CLI interface to SDL
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1363 lines
53 KiB

use crate::lightwallet::LightWallet;
use rand::{rngs::OsRng, seq::SliceRandom};
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, Mutex};
5 years ago
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, AtomicI32, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::fs::File;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter, Error, ErrorKind};
use protobuf::parse_from_bytes;
use json::{object, array, JsonValue};
use zcash_primitives::transaction::{TxId, Transaction};
5 years ago
use zcash_client_backend::{
constants::testnet, constants::mainnet, constants::regtest, encoding::encode_payment_address,
5 years ago
use log::{info, warn, error, LevelFilter};
use log4rs::append::rolling_file::RollingFileAppender;
use log4rs::encode::pattern::PatternEncoder;
use log4rs::config::{Appender, Config, Root};
use log4rs::filter::threshold::ThresholdFilter;
use log4rs::append::rolling_file::policy::compound::{
use crate::grpc_client::{BlockId};
use crate::grpcconnector::{self, *};
use crate::SaplingParams;
use crate::ANCHOR_OFFSET;
5 years ago
5 years ago
mod checkpoints;
pub const DEFAULT_SERVER: &str = "";
pub const WALLET_NAME: &str = "silentdragonlite-wallet.dat";
pub const LOGFILE_NAME: &str = "silentdragonlite-wallet.debug.log";
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct WalletStatus {
pub is_syncing: bool,
pub total_blocks: u64,
pub synced_blocks: u64,
impl WalletStatus {
pub fn new() -> Self {
WalletStatus {
is_syncing: false,
total_blocks: 0,
synced_blocks: 0
5 years ago
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct LightClientConfig {
pub server : http::Uri,
pub chain_name : String,
pub sapling_activation_height : u64,
pub consensus_branch_id : String,
pub anchor_offset : u32,
pub no_cert_verification : bool,
pub data_dir : Option<String>
impl LightClientConfig {
// Create an unconnected (to any server) config to test for local wallet etc...
pub fn create_unconnected(chain_name: String, dir: Option<String>) -> LightClientConfig {
LightClientConfig {
server : http::Uri::default(),
chain_name : chain_name,
sapling_activation_height : 0,
consensus_branch_id : "".to_string(),
anchor_offset : ANCHOR_OFFSET,
no_cert_verification : false,
data_dir : dir,
pub fn create(server: http::Uri, dangerous: bool) -> io::Result<(LightClientConfig, u64)> {
use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
// Test for a connection first
format!("{}:{}",, server.port().unwrap())
.ok_or(std::io::Error::new(ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused, "Couldn't resolve server!"))?;
// Do a getinfo first, before opening the wallet
let info = grpcconnector::get_info(&server, dangerous)
.map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused, e))?;
// Create a Light Client Config
let config = LightClientConfig {
chain_name : info.chain_name,
sapling_activation_height : info.sapling_activation_height,
consensus_branch_id : info.consensus_branch_id,
anchor_offset : ANCHOR_OFFSET,
no_cert_verification : dangerous,
data_dir : None,
Ok((config, info.block_height))
/// Build the Logging config
pub fn get_log_config(&self) -> io::Result<Config> {
let window_size = 3; // log0, log1, log2
let fixed_window_roller =
let size_limit = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB as max log file size to roll
let size_trigger = SizeTrigger::new(size_limit);
let compound_policy = CompoundPolicy::new(Box::new(size_trigger),Box::new(fixed_window_roller));
.encoder(Box::new(PatternEncoder::new("{d} {l}::{m}{n}")))
.build(self.get_log_path(), Box::new(compound_policy))?,
.map_err(|e|Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, format!("{}", e)))
pub fn get_zcash_data_path(&self) -> Box<Path> {
5 years ago
let mut zcash_data_location;
if self.data_dir.is_some() {
zcash_data_location = PathBuf::from(&self.data_dir.as_ref().unwrap());
} else {
if cfg!(target_os="macos") || cfg!(target_os="windows") {
zcash_data_location = dirs::data_dir().expect("Couldn't determine app data directory!");
} else {
zcash_data_location = dirs::home_dir().expect("Couldn't determine home directory!");
match &self.chain_name[..] {
"main" => {},
"test" => zcash_data_location.push("testnet3"),
"regtest" => zcash_data_location.push("regtest"),
c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c),
// Create directory if it doesn't exist
match std::fs::create_dir_all(zcash_data_location.clone()) {
Ok(_) => zcash_data_location.into_boxed_path(),
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Couldn't create zcash directory!\n{}", e);
panic!("Couldn't create zcash directory!");
5 years ago
pub fn get_wallet_path(&self) -> Box<Path> {
let mut wallet_location = self.get_zcash_data_path().into_path_buf();
pub fn wallet_exists(&self) -> bool {
return self.get_wallet_path().exists()
pub fn get_log_path(&self) -> Box<Path> {
let mut log_path = self.get_zcash_data_path().into_path_buf();
5 years ago
5 years ago
pub fn get_initial_state(&self, height: u64) -> Option<(u64, &str, &str)> {
checkpoints::get_closest_checkpoint(&self.chain_name, height)
pub fn get_server_or_default(server: Option<String>) -> http::Uri {
match server {
Some(s) => {
let mut s = if s.starts_with("http") {s} else { "http://".to_string() + &s};
let uri: http::Uri = s.parse().unwrap();
if uri.port().is_none() {
s = s + ":443";
None => DEFAULT_SERVER.to_string()
pub fn get_coin_type(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.chain_name[..] {
"main" => mainnet::COIN_TYPE,
"test" => testnet::COIN_TYPE,
"regtest" => regtest::COIN_TYPE,
c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c)
pub fn hrp_sapling_address(&self) -> &str {
match &self.chain_name[..] {
"regtest" => regtest::HRP_SAPLING_PAYMENT_ADDRESS,
c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c)
pub fn hrp_sapling_private_key(&self) -> &str {
match &self.chain_name[..] {
c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c)
5 years ago
pub fn base58_pubkey_address(&self) -> [u8; 1] {
match &self.chain_name[..] {
"main" => mainnet::B58_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_PREFIX,
c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c)
5 years ago
pub fn base58_script_address(&self) -> [u8; 1] {
match &self.chain_name[..] {
"main" => mainnet::B58_SCRIPT_ADDRESS_PREFIX,
c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c)
pub fn base58_secretkey_prefix(&self) -> [u8; 1] {
match &self.chain_name[..] {
"main" => [0x80],
"test" => [0xEF],
"regtest" => [0xEF],
c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c)
pub struct LightClient {
pub wallet : Arc<RwLock<LightWallet>>,
pub config : LightClientConfig,
// zcash-params
pub sapling_output : Vec<u8>,
pub sapling_spend : Vec<u8>,
sync_lock : Mutex<()>,
sync_status : Arc<RwLock<WalletStatus>>, // The current syncing status of the Wallet.
impl LightClient {
5 years ago
pub fn set_wallet_initial_state(&self, height: u64) {
use std::convert::TryInto;
5 years ago
let state = self.config.get_initial_state(height);
match state {
Some((height, hash, tree)) =>, hash, tree),
_ => true,
fn read_sapling_params(&mut self) {
// Read Sapling Params
/// Method to create a test-only version of the LightClient
pub fn unconnected(seed_phrase: String, dir: Option<String>) -> io::Result<Self> {
let config = LightClientConfig::create_unconnected("test".to_string(), dir);
let mut l = LightClient {
wallet : Arc::new(RwLock::new(LightWallet::new(Some(seed_phrase), &config, 0,0 )?)),
config : config.clone(),
sapling_output : vec![],
sapling_spend : vec![],
sync_lock : Mutex::new(()),
sync_status : Arc::new(RwLock::new(WalletStatus::new())),
5 years ago
info!("Created new wallet!");
info!("Created LightClient to {}", &config.server);
/// Create a brand new wallet with a new seed phrase. Will fail if a wallet file
/// already exists on disk
pub fn new(config: &LightClientConfig, latest_block: u64) -> io::Result<Self> {
if config.wallet_exists() {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::AlreadyExists,
"Cannot create a new wallet from seed, because a wallet already exists"));
let mut l = LightClient {
wallet : Arc::new(RwLock::new(LightWallet::new(None, config, latest_block, 0)?)),
config : config.clone(),
sapling_output : vec![],
sapling_spend : vec![],
sync_lock : Mutex::new(()),
sync_status : Arc::new(RwLock::new(WalletStatus::new())),
5 years ago
info!("Created new wallet with a new seed!");
info!("Created LightClient to {}", &config.server);
4 years ago
l.do_save().map_err(|s| io::Error::new(ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, s))?;
pub fn new_from_phrase(seed_phrase: String, config: &LightClientConfig, birthday: u64,number: u64, overwrite: bool) -> io::Result<Self> {
if !overwrite && config.wallet_exists() {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::AlreadyExists,
5 years ago
"Cannot create a new wallet from seed, because a wallet already exists"));
let mut l = LightClient {
wallet : Arc::new(RwLock::new(LightWallet::new(Some(seed_phrase), config, birthday, number)?)),
config : config.clone(),
5 years ago
sapling_output : vec![],
sapling_spend : vec![],
sync_lock : Mutex::new(()),
sync_status : Arc::new(RwLock::new(WalletStatus::new())),
5 years ago
println!("Setting birthday to {}", birthday);
println!("Setting Number to {}", number);
info!("Created new wallet!");
info!("Created LightClient to {}", &config.server);
4 years ago
l.do_save().map_err(|s| io::Error::new(ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, s))?;
5 years ago
pub fn read_from_disk(config: &LightClientConfig) -> io::Result<Self> {
if !config.wallet_exists() {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::AlreadyExists,
format!("Cannot read wallet. No file at {}", config.get_wallet_path().display())));
let mut file_buffer = BufReader::new(File::open(config.get_wallet_path())?);
let wallet = LightWallet::read(&mut file_buffer, config)?;
let mut lc = LightClient {
wallet : Arc::new(RwLock::new(wallet)),
config : config.clone(),
sapling_output : vec![],
sapling_spend : vec![],
sync_lock : Mutex::new(()),
sync_status : Arc::new(RwLock::new(WalletStatus::new())),
5 years ago
5 years ago
info!("Read wallet with birthday {}",;
info!("Created LightClient to {}", &config.server);
if crate::lightwallet::bugs::BugBip39Derivation::has_bug(&lc) {
let m = format!("WARNING!!!\nYour wallet has a bip39derivation bug that's showing incorrect addresses.\nPlease run 'fixbip39bug' to automatically fix the address derivation in your wallet!\nPlease see:");
info!("{}", m);
println!("{}", m);
5 years ago
pub fn init_logging(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
// Configure logging first.
let log_config = self.config.get_log_config()?;
log4rs::init_config(log_config).map_err(|e| {
std::io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, e)
4 years ago
pub fn attempt_recover_seed(config: &LightClientConfig, password: Option<String>) -> Result<String, String> {
use std::io::prelude::*;
4 years ago
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use libflate::gzip::Decoder;
use bip39::{Mnemonic, Language};
use zcash_primitives::serialize::Vector;
4 years ago
let mut inp = BufReader::new(File::open(config.get_wallet_path()).unwrap());
let version = inp.read_u64::<LittleEndian>().unwrap();
println!("Reading wallet version {}", version);
4 years ago
// At version 5, we're writing the rest of the file as a compressed stream (gzip)
let mut reader: Box<dyn Read> = if version != 5 {
4 years ago
} else {
let encrypted = if version >= 4 {
reader.read_u8().unwrap() > 0
} else {
4 years ago
if encrypted && password.is_none() {
return Err("The wallet is encrypted and a password was not specified. Please specify the password with '--password'!".to_string());
let mut enc_seed = [0u8; 48];
if version >= 4 {
reader.read_exact(&mut enc_seed).unwrap();
4 years ago
let nonce = if version >= 4 {
Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| r.read_u8()).unwrap()
} else {
4 years ago
let phrase = if encrypted {
use sodiumoxide::crypto::secretbox;
use crate::lightwallet::double_sha256;
// Get the doublesha256 of the password, which is the right length
let key = secretbox::Key::from_slice(&double_sha256(password.unwrap().as_bytes())).unwrap();
let nonce = secretbox::Nonce::from_slice(&nonce).unwrap();
let seed = match secretbox::open(&enc_seed, &nonce, &key) {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => return Err("Decryption failed. Is your password correct?".to_string())
Mnemonic::from_entropy(&seed, Language::English)
} else {
// Seed
let mut seed_bytes = [0u8; 32];
reader.read_exact(&mut seed_bytes).unwrap();
4 years ago
Mnemonic::from_entropy(&seed_bytes, Language::English)
}.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read seed. {:?}", e));
4 years ago|m| m.phrase().to_string())
pub fn last_scanned_height(&self) -> u64 { as u64
// Export private keys
pub fn do_export(&self, addr: Option<String>) -> Result<JsonValue, &str> {
if ! {
error!("Wallet is locked");
return Err("Wallet is locked");
// Clone address so it can be moved into the closure
let address = addr.clone();
let wallet =;
// Go over all z addresses
let z_keys = wallet.get_z_private_keys().iter()
.filter( move |(addr, _)| address.is_none() || address.as_ref() == Some(addr))
.map( |(addr, pk)|
"address" => addr.clone(),
"private_key" => pk.clone()
// Clone address so it can be moved into the closure
let address = addr.clone();
// Go over all t addresses
let t_keys = wallet.get_t_secret_keys().iter()
.filter( move |(addr, _)| address.is_none() || address.as_ref() == Some(addr))
.map( |(addr, sk)|
"address" => addr.clone(),
"private_key" => sk.clone(),
let mut all_keys = vec![];
pub fn do_address(&self) -> JsonValue {
let wallet =;
5 years ago
// Collect z addresses
let z_addresses = |ad| {
encode_payment_address(self.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ad)
5 years ago
// Collect t addresses
let t_addresses = |a| a.clone() )
5 years ago
"z_addresses" => z_addresses,
"t_addresses" => t_addresses,
pub fn do_balance(&self) -> JsonValue {
let wallet =;
// Collect z addresses
let z_addresses = |ad| {
let address = encode_payment_address(self.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ad);
5 years ago
"address" => address.clone() ,
"zbalance" => wallet.zbalance(Some(address.clone())) ,
"verified_zbalance" => wallet.verified_zbalance(Some(address)) ,
5 years ago
// Collect t addresses
let t_addresses = |address| {
// Get the balance for this address
let balance = wallet.tbalance(Some(address.clone())) ;
"address" => address.clone(),
"balance" => balance,
5 years ago
"zbalance" => wallet.zbalance(None),
"verified_zbalance" => wallet.verified_zbalance(None),
"tbalance" => wallet.tbalance(None),
"z_addresses" => z_addresses,
"t_addresses" => t_addresses,
5 years ago
5 years ago
pub fn do_save(&self) -> Result<(), String> {
// If the wallet is encrypted but unlocked, lock it again.
let mut wallet = self.wallet.write().unwrap();
if wallet.is_encrypted() && wallet.is_unlocked_for_spending() {
match wallet.lock() {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(e) => {
let err = format!("ERR: {}", e);
error!("{}", err);
return Err(e.to_string());
let mut file_buffer = BufWriter::with_capacity(
1_000_000, // 1 MB write buffer
4 years ago
let r = match self.wallet.write().unwrap().write(&mut file_buffer) {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => {
let err = format!("ERR: {}", e);
error!("{}", err);
4 years ago
file_buffer.flush().map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?;
pub fn get_server_uri(&self) -> http::Uri {
pub fn do_info(&self) -> String {
match get_info(&self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification) {
Ok(i) => {
let o = object!{
"version" => i.version,
"vendor" => i.vendor,
"taddr_support" => i.taddr_support,
"chain_name" => i.chain_name,
"sapling_activation_height" => i.sapling_activation_height,
"consensus_branch_id" => i.consensus_branch_id,
"latest_block_height" => i.block_height,
"difficulty" => i.difficulty,
"longestchain" => i.longestchain,
"notarized" => i.notarized,
Err(e) => e
pub fn do_coinsupply(&self) -> String {
match get_coinsupply(self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification) {
Ok(i) => {
let o = object!{
"result" => i.result,
"coin" => i.coin,
"height" => i.height,
"supply" =>,
"zfunds" => i.zfunds,
"total" =>,
Err(e) => e
pub fn do_seed_phrase(&self) -> Result<JsonValue, &str> {
if ! {
error!("Wallet is locked");
return Err("Wallet is locked");
let wallet =;
"seed" => wallet.get_seed_phrase(),
"birthday" => wallet.get_birthday()
5 years ago
5 years ago
// Return a list of all notes, spent and unspent
pub fn do_list_notes(&self, all_notes: bool) -> JsonValue {
let mut unspent_notes: Vec<JsonValue> = vec![];
let mut spent_notes : Vec<JsonValue> = vec![];
let mut pending_notes: Vec<JsonValue> = vec![];
// Collect Sapling notes
let wallet =;
.flat_map( |(txid, wtx)| {
wtx.notes.iter().filter_map(move |nd|
if !all_notes && nd.spent.is_some() {
} else {
"created_in_block" => wtx.block,
"datetime" => wtx.datetime,
"created_in_txid" => format!("{}", txid),
"value" => nd.note.value,
"is_change" => nd.is_change,
"address" => LightWallet::note_address(self.config.hrp_sapling_address(), nd),
"spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)),
"unconfirmed_spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)),
.for_each( |note| {
if note["spent"].is_null() && note["unconfirmed_spent"].is_null() {
} else if !note["spent"].is_null() {
} else {
let mut unspent_utxos: Vec<JsonValue> = vec![];
let mut spent_utxos : Vec<JsonValue> = vec![];
let mut pending_utxos: Vec<JsonValue> = vec![];
let wallet =;
.flat_map( |(txid, wtx)| {
wtx.utxos.iter().filter_map(move |utxo|
if !all_notes && utxo.spent.is_some() {
} else {
"created_in_block" => wtx.block,
"datetime" => wtx.datetime,
"created_in_txid" => format!("{}", txid),
"value" => utxo.value,
"scriptkey" => hex::encode(utxo.script.clone()),
"is_change" => false, // TODO: Identify notes as change if we send change to taddrs
"address" => utxo.address.clone(),
"spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)),
"unconfirmed_spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)),
.for_each( |utxo| {
if utxo["spent"].is_null() && utxo["unconfirmed_spent"].is_null() {
} else if !utxo["spent"].is_null() {
} else {
let mut res = object!{
"unspent_notes" => unspent_notes,
"pending_notes" => pending_notes,
"utxos" => unspent_utxos,
"pending_utxos" => pending_utxos,
if all_notes {
res["spent_notes"] = JsonValue::Array(spent_notes);
res["spent_utxos"] = JsonValue::Array(spent_utxos);
5 years ago
pub fn do_encryption_status(&self) -> JsonValue {
let wallet =;
"encrypted" => wallet.is_encrypted(),
"locked" => !wallet.is_unlocked_for_spending()
5 years ago
pub fn do_list_transactions(&self) -> JsonValue {
let wallet =;
// Create a list of TransactionItems from wallet txns
let mut tx_list =
.flat_map(| (_k, v) | {
5 years ago
let mut txns: Vec<JsonValue> = vec![];
if v.total_shielded_value_spent + v.total_transparent_value_spent > 0 {
// If money was spent, create a transaction. For this, we'll subtract
// all the change notes. TODO: Add transparent change here to subtract it also
let total_change: u64 = v.notes.iter()
.filter( |nd| nd.is_change )
.map( |nd| nd.note.value )
// TODO: What happens if change is > than sent ?
// Collect outgoing metadata
let outgoing_json = v.outgoing_metadata.iter()
"address" => om.address.clone(),
"value" => om.value,
"memo" => LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(om.memo.clone())),
5 years ago
txns.push(object! {
"block_height" => v.block,
"datetime" => v.datetime,
5 years ago
"txid" => format!("{}", v.txid),
"amount" => total_change as i64
- v.total_shielded_value_spent as i64
- v.total_transparent_value_spent as i64,
"outgoing_metadata" => outgoing_json,
// For each sapling note that is not a change, add a Tx.
.filter( |nd| !nd.is_change )
4 years ago
.map ( |(i, nd)|
5 years ago
object! {
"block_height" => v.block,
"datetime" => v.datetime,
4 years ago
"position" => i,
5 years ago
"txid" => format!("{}", v.txid),
"amount" => nd.note.value as i64,
"address" => LightWallet::note_address(self.config.hrp_sapling_address(), nd),
"memo" => LightWallet::memo_str(&nd.memo),
5 years ago
// Get the total transparent received
let total_transparent_received = v.utxos.iter().map(|u| u.value).sum::<u64>();
if total_transparent_received > v.total_transparent_value_spent {
5 years ago
// Create an input transaction for the transparent value as well.
"block_height" => v.block,
"datetime" => v.datetime,
"txid" => format!("{}", v.txid),
"amount" => total_transparent_received as i64 - v.total_transparent_value_spent as i64,
"address" => v.utxos.iter().map(|u| u.address.clone()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(","),
"memo" => None::<String>
5 years ago
// Add in all mempool txns
tx_list.extend( |(_, wtx)| {
use zcash_primitives::transaction::components::amount::DEFAULT_FEE;
use std::convert::TryInto;
let amount: u64 = wtx.outgoing_metadata.iter().map(|om| om.value).sum::<u64>();
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
// Collect outgoing metadata
let outgoing_json = wtx.outgoing_metadata.iter()
"address" => om.address.clone(),
"value" => om.value,
"memo" => LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(om.memo.clone())),
object! {
"block_height" => wtx.block,
"datetime" => wtx.datetime,
"txid" => format!("{}", wtx.txid),
"amount" => -1 * (fee + amount) as i64,
"unconfirmed" => true,
"outgoing_metadata" => outgoing_json,
5 years ago
tx_list.sort_by( |a, b| if a["block_height"] == b["block_height"] {
} else {
5 years ago
5 years ago
/// Create a new address, deriving it from the seed.
pub fn do_new_address(&self, addr_type: &str) -> Result<JsonValue, String> {
if ! {
error!("Wallet is locked");
return Err("Wallet is locked".to_string());
let new_address = {
let wallet = self.wallet.write().unwrap();
match addr_type {
"zs" => wallet.add_zaddr(),
"R" => wallet.add_taddr(),
_ => {
let e = format!("Unrecognized address type: {}", addr_type);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
pub fn do_new_sietchaddress(&self, addr_type: &str) -> Result<JsonValue, String> {
4 years ago
4 years ago
let zdust_address = {
let wallet = self.wallet.write().unwrap();
match addr_type {
"zs" => wallet.add_zaddrdust(),
_ => {
let e = format!("Unrecognized address type: {}", addr_type);
error!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
4 years ago
pub fn clear_state(&self) {
// First, clear the state from the wallet;
5 years ago
// Then set the initial block
5 years ago
info!("Cleared wallet state");
pub fn do_rescan(&self) -> Result<JsonValue, String> {
if ! {
warn!("Wallet is locked, new HD addresses won't be added!");
info!("Rescan starting");
5 years ago
// Then, do a sync, which will force a full rescan from the initial state
5 years ago
let response = self.do_sync(true);
5 years ago
info!("Rescan finished");
/// Return the syncing status of the wallet
pub fn do_scan_status(&self) -> WalletStatus {
pub fn do_sync(&self, print_updates: bool) -> Result<JsonValue, String> {
// We can only do one sync at a time because we sync blocks in serial order
// If we allow multiple syncs, they'll all get jumbled up.
let _lock = self.sync_lock.lock().unwrap();
// Sync is 3 parts
// 1. Get the latest block
// 2. Get all the blocks that we don't have
// 3. Find all new Txns that don't have the full Tx, and get them as full transactions
// and scan them, mainly to get the memos
let mut last_scanned_height = as u64;
// This will hold the latest block fetched from the RPC
let latest_block_height = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0));
let lbh = latest_block_height.clone();
fetch_latest_block(&self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification,
move |block: BlockId| {, Ordering::SeqCst);
5 years ago
let latest_block = latest_block_height.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
if latest_block < last_scanned_height {
let w = format!("Server's latest block({}) is behind ours({})", latest_block, last_scanned_height);
warn!("{}", w);
return Err(w);
5 years ago
info!("Latest block is {}", latest_block);
5 years ago
// Get the end height to scan to.
5 years ago
let mut end_height = std::cmp::min(last_scanned_height + 1000, latest_block);
// If there's nothing to scan, just return
5 years ago
if last_scanned_height == latest_block {
5 years ago
info!("Nothing to sync, returning");
return Ok(object!{ "result" => "success" })
let mut status = self.sync_status.write().unwrap();
status.is_syncing = true;
status.synced_blocks = last_scanned_height;
status.total_blocks = latest_block;
// Count how many bytes we've downloaded
let bytes_downloaded = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let mut total_reorg = 0;
5 years ago
// Collect all txns in blocks that we have a tx in. We'll fetch all these
// txs along with our own, so that the server doesn't learn which ones
// belong to us.
let all_new_txs = Arc::new(RwLock::new(vec![]));
// Fetch CompactBlocks in increments
loop {
// Collect all block times, because we'll need to update transparent tx
// datetime via the block height timestamp
let block_times = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new()));
let local_light_wallet = self.wallet.clone();
let local_bytes_downloaded = bytes_downloaded.clone();
5 years ago
let start_height = last_scanned_height + 1;
5 years ago
info!("Start height is {}", start_height);
5 years ago
// Show updates only if we're syncing a lot of blocks
if print_updates && (latest_block - start_height) > 100 {
5 years ago
print!("Syncing {}/{}\r", start_height, latest_block);
io::stdout().flush().ok().expect("Could not flush stdout");
let mut status = self.sync_status.write().unwrap();
status.is_syncing = true;
status.synced_blocks = start_height;
status.total_blocks = latest_block;
// Fetch compact blocks
5 years ago
info!("Fetching blocks {}-{}", start_height, end_height);
let all_txs = all_new_txs.clone();
let block_times_inner = block_times.clone();
5 years ago
let last_invalid_height = Arc::new(AtomicI32::new(0));
let last_invalid_height_inner = last_invalid_height.clone();
fetch_blocks(&self.get_server_uri(), start_height, end_height, self.config.no_cert_verification,
move |encoded_block: &[u8], height: u64| {
5 years ago
// Process the block only if there were no previous errors
if last_invalid_height_inner.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0 {
// Parse the block and save it's time. We'll use this timestamp for
// transactions in this block that might belong to us.
let block: Result<zcash_client_backend::proto::compact_formats::CompactBlock, _>
= parse_from_bytes(encoded_block);
match block {
Ok(b) => {
block_times_inner.write().unwrap().insert(b.height, b.time);
Err(_) => {}
match {
Ok(block_txns) => {
// Add to global tx list
all_txs.write().unwrap().extend_from_slice(&block_txns.iter().map(|txid| (txid.clone(), height as i32)).collect::<Vec<_>>()[..]);
5 years ago
Err(invalid_height) => {
// Block at this height seems to be invalid, so invalidate up till that point, Ordering::SeqCst);
5 years ago
local_bytes_downloaded.fetch_add(encoded_block.len(), Ordering::SeqCst);
5 years ago
// Check if there was any invalid block, which means we might have to do a reorg
let invalid_height = last_invalid_height.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
if invalid_height > 0 {
total_reorg +=;
5 years ago
warn!("Invalidated block at height {}. Total reorg is now {}", invalid_height, total_reorg);
// Make sure we're not re-orging too much!
if total_reorg > (crate::lightwallet::MAX_REORG - 1) as u64 {
error!("Reorg has now exceeded {} blocks!", crate::lightwallet::MAX_REORG);
return Err(format!("Reorg has exceeded {} blocks. Aborting.", crate::lightwallet::MAX_REORG));
5 years ago
if invalid_height > 0 {
// Reset the scanning heights
last_scanned_height = (invalid_height - 1) as u64;
end_height = std::cmp::min(last_scanned_height + 1000, latest_block);
warn!("Reorg: reset scanning from {} to {}", last_scanned_height, end_height);
// If it got here, that means the blocks are scanning properly now.
// So, reset the total_reorg
total_reorg = 0;
// We'll also fetch all the txids that our transparent addresses are involved with
// Copy over addresses so as to not lock up the wallet, which we'll use inside the callback below.
let addresses =|a| a.clone())
for address in addresses {
let wallet = self.wallet.clone();
let block_times_inner = block_times.clone();
fetch_transparent_txids(&self.get_server_uri(), address, start_height, end_height, self.config.no_cert_verification,
move |tx_bytes: &[u8], height: u64| {
let tx = Transaction::read(tx_bytes).unwrap();
// Scan this Tx for transparent inputs and outputs
let datetime =|v| *v).unwrap_or(0);, height as i32, datetime as u64);
// Do block height accounting
5 years ago
last_scanned_height = end_height;
end_height = last_scanned_height + 1000;
5 years ago
if last_scanned_height >= latest_block {
5 years ago
} else if end_height > latest_block {
end_height = latest_block;
5 years ago
5 years ago
if print_updates{
println!(""); // New line to finish up the updates
5 years ago
5 years ago
info!("Synced to {}, Downloaded {} kB", latest_block, bytes_downloaded.load(Ordering::SeqCst) / 1024);
let mut status = self.sync_status.write().unwrap();
status.is_syncing = false;
status.synced_blocks = latest_block;
status.total_blocks = latest_block;
// Get the Raw transaction for all the wallet transactions
// We need to first copy over the Txids from the wallet struct, because
// we need to free the read lock from here (Because we'll self.wallet.txs later)
let mut txids_to_fetch: Vec<(TxId, i32)> =
.filter(|wtx| wtx.full_tx_scanned == false)
.map(|wtx| (wtx.txid.clone(), wtx.block))
.collect::<Vec<(TxId, i32)>>();
info!("Fetching {} new txids, total {} with decoy", txids_to_fetch.len(),;
let mut rng = OsRng;
txids_to_fetch.shuffle(&mut rng);
// And go and fetch the txids, getting the full transaction, so we can
// read the memos
for (txid, height) in txids_to_fetch {
let light_wallet_clone = self.wallet.clone();
5 years ago
info!("Fetching full Tx: {}", txid);
fetch_full_tx(&self.get_server_uri(), txid, self.config.no_cert_verification, move |tx_bytes: &[u8] | {
let tx = Transaction::read(tx_bytes).unwrap();, height, 0);
"result" => "success",
"latest_block" => latest_block,
"downloaded_bytes" => bytes_downloaded.load(Ordering::SeqCst)
pub fn do_send(&self, addrs: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>) -> Result<String, String> {
if ! {
error!("Wallet is locked");
return Err("Wallet is locked".to_string());
5 years ago
info!("Creating transaction");
let rawtx = self.wallet.write().unwrap().send_to_address(
u32::from_str_radix(&self.config.consensus_branch_id, 16).unwrap(),
&self.sapling_spend, &self.sapling_output,
match rawtx {
Ok(txbytes) => broadcast_raw_tx(&self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification, txbytes),
Err(e) => Err(format!("Error: No Tx to broadcast. Error was: {}", e))
pub mod tests {
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use tempdir::TempDir;
use super::{LightClient, LightClientConfig};
static ref TEST_SEED: String = "youth strong sweet gorilla hammer unhappy congress stamp left stereo riot salute road tag clean toilet artefact fork certain leopard entire civil degree wonder".to_string();
pub fn test_encrypt_decrypt() {
let lc = super::LightClient::unconnected(TEST_SEED.to_string(), None).unwrap();
5 years ago
assert_eq!(lc.do_seed_phrase().unwrap()["seed"], TEST_SEED.to_string());
// Encrypt and Lock the wallet
5 years ago
assert!(lc.do_send(vec![("zs", 0, None)]).is_err());
// Do a unlock, and make sure it all works now
5 years ago
// This will lock the wallet again, so after this, we'll need to unlock again
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
pub fn test_addresses() {
let lc = super::LightClient::unconnected(TEST_SEED.to_string(), None).unwrap();
5 years ago
let addresses = lc.do_address();
// When restoring from seed, there should be 5+1 addresses
assert_eq!(addresses["z_addresses"].len(), 51);
assert_eq!(addresses["t_addresses"].len(), 6);
5 years ago
// Add new z and t addresses
let taddr1 = lc.do_new_address("R").unwrap()[0].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
let taddr2 = lc.do_new_address("R").unwrap()[0].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
5 years ago
let zaddr1 = lc.do_new_address("zs").unwrap()[0].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
let zaddr2 = lc.do_new_address("zs").unwrap()[0].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
5 years ago
let addresses = lc.do_address();
assert_eq!(addresses["z_addresses"].len(), 52);
assert_eq!(addresses["z_addresses"][49], zaddr1);
assert_eq!(addresses["z_addresses"][50], zaddr2);
assert_eq!(addresses["t_addresses"].len(), 8);
assert_eq!(addresses["t_addresses"][6], taddr1);
assert_eq!(addresses["t_addresses"][7], taddr2);
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, Mutex};
use crate::lightclient::{WalletStatus, LightWallet};
// When creating a new wallet, there is only 1 address
let config = LightClientConfig::create_unconnected("test".to_string(), None);
let lc = LightClient {
wallet : Arc::new(RwLock::new(LightWallet::new(None, &config, 0).unwrap())),
config : config,
sapling_output : vec![],
sapling_spend : vec![],
sync_lock : Mutex::new(()),
sync_status : Arc::new(RwLock::new(WalletStatus::new())),
let addresses = lc.do_address();
// New wallets have only 1 address
assert_eq!(addresses["z_addresses"].len(), 1);
assert_eq!(addresses["t_addresses"].len(), 1);
5 years ago
5 years ago
pub fn test_wallet_creation() {
// Create a new tmp director
let tmp = TempDir::new("lctest").unwrap();
let dir_name = tmp.path().to_str().map(|s| s.to_string());
// A lightclient to a new, empty directory works.
let config = LightClientConfig::create_unconnected("test".to_string(), dir_name);
let lc = LightClient::new(&config, 0).unwrap();
let seed = lc.do_seed_phrase().unwrap()["seed"].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
// Doing another new will fail, because the wallet file now already exists
assert!(LightClient::new(&config, 0).is_err());
// new_from_phrase will not work either, again, because wallet file exists
assert!(LightClient::new_from_phrase(TEST_SEED.to_string(), &config, 0, false).is_err());
// Creating a lightclient to the same dir without a seed should re-read the same wallet
// file and therefore the same seed phrase
let lc2 = LightClient::read_from_disk(&config).unwrap();
assert_eq!(seed, lc2.do_seed_phrase().unwrap()["seed"].as_str().unwrap().to_string());
// Now, get a new directory, and try to read from phrase
let tmp = TempDir::new("lctest").unwrap();
let dir_name = tmp.path().to_str().map(|s| s.to_string());
let config = LightClientConfig::create_unconnected("test".to_string(), dir_name);
// read_from_disk will fail, because the dir doesn't exist
// New from phrase should work becase a file doesn't exist already
let lc = LightClient::new_from_phrase(TEST_SEED.to_string(), &config, 0, false).unwrap();
assert_eq!(TEST_SEED.to_string(), lc.do_seed_phrase().unwrap()["seed"].as_str().unwrap().to_string());
// Now a new will fail because wallet exists
assert!(LightClient::new(&config, 0).is_err());
5 years ago
pub fn test_recover_seed() {
// Create a new tmp director
let tmp = TempDir::new("lctest").unwrap();
let dir_name = tmp.path().to_str().map(|s| s.to_string());
// A lightclient to a new, empty directory works.
let config = LightClientConfig::create_unconnected("test".to_string(), dir_name);
let lc = LightClient::new(&config, 0).unwrap();
let seed = lc.do_seed_phrase().unwrap()["seed"].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
4 years ago
assert_eq!(seed, LightClient::attempt_recover_seed(&config, None).unwrap());
// Now encrypt and save the file
4 years ago
let pwd = "password".to_string();
4 years ago
assert_eq!(seed, LightClient::attempt_recover_seed(&config, Some(pwd)).unwrap());
5 years ago