// Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Hush developers // Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html /****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef H_HUSHEVENTS_H #define H_HUSHEVENTS_H #include "hush_defs.h" struct hush_event *hush_eventadd(struct hush_state *sp,int32_t height,char *symbol,uint8_t type,uint8_t *data,uint16_t datalen) { struct hush_event *ep=0; uint16_t len = (uint16_t)(sizeof(*ep) + datalen); if ( sp != 0 && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) { portable_mutex_lock(&komodo_mutex); ep = (struct hush_event *)calloc(1,len); ep->len = len; ep->height = height; ep->type = type; strcpy(ep->symbol,symbol); if ( datalen != 0 ) memcpy(ep->space,data,datalen); sp->Hush_events = (struct hush_event **)realloc(sp->Hush_events,(1 + sp->Hush_numeventss) * sizeof(*sp->Hush_events)); sp->Hush_events[sp->Hush_numeventss++] = ep; portable_mutex_unlock(&komodo_mutex); } return(ep); } void hush_eventadd_notarized(struct hush_state *sp,char *symbol,int32_t height,char *dest,uint256 notarized_hash,uint256 notarized_desttxid,int32_t notarizedheight,uint256 MoM,int32_t MoMdepth) { static uint32_t counter; int32_t verified=0; char *coin; struct hush_event_notarized N; coin = (SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0) ? (char *)"KMD" : SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL; if ( IS_HUSH_NOTARY != 0 && (verified= komodo_verifynotarization(symbol,dest,height,notarizedheight,notarized_hash,notarized_desttxid)) < 0 ) { if ( counter++ < 100 ) printf("[%s] error validating notarization ht.%d notarized_height.%d, if on a pruned %s node this can be ignored\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,height,notarizedheight,dest); } else if ( strcmp(symbol,coin) == 0 ) { if ( 0 && IS_HUSH_NOTARY != 0 && verified != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"validated [%s] ht.%d notarized %d\n",coin,height,notarizedheight); memset(&N,0,sizeof(N)); N.blockhash = notarized_hash; N.desttxid = notarized_desttxid; N.notarizedheight = notarizedheight; N.MoM = MoM; N.MoMdepth = MoMdepth; strncpy(N.dest,dest,sizeof(N.dest)-1); hush_eventadd(sp,height,symbol,HUSH_EVENT_NOTARIZED,(uint8_t *)&N,sizeof(N)); if ( sp != 0 ) komodo_notarized_update(sp,height,notarizedheight,notarized_hash,notarized_desttxid,MoM,MoMdepth); } } void hush_eventadd_pubkeys(struct hush_state *sp,char *symbol,int32_t height,uint8_t num,uint8_t pubkeys[64][33]) { struct hush_event_pubkeys P; //printf("eventadd pubkeys ht.%d\n",height); memset(&P,0,sizeof(P)); P.num = num; memcpy(P.pubkeys,pubkeys,33 * num); hush_eventadd(sp,height,symbol,HUSH_EVENT_RATIFY,(uint8_t *)&P,(int32_t)(sizeof(P.num) + 33 * num)); if ( sp != 0 ) komodo_notarysinit(height,pubkeys,num); } void hush_eventadd_pricefeed(struct hush_state *sp,char *symbol,int32_t height,uint32_t *prices,uint8_t num) { struct hush_event_pricefeed F; if ( num == sizeof(F.prices)/sizeof(*F.prices) ) { memset(&F,0,sizeof(F)); F.num = num; memcpy(F.prices,prices,sizeof(*F.prices) * num); hush_eventadd(sp,height,symbol,HUSH_EVENT_PRICEFEED,(uint8_t *)&F,(int32_t)(sizeof(F.num) + sizeof(*F.prices) * num)); if ( sp != 0 ) komodo_pvals(height,prices,num); } //else fprintf(stderr,"skip pricefeed[%d]\n",num); } void hush_eventadd_opreturn(struct hush_state *sp,char *symbol,int32_t height,uint256 txid,uint64_t value,uint16_t vout,uint8_t *buf,uint16_t opretlen) { struct hush_event_opreturn O; uint8_t *opret; if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) { opret = (uint8_t *)calloc(1,sizeof(O) + opretlen + 16); O.txid = txid; O.value = value; O.vout = vout; memcpy(opret,&O,sizeof(O)); memcpy(&opret[sizeof(O)],buf,opretlen); O.oplen = (int32_t)(opretlen + sizeof(O)); hush_eventadd(sp,height,symbol,HUSH_EVENT_OPRETURN,opret,O.oplen); free(opret); if ( sp != 0 ) komodo_opreturn(height,value,buf,opretlen,txid,vout,symbol); } } void hush_event_undo(struct hush_state *sp,struct hush_event *ep) { switch ( ep->type ) { case HUSH_EVENT_RATIFY: printf("rewind of ratify, needs to be coded.%d\n",ep->height); break; case HUSH_EVENT_NOTARIZED: break; case HUSH_EVENT_KMDHEIGHT: if ( ep->height <= sp->SAVEDHEIGHT ) sp->SAVEDHEIGHT = ep->height; break; case HUSH_EVENT_PRICEFEED: // backtrack prices; break; case HUSH_EVENT_OPRETURN: // backtrack opreturns break; } } void hush_event_rewind(struct hush_state *sp,char *symbol,int32_t height) { struct hush_event *ep; if ( sp != 0 ) { if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 && height <= HUSH_LASTMINED && prevHUSH_LASTMINED != 0 ) { printf("undo HUSH_LASTMINED %d <- %d\n",HUSH_LASTMINED,prevHUSH_LASTMINED); HUSH_LASTMINED = prevHUSH_LASTMINED; prevHUSH_LASTMINED = 0; } while ( sp->Hush_events != 0 && sp->Hush_numeventss > 0 ) { if ( (ep= sp->Hush_events[sp->Hush_numeventss-1]) != 0 ) { if ( ep->height < height ) break; //printf("[%s] undo %s event.%c ht.%d for rewind.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,symbol,ep->type,ep->height,height); hush_event_undo(sp,ep); sp->Hush_numeventss--; } } } } void komodo_setkmdheight(struct hush_state *sp,int32_t kmdheight,uint32_t timestamp) { if ( sp != 0 ) { if ( kmdheight > sp->SAVEDHEIGHT ) { sp->SAVEDHEIGHT = kmdheight; sp->SAVEDTIMESTAMP = timestamp; } if ( kmdheight > sp->CURRENT_HEIGHT ) sp->CURRENT_HEIGHT = kmdheight; } } void hush_eventadd_kmdheight(struct hush_state *sp,char *symbol,int32_t height,int32_t kmdheight,uint32_t timestamp) { uint32_t buf[2]; if ( kmdheight > 0 ) { buf[0] = (uint32_t)kmdheight; buf[1] = timestamp; hush_eventadd(sp,height,symbol,HUSH_EVENT_KMDHEIGHT,(uint8_t *)buf,sizeof(buf)); if ( sp != 0 ) komodo_setkmdheight(sp,kmdheight,timestamp); } else { //fprintf(stderr,"REWIND kmdheight.%d\n",kmdheight); kmdheight = -kmdheight; hush_eventadd(sp,height,symbol,HUSH_EVENT_REWIND,(uint8_t *)&height,sizeof(height)); if ( sp != 0 ) hush_event_rewind(sp,symbol,height); } } #endif