# How to sign our custom SDA F-Droid repo releases This is how you sign SDA releases in this repo ## Pre-steps 1. Need "fdroidserver" application installed, which provides the "fdroid" CLI tool. It's in AUR on Arch but if you're using a different Linux, then check the [recommendations from FDroid](read FDroid doc on it](https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Installing_the_Server_and_Repo_Tools/). 1. Need to have the repo all setup as in [FDroid's doc here](https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Setup_an_F-Droid_App_Repo/). 1. Build an unsigned release APK at CLI or with Android Studio. Android Studio has a setting to make it build release apk instead of debug versions. Search on the web for that. ## Signing Process 1. Sign the apk as [they do here](https://medium.com/modulotech/how-to-sign-an-unsigned-apk-using-command-line-636a056373a0) * Followed "Generate keystore" from above to get that going and then signed with: `~/Android/Sdk/build-tools/25.0.2/apksigner sign --ks release_signing_keystore.keystore SilentDragonAndroid-0.5.xx.apk` 1. Then we run `fdroid update --verbose` and that spits out our public repo key that gets put on our git. ## Success! 1. Then add the new apk to the repo directory. 1. Refresh in the FDroid app and the new version will appear. ## Additional notes * [General FDroid docs](https://f-droid.org/en/docs/) * [Setup custom FDroid Repo](https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Setup_an_F-Droid_App_Repo/) * [Example config](https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/blob/2.0.1/examples/config.yml) * [FDroid Updating apps doc](https://f-droid.org/es/docs/Update_Processing/)