Custom 3rd-party F-Droid repo for SilentDragonAndroid (SDA) b/c n0 m0 g00g
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Here's a custom 3rd-party F-Droid repository for the Silent Dragon Android app because we advocate for free software and against the g00g.

Install Instructions

To install this app:

  1. First install F-droid
  2. Open F-droid, and go to Settings > Repositories
  3. Tap the plus sign to add a repository
  4. Scan the QR code, or copy-paste the url
  5. Update the repositories by going to the main page and dragging from the top

Repo QR Code

Or, alternatively, open this link on your phone:

Signing Key Fingerprint

If you would like to manually verify the fingerprint (SHA-256) of the repository signing key, here it is:

A0 C4 BB 43 4A AE 5C F8 9D 59 D7 9A 20 62 5B 8F C4 ED 03 FE 3C 27 09 3C 7F CB 68 56 7D A2 FB 0C