use std::collections::HashMap; use json::{object}; use crate::lightclient::LightClient; use crate::lightwallet::LightWallet; pub trait Command { fn help(&self) -> String; fn short_help(&self) -> String; fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String; } struct SyncCommand {} impl Command for SyncCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Sync the light client with the server"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("sync"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Download CompactBlocks and sync to the server".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { match lightclient.do_sync(true) { Ok(j) => j.pretty(2), Err(e) => e } } } struct EncryptionStatusCommand {} impl Command for EncryptionStatusCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Check if the wallet is encrypted and if it is locked"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("encryptionstatus"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Check if the wallet is encrypted and if it is locked".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { lightclient.do_encryption_status().pretty(2) } } struct SyncStatusCommand {} impl Command for SyncStatusCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Get the sync status of the wallet"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("syncstatus"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Get the sync status of the wallet".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { let status = lightclient.do_scan_status(); match status.is_syncing { false => object!{ "syncing" => "false" }, true => object!{ "syncing" => "true", "synced_blocks" => status.synced_blocks, "total_blocks" => status.total_blocks } }.pretty(2) } } struct RescanCommand {} impl Command for RescanCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Rescan the wallet, rescanning all blocks for new transactions"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("rescan"); h.push(""); h.push("This command will download all blocks since the intial block again from the light client server"); h.push("and attempt to scan each block for transactions belonging to the wallet."); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Rescan the wallet, downloading and scanning all blocks and transactions".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { match lightclient.do_rescan() { Ok(j) => j.pretty(2), Err(e) => e } } } struct ClearCommand {} impl Command for ClearCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Clear the wallet state, rolling back the wallet to an empty state."); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("clear"); h.push(""); h.push("This command will clear all notes, utxos and transactions from the wallet, setting up the wallet to be synced from scratch."); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Clear the wallet state, rolling back the wallet to an empty state.".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { lightclient.clear_state(); let result = object!{ "result" => "success" }; result.pretty(2) } } struct HelpCommand {} impl Command for HelpCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("List all available commands"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("help [command_name]"); h.push(""); h.push("If no \"command_name\" is specified, a list of all available commands is returned"); h.push("Example:"); h.push("help send"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Lists all available commands".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], _: &LightClient) -> String { let mut responses = vec![]; // Print a list of all commands match args.len() { 0 => { responses.push(format!("Available commands:")); get_commands().iter().for_each(| (cmd, obj) | { responses.push(format!("{} - {}", cmd, obj.short_help())); }); responses.join("\n") }, 1 => { match get_commands().get(args[0]) { Some(cmd) =>, None => format!("Command {} not found", args[0]) } }, _ => } } } struct InfoCommand {} impl Command for InfoCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Get info about the lightwalletd we're connected to"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("info"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Get the lightwalletd server's info".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { lightclient.do_info() } } struct CoinsupplyCommand {} impl Command for CoinsupplyCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Get info about the actual Coinsupply of Hush"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("coinsupply"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Get the Coinsupply info".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { lightclient.do_coinsupply() } } struct BalanceCommand {} impl Command for BalanceCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Show the current HUSH balance in the wallet"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("balance"); h.push(""); h.push("Transparent and Shielded balances, along with the addresses they belong to are displayed"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Show the current HUSH balance in the wallet".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { match lightclient.do_sync(true) { Ok(_) => format!("{}", lightclient.do_balance().pretty(2)), Err(e) => e } } } struct AddressCommand {} impl Command for AddressCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("List current addresses in the wallet"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("address"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "List all addresses in the wallet".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { format!("{}", lightclient.do_address().pretty(2)) } } struct ExportCommand {} impl Command for ExportCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Export private key for an individual wallet addresses."); h.push("Note: To backup the whole wallet, use the 'seed' command insted"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("export [t-address or z-address]"); h.push(""); h.push("If no address is passed, private key for all addresses in the wallet are exported."); h.push(""); h.push("Example:"); h.push("export ztestsapling1x65nq4dgp0qfywgxcwk9n0fvm4fysmapgr2q00p85ju252h6l7mmxu2jg9cqqhtvzd69jwhgv8d"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Export private key for wallet addresses".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { if args.len() > 1 { return; } let address = if args.is_empty() { None } else { Some(args[0].to_string()) }; match lightclient.do_export(address) { Ok(j) => j, Err(e) => object!{ "error" => e } }.pretty(2) } } struct EncryptCommand {} impl Command for EncryptCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Encrypt the wallet with a password"); h.push("Note 1: This will encrypt the seed and the sapling and transparent private keys."); h.push(" Use 'unlock' to temporarily unlock the wallet for spending or 'decrypt' "); h.push(" to permanatly remove the encryption"); h.push("Note 2: If you forget the password, the only way to recover the wallet is to restore"); h.push(" from the seed phrase."); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("encrypt password"); h.push(""); h.push("Example:"); h.push("encrypt my_strong_password"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Encrypt the wallet with a password".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { if args.len() != 1 { return; } // Refuse to encrypt if the bip39 bug has not been fixed use crate::lightwallet::bugs::BugBip39Derivation; if BugBip39Derivation::has_bug(lightclient) { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("It looks like your wallet has the bip39bug. Please run 'fixbip39bug' to fix it"); h.push("before encrypting your wallet."); h.push("ERROR: Cannot encrypt while wallet has the bip39bug."); return h.join("\n"); } let passwd = args[0].to_string(); match lightclient.wallet.write().unwrap().encrypt(passwd) { Ok(_) => object!{ "result" => "success" }, Err(e) => object!{ "result" => "error", "error" => e.to_string() } }.pretty(2) } } struct DecryptCommand {} impl Command for DecryptCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Completely remove wallet encryption, storing the wallet in plaintext on disk"); h.push("Note 1: This will decrypt the seed and the sapling and transparent private keys and store them on disk."); h.push(" Use 'unlock' to temporarily unlock the wallet for spending"); h.push("Note 2: If you've forgotten the password, the only way to recover the wallet is to restore"); h.push(" from the seed phrase."); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("decrypt password"); h.push(""); h.push("Example:"); h.push("decrypt my_strong_password"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Completely remove wallet encryption".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { if args.len() != 1 { return; } let passwd = args[0].to_string(); match lightclient.wallet.write().unwrap().remove_encryption(passwd) { Ok(_) => object!{ "result" => "success" }, Err(e) => object!{ "result" => "error", "error" => e.to_string() } }.pretty(2) } } struct UnlockCommand {} impl Command for UnlockCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Unlock the wallet's encryption in memory, allowing spending from this wallet."); h.push("Note 1: This will decrypt spending keys in memory only. The wallet remains encrypted on disk"); h.push(" Use 'decrypt' to remove the encryption permanatly."); h.push("Note 2: If you've forgotten the password, the only way to recover the wallet is to restore"); h.push(" from the seed phrase."); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("unlock password"); h.push(""); h.push("Example:"); h.push("unlock my_strong_password"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Unlock wallet encryption for spending".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { if args.len() != 1 { return; } let passwd = args[0].to_string(); match lightclient.wallet.write().unwrap().unlock(passwd) { Ok(_) => object!{ "result" => "success" }, Err(e) => object!{ "result" => "error", "error" => e.to_string() } }.pretty(2) } } struct LockCommand {} impl Command for LockCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Lock a wallet that's been temporarily unlocked. You should already have encryption enabled."); h.push("Note 1: This will remove all spending keys from memory. The wallet remains encrypted on disk"); h.push("Note 2: If you've forgotten the password, the only way to recover the wallet is to restore"); h.push(" from the seed phrase."); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("lock"); h.push(""); h.push("Example:"); h.push("lock"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Lock a wallet that's been temporarily unlocked".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { if args.len() != 0 { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Extra arguments to lock. Did you mean 'encrypt'?"); h.push(""); return format!("{}\n{}", h.join("\n"),; } match lightclient.wallet.write().unwrap().lock() { Ok(_) => object!{ "result" => "success" }, Err(e) => object!{ "result" => "error", "error" => e.to_string() } }.pretty(2) } } struct SendCommand {} impl Command for SendCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Send HUSH to a given address(es)"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("send
\"optional_memo\""); h.push("OR"); h.push("send '[{'address':
, 'amount': , 'memo': }, ...]'"); h.push(""); h.push("NOTE: The fee required to send this transaction (currently HUSH 0.0001) is additionally detected from your balance."); h.push("Example:"); h.push("send ztestsapling1x65nq4dgp0qfywgxcwk9n0fvm4fysmapgr2q00p85ju252h6l7mmxu2jg9cqqhtvzd69jwhgv8d 200000 \"Hello from the command line\""); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Send HUSH to the given address".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { // Parse the args. There are two argument types. // 1 - A set of 2(+1 optional) arguments for a single address send representing address, value, memo? // 2 - A single argument in the form of a JSON string that is "[{address: address, value: value, memo: memo},...]" // 1 - Destination address. T or Z address if args.len() < 1 || args.len() > 3 { return; } // Check for a single argument that can be parsed as JSON let send_args = if args.len() == 1 { let arg_list = args[0]; let json_args = match json::parse(&arg_list) { Ok(j) => j, Err(e) => { let es = format!("Couldn't understand JSON: {}", e); return format!("{}\n{}", es,; } }; if !json_args.is_array() { return format!("Couldn't parse argument as array\n{}",; } let maybe_send_args = json_args.members().map( |j| { if !j.has_key("address") || !j.has_key("amount") { Err(format!("Need 'address' and 'amount'\n")) } else { Ok((j["address"].as_str().unwrap().to_string().clone(), j["amount"].as_u64().unwrap(), j["memo"].as_str().map(|s| s.to_string().clone()))) } }).collect::)>, String>>(); match maybe_send_args { Ok(a) => a.clone(), Err(s) => { return format!("Error: {}\n{}", s,; } } } else if args.len() == 2 || args.len() == 3 { let address = args[0].to_string(); // Make sure we can parse the amount let value = match args[1].parse::() { Ok(amt) => amt, Err(e) => { return format!("Couldn't parse amount: {}", e); } }; let memo = if args.len() == 3 { Some(args[2].to_string()) } else { None }; // Memo has to be None if not sending to a shileded address if memo.is_some() && !LightWallet::is_shielded_address(&address, &lightclient.config) { return format!("Can't send a memo to the non-shielded address {}", address); } vec![(args[0].to_string(), value, memo)] } else { return }; match lightclient.do_sync(true) { Ok(_) => { // Convert to the right format. String -> &str. let tos = send_args.iter().map(|(a, v, m)| (a.as_str(), *v, m.clone()) ).collect::>(); match lightclient.do_send(tos) { Ok(txid) => { object!{ "txid" => txid } }, Err(e) => { object!{ "error" => e } } }.pretty(2) }, Err(e) => e } } } struct SaveCommand {} impl Command for SaveCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Save the wallet to disk"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("save"); h.push(""); h.push("The wallet is saved to disk. The wallet is periodically saved to disk (and also saved upon exit)"); h.push("but you can use this command to explicitly save it to disk"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Save wallet file to disk".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { match lightclient.do_save() { Ok(_) => { let r = object!{ "result" => "success" }; r.pretty(2) }, Err(e) => { let r = object!{ "result" => "error", "error" => e }; r.pretty(2) } } } } struct SeedCommand {} impl Command for SeedCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Show the wallet's seed phrase"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("seed"); h.push(""); h.push("Your wallet is entirely recoverable from the seed phrase. Please save it carefully and don't share it with anyone"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Display the seed phrase".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { match lightclient.do_seed_phrase() { Ok(j) => j, Err(e) => object!{ "error" => e } }.pretty(2) } } struct TransactionsCommand {} impl Command for TransactionsCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("List all incoming and outgoing transactions from this wallet"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("list"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "List all transactions in the wallet".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { match lightclient.do_sync(true) { Ok(_) => { format!("{}", lightclient.do_list_transactions().pretty(2)) }, Err(e) => e } } } struct HeightCommand {} impl Command for HeightCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Get the latest block height that the wallet is at."); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("height [do_sync = true | false]"); h.push(""); h.push("Pass 'true' (default) to sync to the server to get the latest block height. Pass 'false' to get the latest height in the wallet without checking with the server."); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Get the latest block height that the wallet is at".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { if args.len() > 1 { return format!("Didn't understand arguments\n{}",; } if args.len() == 0 || (args.len() == 1 && args[0].trim() == "true") { match lightclient.do_sync(true) { Ok(_) => format!("{}", object! { "height" => lightclient.last_scanned_height()}.pretty(2)), Err(e) => e } } else { format!("{}", object! { "height" => lightclient.last_scanned_height()}.pretty(2)) } } } struct NewAddressCommand {} impl Command for NewAddressCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Create a new address in this wallet"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("new [z | t]"); h.push(""); h.push("Example:"); h.push("To create a new z address:"); h.push("new z"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Create a new address in this wallet".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { if args.len() != 1 { return format!("No address type specified\n{}",; } match lightclient.do_new_address(args[0]) { Ok(j) => j, Err(e) => object!{ "error" => e } }.pretty(2) } } struct NewSietchAddressCommand {} impl Command for NewSietchAddressCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("New Sietch Address"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("sietch [zs]"); h.push(""); h.push("Example:"); h.push("To create a new zdust:"); h.push("sietch zs"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Create a sietch Address".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { if args.len() != 1 { return format!("No address type specified\n{}",; } match lightclient.do_new_sietchaddress(args[0]) { Ok(j) => j, Err(e) => object!{ "error" => e } }.pretty(2) } } struct NotesCommand {} impl Command for NotesCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Show all sapling notes and utxos in this wallet"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("notes [all]"); h.push(""); h.push("If you supply the \"all\" parameter, all previously spent sapling notes and spent utxos are also included"); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "List all sapling notes and utxos in the wallet".to_string() } fn exec(&self, args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { // Parse the args. if args.len() > 1 { return self.short_help(); } // Make sure we can parse the amount let all_notes = if args.len() == 1 { match args[0] { "all" => true, a => return format!("Invalid argument \"{}\". Specify 'all' to include unspent notes", a) } } else { false }; match lightclient.do_sync(true) { Ok(_) => { format!("{}", lightclient.do_list_notes(all_notes).pretty(2)) }, Err(e) => e } } } struct FixBip39BugCommand {} impl Command for FixBip39BugCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Detect if the wallet has the Bip39 derivation bug, and fix it automatically"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("fixbip39bug"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Detect if the wallet has the Bip39 derivation bug, and fix it automatically".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { use crate::lightwallet::bugs::BugBip39Derivation; BugBip39Derivation::fix_bug(lightclient) } } struct QuitCommand {} impl Command for QuitCommand { fn help(&self) -> String { let mut h = vec![]; h.push("Save the wallet to disk and quit"); h.push("Usage:"); h.push("quit"); h.push(""); h.join("\n") } fn short_help(&self) -> String { "Quit the lightwallet, saving state to disk".to_string() } fn exec(&self, _args: &[&str], lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { match lightclient.do_save() { Ok(_) => {"".to_string()}, Err(e) => e } } } pub fn get_commands() -> Box>> { let mut map: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); map.insert("sync".to_string(), Box::new(SyncCommand{})); map.insert("syncstatus".to_string(), Box::new(SyncStatusCommand{})); map.insert("encryptionstatus".to_string(), Box::new(EncryptionStatusCommand{})); map.insert("rescan".to_string(), Box::new(RescanCommand{})); map.insert("clear".to_string(), Box::new(ClearCommand{})); map.insert("help".to_string(), Box::new(HelpCommand{})); map.insert("balance".to_string(), Box::new(BalanceCommand{})); map.insert("addresses".to_string(), Box::new(AddressCommand{})); map.insert("height".to_string(), Box::new(HeightCommand{})); map.insert("export".to_string(), Box::new(ExportCommand{})); map.insert("info".to_string(), Box::new(InfoCommand{})); map.insert("coinsupply".to_string(), Box::new(CoinsupplyCommand{})); map.insert("send".to_string(), Box::new(SendCommand{})); map.insert("save".to_string(), Box::new(SaveCommand{})); map.insert("quit".to_string(), Box::new(QuitCommand{})); map.insert("list".to_string(), Box::new(TransactionsCommand{})); map.insert("notes".to_string(), Box::new(NotesCommand{})); map.insert("new".to_string(), Box::new(NewAddressCommand{})); map.insert("sietch".to_string(), Box::new(NewSietchAddressCommand{})); map.insert("seed".to_string(), Box::new(SeedCommand{})); map.insert("encrypt".to_string(), Box::new(EncryptCommand{})); map.insert("decrypt".to_string(), Box::new(DecryptCommand{})); map.insert("unlock".to_string(), Box::new(UnlockCommand{})); map.insert("lock".to_string(), Box::new(LockCommand{})); map.insert("fixbip39bug".to_string(), Box::new(FixBip39BugCommand{})); Box::new(map) } pub fn do_user_command(cmd: &str, args: &Vec<&str>, lightclient: &LightClient) -> String { match get_commands().get(&cmd.to_ascii_lowercase()) { Some(cmd) => cmd.exec(args, lightclient), None => format!("Unknown command : {}. Type 'help' for a list of commands", cmd) } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use lazy_static::lazy_static; use super::do_user_command; use crate::lightclient::{LightClient}; lazy_static!{ static ref TEST_SEED: String = "youth strong sweet gorilla hammer unhappy congress stamp left stereo riot salute road tag clean toilet artefact fork certain leopard entire civil degree wonder".to_string(); } #[test] pub fn test_command_caseinsensitive() { let lc = LightClient::unconnected(TEST_SEED.to_string(), None).unwrap(); assert_eq!(do_user_command("addresses", &vec![], &lc), do_user_command("AddReSSeS", &vec![], &lc)); assert_eq!(do_user_command("addresses", &vec![], &lc), do_user_command("Addresses", &vec![], &lc)); } #[test] pub fn test_nosync_commands() { // The following commands should run } }