// Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Hush developers // Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html /****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef HUSH_NSPVWALLET_H #define HUSH_NSPVWALLET_H // nSPV wallet uses superlite functions (and some hushd built in functions) to implement nSPV_spend extern void TxToJSON(const CTransaction& tx, const uint256 hashBlock, UniValue& entry); int32_t NSPV_validatehdrs(struct NSPV_ntzsproofresp *ptr) { int32_t i,height,txidht; CTransaction tx; uint256 blockhash,txid,desttxid; if ( (ptr->common.nextht-ptr->common.prevht+1) != ptr->common.numhdrs ) { fprintf(stderr,"next.%d prev.%d -> %d vs %d\n",ptr->common.nextht,ptr->common.prevht,ptr->common.nextht-ptr->common.prevht+1,ptr->common.numhdrs); return(-2); } else if ( NSPV_txextract(tx,ptr->nextntz,ptr->nexttxlen) < 0 ) return(-3); else if ( tx.GetHash() != ptr->nexttxid ) return(-4); else if ( NSPV_notarizationextract(1,&height,&blockhash,&desttxid,tx) < 0 ) return(-5); else if ( height != ptr->common.nextht ) return(-6); else if ( NSPV_hdrhash(&ptr->common.hdrs[ptr->common.numhdrs-1]) != blockhash ) return(-7); for (i=ptr->common.numhdrs-1; i>0; i--) { blockhash = NSPV_hdrhash(&ptr->common.hdrs[i-1]); if ( blockhash != ptr->common.hdrs[i].hashPrevBlock ) return(-i-13); } sleep(1); // need this to get past the once per second rate limiter per message if ( NSPV_txextract(tx,ptr->prevntz,ptr->prevtxlen) < 0 ) return(-8); else if ( tx.GetHash() != ptr->prevtxid ) return(-9); else if ( NSPV_notarizationextract(1,&height,&blockhash,&desttxid,tx) < 0 ) return(-10); else if ( height != ptr->common.prevht ) return(-11); else if ( NSPV_hdrhash(&ptr->common.hdrs[0]) != blockhash ) return(-12); return(0); } int32_t NSPV_gettransaction(int32_t skipvalidation,int32_t vout,uint256 txid,int32_t height,CTransaction &tx,uint256 &hashblock,int32_t &txheight,int32_t ¤theight,int64_t extradata,uint32_t tiptime,int64_t &rewardsum) { struct NSPV_txproof *ptr; int32_t i,offset,retval; int64_t rewards = 0; uint32_t nLockTime; std::vector proof; retval = skipvalidation != 0 ? 0 : -1; //fprintf(stderr,"NSPV_gettx %s/v%d ht.%d\n",txid.GetHex().c_str(),vout,height); if ( (ptr= NSPV_txproof_find(txid)) == 0 ) { NSPV_txproof(vout,txid,height); ptr = &NSPV_txproofresult; } hashblock=ptr->hashblock; txheight=ptr->height; currentheight=NSPV_inforesult.height; if ( ptr->txid != txid ) { fprintf(stderr,"txproof error %s != %s\n",ptr->txid.GetHex().c_str(),txid.GetHex().c_str()); return(-1); } else if ( NSPV_txextract(tx,ptr->tx,ptr->txlen) < 0 || ptr->txlen <= 0 ) retval = -2000; else if ( tx.GetHash() != txid ) retval = -2001; else if ( skipvalidation == 0 && ptr->unspentvalue <= 0 ) retval = -2002; //char coinaddr[64]; //Getscriptaddress(coinaddr,tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey); causes crash?? //fprintf(stderr,"%s txid.%s vs hash.%s\n",coinaddr,txid.GetHex().c_str(),tx.GetHash().GetHex().c_str()); if ( skipvalidation == 0 ) { if ( ptr->txprooflen > 0 ) { proof.resize(ptr->txprooflen); memcpy(&proof[0],ptr->txproof,ptr->txprooflen); } NSPV_notarizations(height); // gets the prev and next notarizations if ( NSPV_inforesult.notarization.height >= height && (NSPV_ntzsresult.prevntz.height == 0 || NSPV_ntzsresult.prevntz.height >= NSPV_ntzsresult.nextntz.height) ) { fprintf(stderr,"issue manual bracket\n"); NSPV_notarizations(height-1); NSPV_notarizations(height+1); NSPV_notarizations(height); // gets the prev and next notarizations } if ( NSPV_ntzsresult.prevntz.height != 0 && NSPV_ntzsresult.prevntz.height <= NSPV_ntzsresult.nextntz.height ) { fprintf(stderr,">>>>> gettx ht.%d prev.%d next.%d\n",height,NSPV_ntzsresult.prevntz.height, NSPV_ntzsresult.nextntz.height); offset = (height - NSPV_ntzsresult.prevntz.height); if ( offset >= 0 && height <= NSPV_ntzsresult.nextntz.height ) { //fprintf(stderr,"call NSPV_txidhdrsproof %s %s\n",NSPV_ntzsresult.prevntz.txid.GetHex().c_str(),NSPV_ntzsresult.nextntz.txid.GetHex().c_str()); NSPV_txidhdrsproof(NSPV_ntzsresult.prevntz.txid,NSPV_ntzsresult.nextntz.txid); usleep(10000); if ( (retval= NSPV_validatehdrs(&NSPV_ntzsproofresult)) == 0 ) { std::vector txids; uint256 proofroot; proofroot = BitcoinGetProofMerkleRoot(proof,txids); if ( proofroot != NSPV_ntzsproofresult.common.hdrs[offset].hashMerkleRoot || txids[0] != txid ) { fprintf(stderr,"txid.%s vs txids[0] %s\n",txid.GetHex().c_str(),txids[0].GetHex().c_str()); fprintf(stderr,"prooflen.%d proofroot.%s vs %s\n",(int32_t)proof.size(),proofroot.GetHex().c_str(),NSPV_ntzsproofresult.common.hdrs[offset].hashMerkleRoot.GetHex().c_str()); retval = -2003; } else retval = 0; } } else retval = -2005; } else retval = -2004; } return(retval); } int32_t NSPV_vinselect(int32_t *aboveip,int64_t *abovep,int32_t *belowip,int64_t *belowp,struct NSPV_utxoresp utxos[],int32_t numunspents,int64_t value) { int32_t i,abovei,belowi; int64_t above,below,gap,atx_value; abovei = belowi = -1; for (above=below=i=0; i value ) { gap = (atx_value - value); if ( above == 0 || gap < above ) { above = gap; abovei = i; } } else { gap = (value - atx_value); if ( below == 0 || gap < below ) { below = gap; belowi = i; } } //printf("value %.8f gap %.8f abovei.%d %.8f belowi.%d %.8f\n",dstr(value),dstr(gap),abovei,dstr(above),belowi,dstr(below)); } *aboveip = abovei; *abovep = above; *belowip = belowi; *belowp = below; //printf("above.%d below.%d\n",abovei,belowi); if ( abovei >= 0 && belowi >= 0 ) { if ( above < (below >> 1) ) return(abovei); else return(belowi); } else if ( abovei >= 0 ) return(abovei); else return(belowi); } int64_t NSPV_addinputs(struct NSPV_utxoresp *used,CMutableTransaction &mtx,int64_t total,int32_t maxinputs,struct NSPV_utxoresp *ptr,int32_t num) { int32_t abovei,belowi,ind,vout,i,n = 0; int64_t threshold,above,below; int64_t remains,totalinputs = 0; CTransaction tx; struct NSPV_utxoresp utxos[NSPV_MAXVINS],*up; memset(utxos,0,sizeof(utxos)); if ( maxinputs > NSPV_MAXVINS ) maxinputs = NSPV_MAXVINS; if ( maxinputs > 0 ) threshold = total/maxinputs; else threshold = total; for (i=0; i threshold ) utxos[n++] = ptr[i]; } remains = total; //fprintf(stderr,"threshold %.8f n.%d for total %.8f\n",(double)threshold/COIN,n,(double)total/COIN); for (i=0; i0; i++) { below = above = 0; abovei = belowi = -1; if ( NSPV_vinselect(&abovei,&above,&belowi,&below,utxos,n,remains) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"error finding unspent i.%d of %d, %.8f vs %.8f\n",i,n,(double)remains/COIN,(double)total/COIN); return(0); } if ( belowi < 0 || abovei >= 0 ) ind = abovei; else ind = belowi; if ( ind < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"error finding unspent i.%d of %d, %.8f vs %.8f, abovei.%d belowi.%d ind.%d\n",i,n,(double)remains/COIN,(double)total/COIN,abovei,belowi,ind); return(0); } //fprintf(stderr,"i.%d ind.%d abovei.%d belowi.%d n.%d\n",i,ind,abovei,belowi,n); up = &utxos[ind]; mtx.vin.push_back(CTxIn(up->txid,up->vout,CScript())); used[i] = *up; totalinputs += up->satoshis; remains -= up->satoshis; utxos[ind] = utxos[--n]; memset(&utxos[n],0,sizeof(utxos[n])); //fprintf(stderr,"totalinputs %.8f vs total %.8f i.%d vs max.%d\n",(double)totalinputs/COIN,(double)total/COIN,i,maxinputs); if ( totalinputs >= total || (i+1) >= maxinputs ) break; } //fprintf(stderr,"totalinputs %.8f vs total %.8f\n",(double)totalinputs/COIN,(double)total/COIN); if ( totalinputs >= total ) return(totalinputs); return(0); } bool NSPV_SignTx(CMutableTransaction &mtx,int32_t vini,int64_t utxovalue,const CScript scriptPubKey,uint32_t nTime) { CTransaction txNewConst(mtx); SignatureData sigdata; CBasicKeyStore keystore; int64_t branchid = NSPV_BRANCHID; if ( NSPV_logintime == 0 || time(NULL) > NSPV_logintime+NSPV_AUTOLOGOUT ) { fprintf(stderr,"need to be logged in to get myprivkey\n"); return false; } keystore.AddKey(NSPV_key); if ( nTime != 0 && nTime < HUSH_SAPING_ACTIVATION ) { fprintf(stderr,"use legacy sig validation\n"); branchid = 0; } if ( ProduceSignature(TransactionSignatureCreator(&keystore,&txNewConst,vini,utxovalue,SIGHASH_ALL),scriptPubKey,sigdata,branchid) != 0 ) { UpdateTransaction(mtx,vini,sigdata); fprintf(stderr,"SIG_TXHASH %s vini.%d %.8f\n",SIG_TXHASH.GetHex().c_str(),vini,(double)utxovalue/COIN); return(true); } //else fprintf(stderr,"sigerr SIG_TXHASH %s vini.%d %.8f\n",SIG_TXHASH.GetHex().c_str(),vini,(double)utxovalue/COIN); return(false); } std::string NSPV_signtx(int64_t &rewardsum,int64_t &interestsum,UniValue &retcodes,CMutableTransaction &mtx,uint64_t txfee,CScript opret,struct NSPV_utxoresp used[]) { CTransaction vintx; std::string hex; uint256 hashBlock; int64_t interest=0,change,totaloutputs=0,totalinputs=0; int32_t i,utxovout,n,validation,txheight,currentheight; n = mtx.vout.size(); for (i=0; i= totaloutputs+2*txfee ) { change = (totalinputs+interest) - (totaloutputs+txfee); mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(change,CScript() << ParseHex(NSPV_pubkeystr) << OP_CHECKSIG)); } if ( opret.size() > 0 ) mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(0,opret)); for (i=0; i 0 ) sleep(1); validation = NSPV_gettransaction(0,utxovout,mtx.vin[i].prevout.hash,used[i].height,vintx,hashBlock,txheight,currentheight,used[i].extradata,NSPV_tiptime,rewardsum); retcodes.push_back(validation); if ( validation != -1 ) // most others are degraded security { if ( vintx.vout[utxovout].nValue != used[i].satoshis ) { fprintf(stderr,"vintx mismatch %.8f != %.8f\n",(double)vintx.vout[utxovout].nValue/COIN,(double)used[i].satoshis/COIN); return(""); } else if ( utxovout != used[i].vout ) { fprintf(stderr,"vintx vout mismatch %d != %d\n",utxovout,used[i].vout); return(""); } else if ( NSPV_SignTx(mtx,i,vintx.vout[utxovout].nValue,vintx.vout[utxovout].scriptPubKey,0) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"signing error for vini.%d\n",i); return(""); } } else fprintf(stderr,"couldnt find txid.%s/v%d or it was spent\n",mtx.vin[i].prevout.hash.GetHex().c_str(),utxovout); // of course much better handling is needed } fprintf(stderr,"sign %d inputs %.8f + interest %.8f -> %d outputs %.8f change %.8f\n",(int32_t)mtx.vin.size(),(double)totalinputs/COIN,(double)interest/COIN,(int32_t)mtx.vout.size(),(double)totaloutputs/COIN,(double)change/COIN); return(EncodeHexTx(mtx)); } UniValue NSPV_spend(char *srcaddr,char *destaddr,int64_t satoshis) // what its all about! { UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ),retcodes(UniValue::VARR); std::vector data; CScript scriptPubKey; uint8_t *ptr,rmd160[128]; int32_t len; int64_t txfee = 10000; if ( NSPV_logintime == 0 || time(NULL) > NSPV_logintime+NSPV_AUTOLOGOUT ) { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("error","wif expired")); return(result); } if ( strcmp(srcaddr,NSPV_address.c_str()) != 0 ) { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("error","invalid address")); result.push_back(Pair("mismatched",srcaddr)); return(result); } else if ( bitcoin_base58decode(rmd160,destaddr) != 25 ) { if ( (len= is_hexstr(destaddr,0)) > 0 ) { len >>= 1; data.resize(len); decode_hex(&data[0],len,destaddr); if ( data[len-1] == OP_CHECKCRYPTOCONDITION ) { data.resize(--len); scriptPubKey = CScript() << data << OP_CHECKCRYPTOCONDITION; } else { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("error","only CC hex allowed for now")); return(result); } } else { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("error","invalid destaddr/CCvout hex")); return(result); } } else { data.resize(20); memcpy(&data[0],&rmd160[1],20); scriptPubKey = (CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ParseHex(HexStr(data)) << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG); } if ( NSPV_inforesult.height == 0 ) { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("error","couldnt getinfo")); return(result); } if ( NSPV_utxosresult.CCflag != 0 || strcmp(NSPV_utxosresult.coinaddr,srcaddr) != 0 || NSPV_utxosresult.nodeheight < NSPV_inforesult.height ) NSPV_addressutxos(srcaddr,0,0,0); if ( NSPV_utxosresult.CCflag != 0 || strcmp(NSPV_utxosresult.coinaddr,srcaddr) != 0 || NSPV_utxosresult.nodeheight < NSPV_inforesult.height ) { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("address",NSPV_utxosresult.coinaddr)); result.push_back(Pair("srcaddr",srcaddr)); result.push_back(Pair("nodeheight",(int64_t)NSPV_utxosresult.nodeheight)); result.push_back(Pair("infoheight",(int64_t)NSPV_inforesult.height)); result.push_back(Pair("error","couldnt get addressutxos")); return(result); } if ( NSPV_utxosresult.total < satoshis+txfee ) { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("error","not enough funds")); result.push_back(Pair("balance",(double)NSPV_utxosresult.total/COIN)); result.push_back(Pair("amount",(double)satoshis/COIN)); return(result); } printf("%s numutxos.%d balance %.8f\n",NSPV_utxosresult.coinaddr,NSPV_utxosresult.numutxos,(double)NSPV_utxosresult.total/COIN); CScript opret; std::string hex; struct NSPV_utxoresp used[NSPV_MAXVINS]; CMutableTransaction mtx; CTransaction tx; int64_t rewardsum=0,interestsum=0; mtx.fOverwintered = true; mtx.nExpiryHeight = 0; mtx.nVersionGroupId = SAPLING_VERSION_GROUP_ID; mtx.nVersion = SAPLING_TX_VERSION; if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) { if ( !hush_hardfork_active((uint32_t)chainActive.LastTip()->nTime) ) mtx.nLockTime = (uint32_t)time(NULL) - 777; else mtx.nLockTime = (uint32_t)chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast(); } memset(used,0,sizeof(used)); if ( NSPV_addinputs(used,mtx,satoshis+txfee,64,NSPV_utxosresult.utxos,NSPV_utxosresult.numutxos) > 0 ) { mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(satoshis,scriptPubKey)); if ( NSPV_logintime == 0 || time(NULL) > NSPV_logintime+NSPV_AUTOLOGOUT ) { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("error","wif expired")); return(result); } hex = NSPV_signtx(rewardsum,interestsum,retcodes,mtx,txfee,opret,used); if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) { char numstr[64]; sprintf(numstr,"%.8f",(double)interestsum/COIN); result.push_back(Pair("rewards",numstr)); sprintf(numstr,"%.8f",(double)rewardsum/COIN); result.push_back(Pair("validated",numstr)); } if ( hex.size() > 0 ) { if ( DecodeHexTx(tx,hex) != 0 ) { TxToJSON(tx,uint256(),result); result.push_back(Pair("result","success")); result.push_back(Pair("hex",hex)); result.push_back(Pair("retcodes",retcodes)); } else { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("error","couldnt decode")); result.push_back(Pair("hex",hex)); } } else { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("retcodes",retcodes)); result.push_back(Pair("error","signing error")); } return(result); } else { result.push_back(Pair("result","error")); result.push_back(Pair("error","couldnt create tx")); return(result); } } int64_t NSPV_AddNormalinputs(CMutableTransaction &mtx,CPubKey mypk,int64_t total,int32_t maxinputs,struct NSPV_CCmtxinfo *ptr) { char coinaddr[64]; int32_t CCflag = 0; if ( ptr != 0 ) { mtx.fOverwintered = true; mtx.nExpiryHeight = 0; mtx.nVersionGroupId = SAPLING_VERSION_GROUP_ID; mtx.nVersion = SAPLING_TX_VERSION; Getscriptaddress(coinaddr,CScript() << ParseHex(HexStr(mypk)) << OP_CHECKSIG); // if ( strcmp(ptr->U.coinaddr,coinaddr) != 0 ) // { NSPV_addressutxos(coinaddr,CCflag,0,0); NSPV_utxosresp_purge(&ptr->U); NSPV_utxosresp_copy(&ptr->U,&NSPV_utxosresult); // } fprintf(stderr,"%s numutxos.%d\n",ptr->U.coinaddr,ptr->U.numutxos); memset(ptr->used,0,sizeof(ptr->used)); return(NSPV_addinputs(ptr->used,mtx,total,maxinputs,ptr->U.utxos,ptr->U.numutxos)); } else return(0); } void NSPV_utxos2CCunspents(struct NSPV_utxosresp *ptr,std::vector > &outputs) { CAddressUnspentKey key; CAddressUnspentValue value; int32_t i,type; uint160 hashBytes; std::string addrstr(ptr->coinaddr); if ( ptr->utxos != NULL && ptr->numutxos > 0 ) { CBitcoinAddress address(addrstr); if ( address.GetIndexKey(hashBytes, type, ptr->CCflag) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"couldnt get indexkey\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < ptr->numutxos; i ++) { key.type = type; key.hashBytes = hashBytes; key.txhash = ptr->utxos[i].txid; key.index = ptr->utxos[i].vout; value.satoshis = ptr->utxos[i].satoshis; value.blockHeight = ptr->utxos[i].height; outputs.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); } } } void NSPV_txids2CCtxids(struct NSPV_txidsresp *ptr,std::vector > &txids) { CAddressIndexKey key; int64_t value; int32_t i,type; uint160 hashBytes; std::string addrstr(ptr->coinaddr); if ( ptr->txids != NULL && ptr->numtxids > 0 ) { CBitcoinAddress address(addrstr); if ( address.GetIndexKey(hashBytes, type, ptr->CCflag) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"couldnt get indexkey\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < ptr->numtxids; i ++) { key.type = type; key.hashBytes = hashBytes; key.txhash = ptr->txids[i].txid; key.index = ptr->txids[i].vout; key.blockHeight = ptr->txids[i].height; value = ptr->txids[i].satoshis; txids.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); } } } void NSPV_CCunspents(std::vector > &outputs,char *coinaddr,bool ccflag) { int32_t filter = 0; NSPV_addressutxos(coinaddr,ccflag,0,filter); NSPV_utxos2CCunspents(&NSPV_utxosresult,outputs); } void NSPV_CCtxids(std::vector > &txids,char *coinaddr,bool ccflag) { int32_t filter = 0; NSPV_addresstxids(coinaddr,ccflag,0,filter); NSPV_txids2CCtxids(&NSPV_txidsresult,txids); } void NSPV_CCtxids(std::vector &txids,char *coinaddr,bool ccflag, uint8_t evalcode,uint256 filtertxid, uint8_t func) { NSPV_ccaddresstxids(coinaddr,ccflag,0,filtertxid,evalcode,func); for(int i=0;i