// Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Hush developers // Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html /****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "primitives/block.h" #include "primitives/transaction.h" #include "script/cc.h" #include "cc/eval.h" #include "cc/utils.h" #include "cc/CCinclude.h" #include "main.h" #include "chain.h" #include "core_io.h" #include "crosschain.h" bool CClib_Dispatch(const CC *cond,Eval *eval,std::vector paramsNull,const CTransaction &txTo,unsigned int nIn); char *CClib_name(); Eval* EVAL_TEST = 0; struct CCcontract_info CCinfos[0x100]; extern pthread_mutex_t HUSH_CC_mutex; bool RunCCEval(const CC *cond, const CTransaction &tx, unsigned int nIn) { EvalRef eval; pthread_mutex_lock(&HUSH_CC_mutex); bool out = eval->Dispatch(cond, tx, nIn); pthread_mutex_unlock(&HUSH_CC_mutex); if ( eval->state.IsValid() != out) fprintf(stderr,"out %d vs %d isValid\n",(int32_t)out,(int32_t)eval->state.IsValid()); //assert(eval->state.IsValid() == out); if (eval->state.IsValid()) return true; std::string lvl = eval->state.IsInvalid() ? "Invalid" : "Error!"; fprintf(stderr, "CC Eval %s %s: %s spending tx %s\n", EvalToStr(cond->code[0]).data(), lvl.data(), eval->state.GetRejectReason().data(), tx.vin[nIn].prevout.hash.GetHex().data()); if (eval->state.IsError()) fprintf(stderr, "Culprit: %s\n", EncodeHexTx(tx).data()); CTransaction tmp; if (mempool.lookup(tx.GetHash(), tmp)) { // This is to remove a payments airdrop if it gets stuck in the mempool. // Miner will mine 1 invalid block, but doesnt stop them mining until a restart. // This would almost never happen in normal use. std::list dummy; mempool.remove(tx,dummy,true); } return false; } /* * Test the validity of an Eval node */ bool Eval::Dispatch(const CC *cond, const CTransaction &txTo, unsigned int nIn) { struct CCcontract_info *cp; if (cond->codeLength == 0) return Invalid("empty-eval"); uint8_t ecode = cond->code[0]; if ( ASSETCHAINS_CCDISABLES[ecode] != 0 ) { // check if a height activation has been set. if ( mapHeightEvalActivate[ecode] == 0 || this->GetCurrentHeight() == 0 || mapHeightEvalActivate[ecode] > this->GetCurrentHeight() ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s evalcode.%d %02x\n",txTo.GetHash().GetHex().c_str(),ecode,ecode); fprintf(stderr, "ac_ccactivateht: evalcode.%i activates at height.%i vs current height.%i\n", ecode, mapHeightEvalActivate[ecode], this->GetCurrentHeight()); return Invalid("disabled-code, -ac_ccenables didnt include this ecode"); } } std::vector vparams(cond->code+1, cond->code+cond->codeLength); if ( ecode >= EVAL_FIRSTUSER && ecode <= EVAL_LASTUSER ) { if ( ASSETCHAINS_CCLIB.size() > 0 && ASSETCHAINS_CCLIB == CClib_name() ) return CClib_Dispatch(cond,this,vparams,txTo,nIn); else return Invalid("mismatched -ac_cclib vs CClib_name"); } cp = &CCinfos[(int32_t)ecode]; if ( cp->didinit == 0 ) { CCinit(cp,ecode); cp->didinit = 1; } switch ( ecode ) { case EVAL_IMPORTPAYOUT: return ImportPayout(vparams, txTo, nIn); break; case EVAL_IMPORTCOIN: return ImportCoin(vparams, txTo, nIn); break; default: return(ProcessCC(cp,this, vparams, txTo, nIn)); break; } return Invalid("invalid-code, dont forget to add EVAL_NEWCC to Eval::Dispatch"); } bool Eval::GetSpendsConfirmed(uint256 hash, std::vector &spends) const { // NOT IMPLEMENTED return false; } bool Eval::GetTxUnconfirmed(const uint256 &hash, CTransaction &txOut, uint256 &hashBlock) const { return(myGetTransaction(hash, txOut,hashBlock)); /*if (!myGetTransaction(hash, txOut,hashBlock)) { return(myGetTransaction(hash, txOut,hashBlock)); } else return(true);*/ } bool Eval::GetTxConfirmed(const uint256 &hash, CTransaction &txOut, CBlockIndex &block) const { uint256 hashBlock; if (!GetTxUnconfirmed(hash, txOut, hashBlock)) return false; if (hashBlock.IsNull() || !GetBlock(hashBlock, block)) return false; return true; } unsigned int Eval::GetCurrentHeight() const { return chainActive.Height(); } bool Eval::GetBlock(uint256 hash, CBlockIndex& blockIdx) const { auto r = mapBlockIndex.find(hash); if (r != mapBlockIndex.end()) { blockIdx = *r->second; return true; } fprintf(stderr, "CC Eval Error: Can't get block from index\n"); return false; } extern int32_t hush_notaries(uint8_t pubkeys[64][33],int32_t height,uint32_t timestamp); int32_t Eval::GetNotaries(uint8_t pubkeys[64][33], int32_t height, uint32_t timestamp) const { return hush_notaries(pubkeys, height, timestamp); } bool Eval::CheckNotaryInputs(const CTransaction &tx, uint32_t height, uint32_t timestamp) const { if (tx.vin.size() < 11) return false; CrosschainAuthority auth; auth.requiredSigs = 11; auth.size = GetNotaries(auth.notaries, height, timestamp); return CheckTxAuthority(tx, auth); } // Get MoM from a notarisation tx hash (on HUSH) bool Eval::GetNotarizationData(const uint256 notaryHash, NotarizationData &data) const { CTransaction notarisationTx; CBlockIndex block; if (!GetTxConfirmed(notaryHash, notarisationTx, block)) return false; if (!CheckNotaryInputs(notarisationTx, block.GetHeight(), block.nTime)) return false; if (!ParseNotarizationOpReturn(notarisationTx, data)) return false; return true; } uint32_t Eval::GetAssetchainsCC() const { return ASSETCHAINS_CC; } std::string Eval::GetAssetchainsSymbol() const { return std::string(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL); } /* * Notarization data, ie, OP_RETURN payload in notarisation transactions */ bool ParseNotarizationOpReturn(const CTransaction &tx, NotarizationData &data) { if (tx.vout.size() < 2) return false; std::vector vdata; if (!GetOpReturnData(tx.vout[1].scriptPubKey, vdata)) return false; bool out = E_UNMARSHAL(vdata, ss >> data); return out; } // Misc std::string EvalToStr(EvalCode c) { FOREACH_EVAL(EVAL_GENERATE_STRING); char s[10]; sprintf(s, "0x%x", c); return std::string(s); } uint256 SafeCheckMerkleBranch(uint256 hash, const std::vector& vMerkleBranch, int nIndex) { if (nIndex == -1) return uint256(); for (auto it(vMerkleBranch.begin()); it != vMerkleBranch.end(); ++it) { if (nIndex & 1) { if (*it == hash) { // non canonical. hash may be equal to node but never on the right. return uint256(); } hash = Hash(BEGIN(*it), END(*it), BEGIN(hash), END(hash)); } else hash = Hash(BEGIN(hash), END(hash), BEGIN(*it), END(*it)); nIndex >>= 1; } return hash; } uint256 GetMerkleRoot(const std::vector& vLeaves) { bool fMutated; std::vector vMerkleTree; return BuildMerkleTree(&fMutated, vLeaves, vMerkleTree); }