use std::convert::TryInto; use std::io::{Error}; use rand::{RngCore, rngs::OsRng}; use ff::{Field, PrimeField, PrimeFieldRepr}; use pairing::bls12_381::Bls12; use protobuf::{Message, UnknownFields, CachedSize, RepeatedField}; use zcash_client_backend::{encoding::encode_payment_address, proto::compact_formats::{ CompactBlock, CompactOutput, CompactSpend, CompactTx, } }; use zcash_primitives::{ block::BlockHash, jubjub::fs::Fs, note_encryption::{Memo, SaplingNoteEncryption}, primitives::{Note, PaymentAddress}, legacy::{Script, TransparentAddress,}, transaction::{ TxId, Transaction, TransactionData, components::{TxOut, TxIn, OutPoint, Amount,}, components::amount::DEFAULT_FEE, }, zip32::{ExtendedFullViewingKey, ExtendedSpendingKey}, JUBJUB, }; use sha2::{Sha256, Digest}; use super::LightWallet; use super::LightClientConfig; use secp256k1::{Secp256k1, key::PublicKey, key::SecretKey}; use crate::SaplingParams; fn get_sapling_params() -> Result<(Vec, Vec), Error> { // Read Sapling Params let mut sapling_output = vec![]; sapling_output.extend_from_slice(SaplingParams::get("sapling-output.params").unwrap().as_ref()); println!("Read output {}", sapling_output.len()); let mut sapling_spend = vec![]; sapling_spend.extend_from_slice(SaplingParams::get("sapling-spend.params").unwrap().as_ref()); println!("Read output {}", sapling_spend.len()); Ok((sapling_spend, sapling_output)) } struct FakeCompactBlock { block: CompactBlock, } impl FakeCompactBlock { fn new(height: i32, prev_hash: BlockHash) -> Self { // Create a fake Note for the account let mut rng = OsRng; let mut cb = CompactBlock::new(); cb.set_height(height as u64); cb.hash.resize(32, 0); rng.fill_bytes(&mut cb.hash); cb.prevHash.extend_from_slice(&prev_hash.0); FakeCompactBlock { block: cb } } fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec { self.block.write_to_bytes().unwrap() } fn hash(&self) -> BlockHash { BlockHash(self.block.hash[..].try_into().unwrap()) } fn tx_to_compact_tx(tx: &Transaction, index: u64) -> CompactTx { let spends = tx.shielded_spends.iter().map(|s| { let mut c_spend = CompactSpend::default(); c_spend.set_nf(s.nullifier.to_vec()); c_spend }).collect::>(); let outputs = tx.shielded_outputs.iter().map(|o| { let mut c_out = CompactOutput::default(); let mut cmu_bytes = vec![]; o.cmu.into_repr().write_le(&mut cmu_bytes).unwrap(); let mut epk_bytes = vec![]; o.ephemeral_key.write(&mut epk_bytes).unwrap(); c_out.set_cmu(cmu_bytes); c_out.set_epk(epk_bytes); c_out.set_ciphertext(o.enc_ciphertext[0..52].to_vec()); c_out }).collect::>(); CompactTx { index, hash: tx.txid().0.to_vec(), fee: 0, // TODO: Get Fee spends: RepeatedField::from_vec(spends), outputs: RepeatedField::from_vec(outputs), unknown_fields: UnknownFields::default(), cached_size: CachedSize::default(), } } // Convert the transaction into a CompactTx and add it to this block fn add_tx(&mut self, tx: &Transaction) { let ctx = FakeCompactBlock::tx_to_compact_tx(&tx, self.block.vtx.len() as u64); self.block.vtx.push(ctx); } // Add a new tx into the block, paying the given address the amount. // Returns the nullifier of the new note. fn add_tx_paying(&mut self, extfvk: ExtendedFullViewingKey, value: u64) -> (Vec, TxId) { let to = extfvk.default_address().unwrap().1; let value = Amount::from_u64(value).unwrap(); // Create a fake Note for the account let mut rng = OsRng; let note = Note { g_d: to.diversifier.g_d::(&JUBJUB).unwrap(), pk_d: to.pk_d.clone(), value: value.into(), r: Fs::random(&mut rng), }; let encryptor = SaplingNoteEncryption::new( extfvk.fvk.ovk, note.clone(), to.clone(), Memo::default(), &mut rng, ); let mut cmu = vec![]; cmu).unwrap(); let mut epk = vec![]; encryptor.epk().write(&mut epk).unwrap(); let enc_ciphertext = encryptor.encrypt_note_plaintext(); // Create a fake CompactBlock containing the note let mut cout = CompactOutput::new(); cout.set_cmu(cmu); cout.set_epk(epk); cout.set_ciphertext(enc_ciphertext[..52].to_vec()); let mut ctx = CompactTx::new(); let mut txid = vec![0; 32]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut txid); ctx.set_hash(txid.clone()); ctx.outputs.push(cout); self.block.vtx.push(ctx); (, 0, &JUBJUB), TxId(txid[..].try_into().unwrap())) } fn add_tx_spending(&mut self, (nf, in_value): (Vec, u64), extfvk: ExtendedFullViewingKey, to: PaymentAddress, value: u64) -> TxId { let mut rng = OsRng; let in_value = Amount::from_u64(in_value).unwrap(); let value = Amount::from_u64(value).unwrap(); // Create a fake CompactBlock containing the note let mut cspend = CompactSpend::new(); cspend.set_nf(nf); let mut ctx = CompactTx::new(); let mut txid = vec![0; 32]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut txid); ctx.set_hash(txid.clone()); ctx.spends.push(cspend); // Create a fake Note for the payment ctx.outputs.push({ let note = Note { g_d: to.diversifier.g_d::(&JUBJUB).unwrap(), pk_d: to.pk_d.clone(), value: value.into(), r: Fs::random(&mut rng), }; let encryptor = SaplingNoteEncryption::new( extfvk.fvk.ovk, note.clone(), to, Memo::default(), &mut rng, ); let mut cmu = vec![]; cmu).unwrap(); let mut epk = vec![]; encryptor.epk().write(&mut epk).unwrap(); let enc_ciphertext = encryptor.encrypt_note_plaintext(); let mut cout = CompactOutput::new(); cout.set_cmu(cmu); cout.set_epk(epk); cout.set_ciphertext(enc_ciphertext[..52].to_vec()); cout }); // Create a fake Note for the change ctx.outputs.push({ let change_addr = extfvk.default_address().unwrap().1; let note = Note { g_d: change_addr.diversifier.g_d::(&JUBJUB).unwrap(), pk_d: change_addr.pk_d.clone(), value: (in_value - value).into(), r: Fs::random(&mut rng), }; let encryptor = SaplingNoteEncryption::new( extfvk.fvk.ovk, note.clone(), change_addr, Memo::default(), &mut rng, ); let mut cmu = vec![]; cmu).unwrap(); let mut epk = vec![]; encryptor.epk().write(&mut epk).unwrap(); let enc_ciphertext = encryptor.encrypt_note_plaintext(); let mut cout = CompactOutput::new(); cout.set_cmu(cmu); cout.set_epk(epk); cout.set_ciphertext(enc_ciphertext[..52].to_vec()); cout }); self.block.vtx.push(ctx); TxId(txid[..].try_into().unwrap()) } } struct FakeTransaction { tx: Transaction, } impl FakeTransaction { // New FakeTransaction with random txid fn new(rng: &mut R) -> Self { let mut txid = [0u8; 32]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut txid); FakeTransaction::new_with_txid(TxId(txid)) } fn new_with_txid(txid: TxId) -> Self { FakeTransaction { tx: Transaction { txid, data: TransactionData::new() } } } fn get_tx(&self) -> &Transaction { &self.tx } fn add_t_output(&mut self, pk: &PublicKey, value: u64) { let mut hash160 = ripemd160::Ripemd160::new(); hash160.input(Sha256::digest(&pk.serialize()[..].to_vec())); let taddr_bytes = hash160.result(); { value: Amount::from_u64(value).unwrap(), script_pubkey: TransparentAddress::PublicKey(taddr_bytes.try_into().unwrap()).script(), }); } fn add_t_input(&mut self, txid: TxId, n: u32) { { prevout: OutPoint{ hash: txid.0, n }, script_sig: Script{0: vec![]}, sequence: 0, }); } } #[test] fn test_z_balances() { let wallet = LightWallet::new(None, &get_test_config(), 0).unwrap(); const AMOUNT1:u64 = 5; // Address is encoded in bech32 let address = Some(encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &[0].default_address().unwrap().1)); let mut cb1 = FakeCompactBlock::new(0, BlockHash([0; 32])); cb1.add_tx_paying([0].clone(), AMOUNT1); // Make sure that the intial state is empty assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), 0); assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(address.clone()), 0); wallet.scan_block(&cb1.as_bytes()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(address.clone()), AMOUNT1); const AMOUNT2:u64 = 10; // Add a second block let mut cb2 = FakeCompactBlock::new(1, cb1.hash()); cb2.add_tx_paying([0].clone(), AMOUNT2); wallet.scan_block(&cb2.as_bytes()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 2); assert_eq!(, 2); assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1 + AMOUNT2); assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(address.clone()), AMOUNT1 + AMOUNT2); } #[test] fn test_z_change_balances() { let wallet = LightWallet::new(None, &get_test_config(), 0).unwrap(); // First, add an incoming transaction const AMOUNT1:u64 = 5; let mut cb1 = FakeCompactBlock::new(0, BlockHash([0; 32])); let (nf1, txid1) = cb1.add_tx_paying([0].clone(), AMOUNT1); wallet.scan_block(&cb1.as_bytes()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1); const AMOUNT2:u64 = 2; // Add a second block, spending the first note let addr2 = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[0u8; 32])) .default_address().unwrap().1; let mut cb2 = FakeCompactBlock::new(1, cb1.hash()); let txid2 = cb2.add_tx_spending((nf1, AMOUNT1),[0].clone(), addr2, AMOUNT2); wallet.scan_block(&cb2.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // Now, the original note should be spent and there should be a change assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT2); let txs =; // Old note was spent assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].txid, txid1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent.unwrap(), txid2); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].is_change, false); // new note is not spent assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].txid, txid2); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT2); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT1); } #[test] fn test_t_receive_spend() { let mut rng = OsRng; let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let wallet = LightWallet::new(None, &get_test_config(), 0).unwrap(); let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &[0]); let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); const AMOUNT1: u64 = 20; let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new(&mut rng); tx.add_t_output(&pk, AMOUNT1); let txid1 = tx.get_tx().txid(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 100, 0); // Pretend it is at height 100 { let txs =; // Now make sure the t addr was recieved assert_eq!(txs.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].txid, txid1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].output_index, 0); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].height, 100); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(wallet.tbalance(None), AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(wallet.tbalance(Some(taddr)), AMOUNT1); } // Create a new Tx, spending this taddr let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new(&mut rng); tx.add_t_input(txid1, 0); let txid2 = tx.get_tx().txid(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 101, 0); // Pretent it is at height 101 { // Make sure the txid was spent let txs =; // Old utxo, that should be spent now assert_eq!(txs.len(), 2); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].spent, Some(txid2)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].block, 101); // The second TxId is at block 101 assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].utxos.len(), 0); // The second TxId has no UTXOs assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].total_transparent_value_spent, AMOUNT1); // Make sure there is no t-ZEC left assert_eq!(wallet.tbalance(None), 0); } } #[test] /// This test spends and receives t addresses among non-wallet t addresses to make sure that /// we're detecting and spending only our t addrs. fn test_t_receive_spend_among_tadds() { let mut rng = OsRng; let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let wallet = LightWallet::new(None, &get_test_config(), 0).unwrap(); let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &[0]); let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); let non_wallet_sk = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap(); let non_wallet_pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &non_wallet_sk); const AMOUNT1: u64 = 30; let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new(&mut rng); // Add a non-wallet output tx.add_t_output(&non_wallet_pk, 20); tx.add_t_output(&pk, AMOUNT1); // Our wallet t output tx.add_t_output(&non_wallet_pk, 25); let txid1 = tx.get_tx().txid(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 100, 0); // Pretend it is at height 100 { let txs =; // Now make sure the t addr was received assert_eq!(txs.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].txid, txid1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].output_index, 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].height, 100); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(wallet.tbalance(None), AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(wallet.tbalance(Some(taddr)), AMOUNT1); } // Create a new Tx, spending this taddr let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new(&mut rng); tx.add_t_input(txid1, 1); // Ours was at position 1 in the input tx let txid2 = tx.get_tx().txid(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 101, 0); // Pretent it is at height 101 { // Make sure the txid was spent let txs =; // Old utxo, that should be spent now assert_eq!(txs.len(), 2); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].spent, Some(txid2)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].block, 101); // The second TxId is at block 101 assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].utxos.len(), 0); // The second TxId has no UTXOs assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].total_transparent_value_spent, AMOUNT1); // Make sure there is no t-ZEC left assert_eq!(wallet.tbalance(None), 0); } } #[test] fn test_serialization() { let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let config = get_test_config(); let wallet = LightWallet::new(None, &config, 0).unwrap(); // First, add an incoming transaction const AMOUNT1:u64 = 5; let mut cb1 = FakeCompactBlock::new(0, BlockHash([0; 32])); let (nf1, txid1) = cb1.add_tx_paying([0].clone(), AMOUNT1); wallet.scan_block(&cb1.as_bytes()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1); // Add a t input at the Tx let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &[0]); let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); const TAMOUNT1: u64 = 20; let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new_with_txid(txid1); tx.add_t_output(&pk, TAMOUNT1); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 0, 0); // Height 0 const AMOUNT2:u64 = 2; // Add a second block, spending the first note let addr2 = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[0u8; 32])) .default_address().unwrap().1; let mut cb2 = FakeCompactBlock::new(1, cb1.hash()); let txid2 = cb2.add_tx_spending((nf1, AMOUNT1),[0].clone(), addr2, AMOUNT2); wallet.scan_block(&cb2.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new_with_txid(txid2); tx.add_t_input(txid1, 0); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 1, 0); // Height 1 // Now, the original note should be spent and there should be a change assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT2 ); // The t addr amount is received + spent, so it cancels out // Now, serialize the wallet and read it back again let mut serialized_data = vec![]; wallet.write(&mut serialized_data).expect("Serialize wallet"); let wallet2 = LightWallet::read(&serialized_data[..], &config).unwrap(); assert_eq!(wallet2.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT2); // Test the keys were serialized correctly { assert_eq!(wallet.seed, wallet2.seed); assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!([0],[0]); assert_eq!([0],[0]); assert_eq!([0],[0]); assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!([0],[0]); } // Test blocks were serialized properly { let blks =; assert_eq!(blks.len(), 2); assert_eq!(blks[0].height, 0); assert_eq!(blks[1].height, 1); } // Test txns were serialized properly. { let txs =; // Old note was spent assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].txid, txid1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent.unwrap(), txid2); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].is_change, false); // Old UTXO was spent assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].txid, txid1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].output_index, 0); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].value, TAMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].height, 0); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].spent, Some(txid2)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // new note is not spent assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].txid, txid2); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT2); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT1); // The UTXO was spent in txid2 assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].utxos.len(), 0); // The second TxId has no UTXOs assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].total_transparent_value_spent, TAMOUNT1); } } #[test] fn test_multi_serialization() { let config = get_test_config(); let wallet = LightWallet::new(None, &config, 0).unwrap(); let taddr1 = wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); let taddr2 = wallet.add_taddr(); let (zaddr1, zpk1) = &wallet.get_z_private_keys()[0]; let zaddr2 = wallet.add_zaddr(); let mut serialized_data = vec![]; wallet.write(&mut serialized_data).expect("Serialize wallet"); let wallet2 = LightWallet::read(&serialized_data[..], &config).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 2); assert_eq!(, 2); assert_eq!(, 2); assert_eq!(, 2); assert_eq!(taddr1, wallet.address_from_sk(&[0])); assert_eq!(taddr2, wallet.address_from_sk(&[1])); let (w2_zaddr1, w2_zpk1) = &wallet.get_z_private_keys()[0]; let (w2_zaddr2, _) = &wallet.get_z_private_keys()[1]; assert_eq!(zaddr1, w2_zaddr1); assert_eq!(zpk1, w2_zpk1); assert_eq!(zaddr2, *w2_zaddr2); } fn get_test_config() -> LightClientConfig { LightClientConfig { server: "".parse().unwrap(), chain_name: "test".to_string(), sapling_activation_height: 0, consensus_branch_id: "000000".to_string(), anchor_offset: 0, no_cert_verification: false, data_dir: None, } } // Get a test wallet already setup with a single note fn get_test_wallet(amount: u64) -> (LightWallet, TxId, BlockHash) { let config = get_test_config(); let wallet = LightWallet::new(None, &config, 0).unwrap(); let mut cb1 = FakeCompactBlock::new(0, BlockHash([0; 32])); let (_, txid1) = cb1.add_tx_paying([0].clone(), amount); wallet.scan_block(&cb1.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // We have one note { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, amount); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); } assert_eq!(wallet.verified_zbalance(None), amount); // Create a new block so that the note is now verified to be spent let cb2 = FakeCompactBlock::new(1, cb1.hash()); wallet.scan_block(&cb2.as_bytes()).unwrap(); (wallet, txid1, cb2.hash()) } #[test] fn test_z_spend_to_z() { const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let fvk = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[1u8; 32])); let ext_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &fvk.default_address().unwrap().1); const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20; let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string(); let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Make sure that the balance exists { assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(wallet.verified_zbalance(None), AMOUNT1); } // Create a tx and send to address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); // Now, the note should be unconfirmed spent { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].is_change, false); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, Some(sent_txid)); } // It should also be in the mempool structure { let mem =; assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].block, 2); // block number is next block assert! (mem[&sent_txid].datetime > 0); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].txid, sent_txid); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].address, ext_address); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.to_utf8().unwrap().unwrap(), outgoing_memo); } { // The wallet should deduct this from the verified balance. The zbalance still includes it assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(wallet.verified_zbalance(None), 0); } let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // Now this new Spent tx should be in, so the note should be marked confirmed spent { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // The sent tx should generate change assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee); assert_eq!(wallet.zbalance(None), AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); } { // And the mempool tx should disappear let mem =; assert!(mem.get(&sent_txid).is_none()); } // Now, full scan the Tx, which should populate the Outgoing Meta data wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); // Check Outgoing Metadata { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].address, ext_address); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.to_utf8().unwrap().unwrap(), outgoing_memo); } } #[test] fn test_self_txns_ttoz_withmemo() { let mut rng = OsRng; let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let (wallet, _txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(0); let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &[0]); let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); const TAMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new(&mut rng); tx.add_t_output(&pk, TAMOUNT1); let txid1 = tx.get_tx().txid(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 1, 0); { let txs =; // Now make sure the t addr was recieved assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].value, TAMOUNT1); } // Create a new Tx, spending this taddr const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20; let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string(); let zaddr = wallet.add_zaddr(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("2bb40e60", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address. This should consume both the UTXO and the note let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); // Scan the compact block and the full Tx wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); { let txs =; // Includes Outgoing meta data, since this is a wallet -> wallet tx with a memo assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.to_utf8().unwrap().unwrap(), outgoing_memo); } } #[test] fn test_self_txns_ttoz_nomemo() { let mut rng = OsRng; let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let (wallet, _txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(0); let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &[0]); let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); const TAMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new(&mut rng); tx.add_t_output(&pk, TAMOUNT1); let txid1 = tx.get_tx().txid(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 1, 0); { let txs =; // Now make sure the t addr was recieved assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].utxos[0].value, TAMOUNT1); } // Create a new Tx, spending this taddr const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20; let zaddr = wallet.add_zaddr(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("2bb40e60", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address. This should consume both the UTXO and the note let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&zaddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)]).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); // Scan the compact block and the full Tx wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); { let txs =; // No Outgoing meta data, since this is a wallet -> wallet tx without a memo assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 0); } } #[test] fn test_self_txns_ztoz() { const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let (wallet, _txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let zaddr2 = wallet.add_zaddr(); // This is acually address #6, since there are 5 initial addresses in the wallet const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20; let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("2bb40e60", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); { let txs =; // Includes Outgoing meta data, since this is a wallet -> wallet tx with a memo assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.to_utf8().unwrap().unwrap(), outgoing_memo); } // Another self tx, this time without a memo let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash()); cb4.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb4.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 3, 0); { let txs =; // No Outgoing meta data, since this is a wallet -> wallet tx without a memo assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 0); } } #[test] fn test_multi_z() { const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let zaddr2 = wallet.add_zaddr(); // This is acually address #6, since there are 5 initial addresses in the wallet const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20; let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string(); let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); // Because the builder will randomize notes outputted, we need to find // which note number is the change and which is the output note (Because this tx // had both outputs in the same Tx) let (change_note_number, ext_note_number) = { let txs =; if txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change { (0,1) } else { (1,0) } }; // Now this new Spent tx should be in, so the note should be marked confirmed spent { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // The sent tx should generate change + the new incoming note assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 2); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].note.value, AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].account, 0); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].memo), None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].note.value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].account, 6); // The new addr is added after the change addresses assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].is_change, false); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].memo), Some(outgoing_memo.clone())); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT1); // Includes Outgoing meta data, since this is a wallet -> wallet tx with a memo assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.to_utf8().unwrap().unwrap(), outgoing_memo); } // Now spend the money, which should pick notes from both addresses let amount_all:u64 = (AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee) + (AMOUNT_SENT) - fee; let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap()); let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&taddr, amount_all, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_ext_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash()); cb4.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb4.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 3, 0); { // Both notes should be spent now. let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].spent, Some(sent_ext_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].is_change, false); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].spent, Some(sent_ext_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].unconfirmed_spent, None); // Check outgoing metadata for the external sent tx assert_eq!(txs[&sent_ext_txid].notes.len(), 0); // No change was generated assert_eq!(txs[&sent_ext_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_ext_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_ext_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].value, amount_all); } } #[test] fn test_z_spend_to_taddr() { const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap()); const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 30; let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); // Now, the note should be unconfirmed spent { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].is_change, false); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, Some(sent_txid)); } let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // Now this new Spent tx should be in, so the note should be marked confirmed spent { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // The sent tx should generate change assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); } // Now, full scan the Tx, which should populate the Outgoing Meta data wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); // Check Outgoing Metadata for t address { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT1); } // Create a new Tx, but this time with a memo. let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, Some("T address memo".to_string()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid2 = sent_tx.txid(); // There should be a mempool Tx, but the memo should be dropped, because it was sent to a // t address { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.clone())), None); } // Now add the block let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash()); cb4.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb4.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 3, 0); // Check Outgoing Metadata for t address, but once again there should be no memo { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.clone())), None); } } #[test] fn test_t_spend_to_z() { let mut rng = OsRng; let secp = Secp256k1::new(); const AMOUNT_Z: u64 = 50000; const AMOUNT_T: u64 = 40000; let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT_Z); let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &[0]); let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new(&mut rng); tx.add_t_output(&pk, AMOUNT_T); let txid_t = tx.get_tx().txid(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 1, 0); // Pretend it is at height 1 { let txs =; // Now make sure the t addr was recieved assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(wallet.tbalance(None), AMOUNT_T); } let fvk = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[1u8; 32])); let ext_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &fvk.default_address().unwrap().1); const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20; let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string(); let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address. This should consume both the UTXO and the note let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); // Verify the sent_tx for sanity { // The tx has 1 note spent, 1 utxo spent, and (1 note out, 1 note change) assert_eq!(sent_tx.shielded_spends.len(), 1); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(sent_tx.shielded_outputs.len(), 2); } // Now, the note and utxo should be unconfirmed spent { let txs =; // UTXO assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, Some(sent_txid)); // Note assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT_Z); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, Some(sent_txid)); } let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); // Scan the compact block and the full Tx wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); // Now this new Spent tx should be in, so the note should be marked confirmed spent { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT_Z); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // The UTXO should also be spent assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos[0].spent, Some(sent_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid_t].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // The sent tx should generate change assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT_Z + AMOUNT_T - AMOUNT_SENT - fee); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); } } #[test] fn test_z_incoming_memo() { const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let (wallet, _txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let my_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &[0].default_address().unwrap().1); let memo = "Incoming Memo".to_string(); let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); // Add it to a block let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // And scan the Full Tx to get the memo wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].extfvk,[0]); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1 - fee); assert_eq!(LightWallet::note_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &txs[&sent_txid].notes[0]), Some(my_address)); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].memo), Some(memo)); } } #[test] fn test_add_new_zt_hd_after_incoming() { // When an address recieves funds, a new, unused address should automatically get added const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let (wallet, _txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); // Get the last address let my_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &; let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("2bb40e60", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 6); // Starts with 1+5 addresses // Create a tx and send to the last address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); // Add it to a block let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // NOw, 5 new addresses should be created assert_eq!(, 6+5); let mut rng = OsRng; let secp = Secp256k1::new(); // Send a fake transaction to the last taddr let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &; // Start with 1 taddr assert_eq!(, 1); // Send a Tx to the last address let mut tx = FakeTransaction::new(&mut rng); tx.add_t_output(&pk, AMOUNT1); wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx.get_tx(), 3, 0); // Now, 5 new addresses should be created. assert_eq!(, 1+5); } #[test] fn test_z_to_t_withinwallet() { const AMOUNT: u64 = 500000; const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20000; let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT); let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); // Add it to a block let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // And scan the Full Tx to get the memo wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); { let txs =; // We have the original note assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT); // We have the spent tx assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT - AMOUNT_SENT - fee); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // Since we sent the Tx to ourself, there should be no outgoing // metadata assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 0); // We have the taddr utxo in the same Tx assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].utxos[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].utxos[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); } } #[test] fn test_multi_t() { const AMOUNT: u64 = 5000000; const AMOUNT_SENT1: u64 = 20000; const AMOUNT_SENT2: u64 = 10000; let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT); // Add a new taddr let taddr2 = wallet.add_taddr(); let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a Tx and send to the second t address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid1 = sent_tx.txid(); // Add it to a block let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); // Check that the send to the second taddr worked { let txs =; // We have the original note assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT); // We have the spent tx assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT - AMOUNT_SENT1 - fee); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // Since we sent the Tx to ourself, there should be no outgoing // metadata assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].outgoing_metadata.len(), 0); // We have the taddr utxo in the same Tx assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr2); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); } // Send some money to the 3rd t addr let taddr3 = wallet.add_taddr(); // Create a Tx and send to the second t address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid2 = sent_tx.txid(); // Add it to a block let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash()); cb4.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb4.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 3, 0); // Quickly check we have it { let txs =; // We have the taddr utxo in the same Tx assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].address, taddr3); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT2); // Old UTXO was spent here assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr2); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].spent, Some(sent_txid2)); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); } // Now, spend to an external z address, which will select all the utxos let fvk = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[1u8; 32])); let ext_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &fvk.default_address().unwrap().1); const AMOUNT_SENT_EXT: u64 = 45; let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string(); // Create a tx and send to address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid3 = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb5 = FakeCompactBlock::new(4, cb4.hash()); cb5.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb5.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 4, 0); { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid3].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid3].outgoing_metadata[0].address, ext_address); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid3].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT_EXT); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid3].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.to_utf8().unwrap().unwrap(), outgoing_memo); // Test to see that the UTXOs were spent. // UTXO2 assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT2); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].address, taddr3); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].spent, Some(sent_txid3)); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); } } #[test] fn test_multi_spends() { const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let zaddr2 = wallet.add_zaddr(); // Address number 6 const ZAMOUNT2:u64 = 30; let outgoing_memo2 = "Outgoing Memo2".to_string(); let zaddr3 = wallet.add_zaddr(); // Address number 7 const ZAMOUNT3:u64 = 40; let outgoing_memo3 = "Outgoing Memo3".to_string(); let taddr2 = wallet.add_taddr(); const TAMOUNT2:u64 = 50; let taddr3 = wallet.add_taddr(); const TAMOUNT3:u64 = 60; let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); let tos = vec![ (zaddr2.as_str(), ZAMOUNT2, Some(outgoing_memo2.clone())), (zaddr3.as_str(), ZAMOUNT3, Some(outgoing_memo3.clone())), (taddr2.as_str(), TAMOUNT2, None), (taddr3.as_str(), TAMOUNT3, None) ]; let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, tos, |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); // Make sure all the outputs are there! { let txs =; // The single note was spent assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid)); // The outputs are all sent to the wallet, so they should // correspond to notes & utxos. // 2 notes + 1 change assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 3); // Find the change note let change_note = txs[&sent_txid].notes.iter().find(|n| n.is_change).unwrap(); assert_eq!(change_note.note.value, AMOUNT1 - (ZAMOUNT2+ZAMOUNT3+TAMOUNT2+TAMOUNT3+fee)); assert_eq!(change_note.spent, None); assert_eq!(change_note.unconfirmed_spent, None); // Find zaddr2 let zaddr2_note = txs[&sent_txid].notes.iter().find(|n| n.note.value == ZAMOUNT2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.account, 6); assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.is_change, false); assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.spent, None); assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&zaddr2_note.memo), Some(outgoing_memo2)); // Find zaddr3 let zaddr3_note = txs[&sent_txid].notes.iter().find(|n| n.note.value == ZAMOUNT3).unwrap(); assert_eq!(zaddr3_note.account, 7); assert_eq!(zaddr3_note.is_change, false); assert_eq!(zaddr3_note.spent, None); assert_eq!(zaddr3_note.unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&zaddr3_note.memo), Some(outgoing_memo3)); // Find taddr2 let utxo2 = txs[&sent_txid].utxos.iter().find(|u| u.value == TAMOUNT2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(utxo2.address, taddr2); assert_eq!(utxo2.txid, sent_txid); assert_eq!(utxo2.spent, None); assert_eq!(utxo2.unconfirmed_spent, None); // Find taddr3 let utxo3 = txs[&sent_txid].utxos.iter().find(|u| u.value == TAMOUNT3).unwrap(); assert_eq!(utxo3.address, taddr3); assert_eq!(utxo3.txid, sent_txid); assert_eq!(utxo3.spent, None); assert_eq!(utxo3.unconfirmed_spent, None); } // Now send an outgoing tx to one ext taddr and one ext zaddr let fvk = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[1u8; 32])); let ext_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &fvk.default_address().unwrap().1); let ext_memo = "External memo".to_string(); let ext_taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap()); const EXT_ZADDR_AMOUNT: u64 = 3000; let ext_taddr_amount = AMOUNT1 - fee - EXT_ZADDR_AMOUNT - fee; // Spend everything println!("taddr amount {}", ext_taddr_amount); let tos = vec![ (ext_address.as_str(), EXT_ZADDR_AMOUNT, Some(ext_memo.clone())), (ext_taddr.as_str(), ext_taddr_amount, None)]; let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, tos, |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid2 = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash()); cb4.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb4.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 3, 0); // Make sure all the outputs are there! { let txs =; // All notes were spent assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid2)); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[1].spent, Some(sent_txid2)); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[2].spent, Some(sent_txid2)); // All utxos were spent assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].utxos[0].spent, Some(sent_txid2)); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].utxos[1].spent, Some(sent_txid2)); // The new tx has no change assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].notes.len(), 0); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos.len(), 0); // Test the outgoing metadata // Find the znote let zoutgoing = txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata.iter().find(|o| o.address == ext_address).unwrap(); assert_eq!(zoutgoing.value, EXT_ZADDR_AMOUNT); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(zoutgoing.memo.clone())), Some(ext_memo)); // Find the taddr let toutgoing = txs[&sent_txid2].outgoing_metadata.iter().find(|o| o.address == ext_taddr).unwrap(); assert_eq!(toutgoing.value, ext_taddr_amount); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(toutgoing.memo.clone())), None); } } #[test] fn test_bad_send() { // Test all the ways in which a send should fail const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let _fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let (wallet, _txid1, _block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); let ext_taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap()); // Bad address let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&"badaddress", 10, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())); assert!(raw_tx.err().unwrap().contains("Invalid recipient address")); // Insufficient funds let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_taddr, AMOUNT1 + 10, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())); assert!(raw_tx.err().unwrap().contains("Insufficient verified funds")); // No addresses let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())); assert!(raw_tx.err().unwrap().contains("at least one")); } #[test] fn test_duplicate_outputs() { // Test all the ways in which a send should fail const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let _fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let (wallet, _txid1, _block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("2bb40e60", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); let ext_taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap()); // Duplicated addresses with memos are fine too let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_taddr, 100, Some("First memo".to_string())), (&ext_taddr, 0, Some("Second memo".to_string())), (&ext_taddr, 0, Some("Third memo".to_string()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())); assert!(raw_tx.is_ok()); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_bad_params() { let (wallet, _, _) = get_test_wallet(100000); let ext_taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap()); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); // Bad params let _ = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &[], &[], vec![(&ext_taddr, 10, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())); } /// Test helper to add blocks fn add_blocks(wallet: &LightWallet, start: i32, num: i32, mut prev_hash: BlockHash) -> Result{ // Add it to a block let mut new_blk = FakeCompactBlock::new(start, prev_hash); for i in 0..num { new_blk = FakeCompactBlock::new(start+i, prev_hash); prev_hash = new_blk.hash(); match wallet.scan_block(&new_blk.as_bytes()) { Ok(_) => {}, // continue Err(e) => return Err(e) }; } Ok(new_blk.hash()) } #[test] fn test_z_mempool_expiry() { const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let (wallet, _, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let fvk = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[1u8; 32])); let ext_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &fvk.default_address().unwrap().1); const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20; let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); // It should also be in the mempool structure { let mem =; assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].block, 2); // block number is next block assert! (mem[&sent_txid].datetime > 0); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].txid, sent_txid); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].address, ext_address); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(mem[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.to_utf8().unwrap().unwrap(), outgoing_memo); } // Don't mine the Tx, but just add several blocks add_blocks(&wallet, 2, 21, block_hash).unwrap(); // After 21 blocks, it should disappear (expiry is 20 blocks) since it was not mined { let mem =; assert!(mem.get(&sent_txid).is_none()); } } #[test] fn test_block_limit() { const AMOUNT: u64 = 500000; let (wallet, _txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT); let prev_hash = add_blocks(&wallet, 2, 1, block_hash).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 3); let prev_hash = add_blocks(&wallet, 3, 47, prev_hash).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 50); let prev_hash = add_blocks(&wallet, 50, 51, prev_hash).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 101); // Subsequent blocks should start to trim let prev_hash = add_blocks(&wallet, 101, 1, prev_hash).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 101); // Add lots let _ = add_blocks(&wallet, 102, 10, prev_hash).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 101); // Now clear the blocks wallet.clear_blocks(); assert_eq!(, 0); let prev_hash = add_blocks(&wallet, 0, 1, BlockHash([0;32])).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 1); let _ = add_blocks(&wallet, 1, 10, prev_hash).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 11); } #[test] fn test_rollback() { const AMOUNT: u64 = 500000; let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT); add_blocks(&wallet, 2, 5, block_hash).unwrap(); // Make sure the note exists with the witnesses { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].witnesses.len(), 7); } // Invalidate 2 blocks assert_eq!(wallet.last_scanned_height(), 6); assert_eq!(wallet.invalidate_block(5), 2); // THe witnesses should be rolledback { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].witnesses.len(), 5); } let blk3_hash; let blk4_hash; { let blks =; blk3_hash = blks[3].hash.clone(); blk4_hash = blks[4].hash.clone(); } // This should result in an exception, because the "prevhash" is wrong assert!(add_blocks(&wallet, 5, 2, blk3_hash).is_err(), "Shouldn't be able to add because of invalid prev hash"); // Add with the proper prev hash add_blocks(&wallet, 5, 2, blk4_hash).unwrap(); let blk6_hash; { let blks =; blk6_hash = blks[6].hash.clone(); } // Now do a Tx let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap()); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 30000; let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(7, blk6_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 7, 0); // Make sure the Tx is in. { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // The sent tx should generate change assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT - AMOUNT_SENT - fee); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].witnesses.len(), 1); } // Invalidate 3 blocks assert_eq!(wallet.last_scanned_height(), 7); assert_eq!(wallet.invalidate_block(5), 3); assert_eq!(wallet.last_scanned_height(), 4); // Make sure the orig Tx is there, but new Tx has disappeared { let txs =; // Orig Tx is still there, since this is in block 0 // But now the spent tx is gone assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // The sent tx is missing assert!(txs.get(&sent_txid).is_none()); } } #[test] fn test_t_derivation() { let lc = LightClientConfig { server: "".parse().unwrap(), chain_name: "main".to_string(), sapling_activation_height: 0, consensus_branch_id: "000000".to_string(), anchor_offset: 1, no_cert_verification: false, data_dir: None, }; let seed_phrase = Some("chimney better bulb horror rebuild whisper improve intact letter giraffe brave rib appear bulk aim burst snap salt hill sad merge tennis phrase raise".to_string()); let wallet = LightWallet::new(seed_phrase.clone(), &lc, 0).unwrap(); // Test the addresses against let (taddr, pk) = &wallet.get_t_secret_keys()[0]; assert_eq!(taddr, "RXBxhYDg8vSsHVmAGadniQKh3NvzAtzjRe"); assert_eq!(pk, "UvGDnY7bpsyz9GnRPvMRQTMKHPyCK5k6c2FBiGQcgRSe9xVNuGGs"); // Test a couple more wallet.add_taddr(); let (taddr, pk) = &wallet.get_t_secret_keys()[1]; assert_eq!(taddr, "RKDGjDoFHf9BfTFuL27voFdqdV7LhWw9rG"); assert_eq!(pk, "UqGi6D8rFfdoEtbqhjz1utu1hKLmagY5TBVHWau54pput9HRfYbG"); let (zaddr, sk) = &wallet.get_z_private_keys()[0]; assert_eq!(zaddr, "zs1wp96063hjs496d28e05uz5gavg7mwshhsgglchtan57el88uwa5jfdgk4nd68kda62vgwucfe6z"); assert_eq!(sk, "secret-extended-key-main1qvkk0dn2qqqqpqrk6fl6c6fzzrmkhlj59d2c6kkz37hmal6d4dm69ne75xf0exuvnyk6qrjgp6crvdtaehkda2edg0llv488u25vjh5jtldnp53nrphqeexel57a0dn4t2kkcr6uj6y832yg8wsx3wx6t6rk470dynzdx3cp37xdwl9mpe59vj6yqh67x09vea9khzk5wdqkt65c6x9qkuht7nxyetthu0pr7jrwpthzq2ncgm0dvczadqxuhhk5ekua5v5zzw2kydcudu965"); assert_eq!(seed_phrase, Some(wallet.get_seed_phrase())); } #[test] fn test_lock_unlock() { const AMOUNT: u64 = 500000; let (mut wallet, _, _) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT); let config = wallet.config.clone(); // Add some addresses let zaddr0 = encode_payment_address(config.hrp_sapling_address(), &[0].default_address().unwrap().1); let zaddr1 = wallet.add_zaddr(); // This is actually address at index 6 let zaddr2 = wallet.add_zaddr(); // This is actually address at index 7 let taddr0 = wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); let taddr1 = wallet.add_taddr(); let taddr2 = wallet.add_taddr(); let seed = wallet.seed; // Trying to lock a wallet that's not encrpyted is an error assert!(wallet.lock().is_err()); // Encrypt the wallet wallet.encrypt("somepassword".to_string()).unwrap(); // Encrypting an already encrypted wallet should fail assert!(wallet.encrypt("somepassword".to_string()).is_err()); // Serialize a locked wallet let mut serialized_data = vec![]; wallet.write(&mut serialized_data).expect("Serialize wallet"); // Should fail when there's a wrong password assert!(wallet.unlock("differentpassword".to_string()).is_err()); // Properly unlock wallet.unlock("somepassword".to_string()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(seed, wallet.seed); { let extsks =; let tkeys =; assert_eq!(extsks.len(), 8); // 3 zaddrs + 1 original + 4 extra HD addreses assert_eq!(tkeys.len(), 3); assert_eq!(zaddr0, encode_payment_address(config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&extsks[0]).default_address().unwrap().1)); assert_eq!(zaddr1, encode_payment_address(config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&extsks[6]).default_address().unwrap().1)); assert_eq!(zaddr2, encode_payment_address(config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&extsks[7]).default_address().unwrap().1)); assert_eq!(taddr0, wallet.address_from_sk(&tkeys[0])); assert_eq!(taddr1, wallet.address_from_sk(&tkeys[1])); assert_eq!(taddr2, wallet.address_from_sk(&tkeys[2])); } // Unlocking an already unlocked wallet should fail assert!(wallet.unlock("somepassword".to_string()).is_err()); // Trying to serialize a encrypted but unlocked wallet should fail assert!(wallet.write(&mut vec![]).is_err()); // ...but if we lock it again, it should serialize wallet.lock().unwrap(); wallet.write(&mut vec![]).expect("Serialize wallet"); // Locking an already locked wallet is an error assert!(wallet.lock().is_err()); // Try from a deserialized, locked wallet let mut wallet2 = LightWallet::read(&serialized_data[..], &config).unwrap(); wallet2.unlock("somepassword".to_string()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(seed, wallet2.seed); { let extsks =; let tkeys =; assert_eq!(extsks.len(), 8); assert_eq!(tkeys.len(), 3); assert_eq!(zaddr0, encode_payment_address(wallet2.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&extsks[0]).default_address().unwrap().1)); assert_eq!(zaddr1, encode_payment_address(wallet2.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&extsks[6]).default_address().unwrap().1)); assert_eq!(zaddr2, encode_payment_address(wallet2.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&extsks[7]).default_address().unwrap().1)); assert_eq!(taddr0, wallet2.address_from_sk(&tkeys[0])); assert_eq!(taddr1, wallet2.address_from_sk(&tkeys[1])); assert_eq!(taddr2, wallet2.address_from_sk(&tkeys[2])); } // Remove encryption from a unlocked wallet should succeed wallet2.remove_encryption("somepassword".to_string()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(seed, wallet2.seed); // Now encrypt with a different password wallet2.encrypt("newpassword".to_string()).unwrap(); assert_eq!([0u8; 32], wallet2.seed); // Seed is cleared out // Locking should fail because it is already locked assert!(wallet2.lock().is_err()); // The old password shouldn't work assert!(wallet2.remove_encryption("somepassword".to_string()).is_err()); // Remove encryption with the right password wallet2.remove_encryption("newpassword".to_string()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(seed, wallet2.seed); // Unlocking a wallet without encryption is an error assert!(wallet2.remove_encryption("newpassword".to_string()).is_err()); // Can't lock/unlock a wallet that's not encrypted assert!(wallet2.lock().is_err()); assert!(wallet2.unlock("newpassword".to_string()).is_err()); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_invalid_bip39_t() { // Passing a 32-byte seed to bip32 should fail. let config = get_test_config(); LightWallet::get_taddr_from_bip39seed(&config, &[0u8; 32], 0); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_invalid_bip39_z() { // Passing a 32-byte seed to bip32 should fail. let config = get_test_config(); LightWallet::get_zaddr_from_bip39seed(&config, &[0u8; 32], 0); } #[test] fn test_invalid_scan_blocks() { const AMOUNT: u64 = 500000; let (wallet, _txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT); let prev_hash = add_blocks(&wallet, 2, 1, block_hash).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 3); // Block fails to scan for bad encoding assert_eq!(wallet.scan_block(&[0; 32]), Err(-1)); // Block is invalid height let new_blk = FakeCompactBlock::new(4, prev_hash); assert_eq!(wallet.scan_block(&new_blk.as_bytes()), Err(2)); // Block is right height, but invalid prev height (for reorgs) let new_blk = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, BlockHash([0; 32])); assert_eq!(wallet.scan_block(&new_blk.as_bytes()), Err(2)); // Block is right height, but invalid prev height (for reorgs) let new_blk = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, BlockHash([0; 32])); assert_eq!(wallet.scan_block(&new_blk.as_bytes()), Err(2)); // Then the rest add properly let _ = add_blocks(&wallet, 3, 2, prev_hash).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, 5); } #[test] fn test_encrypted_zreceive() { const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let password: String = "password".to_string(); let (mut wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let fvk = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[1u8; 32])); let ext_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &fvk.default_address().unwrap().1); const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20; let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string(); let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); // Create a tx and send to address let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); // Now that we have the transaction, we'll encrypt the wallet wallet.encrypt(password.clone()).unwrap(); // Scan the tx and make sure it gets added let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // Now, full scan the Tx, which should populate the Outgoing Meta data wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); // Now this new Spent tx should be in, so the note should be marked confirmed spent { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // The sent tx should generate change assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // Outgoing Metadata assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].address, ext_address); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.to_utf8().unwrap().unwrap(), outgoing_memo); } // Trying to spend from a locked wallet is an error assert!(wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).is_err()); // unlock the wallet so we can spend to the second z address wallet.unlock(password.clone()).unwrap(); // Second z address let zaddr2 = wallet.add_zaddr(); // This is address number 6 const ZAMOUNT2:u64 = 30; let outgoing_memo2 = "Outgoing Memo2".to_string(); let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&zaddr2, ZAMOUNT2, Some(outgoing_memo2.clone()))], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); // Now lock the wallet again wallet.lock().unwrap(); let sent_tx2 = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let txid2 = sent_tx2.txid(); let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash()); cb4.add_tx(&sent_tx2); wallet.scan_block(&cb4.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx2, 3, 0); { let txs =; let prev_change_value = AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee; // Change note from prev transaction is spent assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, prev_change_value); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, Some(txid2)); // New change note. So find it. let change_note = txs[&txid2].notes.iter().find(|n| n.is_change).unwrap(); // New incoming tx is present assert_eq!(change_note.note.value, prev_change_value - (ZAMOUNT2+fee)); assert_eq!(change_note.spent, None); assert_eq!(change_note.unconfirmed_spent, None); // Find zaddr2 let zaddr2_note = txs[&txid2].notes.iter().find(|n| n.note.value == ZAMOUNT2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.account, 6); assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.is_change, false); assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.spent, None); assert_eq!(zaddr2_note.unconfirmed_spent, None); assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&zaddr2_note.memo), Some(outgoing_memo2)); } } #[test] fn test_encrypted_treceive() { const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000; let password: String = "password".to_string(); let (mut wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1); let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("76b809bb", 16).unwrap(); let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap(); let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap()); const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 30; let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap(); let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); // Now that we have the transaction, we'll encrypt the wallet wallet.encrypt(password.clone()).unwrap(); let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid(); let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash); cb3.add_tx(&sent_tx); wallet.scan_block(&cb3.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2, 0); // Now this new Spent tx should be in, so the note should be marked confirmed spent { let txs =; assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid)); assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // The sent tx should generate change assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, None); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None); // Outgoing Metadata assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].address, taddr); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT1); } // Trying to spend from a locked wallet is an error assert!(wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&taddr, AMOUNT_SENT, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).is_err()); // unlock the wallet so we can spend to the second z address wallet.unlock(password.clone()).unwrap(); // Second z address let taddr2 = wallet.add_taddr(); const TAMOUNT2:u64 = 50; let (_, raw_tx) = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so, vec![(&taddr2, TAMOUNT2, None)], |_| Ok(' '.to_string())).unwrap(); // Now lock the wallet again wallet.lock().unwrap(); let sent_tx2 = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap(); let txid2 = sent_tx2.txid(); let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash()); cb4.add_tx(&sent_tx2); wallet.scan_block(&cb4.as_bytes()).unwrap(); wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx2, 3, 0); { let txs =; let prev_change_value = AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee; // Change note from prev transaction is spent assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].note.value, prev_change_value); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change, true); assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].spent, Some(txid2)); // New change note. So find it. let change_note = txs[&txid2].notes.iter().find(|n| n.is_change).unwrap(); // New incoming tx is present assert_eq!(change_note.note.value, prev_change_value - (TAMOUNT2+fee)); assert_eq!(change_note.spent, None); assert_eq!(change_note.unconfirmed_spent, None); // Find taddr2 let utxo2 = txs[&txid2].utxos.iter().find(|u| u.value == TAMOUNT2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(txs[&txid2].utxos.len(), 1); assert_eq!(utxo2.address, taddr2); assert_eq!(utxo2.txid, txid2); assert_eq!(utxo2.spent, None); assert_eq!(utxo2.unconfirmed_spent, None); } }