# Copyright (c) 2021 Jahway603 & The Hush Developers # Released under the GPLv3 # # Hush Lightwalletd Makefile # author: jahway603 # PROJECT_NAME := "lightwalletd" GOCMD=go GOTEST=$(GOCMD) test GOVET=$(GOCMD) vet #.PHONY: build build: # Build binary ./util/build.sh # Stop the hushd process in the hushdlwd container #docker_img_stop_hushd: # docker exec -i hushdlwd hush-cli stop # Remove and delete ALL images and containers in Docker; assumes containers are stopped #docker_remove_all: # docker system prune -f clean: @echo "Cleaning project $(PROJECT_NAME) files..." rm -f $(PROJECT_NAME) rm -rf /tmp/$(PROJECT_NAME)-*