = raw_transaction["vout"][3]["valueSat"] assert_equal(result, 200000) result = rpc1.validateaddress(raw_transaction["vout"][3]["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"][0])["ismine"] assert_equal(result, True) # have to check that second node have coins to cover txfee at least rpc.sendtoaddress(rpc1.getnewaddress(), 1) rpc.sendtoaddress(rpc1.getnewaddress(), 1) rpc.generate(2) self.sync_all() result = rpc1.getbalance() assert_greater_than(result, 0.1) # trying to initiate channels payment from node B without any secret # TODO: have to add RPC validation payment_hex = rpc1.channelspayment(channel_txid, "100000") try: result = rpc1.sendrawtransaction(payment_hex["hex"]) except Exception as e: pass # trying to initiate channels payment from node B with secret from previous payment result = rpc1.channelspayment(channel_txid, "100000", rpc1.channelsinfo(channel_txid)["Transactions"][1]["Secret"]) #result = rpc1.sendrawtransaction(payment_hex["hex"]) assert_error(result) # executing channel close result = rpc.channelsclose(channel_txid) assert_success(result) channel_close_txid = self.send_and_mine(result["hex"], rpc) assert channel_close_txid, "got txid" rpc.generate(2) self.sync_all() # now in channelinfo closed flag should appear result = rpc.channelsinfo(channel_txid) assert_equal(result["Transactions"][3]["Close"], channel_close_txid) # executing channel refund result = rpc.channelsrefund(channel_txid, channel_close_txid) assert_success(result) refund_txid = self.send_and_mine(result["hex"], rpc) assert refund_txid, "got txid" # checking if it refunded to opener address raw_transaction = rpc.getrawtransaction(refund_txid, 1) result = raw_transaction["vout"][2]["valueSat"] assert_equal(result, 700000) result = rpc.validateaddress(raw_transaction["vout"][2]["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"][0])["ismine"] assert_equal(result, True) # creating and draining channel (10 payment by 100000 satoshies in total to fit full capacity) new_channel_hex1 = rpc.channelsopen(self.pubkey1, "10", "100000") assert_success(new_channel_hex1) channel1_txid = self.send_and_mine(new_channel_hex1["hex"], rpc) assert channel1_txid, "got channel txid" # need to have 2+ confirmations in the test mode rpc.generate(2) self.sync_all() for i in range(10): result = rpc.channelspayment(channel1_txid, "100000") assert_success(result) payment_tx_id = self.send_and_mine(result["hex"], rpc) assert payment_tx_id, "got txid" # last payment should indicate that 0 payments left result = rpc.channelsinfo(channel1_txid)["Transactions"][10]["Payments left"] assert_equal(result, 0) # no more payments possible result = rpc.channelspayment(channel1_txid, "100000") assert_error(result) # creating new channel to test the case when node B initiate payment when node A revealed secret in offline # 10 payments, 100000 sat denomination channel opening with second node pubkey new_channel_hex2 = rpc.channelsopen(self.pubkey1, "10", "100000") assert_success(new_channel_hex) channel2_txid = self.send_and_mine(new_channel_hex2["hex"], rpc) assert channel2_txid, "got channel txid" rpc.generate(2) self.sync_all() # disconnecting first node from network rpc.setban("","add") assert_equal(rpc.getinfo()["connections"], 0) assert_equal(rpc1.getinfo()["connections"], 0) rpc1.generate(1) # sending one payment to mempool to reveal the secret but not mine it payment_hex = rpc.channelspayment(channel2_txid, "100000") result = rpc.sendrawtransaction(payment_hex["hex"]) assert result, "got payment txid" secret = rpc.channelsinfo(channel2_txid)["Transactions"][1]["Secret"] assert secret, "Secret revealed" # secret shouldn't be available for node B secret_not_revealed = None try: rpc1.channelsinfo(channel2_txid)["Transactions"][1]["Secret"] except Exception: secret_not_revealed = True assert_equal(secret_not_revealed, True) # trying to initiate payment from second node with revealed secret assert_equal(rpc1.getinfo()["connections"], 0) dc_payment_hex = rpc1.channelspayment(channel2_txid, "100000", secret) assert_success(dc_payment_hex) result = rpc1.sendrawtransaction(dc_payment_hex["hex"]) assert result, "got channelspayment transaction id" # TODO: it crash first node after block generating on mempools merging # # restoring connection between nodes # rpc.setban("","remove") # #rpc.generate(1) # #rpc1.generate(1) # sync_blocks(self.nodes) # rpc.generate(1) # sync_blocks(self.nodes) # sync_mempools(self.nodes) # assert_equal(rpc.getinfo()["connections"], 1) # assert_equal(rpc1.getinfo()["connections"], 1) def run_test(self): print("Mining blocks...") rpc = self.nodes[0] rpc1 = self.nodes[1] # utxos from block 1 become mature in block 101 if not self.options.noshutdown: rpc.generate(101) self.sync_all() rpc.getinfo() rpc1.getinfo() # this corresponds to -pubkey above print("Importing privkeys") rpc.importprivkey(self.privkey) rpc1.importprivkey(self.privkey1) self.run_channels_tests() if __name__ == '__main__': CryptoconditionsChannelsTest().main()