You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

147 lines
5.6 KiB

macro_rules! new_test {
($name:ident, $test_name:expr, $cipher:ty) => {
fn $name() {
use block_cipher_trait::BlockCipher;
use block_cipher_trait::generic_array::GenericArray;
use block_cipher_trait::generic_array::typenum::Unsigned;
fn run_test(key: &[u8], pt: &[u8], ct: &[u8]) -> bool {
let state = <$cipher as BlockCipher>::new_varkey(key).unwrap();
let mut block = GenericArray::clone_from_slice(pt);
state.encrypt_block(&mut block);
if ct != block.as_slice() {
return false;
state.decrypt_block(&mut block);
if pt != block.as_slice() {
return false;
fn run_par_test(key: &[u8], pt: &[u8], ct: &[u8]) -> bool {
type ParBlocks = <$cipher as BlockCipher>::ParBlocks;
type BlockSize = <$cipher as BlockCipher>::BlockSize;
type Block = GenericArray<u8, BlockSize>;
type ParBlock = GenericArray<Block, ParBlocks>;
let state = <$cipher as BlockCipher>::new_varkey(key).unwrap();
let block = Block::clone_from_slice(pt);
let mut blocks1 = ParBlock::default();
for (i, b) in blocks1.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*b = block;
b[0] = b[0].wrapping_add(i as u8);
let mut blocks2 = blocks1.clone();
// check that `encrypt_blocks` and `encrypt_block`
// result in the same ciphertext
state.encrypt_blocks(&mut blocks1);
for b in blocks2.iter_mut() { state.encrypt_block(b); }
if blocks1 != blocks2 { return false; }
// check that `encrypt_blocks` and `encrypt_block`
// result in the same plaintext
state.decrypt_blocks(&mut blocks1);
for b in blocks2.iter_mut() { state.decrypt_block(b); }
if blocks1 != blocks2 { return false; }
let keys = include_bytes!(
concat!("data/", $test_name, ".keys.bin"));
let plaintexts = include_bytes!(
concat!("data/", $test_name, ".plaintexts.bin"));
let ciphertexts = include_bytes!(
concat!("data/", $test_name, ".ciphertexts.bin"));
let index = include_bytes!(
concat!("data/", $test_name, ".index.bin"));
// u32 (2 bytes); start + end (x2); key, plaintext, ciphertext (x3)
assert_eq!(index.len() % (2*3*2), 0, "invlaid index length");
for (i, chunk) in index.chunks(2*3*2).enumerate() {
// proper aligment is assumed here
let mut idx = unsafe {
*(chunk.as_ptr() as *const [[u16; 2]; 3])
// convert to LE for BE machine
for val in idx.iter_mut() {
for i in val.iter_mut() { *i = i.to_le(); }
let key = &keys[(idx[0][0] as usize)..(idx[0][1] as usize)];
let plaintext = &plaintexts[
(idx[1][0] as usize)..(idx[1][1] as usize)];
let ciphertext = &ciphertexts[
(idx[2][0] as usize)..(idx[2][1] as usize)];
if !run_test(key, plaintext, ciphertext) {
Failed test {}\n\
key: [{}..{}]\t{:?}\n\
plaintext: [{}..{}]\t{:?}\n\
ciphertext: [{}..{}]\t{:?}\n",
i, idx[0][0], idx[0][1], key,
idx[1][0], idx[1][1], plaintext,
idx[2][0], idx[2][1], ciphertext,
/// test parallel blocks encryption/decryption
let pb = <$cipher as BlockCipher>::ParBlocks::to_usize();
if pb != 1 {
if !run_par_test(key, plaintext, ciphertext) {
Failed parallel test {}\n\
key: [{}..{}]\t{:?}\n\
plaintext: [{}..{}]\t{:?}\n\
ciphertext: [{}..{}]\t{:?}\n",
i, idx[0][0], idx[0][1], key,
idx[1][0], idx[1][1], plaintext,
idx[2][0], idx[2][1], ciphertext,
macro_rules! bench {
($cipher:path, $key_len:expr) => {
extern crate test;
use test::Bencher;
use block_cipher_trait::BlockCipher;
pub fn encrypt(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let state = <$cipher>::new_varkey(&[1u8; $key_len]).unwrap();
let mut block = Default::default();
bh.iter(|| {
state.encrypt_block(&mut block);
bh.bytes = block.len() as u64;
pub fn decrypt(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let state = <$cipher>::new_varkey(&[1u8; $key_len]).unwrap();
let mut block = Default::default();
bh.iter(|| {
state.decrypt_block(&mut block);
bh.bytes = block.len() as u64;