Browse Source

new checkpoint, add to mempool only if broadcast port from b171d28586

DenioD 4 years ago
  1. 10
  2. 62
  3. 20
  4. 102


@ -1277,20 +1277,18 @@ impl LightClient {
info!("Creating transaction");
let rawtx = {
let result = {
let _lock = self.sync_lock.lock().unwrap();
u32::from_str_radix(&self.config.consensus_branch_id, 16).unwrap(),
&self.sapling_spend, &self.sapling_output,
|txbytes| broadcast_raw_tx(&self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification, txbytes)
match rawtx {
Ok(txbytes) => broadcast_raw_tx(&self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification, txbytes),
Err(e) => Err(format!("Error: No Tx to broadcast. Error was: {}", e))
}|(txid, _)| txid)


@ -25,19 +25,63 @@ fn get_main_checkpoint(height: u64) -> Option<(u64, &'static str, &'static str)
let checkpoints: Vec<(u64, &str, &str)> = vec![
(160000, "0000000553274de0e5f07bf3a63bdb6ab71158a3506829fd6f7df2cd51d5b2a3",
(170000, "0000000191d6e3c5473215ab1e28a8fa8db6172eb4ec6fed371d4bd71224adb0",
(170000, "0000000191d6e3c5473215ab1e28a8fa8db6172eb4ec6fed371d4bd71224adb0",
(180000, "00000003119d28eed1fd0c2e2a33510b2b740c1227a9e0e59157228f8e9e1666",
(220000, "00000000dd40d7372e60da03205bfc9bd796cc467737e093a58ab08b688014a4",
(190000, "000000002beb4cc8e79a3aed7b1b8329b31a55a3e1556b0933953450a0c185b9",
(200000, "00000003d57cdb7fba2f3b641d288737945de2434adeb0b3b3f2ef35a66e45ab",
(210000, "000000006e43c9650b62ae15d05ada7d12be75df37a8b600b636268b144e2aab",
(220000, "00000000dd40d7372e60da03205bfc9bd796cc467737e093a58ab08b688014a4",
(230000, "000000015b0545acc87aa652a8d8d5aac1ecfc5e15d9e3a9e4171d472fdfa9b4",
(240000, "000000013e22209c4587e7fce090b7219f2d96640172697d276b606cf53ce07b",
(250000, "00000003cba3713646dc533b75fba6f6fe02779e4fb934cda4fe2109c9403268",
(260000, "00000001f2dc5f292d9ee232d463faf1bc59362b9b3432f5bd1f72ffc76716f8",
(270000, "000000026cc545eed18b508c3368cd20256c012bfa10f5f115b21ad0101c02cb",
find_checkpoint(height, checkpoints)


@ -1737,13 +1737,16 @@ impl LightWallet {
pub fn send_to_address(
pub fn send_to_address<F> (
consensus_branch_id: u32,
spend_params: &[u8],
output_params: &[u8],
tos: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>
) -> Result<Box<[u8]>, String> {
tos: Vec<(&str, u64, Option<String>)>,
broadcast_fn: F
) -> Result<(String, Vec<u8>), String>
where F: Fn(Box<[u8]>) -> Result<String, String>
if !self.unlocked {
return Err("Cannot spend while wallet is locked".to_string());
@ -1958,6 +1961,12 @@ impl LightWallet {
println!("{}: Transaction created", now() - start_time);
println!("Transaction ID: {}", tx.txid());
// Create the TX bytes
let mut raw_tx = vec![];
tx.write(&mut raw_tx).unwrap();
let txid = broadcast_fn(raw_tx.clone().into_boxed_slice())?;
// Mark notes as spent.
// Mark sapling notes as unconfirmed spent
@ -2017,10 +2026,7 @@ impl LightWallet {
// Return the encoded transaction, so the caller can send it.
let mut raw_tx = vec![];
tx.write(&mut raw_tx).unwrap();
Ok((txid, raw_tx))
// After some blocks have been mined, we need to remove the Txns from the mempool_tx structure


@ -713,8 +713,8 @@ fn test_z_spend_to_z() {
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -828,8 +828,8 @@ fn test_self_txns_ttoz_withmemo() {
let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a tx and send to address. This should consume both the UTXO and the note
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&zaddr, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -922,8 +922,8 @@ fn test_self_txns_ztoz() {
let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -942,8 +942,8 @@ fn test_self_txns_ztoz() {
// Another self tx, this time without a memo
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -978,8 +978,8 @@ fn test_multi_z() {
let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1033,8 +1033,8 @@ fn test_multi_z() {
let amount_all:u64 = (AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee) + (AMOUNT_SENT) - fee;
let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap());
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, amount_all, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, amount_all, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_ext_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1075,8 +1075,8 @@ fn test_z_spend_to_taddr() {
const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 30;
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1123,8 +1123,8 @@ fn test_z_spend_to_taddr() {
// Create a new Tx, but this time with a memo.
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, Some("T address memo".to_string()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, Some("T address memo".to_string()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid2 = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1198,8 +1198,8 @@ fn test_t_spend_to_z() {
let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a tx and send to address. This should consume both the UTXO and the note
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1272,8 +1272,8 @@ fn test_z_incoming_memo() {
let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&my_address, AMOUNT1 - fee, Some(memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1315,8 +1315,8 @@ fn test_add_new_zt_hd_after_incoming() {
assert_eq!(, 6); // Starts with 1+5 addresses
// Create a tx and send to the last address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&my_address, AMOUNT1 - fee, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
// Add it to a block
@ -1358,8 +1358,8 @@ fn test_z_to_t_withinwallet() {
let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1418,8 +1418,8 @@ fn test_multi_t() {
let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a Tx and send to the second t address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr2, AMOUNT_SENT1, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid1 = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1462,8 +1462,8 @@ fn test_multi_t() {
let taddr3 = wallet.add_taddr();
// Create a Tx and send to the second t address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr3, AMOUNT_SENT2, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid2 = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1499,8 +1499,8 @@ fn test_multi_t() {
let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string();
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT_EXT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid3 = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1557,7 +1557,7 @@ fn test_multi_spends() {
(taddr2.as_str(), TAMOUNT2, None),
(taddr3.as_str(), TAMOUNT3, None) ];
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, tos).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, tos, |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ fn test_multi_spends() {
let tos = vec![ (ext_address.as_str(), EXT_ZADDR_AMOUNT, Some(ext_memo.clone())),
(ext_taddr.as_str(), ext_taddr_amount, None)];
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, tos).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, tos, |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid2 = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1682,16 +1682,16 @@ fn test_bad_send() {
// Bad address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&"badaddress", 10, None)]);
vec![(&"badaddress", 10, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string()));
assert!(raw_tx.err().unwrap().contains("Invalid recipient address"));
// Insufficient funds
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_taddr, AMOUNT1 + 10, None)]);
vec![(&ext_taddr, AMOUNT1 + 10, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string()));
assert!(raw_tx.err().unwrap().contains("Insufficient verified funds"));
// No addresses
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![]);
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![], |_| Ok(' '.to_string()));
assert!(raw_tx.err().unwrap().contains("at least one"));
@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ fn test_duplicate_outputs() {
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_taddr, 100, Some("First memo".to_string())),
(&ext_taddr, 0, Some("Second memo".to_string())),
(&ext_taddr, 0, Some("Third memo".to_string()))]);
(&ext_taddr, 0, Some("Third memo".to_string()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string()));
@ -1725,7 +1725,7 @@ fn test_bad_params() {
let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap();
// Bad params
let _ = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &[], &[],
vec![(&ext_taddr, 10, None)]);
vec![(&ext_taddr, 10, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string()));
/// Test helper to add blocks
@ -1761,8 +1761,8 @@ fn test_z_mempool_expiry() {
let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -1878,8 +1878,8 @@ fn test_rollback() {
// Create a tx and send to address
const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 30000;
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
@ -2142,8 +2142,8 @@ fn test_encrypted_zreceive() {
let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
// Now that we have the transaction, we'll encrypt the wallet
@ -2186,7 +2186,7 @@ fn test_encrypted_zreceive() {
// Trying to spend from a locked wallet is an error
assert!(wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).is_err());
vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).is_err());
// unlock the wallet so we can spend to the second z address
@ -2196,8 +2196,8 @@ fn test_encrypted_zreceive() {
const ZAMOUNT2:u64 = 30;
let outgoing_memo2 = "Outgoing Memo2".to_string();
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&zaddr2, ZAMOUNT2, Some(outgoing_memo2.clone()))]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&zaddr2, ZAMOUNT2, Some(outgoing_memo2.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
// Now lock the wallet again
@ -2251,8 +2251,8 @@ fn test_encrypted_treceive() {
const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 30;
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
// Now that we have the transaction, we'll encrypt the wallet
@ -2288,7 +2288,7 @@ fn test_encrypted_treceive() {
// Trying to spend from a locked wallet is an error
assert!(wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).is_err());
vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).is_err());
// unlock the wallet so we can spend to the second z address
@ -2297,8 +2297,8 @@ fn test_encrypted_treceive() {
let taddr2 = wallet.add_taddr();
const TAMOUNT2:u64 = 50;
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr2, TAMOUNT2, None)]).unwrap();
let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
vec![(&taddr2, TAMOUNT2, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap();
// Now lock the wallet again
