// Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Hush developers // Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html #include #include "sodium.h" #include #include #include "zcash/Note.hpp" #include "zcash/NoteEncryption.hpp" #include "zcash/prf.h" #include "zcash/Address.hpp" #include "crypto/sha256.h" #include "librustzcash.h" class TestNoteDecryption : public ZCNoteDecryption { public: TestNoteDecryption(uint256 sk_enc) : ZCNoteDecryption(sk_enc) {} void change_pk_enc(uint256 to) { pk_enc = to; } }; TEST(noteencryption, NotePlaintext) { using namespace libzcash; auto xsk = SaplingSpendingKey(uint256()).expanded_spending_key(); auto fvk = xsk.full_viewing_key(); auto ivk = fvk.in_viewing_key(); SaplingPaymentAddress addr = *ivk.address({0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}); std::array memo; for (size_t i = 0; i < HUSH_MEMO_SIZE; i++) { // Fill the message with dummy data memo[i] = (unsigned char) i; } SaplingNote note(addr, 39393); auto cmu_opt = note.cm(); if (!cmu_opt) { FAIL(); } uint256 cmu = cmu_opt.get(); SaplingNotePlaintext pt(note, memo); auto res = pt.encrypt(addr.pk_d); if (!res) { FAIL(); } auto enc = res.get(); auto ct = enc.first; auto encryptor = enc.second; auto epk = encryptor.get_epk(); // Try to decrypt with incorrect commitment ASSERT_FALSE(SaplingNotePlaintext::decrypt( ct, ivk, epk, uint256() )); // Try to decrypt with correct commitment auto foo = SaplingNotePlaintext::decrypt( ct, ivk, epk, cmu ); if (!foo) { FAIL(); } auto bar = foo.get(); ASSERT_TRUE(bar.value() == pt.value()); ASSERT_TRUE(bar.memo() == pt.memo()); ASSERT_TRUE(bar.d == pt.d); ASSERT_TRUE(bar.rcm == pt.rcm); auto foobar = bar.note(ivk); if (!foobar) { FAIL(); } auto new_note = foobar.get(); ASSERT_TRUE(note.value() == new_note.value()); ASSERT_TRUE(note.d == new_note.d); ASSERT_TRUE(note.pk_d == new_note.pk_d); ASSERT_TRUE(note.r == new_note.r); ASSERT_TRUE(note.cm() == new_note.cm()); SaplingOutgoingPlaintext out_pt; out_pt.pk_d = note.pk_d; out_pt.esk = encryptor.get_esk(); auto ovk = random_uint256(); auto cv = random_uint256(); auto cm = random_uint256(); auto out_ct = out_pt.encrypt( ovk, cv, cm, encryptor ); auto decrypted_out_ct = out_pt.decrypt( out_ct, ovk, cv, cm, encryptor.get_epk() ); if (!decrypted_out_ct) { FAIL(); } auto decrypted_out_ct_unwrapped = decrypted_out_ct.get(); ASSERT_TRUE(decrypted_out_ct_unwrapped.pk_d == out_pt.pk_d); ASSERT_TRUE(decrypted_out_ct_unwrapped.esk == out_pt.esk); // Test sender won't accept invalid commitments ASSERT_FALSE( SaplingNotePlaintext::decrypt( ct, epk, decrypted_out_ct_unwrapped.esk, decrypted_out_ct_unwrapped.pk_d, uint256() ) ); // Test sender can decrypt the note ciphertext. foo = SaplingNotePlaintext::decrypt( ct, epk, decrypted_out_ct_unwrapped.esk, decrypted_out_ct_unwrapped.pk_d, cmu ); if (!foo) { FAIL(); } bar = foo.get(); ASSERT_TRUE(bar.value() == pt.value()); ASSERT_TRUE(bar.memo() == pt.memo()); ASSERT_TRUE(bar.d == pt.d); ASSERT_TRUE(bar.rcm == pt.rcm); } TEST(noteencryption, SaplingApi) { using namespace libzcash; // Create recipient addresses auto sk = SaplingSpendingKey(uint256()).expanded_spending_key(); auto vk = sk.full_viewing_key(); auto ivk = vk.in_viewing_key(); SaplingPaymentAddress pk_1 = *ivk.address({0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}); SaplingPaymentAddress pk_2 = *ivk.address({4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}); // Blob of stuff we're encrypting std::array message; for (size_t i = 0; i < ZC_SAPLING_ENCPLAINTEXT_SIZE; i++) { // Fill the message with dummy data message[i] = (unsigned char) i; } std::array small_message; for (size_t i = 0; i < ZC_SAPLING_OUTPLAINTEXT_SIZE; i++) { // Fill the message with dummy data small_message[i] = (unsigned char) i; } // Invalid diversifier ASSERT_EQ(boost::none, SaplingNoteEncryption::FromDiversifier({1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})); // Encrypt to pk_1 auto enc = *SaplingNoteEncryption::FromDiversifier(pk_1.d); auto ciphertext_1 = *enc.encrypt_to_recipient( pk_1.pk_d, message ); auto epk_1 = enc.get_epk(); { uint256 test_epk; uint256 test_esk = enc.get_esk(); ASSERT_TRUE(librustzcash_sapling_ka_derivepublic(pk_1.d.begin(), test_esk.begin(), test_epk.begin())); ASSERT_TRUE(test_epk == epk_1); } auto cv_1 = random_uint256(); auto cm_1 = random_uint256(); auto out_ciphertext_1 = enc.encrypt_to_ourselves( sk.ovk, cv_1, cm_1, small_message ); // Encrypt to pk_2 enc = *SaplingNoteEncryption::FromDiversifier(pk_2.d); auto ciphertext_2 = *enc.encrypt_to_recipient( pk_2.pk_d, message ); auto epk_2 = enc.get_epk(); auto cv_2 = random_uint256(); auto cm_2 = random_uint256(); auto out_ciphertext_2 = enc.encrypt_to_ourselves( sk.ovk, cv_2, cm_2, small_message ); // Test nonce-reuse resistance of API { auto tmp_enc = *SaplingNoteEncryption::FromDiversifier(pk_1.d); tmp_enc.encrypt_to_recipient( pk_1.pk_d, message ); ASSERT_THROW(tmp_enc.encrypt_to_recipient( pk_1.pk_d, message ), std::logic_error); tmp_enc.encrypt_to_ourselves( sk.ovk, cv_2, cm_2, small_message ); ASSERT_THROW(tmp_enc.encrypt_to_ourselves( sk.ovk, cv_2, cm_2, small_message ), std::logic_error); } // Try to decrypt auto plaintext_1 = *AttemptSaplingEncDecryption( ciphertext_1, ivk, epk_1 ); ASSERT_TRUE(message == plaintext_1); auto small_plaintext_1 = *AttemptSaplingOutDecryption( out_ciphertext_1, sk.ovk, cv_1, cm_1, epk_1 ); ASSERT_TRUE(small_message == small_plaintext_1); auto plaintext_2 = *AttemptSaplingEncDecryption( ciphertext_2, ivk, epk_2 ); ASSERT_TRUE(message == plaintext_2); auto small_plaintext_2 = *AttemptSaplingOutDecryption( out_ciphertext_2, sk.ovk, cv_2, cm_2, epk_2 ); ASSERT_TRUE(small_message == small_plaintext_2); // Try to decrypt out ciphertext with wrong key material ASSERT_FALSE(AttemptSaplingOutDecryption( out_ciphertext_1, random_uint256(), cv_1, cm_1, epk_1 )); ASSERT_FALSE(AttemptSaplingOutDecryption( out_ciphertext_1, sk.ovk, random_uint256(), cm_1, epk_1 )); ASSERT_FALSE(AttemptSaplingOutDecryption( out_ciphertext_1, sk.ovk, cv_1, random_uint256(), epk_1 )); ASSERT_FALSE(AttemptSaplingOutDecryption( out_ciphertext_1, sk.ovk, cv_1, cm_1, random_uint256() )); // Try to decrypt with wrong ephemeral key ASSERT_FALSE(AttemptSaplingEncDecryption( ciphertext_1, ivk, epk_2 )); ASSERT_FALSE(AttemptSaplingEncDecryption( ciphertext_2, ivk, epk_1 )); // Try to decrypt with wrong ivk ASSERT_FALSE(AttemptSaplingEncDecryption( ciphertext_1, uint256(), epk_1 )); ASSERT_FALSE(AttemptSaplingEncDecryption( ciphertext_2, uint256(), epk_2 )); } TEST(noteencryption, api) { uint256 sk_enc = ZCNoteEncryption::generate_privkey(uint252(uint256S("21035d60bc1983e37950ce4803418a8fb33ea68d5b937ca382ecbae7564d6a07"))); uint256 pk_enc = ZCNoteEncryption::generate_pubkey(sk_enc); ZCNoteEncryption b = ZCNoteEncryption(uint256()); for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ZCNoteEncryption c = ZCNoteEncryption(uint256()); ASSERT_TRUE(b.get_epk() != c.get_epk()); } std::array message; for (size_t i = 0; i < ZC_NOTEPLAINTEXT_SIZE; i++) { // Fill the message with dummy data message[i] = (unsigned char) i; } for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { auto ciphertext = b.encrypt(pk_enc, message); { ZCNoteDecryption decrypter(sk_enc); // Test decryption auto plaintext = decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext, b.get_epk(), uint256(), i); ASSERT_TRUE(plaintext == message); // Test wrong nonce ASSERT_THROW(decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext, b.get_epk(), uint256(), (i == 0) ? 1 : (i - 1)), libzcash::note_decryption_failed); // Test wrong ephemeral key { ZCNoteEncryption c = ZCNoteEncryption(uint256()); ASSERT_THROW(decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext, c.get_epk(), uint256(), i), libzcash::note_decryption_failed); } // Test wrong seed ASSERT_THROW(decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext, b.get_epk(), uint256S("11035d60bc1983e37950ce4803418a8fb33ea68d5b937ca382ecbae7564d6a77"), i), libzcash::note_decryption_failed); // Test corrupted ciphertext ciphertext[10] ^= 0xff; ASSERT_THROW(decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext, b.get_epk(), uint256(), i), libzcash::note_decryption_failed); ciphertext[10] ^= 0xff; } { // Test wrong private key uint256 sk_enc_2 = ZCNoteEncryption::generate_privkey(uint252()); ZCNoteDecryption decrypter(sk_enc_2); ASSERT_THROW(decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext, b.get_epk(), uint256(), i), libzcash::note_decryption_failed); } { TestNoteDecryption decrypter(sk_enc); // Test decryption auto plaintext = decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext, b.get_epk(), uint256(), i); ASSERT_TRUE(plaintext == message); // Test wrong public key (test of KDF) decrypter.change_pk_enc(uint256()); ASSERT_THROW(decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext, b.get_epk(), uint256(), i), libzcash::note_decryption_failed); } } // Nonce space should run out here try { b.encrypt(pk_enc, message); FAIL() << "Expected std::logic_error"; } catch(std::logic_error const & err) { EXPECT_EQ(err.what(), std::string("no additional nonce space for KDF")); } catch(...) { FAIL() << "Expected std::logic_error"; } } uint256 test_prf( unsigned char distinguisher, uint252 seed_x, uint256 y ) { uint256 x = seed_x.inner(); *x.begin() &= 0x0f; *x.begin() |= distinguisher; CSHA256 hasher; hasher.Write(x.begin(), 32); hasher.Write(y.begin(), 32); uint256 ret; hasher.FinalizeNoPadding(ret.begin()); return ret; } TEST(noteencryption, prf_addr) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint252 a_sk = libzcash::random_uint252(); uint256 rest; ASSERT_TRUE( test_prf(0xc0, a_sk, rest) == PRF_addr_a_pk(a_sk) ); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint252 a_sk = libzcash::random_uint252(); uint256 rest; *rest.begin() = 0x01; ASSERT_TRUE( test_prf(0xc0, a_sk, rest) == PRF_addr_sk_enc(a_sk) ); } } TEST(noteencryption, prf_nf) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint252 a_sk = libzcash::random_uint252(); uint256 rho = libzcash::random_uint256(); ASSERT_TRUE( test_prf(0xe0, a_sk, rho) == PRF_nf(a_sk, rho) ); } } TEST(noteencryption, prf_pk) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint252 a_sk = libzcash::random_uint252(); uint256 h_sig = libzcash::random_uint256(); ASSERT_TRUE( test_prf(0x00, a_sk, h_sig) == PRF_pk(a_sk, 0, h_sig) ); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint252 a_sk = libzcash::random_uint252(); uint256 h_sig = libzcash::random_uint256(); ASSERT_TRUE( test_prf(0x40, a_sk, h_sig) == PRF_pk(a_sk, 1, h_sig) ); } uint252 dummy_a; uint256 dummy_b; ASSERT_THROW(PRF_pk(dummy_a, 2, dummy_b), std::domain_error); } TEST(noteencryption, prf_rho) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint252 phi = libzcash::random_uint252(); uint256 h_sig = libzcash::random_uint256(); ASSERT_TRUE( test_prf(0x20, phi, h_sig) == PRF_rho(phi, 0, h_sig) ); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint252 phi = libzcash::random_uint252(); uint256 h_sig = libzcash::random_uint256(); ASSERT_TRUE( test_prf(0x60, phi, h_sig) == PRF_rho(phi, 1, h_sig) ); } uint252 dummy_a; uint256 dummy_b; ASSERT_THROW(PRF_rho(dummy_a, 2, dummy_b), std::domain_error); } TEST(noteencryption, uint252) { ASSERT_THROW(uint252(uint256S("f6da8716682d600f74fc16bd0187faad6a26b4aa4c24d5c055b216d94516847e")), std::domain_error); }