Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
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Duke Leto abed6ee77f Emoji are essential to a functioning society 3 years ago
img Hush 3.6.0 "Decentralized Dominatrix" ... 4 years ago Emoji are essential to a functioning society 3 years ago

Official Hush Release Notes

Hush release notes were done on Github until 3.5.2, and now are officially part of our Git repo.

Downloading Releases

Hush releases are on our own Gitea at and no longer on Github, since they banned Duke Leto and also because they censor many people around the world and work with evil organizations.

Hush 3.6.1 "Syncopated Sphinx"

🔥 This is an OPTIONAL release, but upgrading is ENCOURAGED. 🔥

 101 files changed, 1158 insertions(+), 5793 deletions(-)
  • 🎉 WolfSSL upgraded to 4.6.0 and side-channel resistance enabled via ECC_TIMING_RESISTANT
  • 🌈 Hush full nodes will now exclusively communivate via P2P messages with TLS1.3, the option -tls=only has become default and cannot be turned off
  • 💯 Improved error-handling and logging of TLS connections
  • 🍑 getpeerinfo now shows 3 new keys for each peer:
    • tls_established - if a TLS connection has been established to this peer
    • tls_cipher - which TLS cipher is being used with this peer
    • tls_verified - if the TLS certificate was validated
  • 💋 Important Windows bugfix: SIGTERM is now handled correctly on Windows, which means hushd will be less likely to corrupt data on disk
  • 🤓 New developer documentation in
  • 👽 -whitelist and -whitelistaddress are now called -allowlist and -allowlistaddress
    • Duke Leto felt the old terminology of a "whitelist" was racist and unintuitive for non-native speakers, so it was changed.
  • 🔐 Minimum protocol version is now 1987420

Hush 3.6.0 "Decentralized Dominatrix"

983 files changed, 7736 insertions(+), 17688 deletions(-)

🤘 🤘 🤘 This release consists of 25454 lines of changes, almost 18000 lines of deletions and just short of 1000 files changed! This is why Hush code is so fast, we delete all that KYC/PoS/Sprout stuff from KMD internals we inherited and improve daily. 🤘 🤘 🤘

  • 💯 Fixes sync issues near block 340k caused by blocktime halving bug
  • 💦 New official domain reflected everywhere
  • 🎉 Hush Docker scripts are now officially maintained!
  • 🍆 New Hush DPoW Notaries replace KMD Notaries (who attacked us, lulz)
  • 🚀 Increasd in-memory UTXO cache db by 100MB (25%) to increase performance of initial syncing
  • 🐉 Prevent Delayed-Proof-of-Work attack from Komodo Notaries
    • 💩 KMD notaries provably attacked the HUSH blockchain via their pubkeys
    • 🙊 All trust in their service has now been lost, and all Komodo pubkeys have been removed from Hush source code
    • 👽 "Malicious Notarized Chainforks" is an attack only Komodo Notaries can perform against chains they are supposed to protect. More details to be released soon.
    • 🌈 Defense-in-depth has been implemented and an overhaul+audit of the entire Hush source code was implemented, which is partially why this release has so many changes.
    • 👼 New -dpow-start-height CLI flag can be used to reject all DPoW transactions (and attacks) up to a certain height, which is a general defense against potential future DPoW attacks. Also: Fuck you, jl777.
    • 💋 Hush developers will not be silenced and laugh at KMD NN ops with too much time on their hands
  • 🔐 More secure+private TLS 1.3 implementation from miodrag, thanks!
    • 📢 We now use WolfSSL 4.5.0 instead of OpenSSL, a huge improvement and decrease in attack surface as well as allowing use to do TLS on low resource devices (like internet-of-shit light bulbs/etc)
    • 🔒 Nodes randomly choose between GCM-SHA384 and CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256 when making connections to other nodes.
  • 🐇 Faster release binaries with -03
  • 🍴 Optimized and hardened memory pool code
  • 🔨 getblocktemplate RPC now provides better error reporting about whether there are no peers or if it's not in sync
  • ♻️ Removed more Sprout code which is tightly mixed into deep internals, which increases compile speed and reduces memory overhead
  • 🏄 New P2P protocol version. Peers only talk to 3.5.x nodes and newer

3.6.0 Checksums

33cd82c51eac404796e6c296044b1d8fcc653d60b2bf26eecb5df0e374a35825  hush-3.6.0-linux-ubuntu-18.04-amd64.tar.gz
9c2f19c50fdc44af2c89494b06cda2c9e176d7ae2f038ca0fb7c0cd083dd71b9  hush-3.6.0-linux-ubuntu-18.04-noparams-amd64.tar.gz
9799aaea1503770336efc328fcd43c3a46d7bede8c485f77977423f949145d81  hush-3.6.0-amd64.deb
2f0ebbcbb9bb0bcffe95a397e7eba89c29eb4dde6191c339db88570e3f3fb0e4  sapling-output.params
8e48ffd23abb3a5fd9c5589204f32d9c31285a04b78096ba40a79b75677efc13  sapling-spend.params


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