Browse Source

Multi spend test

Aditya Kulkarni 5 years ago
  1. 137


@ -2539,6 +2539,143 @@ pub mod tests {
fn test_multi_spends() {
const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000;
let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1);
let zaddr2 = wallet.add_zaddr();
const ZAMOUNT2:u64 = 30;
let outgoing_memo2 = "Outgoing Memo2".to_string();
let zaddr3 = wallet.add_zaddr();
const ZAMOUNT3:u64 = 40;
let outgoing_memo3 = "Outgoing Memo3".to_string();
let taddr2 = wallet.add_taddr();
const TAMOUNT2:u64 = 50;
let taddr3 = wallet.add_taddr();
const TAMOUNT3:u64 = 60;
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("2bb40e60", 16).unwrap();
let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap();
let tos = vec![ (zaddr2.as_str(), ZAMOUNT2, Some(outgoing_memo2.clone())),
(zaddr3.as_str(), ZAMOUNT3, Some(outgoing_memo3.clone())),
(taddr2.as_str(), TAMOUNT2, None),
(taddr3.as_str(), TAMOUNT3, None) ];
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, tos).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash);
wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2);
// Make sure all the outputs are there!
let txs =;
// The single note was spent
assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1);
assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid));
// The outputs are all sent to the wallet, so they should
// correspond to notes & utxos.
// 2 notes + 1 change
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 3);
// Find the change note
let change_note = txs[&sent_txid].notes.iter().find(|n| n.is_change).unwrap();
assert_eq!(change_note.note.value, AMOUNT1 - (ZAMOUNT2+ZAMOUNT3+TAMOUNT2+TAMOUNT3+fee));
assert_eq!(change_note.spent, None);
assert_eq!(change_note.unconfirmed_spent, None);
// Find zaddr2
let zaddr2_note = txs[&sent_txid].notes.iter().find(|n| n.note.value == ZAMOUNT2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.account, 2-1);
assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.is_change, false);
assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.spent, None);
assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.unconfirmed_spent, None);
assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&zaddr2_note.memo), Some(outgoing_memo2));
// Find zaddr3
let zaddr3_note = txs[&sent_txid].notes.iter().find(|n| n.note.value == ZAMOUNT3).unwrap();
assert_eq!(zaddr3_note.account, 3-1);
assert_eq!(zaddr3_note.is_change, false);
assert_eq!(zaddr3_note.spent, None);
assert_eq!(zaddr3_note.unconfirmed_spent, None);
assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&zaddr3_note.memo), Some(outgoing_memo3));
// Find taddr2
let utxo2 = txs[&sent_txid].utxos.iter().find(|u| u.value == TAMOUNT2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(utxo2.address, taddr2);
assert_eq!(utxo2.txid, sent_txid);
assert_eq!(utxo2.spent, None);
assert_eq!(utxo2.unconfirmed_spent, None);
// Find taddr3
let utxo3 = txs[&sent_txid].utxos.iter().find(|u| u.value == TAMOUNT3).unwrap();
assert_eq!(utxo3.address, taddr3);
assert_eq!(utxo3.txid, sent_txid);
assert_eq!(utxo3.spent, None);
assert_eq!(utxo3.unconfirmed_spent, None);
// Now send an outgoing tx to one ext taddr and one ext zaddr
let fvk = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[1u8; 32]));
let ext_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(),
let ext_memo = "External memo".to_string();
let ext_taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap());
const EXT_ZADDR_AMOUNT: u64 = 3000;
let ext_taddr_amount = AMOUNT1 - TAMOUNT2 - TAMOUNT3 - fee - EXT_ZADDR_AMOUNT - fee; // Spend everything
println!("taddr amount {}", ext_taddr_amount);
let tos = vec![ (ext_address.as_str(), EXT_ZADDR_AMOUNT, Some(ext_memo.clone())),
(ext_taddr.as_str(), ext_taddr_amount, None)];
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, tos).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid2 = sent_tx.txid();
let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash());
wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 3);
// Make sure all the outputs are there!
let txs =;
// All notes were spent
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid2));
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[1].spent, Some(sent_txid2));
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[2].spent, Some(sent_txid2));
// All utxos were NOT spent, since this outgoing Tx to a t addr
// The new tx has no change
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].notes.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos.len(), 0);
// Test the outgoing metadata
// Find the znote
let zoutgoing = txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata.iter().find(|o| o.address == ext_address).unwrap();
assert_eq!(zoutgoing.value, EXT_ZADDR_AMOUNT);
assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(zoutgoing.memo.clone())), Some(ext_memo));
// Find the taddr
let toutgoing = txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata.iter().find(|o| o.address == ext_taddr).unwrap();
assert_eq!(toutgoing.value, ext_taddr_amount);
assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(toutgoing.memo.clone())), None);
/// Test helper to add blocks
fn add_blocks(wallet: &LightWallet, start: i32, num: i32, mut prev_hash: BlockHash) -> Result<BlockHash, i32>{
// Add it to a block
