CLI interface to SDL
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

283 lines
9.2 KiB

use log::{error};
use std::sync::Arc;
use zcash_primitives::transaction::{TxId};
use crate::grpc_client::{ChainSpec, BlockId, BlockRange, RawTransaction,
TransparentAddressBlockFilter, TxFilter, Empty, LightdInfo, Coinsupply};
use tonic::transport::{Channel, ClientTlsConfig};
use tokio_rustls::{rustls::ClientConfig};
use tonic::{Request};
use crate::PubCertificate;
use crate::grpc_client::compact_tx_streamer_client::CompactTxStreamerClient;
mod danger {
use tokio_rustls::rustls;
use webpki;
pub struct NoCertificateVerification {}
impl rustls::ServerCertVerifier for NoCertificateVerification {
fn verify_server_cert(&self,
_roots: &rustls::RootCertStore,
_presented_certs: &[rustls::Certificate],
_dns_name: webpki::DNSNameRef<'_>,
_ocsp: &[u8]) -> Result<rustls::ServerCertVerified, rustls::TLSError> {
async fn get_client(uri: &http::Uri, no_cert: bool) -> Result<CompactTxStreamerClient<Channel>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let channel = if uri.scheme_str() == Some("http") {
} else {
let mut config = ClientConfig::new();
&mut PubCertificate::get("lightwalletd-lite.myhush.pem").unwrap().as_ref()).unwrap();
if no_cert {
.set_certificate_verifier(Arc::new(danger::NoCertificateVerification {}));
let tls = ClientTlsConfig::new()
// ==============
// GRPC code
// ==============
async fn get_lightd_info(uri: &http::Uri, no_cert: bool) -> Result<LightdInfo, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let request = Request::new(Empty {});
let response = client.get_lightd_info(request).await?;
pub fn get_info(uri: &http::Uri, no_cert: bool) -> Result<LightdInfo, String> {
let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
rt.block_on(get_lightd_info(uri, no_cert)).map_err( |e| e.to_string())
async fn get_coinsupply_info(uri: &http::Uri, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Coinsupply, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let request = Request::new(Empty {});
let response = client.get_coinsupply(request).await?;
pub fn get_coinsupply(uri: http::Uri, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Coinsupply, String> {
let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
rt.block_on(get_coinsupply_info(&uri, no_cert)).map_err( |e| e.to_string())
// tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(runner)
async fn get_block_range<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, c: F)
-> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let bs = BlockId{ height: start_height, hash: vec!()};
let be = BlockId{ height: end_height, hash: vec!()};
let request = Request::new(BlockRange{ start: Some(bs), end: Some(be) });
let mut response = client.get_block_range(request).await?.into_inner();
//println!("{:?}", response);
while let Some(block) = response.message().await? {
use prost::Message;
let mut encoded_buf = vec![];
block.encode(&mut encoded_buf).unwrap();
c(&encoded_buf, block.height);
pub fn fetch_blocks<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, c: F) -> Result<(), String>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut rt = match tokio::runtime::Runtime::new() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
let es = format!("Error creating runtime {:?}", e);
error!("{}", es);
eprintln!("{}", e);
return Err(es);
match rt.block_on(get_block_range(uri, start_height, end_height, no_cert, c)) {
Ok(o) => Ok(o),
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error fetching blocks {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
// get_address_txids GRPC call
async fn get_address_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, address: String,
start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, c: F) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let start = Some(BlockId{ height: start_height, hash: vec!()});
let end = Some(BlockId{ height: end_height, hash: vec!()});
let request = Request::new(TransparentAddressBlockFilter{ address, range: Some(BlockRange{start, end}) });
let maybe_response = client.get_address_txids(request).await?;
let mut response = maybe_response.into_inner();
while let Some(tx) = response.message().await? {
c(&, tx.height);
pub fn fetch_transparent_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, address: String,
start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, c: F) -> Result<(), String>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut rt = match tokio::runtime::Runtime::new() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error creating runtime {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
match rt.block_on(get_address_txids(uri, address.clone(), start_height, end_height, no_cert, c)) {
Ok(o) => Ok(o),
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error with get_address_txids runtime {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
// get_transaction GRPC call
async fn get_transaction(uri: &http::Uri, txid: TxId, no_cert: bool)
-> Result<RawTransaction, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let request = Request::new(TxFilter { block: None, index: 0, hash: txid.0.to_vec() });
let response = client.get_transaction(request).await?;
pub fn fetch_full_tx<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, txid: TxId, no_cert: bool, c: F)
where F : Fn(&[u8]) {
let mut rt = match tokio::runtime::Runtime::new() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
error!("Error creating runtime {}", e.to_string());
eprintln!("{}", e);
match rt.block_on(get_transaction(uri, txid, no_cert)) {
Ok(rawtx) => c(&,
Err(e) => {
error!("Error in get_transaction runtime {}", e.to_string());
eprintln!("{}", e);
// send_transaction GRPC call
async fn send_transaction(uri: &http::Uri, no_cert: bool, tx_bytes: Box<[u8]>) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let request = Request::new(RawTransaction {data: tx_bytes.to_vec(), height: 0});
let response = client.send_transaction(request).await?;
let sendresponse = response.into_inner();
if sendresponse.error_code == 0 {
let mut txid = sendresponse.error_message;
if txid.starts_with("\"") && txid.ends_with("\"") {
txid = txid[1..txid.len()-1].to_string();
} else {
Err(Box::from(format!("Error: {:?}", sendresponse)))
pub fn broadcast_raw_tx(uri: &http::Uri, no_cert: bool, tx_bytes: Box<[u8]>) -> Result<String, String> {
let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
rt.block_on(send_transaction(uri, no_cert, tx_bytes)).map_err( |e| e.to_string())
// get_latest_block GRPC call
async fn get_latest_block(uri: &http::Uri, no_cert: bool) -> Result<BlockId, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let request = Request::new(ChainSpec {});
let response = client.get_latest_block(request).await?;
pub fn fetch_latest_block<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, no_cert: bool, mut c : F)
where F : FnMut(BlockId) {
let mut rt = match tokio::runtime::Runtime::new() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
error!("Error creating runtime {}", e.to_string());
eprintln!("{}", e);
match rt.block_on(get_latest_block(uri, no_cert)) {
Ok(b) => c(b),
Err(e) => {
error!("Error getting latest block {}", e.to_string());
eprintln!("{}", e);