// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2016-2020 The Hush developers // Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html /****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "pubkey.h" #include "miner.h" #ifdef ENABLE_MINING #include "pow/tromp/equi_miner.h" #endif #include "amount.h" #include "chainparams.h" #include "importcoin.h" #include "consensus/consensus.h" #include "consensus/upgrades.h" #include "consensus/validation.h" #ifdef ENABLE_MINING #include "crypto/equihash.h" #endif #include "hash.h" #include "key_io.h" #include "main.h" #include "metrics.h" #include "net.h" #include "pow.h" #include "primitives/transaction.h" #include "random.h" #include "timedata.h" #include "ui_interface.h" #include "util.h" #include "utilmoneystr.h" #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET #include "wallet/wallet.h" #endif #include "zcash/Address.hpp" #include "transaction_builder.h" #include "sodium.h" #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_MINING #include #endif #include using namespace std; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BitcoinMiner // // // Unconfirmed transactions in the memory pool often depend on other // transactions in the memory pool. When we select transactions from the // pool, we select by highest priority or fee rate, so we might consider // transactions that depend on transactions that aren't yet in the block. // The COrphan class keeps track of these 'temporary orphans' while // CreateBlock is figuring out which transactions to include. // class COrphan { public: const CTransaction* ptx; set setDependsOn; CFeeRate feeRate; double dPriority; COrphan(const CTransaction* ptxIn) : ptx(ptxIn), feeRate(0), dPriority(0) { } }; uint64_t nLastBlockTx = 0; uint64_t nLastBlockSize = 0; // We want to sort transactions by priority and fee rate, so: typedef boost::tuple TxPriority; class TxPriorityCompare { bool byFee; public: TxPriorityCompare(bool _byFee) : byFee(_byFee) { } bool operator()(const TxPriority& a, const TxPriority& b) { if (byFee) { if (a.get<1>() == b.get<1>()) return a.get<0>() < b.get<0>(); return a.get<1>() < b.get<1>(); } else { if (a.get<0>() == b.get<0>()) return a.get<1>() < b.get<1>(); return a.get<0>() < b.get<0>(); } } }; extern int8_t ASSETCHAINS_ADAPTIVEPOW; void UpdateTime(CBlockHeader* pblock, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev) { if ( ASSETCHAINS_ADAPTIVEPOW <= 0 ) pblock->nTime = std::max(pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()+1, GetTime()); else pblock->nTime = std::max((int64_t)(pindexPrev->nTime+1), GetTime()); // Updating time can change work required on testnet: if (ASSETCHAINS_ADAPTIVEPOW > 0 || consensusParams.nPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocksAfterHeight != boost::none) { pblock->nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, consensusParams); } } #include "hush_defs.h" #include "cc/CCinclude.h" extern CCriticalSection cs_metrics; void vcalc_sha256(char deprecated[(256 >> 3) * 2 + 1],uint8_t hash[256 >> 3],uint8_t *src,int32_t len); uint32_t Mining_start,Mining_height; int32_t My_notaryid = -1; int32_t hush_chosennotary(int32_t *notaryidp,int32_t height,uint8_t *pubkey33,uint32_t timestamp); int32_t komodo_pax_opreturn(int32_t height,uint8_t *opret,int32_t maxsize); int32_t komodo_baseid(char *origbase); int32_t hush_longestchain(); int64_t hush_block_unlocktime(uint32_t nHeight); uint64_t the_commission(const CBlock *block,int32_t height); int32_t hush_notaryvin(CMutableTransaction &txNew,uint8_t *notarypub33, void *ptr); int32_t decode_hex(uint8_t *bytes,int32_t n,char *hex); int32_t hush_is_notarytx(const CTransaction& tx); uint64_t komodo_notarypay(CMutableTransaction &txNew, std::vector &NotarizationNotaries, uint32_t timestamp, int32_t height, uint8_t *script, int32_t len); int32_t hush_notaries(uint8_t pubkeys[64][33],int32_t height,uint32_t timestamp); int32_t hush_getnotarizedheight(uint32_t timestamp,int32_t height, uint8_t *script, int32_t len); CScript komodo_mineropret(int32_t nHeight); bool komodo_appendACscriptpub(); CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(CPubKey _pk,const CScript& _scriptPubKeyIn, int32_t gpucount, bool isStake) { CScript scriptPubKeyIn(_scriptPubKeyIn); CPubKey pk; if ( _pk.size() != 33 ) { pk = CPubKey(); std::vector> vAddrs; txnouttype txT; if ( scriptPubKeyIn.size() > 0 && Solver(scriptPubKeyIn, txT, vAddrs)) { if (txT == TX_PUBKEY) pk = CPubKey(vAddrs[0]); } } else pk = _pk; uint64_t deposits,voutsum=0; int32_t isrealtime,kmdheight; uint32_t blocktime; const CChainParams& chainparams = Params(); bool fNotarizationBlock = false; std::vector NotarizationNotaries; //fprintf(stderr,"create new block\n"); // Create new block if ( gpucount < 0 ) gpucount = HUSH_MAXGPUCOUNT; std::unique_ptr pblocktemplate(new CBlockTemplate()); if(!pblocktemplate.get()) { fprintf(stderr,"pblocktemplate.get() failure\n"); return NULL; } CBlock *pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; // pointer for convenience // -regtest only: allow overriding block.nVersion with // -blockversion=N to test forking scenarios if (Params().MineBlocksOnDemand()) pblock->nVersion = GetArg("-blockversion", pblock->nVersion); // Add dummy coinbase tx as first transaction pblock->vtx.push_back(CTransaction()); pblocktemplate->vTxFees.push_back(-1); // updated at end pblocktemplate->vTxSigOps.push_back(-1); // updated at end // Largest block you're willing to create: unsigned int nBlockMaxSize = GetArg("-blockmaxsize", MAX_BLOCK_SIZE(chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight()+1)); // Limit to betweeen 1K and MAX_BLOCK_SIZE-1K for sanity: nBlockMaxSize = std::max((unsigned int)1000, std::min((unsigned int)(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE(chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight()+1)-1000), nBlockMaxSize)); // How much of the block should be dedicated to high-priority transactions, // included regardless of the fees they pay unsigned int nBlockPrioritySize = GetArg("-blockprioritysize", DEFAULT_BLOCK_PRIORITY_SIZE); nBlockPrioritySize = std::min(nBlockMaxSize, nBlockPrioritySize); // Minimum block size you want to create; block will be filled with free transactions // until there are no more or the block reaches this size: unsigned int nBlockMinSize = GetArg("-blockminsize", DEFAULT_BLOCK_MIN_SIZE); nBlockMinSize = std::min(nBlockMaxSize, nBlockMinSize); // Collect memory pool transactions into the block CAmount nFees = 0; // we will attempt to spend any cheats we see CTransaction cheatTx; boost::optional cheatSpend; uint256 cbHash; boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); // exit thread before entering locks. CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = 0; { // this should stop create block ever exiting until it has returned something. boost::this_thread::disable_interruption(); ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(cs_main); ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(mempool.cs); pindexPrev = chainActive.LastTip(); const int nHeight = pindexPrev->GetHeight() + 1; const Consensus::Params &consensusParams = chainparams.GetConsensus(); uint32_t consensusBranchId = CurrentEpochBranchId(nHeight, consensusParams); bool sapling = NetworkUpgradeActive(nHeight, consensusParams, Consensus::UPGRADE_SAPLING); const int64_t nMedianTimePast = pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast(); uint32_t proposedTime = GetTime(); voutsum = GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight,consensusParams) + 10000*COIN; // approx fees if (proposedTime == nMedianTimePast) { // too fast or stuck, this addresses the too fast issue, while moving // forward as quickly as possible for (int i; i < 100; i++) { proposedTime = GetTime(); if (proposedTime == nMedianTimePast) MilliSleep(10); } } pblock->nTime = GetTime(); // Now we have the block time + height, we can get the active notaries. int8_t numSN = 0; uint8_t notarypubkeys[64][33] = {0}; if ( ASSETCHAINS_NOTARY_PAY[0] != 0 ) { // Only use speical miner for notary pay chains. numSN = hush_notaries(notarypubkeys, nHeight, pblock->nTime); } CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip); uint32_t expired; uint64_t commission; SaplingMerkleTree sapling_tree; assert(view.GetSaplingAnchorAt(view.GetBestAnchor(SAPLING), sapling_tree)); // Priority order to process transactions list vOrphan; // list memory doesn't move map > mapDependers; bool fPrintPriority = GetBoolArg("-printpriority", false); // This vector will be sorted into a priority queue: vector vecPriority; vecPriority.reserve(mempool.mapTx.size() + 1); // now add transactions from the mem pool int32_t Notarizations = 0; uint64_t txvalue; for (CTxMemPool::indexed_transaction_set::iterator mi = mempool.mapTx.begin(); mi != mempool.mapTx.end(); ++mi) { const CTransaction& tx = mi->GetTx(); int64_t nLockTimeCutoff = (STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS & LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST) ? nMedianTimePast : pblock->GetBlockTime(); if (tx.IsCoinBase() || !IsFinalTx(tx, nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff) || IsExpiredTx(tx, nHeight)) { //fprintf(stderr,"coinbase.%d finaltx.%d expired.%d\n",tx.IsCoinBase(),IsFinalTx(tx, nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff),IsExpiredTx(tx, nHeight)); continue; } txvalue = tx.GetValueOut(); if ( HUSH_VALUETOOBIG(txvalue) != 0 ) continue; COrphan* porphan = NULL; double dPriority = 0; CAmount nTotalIn = 0; bool fMissingInputs = false; bool fNotarization = false; std::vector TMP_NotarizationNotaries; if (tx.IsCoinImport()) { CAmount nValueIn = GetCoinImportValue(tx); // burn amount nTotalIn += nValueIn; dPriority += (double)nValueIn * 1000; // flat multiplier... max = 1e16. } else { TMP_NotarizationNotaries.clear(); bool fToCryptoAddress = false; if ( numSN != 0 && notarypubkeys[0][0] != 0 && hush_is_notarytx(tx) == 1 ) fToCryptoAddress = true; BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, tx.vin) { if (tx.IsPegsImport() && txin.prevout.n==10e8) { CAmount nValueIn = GetCoinImportValue(tx); // burn amount nTotalIn += nValueIn; dPriority += (double)nValueIn * 1000; // flat multiplier... max = 1e16. continue; } // Read prev transaction if (!view.HaveCoins(txin.prevout.hash)) { // This should never happen; all transactions in the memory // pool should connect to either transactions in the chain // or other transactions in the memory pool. if (!mempool.mapTx.count(txin.prevout.hash)) { LogPrintf("ERROR: mempool transaction missing input\n"); // if (fDebug) assert("mempool transaction missing input" == 0); fMissingInputs = true; if (porphan) vOrphan.pop_back(); break; } // Has to wait for dependencies if (!porphan) { // Use list for automatic deletion vOrphan.push_back(COrphan(&tx)); porphan = &vOrphan.back(); } mapDependers[txin.prevout.hash].push_back(porphan); porphan->setDependsOn.insert(txin.prevout.hash); nTotalIn += mempool.mapTx.find(txin.prevout.hash)->GetTx().vout[txin.prevout.n].nValue; continue; } const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(txin.prevout.hash); assert(coins); CAmount nValueIn = coins->vout[txin.prevout.n].nValue; nTotalIn += nValueIn; int nConf = nHeight - coins->nHeight; uint8_t *script; int32_t scriptlen; uint256 hash; CTransaction tx1; // loop over notaries array and extract index of signers. if ( fToCryptoAddress && GetTransaction(txin.prevout.hash,tx1,hash,false) ) { for (int8_t i = 0; i < numSN; i++) { script = (uint8_t *)&tx1.vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey[0]; scriptlen = (int32_t)tx1.vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey.size(); if ( scriptlen == 35 && script[0] == 33 && script[34] == OP_CHECKSIG && memcmp(script+1,notarypubkeys[i],33) == 0 ) { // We can add the index of each notary to vector, and clear it if this notarization is not valid later on. TMP_NotarizationNotaries.push_back(i); } } } dPriority += (double)nValueIn * nConf; } if ( numSN != 0 && notarypubkeys[0][0] != 0 && TMP_NotarizationNotaries.size() >= numSN / 5 ) { // check a notary didnt sign twice (this would be an invalid notarization later on and cause problems) std::set checkdupes( TMP_NotarizationNotaries.begin(), TMP_NotarizationNotaries.end() ); if ( checkdupes.size() != TMP_NotarizationNotaries.size() ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: WTFBBQ! possible notarization is signed multiple times by same notary, passed as normal transaction.\n", __func__); } else fNotarization = true; } nTotalIn += tx.GetShieldedValueIn(); } if (fMissingInputs) continue; // Priority is sum(valuein * age) / modified_txsize unsigned int nTxSize = ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); dPriority = tx.ComputePriority(dPriority, nTxSize); uint256 hash = tx.GetHash(); mempool.ApplyDeltas(hash, dPriority, nTotalIn); CFeeRate feeRate(nTotalIn-tx.GetValueOut(), nTxSize); if ( fNotarization ) { // Special miner for notary pay chains. Can only enter this if numSN/notarypubkeys is set higher up. if ( tx.vout.size() == 2 && tx.vout[1].nValue == 0 ) { // Get the OP_RETURN for the notarization uint8_t *script = (uint8_t *)&tx.vout[1].scriptPubKey[0]; int32_t scriptlen = (int32_t)tx.vout[1].scriptPubKey.size(); if ( script[0] == OP_RETURN ) { Notarizations++; if ( Notarizations > 1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "skipping notarization.%d\n",Notarizations); // Any attempted notarization needs to be in its own block! continue; } int32_t notarizedheight = hush_getnotarizedheight(pblock->nTime, nHeight, script, scriptlen); if ( notarizedheight != 0 ) { // this is the first one we see, add it to the block as TX1 NotarizationNotaries = TMP_NotarizationNotaries; dPriority = 1e16; fNotarizationBlock = true; //fprintf(stderr, "Notarization %s set to maximum priority\n",hash.ToString().c_str()); } } } } else if ( dPriority == 1e16 ) { dPriority -= 10; // make sure notarization is tx[1] in block. } if (porphan) { porphan->dPriority = dPriority; porphan->feeRate = feeRate; } else { vecPriority.push_back(TxPriority(dPriority, feeRate, &(mi->GetTx()))); } } // Collect transactions into block int64_t interest; uint64_t nBlockSize = 1000; uint64_t nBlockTx = 0; int nBlockSigOps = 100; bool fSortedByFee = (nBlockPrioritySize <= 0); TxPriorityCompare comparer(fSortedByFee); std::make_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), comparer); while (!vecPriority.empty()) { // Take highest priority transaction off the priority queue: double dPriority = vecPriority.front().get<0>(); CFeeRate feeRate = vecPriority.front().get<1>(); const CTransaction& tx = *(vecPriority.front().get<2>()); std::pop_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), comparer); vecPriority.pop_back(); // Size limits unsigned int nTxSize = ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); // Opret spam limits if (mapArgs.count("-opretmintxfee")) { CAmount n = 0; CFeeRate opretMinFeeRate; if (ParseMoney(mapArgs["-opretmintxfee"], n) && n > 0) opretMinFeeRate = CFeeRate(n); else opretMinFeeRate = CFeeRate(400000); // default opretMinFeeRate (1 HUSH per 250 Kb = 0.004 per 1 Kb = 400000 puposhis per 1 Kb) bool fSpamTx = false; unsigned int nTxSize = ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); unsigned int nTxOpretSize = 0; // calc total oprets size BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout) { if (txout.scriptPubKey.IsOpReturn()) { CScript::const_iterator it = txout.scriptPubKey.begin() + 1; opcodetype op; std::vector opretData; if (txout.scriptPubKey.GetOp(it, op, opretData)) { //std::cerr << HexStr(opretData.begin(), opretData.end()) << std::endl; nTxOpretSize += opretData.size(); } } } if ((nTxOpretSize > 256) && (feeRate < opretMinFeeRate)) fSpamTx = true; // std::cerr << tx.GetHash().ToString() << " nTxSize." << nTxSize << " nTxOpretSize." << nTxOpretSize << " feeRate." << feeRate.ToString() << " opretMinFeeRate." << opretMinFeeRate.ToString() << " fSpamTx." << fSpamTx << std::endl; if (fSpamTx) continue; // std::cerr << tx.GetHash().ToString() << " vecPriority.size() = " << vecPriority.size() << std::endl; } if (nBlockSize + nTxSize >= nBlockMaxSize-512) // room for extra autotx { //fprintf(stderr,"nBlockSize %d + %d nTxSize >= %d nBlockMaxSize\n",(int32_t)nBlockSize,(int32_t)nTxSize,(int32_t)nBlockMaxSize); continue; } // Legacy limits on sigOps: unsigned int nTxSigOps = GetLegacySigOpCount(tx); if (nBlockSigOps + nTxSigOps >= MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS-1) { //fprintf(stderr,"A nBlockSigOps %d + %d nTxSigOps >= %d MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS-1\n",(int32_t)nBlockSigOps,(int32_t)nTxSigOps,(int32_t)MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS); continue; } // Skip free transactions if we're past the minimum block size: const uint256& hash = tx.GetHash(); double dPriorityDelta = 0; CAmount nFeeDelta = 0; mempool.ApplyDeltas(hash, dPriorityDelta, nFeeDelta); if (fSortedByFee && (dPriorityDelta <= 0) && (nFeeDelta <= 0) && (feeRate < ::minRelayTxFee) && (nBlockSize + nTxSize >= nBlockMinSize)) { //fprintf(stderr,"fee rate skip\n"); continue; } // Prioritise by fee once past the priority size or we run out of high-priority // transactions: if (!fSortedByFee && ((nBlockSize + nTxSize >= nBlockPrioritySize) || !AllowFree(dPriority))) { fSortedByFee = true; comparer = TxPriorityCompare(fSortedByFee); std::make_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), comparer); } if (!view.HaveInputs(tx)) { //fprintf(stderr,"dont have inputs\n"); continue; } CAmount nTxFees = view.GetValueIn(chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight(),&interest,tx,chainActive.LastTip()->nTime)-tx.GetValueOut(); nTxSigOps += GetP2SHSigOpCount(tx, view); if (nBlockSigOps + nTxSigOps >= MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS-1) { //fprintf(stderr,"B nBlockSigOps %d + %d nTxSigOps >= %d MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS-1\n",(int32_t)nBlockSigOps,(int32_t)nTxSigOps,(int32_t)MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS); continue; } // Note that flags: we don't want to set mempool/IsStandard() // policy here, but we still have to ensure that the block we // create only contains transactions that are valid in new blocks. CValidationState state; PrecomputedTransactionData txdata(tx); if (!ContextualCheckInputs(tx, state, view, true, MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true, txdata, Params().GetConsensus(), consensusBranchId)) { //fprintf(stderr,"context failure\n"); continue; } UpdateCoins(tx, view, nHeight); BOOST_FOREACH(const OutputDescription &outDescription, tx.vShieldedOutput) { sapling_tree.append(outDescription.cm); } // Added pblock->vtx.push_back(tx); pblocktemplate->vTxFees.push_back(nTxFees); pblocktemplate->vTxSigOps.push_back(nTxSigOps); nBlockSize += nTxSize; ++nBlockTx; nBlockSigOps += nTxSigOps; nFees += nTxFees; if (fPrintPriority) { LogPrintf("priority %.1f fee %s txid %s\n",dPriority, feeRate.ToString(), tx.GetHash().ToString()); } // Add transactions that depend on this one to the priority queue if (mapDependers.count(hash)) { BOOST_FOREACH(COrphan* porphan, mapDependers[hash]) { if (!porphan->setDependsOn.empty()) { porphan->setDependsOn.erase(hash); if (porphan->setDependsOn.empty()) { vecPriority.push_back(TxPriority(porphan->dPriority, porphan->feeRate, porphan->ptx)); std::push_heap(vecPriority.begin(), vecPriority.end(), comparer); } } } } } nLastBlockTx = nBlockTx; nLastBlockSize = nBlockSize; if ( ASSETCHAINS_ADAPTIVEPOW <= 0 ) blocktime = 1 + std::max(pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()+1, GetTime()); else blocktime = 1 + std::max((int64_t)(pindexPrev->nTime+1), GetTime()); //pblock->nTime = blocktime + 1; pblock->nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, Params().GetConsensus()); LogPrintf("CreateNewBlock(): total size %u blocktime.%u nBits.%08x stake.%i\n", nBlockSize,blocktime,pblock->nBits,isStake); // Create coinbase tx CMutableTransaction txNew = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(consensusParams, nHeight); txNew.vin.resize(1); txNew.vin[0].prevout.SetNull(); txNew.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << nHeight << OP_0; txNew.vout.resize(1); txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKeyIn; txNew.vout[0].nValue = GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight,consensusParams) + nFees; fprintf(stderr,"mine ht.%d with %.8f\n",nHeight,(double)txNew.vout[0].nValue/COIN); txNew.nExpiryHeight = 0; if ( ASSETCHAINS_ADAPTIVEPOW <= 0 ) txNew.nLockTime = std::max(pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()+1, GetTime()); else txNew.nLockTime = std::max((int64_t)(pindexPrev->nTime+1), GetTime()); if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 && IS_HUSH_NOTARY != 0 && My_notaryid >= 0 ) txNew.vout[0].nValue += 5000; pblock->vtx[0] = txNew; if ( nHeight > 1 && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && (ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEY33[0] != 0 || ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.size() > 1) && (ASSETCHAINS_COMMISSION != 0 || ASSETCHAINS_FOUNDERS_REWARD != 0) && (commission= the_commission((CBlock*)&pblocktemplate->block,(int32_t)nHeight)) != 0 ) { int32_t i; uint8_t *ptr; txNew.vout.resize(2); txNew.vout[1].nValue = commission; if ( ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.size() > 1 ) { static bool didinit = false; if ( !didinit && nHeight > HUSH_EARLYTXID_HEIGHT && HUSH_EARLYTXID != zeroid && komodo_appendACscriptpub() ) { fprintf(stderr, "appended ccopreturn to ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.%s\n", ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.c_str()); didinit = true; } //fprintf(stderr,"mine to -ac_script\n"); //txNew.vout[1].scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex(); int32_t len = strlen(ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.c_str()); len >>= 1; txNew.vout[1].scriptPubKey.resize(len); ptr = (uint8_t *)&txNew.vout[1].scriptPubKey[0]; decode_hex(ptr,len,(char *)ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.c_str()); } else { txNew.vout[1].scriptPubKey.resize(35); ptr = (uint8_t *)&txNew.vout[1].scriptPubKey[0]; ptr[0] = 33; for (i=0; i<33; i++) { ptr[i+1] = ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEY33[i]; //fprintf(stderr,"%02x",ptr[i+1]); } ptr[34] = OP_CHECKSIG; //fprintf(stderr," set ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEY33 into vout[1]\n"); } //printf("autocreate commision vout\n"); } else if ( (uint64_t)(txNew.vout[0].nValue) >= ASSETCHAINS_TIMELOCKGTE) { fprintf(stderr,"timelocked chains not supported in this code!\n"); LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(cs_main); LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(mempool.cs); return(0); } else if ( fNotarizationBlock && ASSETCHAINS_NOTARY_PAY[0] != 0 && pblock->vtx[1].vout.size() == 2 && pblock->vtx[1].vout[1].nValue == 0 ) { // Get the OP_RETURN for the notarization uint8_t *script = (uint8_t *)&pblock->vtx[1].vout[1].scriptPubKey[0]; int32_t scriptlen = (int32_t)pblock->vtx[1].vout[1].scriptPubKey.size(); if ( script[0] == OP_RETURN ) { uint64_t totalsats = komodo_notarypay(txNew, NotarizationNotaries, pblock->nTime, nHeight, script, scriptlen); if ( totalsats == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create notary payment, trying again.\n"); if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 || (SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && !isStake) ) { LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(cs_main); LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(mempool.cs); } return(0); } //fprintf(stderr, "Created notary payment coinbase totalsat.%lu\n",totalsats); } else fprintf(stderr, "vout 2 of notarization is not OP_RETURN scriptlen.%i\n", scriptlen); } if ( ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET != 0 ) { int32_t numv = (int32_t)txNew.vout.size(); txNew.vout.resize(numv+1); txNew.vout[numv].nValue = 0; txNew.vout[numv].scriptPubKey = komodo_mineropret(nHeight); //printf("autocreate commision/cbopret.%lld vout[%d]\n",(long long)ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET,(int32_t)txNew.vout.size()); } pblock->vtx[0] = txNew; pblocktemplate->vTxFees[0] = -nFees; // if not staking, setup nonce, otherwise, leave it alone if (!isStake || ASSETCHAINS_LWMAPOS == 0) { // Randomise nonce arith_uint256 nonce = UintToArith256(GetRandHash()); // Clear the top 16 and bottom 16 or 24 bits (for local use as thread flags and counters) nonce <<= ASSETCHAINS_NONCESHIFT[ASSETCHAINS_ALGO]; nonce >>= 16; pblock->nNonce = ArithToUint256(nonce); } // Fill in header pblock->hashPrevBlock = pindexPrev->GetBlockHash(); pblock->hashFinalSaplingRoot = sapling_tree.root(); // all PoS chains need this data in the block at all times if ( ASSETCHAINS_LWMAPOS || SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 || ASSETCHAINS_STAKED == 0 || HUSH_MININGTHREADS > 0 ) { UpdateTime(pblock, Params().GetConsensus(), pindexPrev); pblock->nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, Params().GetConsensus()); } pblock->nSolution.clear(); pblocktemplate->vTxSigOps[0] = GetLegacySigOpCount(pblock->vtx[0]); if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 && IS_HUSH_NOTARY != 0 && My_notaryid >= 0 ) { uint32_t r; CScript opret; void **ptr=0; CMutableTransaction txNotary = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), chainActive.Height() + 1); if ( pblock->nTime < pindexPrev->nTime+60 ) pblock->nTime = pindexPrev->nTime + 60; if ( gpucount < 33 ) { uint8_t tmpbuffer[40]; uint32_t r; int32_t n=0; uint256 randvals; memcpy(&tmpbuffer[n],&My_notaryid,sizeof(My_notaryid)), n += sizeof(My_notaryid); memcpy(&tmpbuffer[n],&Mining_height,sizeof(Mining_height)), n += sizeof(Mining_height); memcpy(&tmpbuffer[n],&pblock->hashPrevBlock,sizeof(pblock->hashPrevBlock)), n += sizeof(pblock->hashPrevBlock); vcalc_sha256(0,(uint8_t *)&randvals,tmpbuffer,n); memcpy(&r,&randvals,sizeof(r)); pblock->nTime += (r % (33 - gpucount)*(33 - gpucount)); } if ( hush_notaryvin(txNotary,NOTARY_PUBKEY33,ptr) > 0 ) { CAmount txfees = 5000; pblock->vtx.push_back(txNotary); pblocktemplate->vTxFees.push_back(txfees); pblocktemplate->vTxSigOps.push_back(GetLegacySigOpCount(txNotary)); nFees += txfees; pblocktemplate->vTxFees[0] = -nFees; //*(uint64_t *)(&pblock->vtx[0].vout[0].nValue) += txfees; //fprintf(stderr,"added notaryvin\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"error adding notaryvin, need to create 0.0001 utxos\n"); if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 || (SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && !isStake) ) { LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(cs_main); LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(mempool.cs); } return(0); } } else if ( ASSETCHAINS_CC == 0 && pindexPrev != 0 && ASSETCHAINS_STAKED == 0 && (SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 || IS_HUSH_NOTARY == 0 || My_notaryid < 0) ) { CValidationState state; //fprintf(stderr,"check validity\n"); if ( !TestBlockValidity(state, *pblock, pindexPrev, false, false)) // invokes CC checks { if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 || (SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && !isStake) ) { LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(cs_main); LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(mempool.cs); } //throw std::runtime_error("CreateNewBlock(): TestBlockValidity failed"); // crashes the node, moved to GetBlockTemplate and issue return. return(0); } //fprintf(stderr,"valid\n"); } } if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 || (SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && !isStake) ) { LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(cs_main); LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(mempool.cs); } //fprintf(stderr,"done new block\n"); return pblocktemplate.release(); } /* #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET boost::optional GetMinerScriptPubKey(CReserveKey& reservekey) #else boost::optional GetMinerScriptPubKey() #endif { CKeyID keyID; CBitcoinAddress addr; if (addr.SetString(GetArg("-mineraddress", ""))) { addr.GetKeyID(keyID); } else { #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET CPubKey pubkey; if (!reservekey.GetReservedKey(pubkey)) { return boost::optional(); } keyID = pubkey.GetID(); #else return boost::optional(); #endif } CScript scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(keyID) << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG; return scriptPubKey; } #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlockWithKey(CReserveKey& reservekey) { boost::optional scriptPubKey = GetMinerScriptPubKey(reservekey); #else CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlockWithKey() { boost::optional scriptPubKey = GetMinerScriptPubKey(); #endif if (!scriptPubKey) { return NULL; } return CreateNewBlock(*scriptPubKey); }*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Internal miner // #ifdef ENABLE_MINING void IncrementExtraNonce(CBlock* pblock, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, unsigned int& nExtraNonce) { // Update nExtraNonce static uint256 hashPrevBlock; if (hashPrevBlock != pblock->hashPrevBlock) { nExtraNonce = 0; hashPrevBlock = pblock->hashPrevBlock; } ++nExtraNonce; unsigned int nHeight = pindexPrev->GetHeight()+1; // Height first in coinbase required for block.version=2 CMutableTransaction txCoinbase(pblock->vtx[0]); txCoinbase.vin[0].scriptSig = (CScript() << nHeight << CScriptNum(nExtraNonce)) + COINBASE_FLAGS; assert(txCoinbase.vin[0].scriptSig.size() <= 100); pblock->vtx[0] = txCoinbase; pblock->hashMerkleRoot = pblock->BuildMerkleTree(); } #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // Internal miner CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlockWithKey(CReserveKey& reservekey, int32_t nHeight, int32_t gpucount, bool isStake) { CPubKey pubkey; CScript scriptPubKey; uint8_t *script,*ptr; int32_t i,len; if ( nHeight == 1 && ASSETCHAINS_COMMISSION != 0 && ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB[ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.back()] != 49 && ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB[ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.back()-1] != 51 ) { if ( ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEY33[0] != 0 ) { pubkey = ParseHex(ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEY); scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex(HexStr(pubkey)) << OP_CHECKSIG; } else { len = strlen(ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.c_str()); len >>= 1; scriptPubKey.resize(len); ptr = (uint8_t *)&scriptPubKey[0]; decode_hex(ptr,len,(char *)ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB.c_str()); } } else if ( USE_EXTERNAL_PUBKEY != 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"use notary pubkey\n"); pubkey = ParseHex(NOTARY_PUBKEY); scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex(HexStr(pubkey)) << OP_CHECKSIG; } else { { if (!reservekey.GetReservedKey(pubkey)) { return NULL; } scriptPubKey.resize(35); ptr = (uint8_t *)pubkey.begin(); scriptPubKey[0] = 33; for (i=0; i<33; i++) { scriptPubKey[i+1] = ptr[i]; } scriptPubKey[34] = OP_CHECKSIG; } } return CreateNewBlock(pubkey, scriptPubKey, gpucount, isStake); } void komodo_sendmessage(int32_t minpeers,int32_t maxpeers,const char *message,std::vector payload) { int32_t numsent = 0; LOCK(cs_vNodes); BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes) { if ( pnode->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) continue; if ( numsent < minpeers || (rand() % 10) == 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"pushmessage\n"); pnode->PushMessage(message,payload); if ( numsent++ > maxpeers ) break; } } } void komodo_broadcast(CBlock *pblock,int32_t limit) { if (IsInitialBlockDownload()) return; int32_t n = 1; //fprintf(stderr,"broadcast new block t.%u\n",(uint32_t)time(NULL)); { LOCK(cs_vNodes); BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes) { if ( pnode->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) continue; if ( (rand() % n) == 0 ) { pnode->PushMessage("block", *pblock); if ( n++ > limit ) break; } } } //fprintf(stderr,"finished broadcast new block t.%u\n",(uint32_t)time(NULL)); } static bool ProcessBlockFound(CBlock* pblock, CWallet& wallet, CReserveKey& reservekey) #else static bool ProcessBlockFound(CBlock* pblock) #endif // ENABLE_WALLET { LogPrintf("%s\n", pblock->ToString()); LogPrintf("generated %s height.%d\n", FormatMoney(pblock->vtx[0].vout[0].nValue),chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight()+1); // Found a solution { if (pblock->hashPrevBlock != chainActive.LastTip()->GetBlockHash()) { uint256 hash; int32_t i; hash = pblock->hashPrevBlock; for (i=31; i>=0; i--) fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&hash)[i]); fprintf(stderr," <- prev (stale)\n"); hash = chainActive.LastTip()->GetBlockHash(); for (i=31; i>=0; i--) fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&hash)[i]); fprintf(stderr," <- chainTip (stale)\n"); return error("HushMiner: generated block is stale"); } } // Inform about the new block GetMainSignals().BlockFound(pblock->GetHash()); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // Remove key from key pool if ( IS_HUSH_NOTARY == 0 ) { if (GetArg("-mineraddress", "").empty()) { // Remove key from key pool reservekey.KeepKey(); } } // Track how many getdata requests this block gets //if ( 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"lock cs_wallet\n"); LOCK(wallet.cs_wallet); wallet.mapRequestCount[pblock->GetHash()] = 0; } #endif //fprintf(stderr,"process new block\n"); // Process this block the same as if we had received it from another node CValidationState state; if (!ProcessNewBlock(1,chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight()+1,state, NULL, pblock, true, NULL)) return error("HushMiner: ProcessNewBlock, block not accepted"); TrackMinedBlock(pblock->GetHash()); //komodo_broadcast(pblock,16); return true; } int32_t komodo_baseid(char *origbase); int32_t komodo_eligiblenotary(uint8_t pubkeys[66][33],int32_t *mids,uint32_t *blocktimes,int32_t *nonzpkeysp,int32_t height); arith_uint256 komodo_PoWtarget(int32_t *percPoSp,arith_uint256 target,int32_t height,int32_t goalperc); int32_t FOUND_BLOCK,HUSH_MAYBEMINED; extern int32_t HUSH_LASTMINED,HUSH_INSYNC; int32_t roundrobin_delay; arith_uint256 HASHTarget,HASHTarget_POW; // wait for peers to connect void waitForPeers(const CChainParams &chainparams) { if (chainparams.MiningRequiresPeers()) { bool fvNodesEmpty; { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); LOCK(cs_vNodes); fvNodesEmpty = vNodes.empty(); } if (fvNodesEmpty || IsNotInSync()) { int loops = 0, blockDiff = 0, newDiff = 0; do { if (fvNodesEmpty) { MilliSleep(1000 + rand() % 4000); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); LOCK(cs_vNodes); fvNodesEmpty = vNodes.empty(); loops = 0; blockDiff = 0; } if ((newDiff = IsNotInSync()) > 1) { if (blockDiff != newDiff) { blockDiff = newDiff; } else { if (++loops <= 10) { MilliSleep(1000); } else break; } } } while (fvNodesEmpty || IsNotInSync()); MilliSleep(100 + rand() % 400); } } } #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET CBlockIndex *get_chainactive(int32_t height) { if ( chainActive.LastTip() != 0 ) { if ( height <= chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight() ) { LOCK(cs_main); return(chainActive[height]); } // else fprintf(stderr,"get_chainactive height %d > active.%d\n",height,chainActive.Tip()->GetHeight()); } //fprintf(stderr,"get_chainactive null chainActive.Tip() height %d\n",height); return(0); } #endif int32_t gotinvalid; #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET void static BitcoinMiner(CWallet *pwallet) #else void static BitcoinMiner() #endif { LogPrintf("HushMiner started\n"); SetThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); RenameThread("hush-miner"); const CChainParams& chainparams = Params(); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // Each thread has its own key CReserveKey reservekey(pwallet); #endif // Each thread has its own counter unsigned int nExtraNonce = 0; unsigned int n = chainparams.EquihashN(); unsigned int k = chainparams.EquihashK(); uint8_t *script; uint64_t total; int32_t i,j,gpucount=HUSH_MAXGPUCOUNT,notaryid = -1; while ( (ASSETCHAIN_INIT == 0 || HUSH_INITDONE == 0) ) { sleep(1); if ( komodo_baseid(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) < 0 ) break; } if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) hush_chosennotary(¬aryid,chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight(),NOTARY_PUBKEY33,(uint32_t)chainActive.LastTip()->GetBlockTime()); if ( notaryid != My_notaryid ) My_notaryid = notaryid; std::string solver; if ( ASSETCHAINS_NK[0] == 0 && ASSETCHAINS_NK[1] == 0 ) solver = "tromp"; else solver = "default"; assert(solver == "tromp" || solver == "default"); LogPrint("pow", "Using Equihash solver \"%s\" with n = %u, k = %u\n", solver, n, k); if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"notaryid.%d Mining.%s with %s\n",notaryid,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,solver.c_str()); std::mutex m_cs; bool cancelSolver = false; boost::signals2::connection c = uiInterface.NotifyBlockTip.connect( [&m_cs, &cancelSolver](const uint256& hashNewTip) mutable { std::lock_guard lock{m_cs}; cancelSolver = true; } ); miningTimer.start(); try { if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"try %s Mining with %s\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,solver.c_str()); while (true) { if (chainparams.MiningRequiresPeers()) { //if ( ASSETCHAINS_SEED != 0 && chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight() < 100 ) // break; // Busy-wait for the network to come online so we don't waste time mining // on an obsolete chain. In regtest mode we expect to fly solo. miningTimer.stop(); do { bool fvNodesEmpty; { //LOCK(cs_vNodes); fvNodesEmpty = vNodes.empty(); } if (!fvNodesEmpty )//&& !IsInitialBlockDownload()) break; MilliSleep(15000); //fprintf(stderr,"fvNodesEmpty %d IsInitialBlockDownload(%s) %d\n",(int32_t)fvNodesEmpty,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,(int32_t)IsInitialBlockDownload()); } while (true); //fprintf(stderr,"%s Found peers\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL); miningTimer.start(); } // // Create new block // unsigned int nTransactionsUpdatedLast = mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated(); CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.LastTip(); if ( Mining_height != pindexPrev->GetHeight()+1 ) { Mining_height = pindexPrev->GetHeight()+1; Mining_start = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && ASSETCHAINS_STAKED == 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"%s create new block ht.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,Mining_height); //sleep(3); } #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // notaries always default to staking CBlockTemplate *ptr = CreateNewBlockWithKey(reservekey, pindexPrev->GetHeight()+1, gpucount, ASSETCHAINS_STAKED != 0 && HUSH_MININGTHREADS == 0); #else CBlockTemplate *ptr = CreateNewBlockWithKey(); #endif if ( ptr == 0 ) { if ( !GetBoolArg("-gen",false)) { miningTimer.stop(); c.disconnect(); LogPrintf("HushMiner terminated\n"); return; } static uint32_t counter; if ( counter++ < 10 && ASSETCHAINS_STAKED == 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"created illegal blockB, retry\n"); sleep(1); continue; } //fprintf(stderr,"get template\n"); unique_ptr pblocktemplate(ptr); if (!pblocktemplate.get()) { if (GetArg("-mineraddress", "").empty()) { LogPrintf("Error in HushMiner: Keypool ran out, please call keypoolrefill before restarting the mining thread\n"); } else { // Should never reach here, because -mineraddress validity is checked in init.cpp LogPrintf("Error in HushMiner: Invalid -mineraddress\n"); } return; } CBlock *pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) { if ( ASSETCHAINS_REWARD[0] == 0 && !ASSETCHAINS_LASTERA ) { if ( pblock->vtx.size() == 1 && pblock->vtx[0].vout.size() == 1 && Mining_height > ASSETCHAINS_MINHEIGHT ) { static uint32_t counter; if ( counter++ < 10 ) fprintf(stderr,"skip generating %s on-demand block, no tx avail\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL); sleep(10); continue; } else fprintf(stderr,"%s vouts.%d mining.%d vs %d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,(int32_t)pblock->vtx[0].vout.size(),Mining_height,ASSETCHAINS_MINHEIGHT); } } IncrementExtraNonce(pblock, pindexPrev, nExtraNonce); //fprintf(stderr,"Running HushMiner.%s with %u transactions in block\n",solver.c_str(),(int32_t)pblock->vtx.size()); LogPrintf("Running HushMiner.%s with %u transactions in block (%u bytes)\n",solver.c_str(),pblock->vtx.size(),::GetSerializeSize(*pblock,SER_NETWORK,PROTOCOL_VERSION)); // Search uint8_t pubkeys[66][33]; arith_uint256 bnMaxPoSdiff; uint32_t blocktimes[66]; int mids[256],nonzpkeys,i,j,externalflag; uint32_t savebits; int64_t nStart = GetTime(); pblock->nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, Params().GetConsensus()); savebits = pblock->nBits; HASHTarget = arith_uint256().SetCompact(savebits); roundrobin_delay = ROUNDROBIN_DELAY; if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 && notaryid >= 0 ) { j = 65; if ( (Mining_height >= 235300 && Mining_height < 236000) || (Mining_height % KOMODO_ELECTION_GAP) > 64 || (Mining_height % KOMODO_ELECTION_GAP) == 0 || Mining_height > 1000000 ) { int32_t dispflag = 0; if ( notaryid <= 3 || notaryid == 32 || (notaryid >= 43 && notaryid <= 45) || notaryid == 51 || notaryid == 52 || notaryid == 56 || notaryid == 57 ) dispflag = 1; komodo_eligiblenotary(pubkeys,mids,blocktimes,&nonzpkeys,pindexPrev->GetHeight()); if ( nonzpkeys > 0 ) { for (i=0; i<33; i++) if( pubkeys[0][i] != 0 ) break; if ( i == 33 ) externalflag = 1; else externalflag = 0; if ( IS_HUSH_NOTARY != 0 ) { for (i=1; i<66; i++) if ( memcmp(pubkeys[i],pubkeys[0],33) == 0 ) break; if ( externalflag == 0 && i != 66 && mids[i] >= 0 ) printf("VIOLATION at %d, notaryid.%d\n",i,mids[i]); for (j=gpucount=0; j<65; j++) { if ( dispflag != 0 ) { if ( mids[j] >= 0 ) { if ( mids[j] == notaryid ) fprintf(stderr,"--<%d>-- ",mids[j]); else fprintf(stderr,"%d ",mids[j]); } else fprintf(stderr,"GPU "); } if ( mids[j] == -1 ) gpucount++; } if ( dispflag != 0 ) fprintf(stderr," <- prev minerids from ht.%d notary.%d gpucount.%d %.2f%% t.%u\n",pindexPrev->GetHeight(),notaryid,gpucount,100.*(double)gpucount/j,(uint32_t)time(NULL)); } for (j=0; j<65; j++) if ( mids[j] == notaryid ) break; if ( j == 65 ) HUSH_LASTMINED = 0; } else fprintf(stderr,"no nonz pubkeys\n"); if ( (Mining_height >= 235300 && Mining_height < 236000) || (j == 65 && Mining_height > HUSH_MAYBEMINED+1 && Mining_height > HUSH_LASTMINED+64) ) { HASHTarget = arith_uint256().SetCompact(HUSH_MINDIFF_NBITS); fprintf(stderr,"I am the chosen one for %s ht.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,pindexPrev->GetHeight()+1); } //else fprintf(stderr,"duplicate at j.%d\n",j); } else Mining_start = 0; } else Mining_start = 0; //else if ( ASSETCHAINS_ADAPTIVEPOW > 0 ) // HASHTarget_POW = komodo_adaptivepow_target(Mining_height,HASHTarget,pblock->nTime); gotinvalid = 0; while (true) { //fprintf(stderr,"gotinvalid.%d\n",gotinvalid); if ( gotinvalid != 0 ) break; hush_longestchain(); // Hash state HUSH_CHOSEN_ONE = 0; crypto_generichash_blake2b_state state; EhInitialiseState(n, k, state); // I = the block header minus nonce and solution. CEquihashInput I{*pblock}; CDataStream ss(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ss << I; // H(I||... crypto_generichash_blake2b_update(&state, (unsigned char*)&ss[0], ss.size()); // H(I||V||... crypto_generichash_blake2b_state curr_state; curr_state = state; crypto_generichash_blake2b_update(&curr_state,pblock->nNonce.begin(),pblock->nNonce.size()); // (x_1, x_2, ...) = A(I, V, n, k) LogPrint("pow", "Running Equihash solver \"%s\" with nNonce = %s\n",solver, pblock->nNonce.ToString()); arith_uint256 hashTarget; if ( HUSH_MININGTHREADS > 0 && ASSETCHAINS_STAKED > 0 && ASSETCHAINS_STAKED < 100 && Mining_height > 10 ) hashTarget = HASHTarget_POW; //else if ( ASSETCHAINS_ADAPTIVEPOW > 0 ) // hashTarget = HASHTarget_POW; else hashTarget = HASHTarget; std::function)> validBlock = #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET [&pblock, &hashTarget, &pwallet, &reservekey, &m_cs, &cancelSolver, &chainparams] #else [&pblock, &hashTarget, &m_cs, &cancelSolver, &chainparams] #endif (std::vector soln) { int32_t z; arith_uint256 h; CBlock B; // Write the solution to the hash and compute the result. LogPrint("pow", "- Checking solution against target\n"); pblock->nSolution = soln; solutionTargetChecks.increment(); B = *pblock; h = UintToArith256(B.GetHash()); /*for (z=31; z>=16; z--) fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&h)[z]); fprintf(stderr," mined "); for (z=31; z>=16; z--) fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&HASHTarget)[z]); fprintf(stderr," hashTarget "); for (z=31; z>=16; z--) fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&HASHTarget_POW)[z]); fprintf(stderr," POW\n");*/ if ( h > hashTarget ) { //if ( ASSETCHAINS_STAKED != 0 && HUSH_MININGTHREADS == 0 ) // MilliSleep(30); return false; } if ( IS_HUSH_NOTARY != 0 && B.nTime > GetTime() ) { //fprintf(stderr,"need to wait %d seconds to submit block\n",(int32_t)(B.nTime - GetTime())); while ( GetTime() < B.nTime-2 ) { sleep(1); if ( chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight() >= Mining_height ) { fprintf(stderr,"new block arrived\n"); return(false); } } } if ( ASSETCHAINS_STAKED == 0 ) { if ( IS_HUSH_NOTARY != 0 ) { int32_t r; if ( (r= ((Mining_height + NOTARY_PUBKEY33[16]) % 64) / 8) > 0 ) MilliSleep((rand() % (r * 1000)) + 1000); } } else { uint256 tmp = B.GetHash(); int32_t z; for (z=31; z>=0; z--) fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&tmp)[z]); fprintf(stderr," mined %s block %d!\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,Mining_height); } CValidationState state; if ( !TestBlockValidity(state,B, chainActive.LastTip(), true, false)) { h = UintToArith256(B.GetHash()); //for (z=31; z>=0; z--) // fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&h)[z]); //fprintf(stderr," Invalid block mined, try again\n"); gotinvalid = 1; return(false); } HUSH_CHOSEN_ONE = 1; // Found a solution SetThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); LogPrintf("HushMiner:\n"); LogPrintf("proof-of-work found \n hash: %s \ntarget: %s\n", B.GetHash().GetHex(), HASHTarget.GetHex()); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET if (ProcessBlockFound(&B, *pwallet, reservekey)) { #else if (ProcessBlockFound(&B)) { #endif // Ignore chain updates caused by us std::lock_guard lock{m_cs}; cancelSolver = false; } HUSH_CHOSEN_ONE = 0; SetThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); // In regression test mode, stop mining after a block is found. if (chainparams.MineBlocksOnDemand()) { // Increment here because throwing skips the call below ehSolverRuns.increment(); throw boost::thread_interrupted(); } return true; }; std::function cancelled = [&m_cs, &cancelSolver](EhSolverCancelCheck pos) { std::lock_guard lock{m_cs}; return cancelSolver; }; // TODO: factor this out into a function with the same API for each solver. if (solver == "tromp" ) { //&& notaryid >= 0 ) { // Create solver and initialize it. equi eq(1); eq.setstate(&curr_state); // Initialization done, start algo driver. eq.digit0(0); eq.xfull = eq.bfull = eq.hfull = 0; eq.showbsizes(0); for (u32 r = 1; r < WK; r++) { (r&1) ? eq.digitodd(r, 0) : eq.digiteven(r, 0); eq.xfull = eq.bfull = eq.hfull = 0; eq.showbsizes(r); } eq.digitK(0); ehSolverRuns.increment(); // Convert solution indices to byte array (decompress) and pass it to validBlock method. for (size_t s = 0; s < eq.nsols; s++) { LogPrint("pow", "Checking solution %d\n", s+1); std::vector index_vector(PROOFSIZE); for (size_t i = 0; i < PROOFSIZE; i++) { index_vector[i] = eq.sols[s][i]; } std::vector sol_char = GetMinimalFromIndices(index_vector, DIGITBITS); if (validBlock(sol_char)) { // If we find a POW solution, do not try other solutions // because they become invalid as we created a new block in blockchain. break; } } } else { try { // If we find a valid block, we rebuild bool found = EhOptimisedSolve(n, k, curr_state, validBlock, cancelled); ehSolverRuns.increment(); if (found) { int32_t i; uint256 hash = pblock->GetHash(); //for (i=0; i<32; i++) // fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&hash)[i]); //fprintf(stderr," <- %s Block found %d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,Mining_height); //FOUND_BLOCK = 1; //HUSH_MAYBEMINED = Mining_height; break; } } catch (EhSolverCancelledException&) { LogPrint("pow", "Equihash solver cancelled\n"); std::lock_guard lock{m_cs}; cancelSolver = false; } } // Check for stop or if block needs to be rebuilt boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); // Regtest mode doesn't require peers /*if ( FOUND_BLOCK != 0 ) { FOUND_BLOCK = 0; fprintf(stderr,"FOUND_BLOCK!\n"); //sleep(2000); } */ if (vNodes.empty() && chainparams.MiningRequiresPeers()) { if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 || Mining_height > ASSETCHAINS_MINHEIGHT ) { fprintf(stderr,"no nodes, break\n"); break; } } if ((UintToArith256(pblock->nNonce) & 0xffff) == 0xffff) { //if ( 0 && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"0xffff, break\n"); break; } if (mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated() != nTransactionsUpdatedLast && GetTime() - nStart > 60) { if ( 0 && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"timeout, break\n"); break; } if ( pindexPrev != chainActive.LastTip() ) { if ( 0 && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"Tip advanced, break\n"); break; } // Update nNonce and nTime pblock->nNonce = ArithToUint256(UintToArith256(pblock->nNonce) + 1); pblock->nBits = savebits; if ( ASSETCHAINS_ADAPTIVEPOW > 0 ) { UpdateTime(pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindexPrev); HASHTarget.SetCompact(pblock->nBits); hashTarget = HASHTarget; savebits = pblock->nBits; //hashTarget = HASHTarget_POW = komodo_adaptivepow_target(Mining_height,HASHTarget,pblock->nTime); } /*if ( NOTARY_PUBKEY33[0] == 0 ) { int32_t percPoS; UpdateTime(pblock, consensusParams, pindexPrev); if (consensusParams.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks) { // Changing pblock->nTime can change work required on testnet: HASHTarget.SetCompact(pblock->nBits); HASHTarget_POW = komodo_PoWtarget(&percPoS,HASHTarget,Mining_height,ASSETCHAINS_STAKED); } }*/ } } } catch (const boost::thread_interrupted&) { miningTimer.stop(); c.disconnect(); LogPrintf("HushMiner terminated\n"); throw; } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { miningTimer.stop(); c.disconnect(); LogPrintf("HushMiner runtime error: %s\n", e.what()); return; } miningTimer.stop(); c.disconnect(); } #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET void GenerateBitcoins(bool fGenerate, CWallet* pwallet, int nThreads) #else void GenerateBitcoins(bool fGenerate, int nThreads) #endif { static boost::thread_group* minerThreads = NULL; if (nThreads < 0) nThreads = GetNumCores(); if (minerThreads != NULL) { minerThreads->interrupt_all(); delete minerThreads; minerThreads = NULL; } if(fDebug) fprintf(stderr,"%s: nThreads.%d fGenerate.%d\n",__FUNCTION__, (int32_t)nThreads,fGenerate); if (nThreads == 0) return; if (!fGenerate) return; if (pwallet == NULL) return; minerThreads = new boost::thread_group(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET if ( ASSETCHAINS_ALGO == ASSETCHAINS_EQUIHASH ) minerThreads->create_thread(boost::bind(&BitcoinMiner, pwallet)); #else if (ASSETCHAINS_ALGO == ASSETCHAINS_EQUIHASH ) minerThreads->create_thread(&BitcoinMiner); #endif } } #endif // ENABLE_MINING