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use ff::{Field, PrimeField, PrimeFieldRepr};
use constants;
use group_hash::group_hash;
use pedersen_hash::{
use byteorder::{
use jubjub::{
use blake2_rfc::blake2s::Blake2s;
pub struct ValueCommitment<E: JubjubEngine> {
pub value: u64,
pub randomness: E::Fs
impl<E: JubjubEngine> ValueCommitment<E> {
pub fn cm(
params: &E::Params
) -> edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>
.mul(self.value, params)
.mul(self.randomness, params),
pub struct ProofGenerationKey<E: JubjubEngine> {
pub ak: edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>,
pub nsk: E::Fs
impl<E: JubjubEngine> ProofGenerationKey<E> {
pub fn into_viewing_key(&self, params: &E::Params) -> ViewingKey<E> {
ViewingKey {
ak: self.ak.clone(),
nk: params.generator(FixedGenerators::ProofGenerationKey)
.mul(self.nsk, params)
pub struct ViewingKey<E: JubjubEngine> {
pub ak: edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>,
pub nk: edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>
impl<E: JubjubEngine> ViewingKey<E> {
pub fn rk(
ar: E::Fs,
params: &E::Params
) -> edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder> {
.mul(ar, params),
pub fn ivk(&self) -> E::Fs {
let mut preimage = [0; 64];
self.ak.write(&mut preimage[0..32]).unwrap();
self.nk.write(&mut preimage[32..64]).unwrap();
let mut h = Blake2s::with_params(32, &[], &[], constants::CRH_IVK_PERSONALIZATION);
let mut h = h.finalize().as_ref().to_vec();
// Drop the most significant five bits, so it can be interpreted as a scalar.
h[31] &= 0b0000_0111;
let mut e = <E::Fs as PrimeField>::Repr::default();
E::Fs::from_repr(e).expect("should be a valid scalar")
pub fn into_payment_address(
diversifier: Diversifier,
params: &E::Params
) -> Option<PaymentAddress<E>>
diversifier.g_d(params).map(|g_d| {
let pk_d = g_d.mul(self.ivk(), params);
PaymentAddress {
pk_d: pk_d,
diversifier: diversifier
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Diversifier(pub [u8; 11]);
impl Diversifier {
pub fn g_d<E: JubjubEngine>(
params: &E::Params
) -> Option<edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>>
group_hash::<E>(&self.0, constants::KEY_DIVERSIFICATION_PERSONALIZATION, params)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PaymentAddress<E: JubjubEngine> {
pub pk_d: edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>,
pub diversifier: Diversifier
impl<E: JubjubEngine> PartialEq for PaymentAddress<E> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.pk_d == other.pk_d && self.diversifier == other.diversifier
impl<E: JubjubEngine> PaymentAddress<E> {
pub fn g_d(
params: &E::Params
) -> Option<edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>>
pub fn create_note(
value: u64,
randomness: E::Fs,
params: &E::Params
) -> Option<Note<E>>
self.g_d(params).map(|g_d| {
Note {
value: value,
r: randomness,
g_d: g_d,
pk_d: self.pk_d.clone()
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Note<E: JubjubEngine> {
/// The value of the note
pub value: u64,
/// The diversified base of the address, GH(d)
pub g_d: edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>,
/// The public key of the address, g_d^ivk
pub pk_d: edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>,
/// The commitment randomness
pub r: E::Fs
impl<E: JubjubEngine> PartialEq for Note<E> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.value == other.value
&& self.g_d == other.g_d
&& self.pk_d == other.pk_d
&& self.r == other.r
impl<E: JubjubEngine> Note<E> {
pub fn uncommitted() -> E::Fr {
// The smallest u-coordinate that is not on the curve
// is one.
// TODO: This should be relocated to JubjubEngine as
// it's specific to the curve we're using, not all
// twisted edwards curves.
/// Computes the note commitment, returning the full point.
fn cm_full_point(&self, params: &E::Params) -> edwards::Point<E, PrimeOrder>
// Calculate the note contents, as bytes
let mut note_contents = vec![];
// Writing the value in little endian
(&mut note_contents).write_u64::<LittleEndian>(self.value).unwrap();
// Write g_d
self.g_d.write(&mut note_contents).unwrap();
// Write pk_d
self.pk_d.write(&mut note_contents).unwrap();
assert_eq!(note_contents.len(), 32 + 32 + 8);
// Compute the Pedersen hash of the note contents
let hash_of_contents = pedersen_hash(
.flat_map(|byte| {
(0..8).map(move |i| ((byte >> i) & 1) == 1)
// Compute final commitment
.mul(self.r, params)
.add(&hash_of_contents, params)
/// Computes the nullifier given the viewing key and
/// note position
pub fn nf(
viewing_key: &ViewingKey<E>,
position: u64,
params: &E::Params
) -> Vec<u8>
// Compute rho = cm + position.G
let rho = self
.mul(position, params),
// Compute nf = BLAKE2s(nk | rho)
let mut nf_preimage = [0u8; 64];
viewing_key.nk.write(&mut nf_preimage[0..32]).unwrap();
rho.write(&mut nf_preimage[32..64]).unwrap();
let mut h = Blake2s::with_params(32, &[], &[], constants::PRF_NF_PERSONALIZATION);
/// Computes the note commitment
pub fn cm(&self, params: &E::Params) -> E::Fr
// The commitment is in the prime order subgroup, so mapping the
// commitment to the x-coordinate is an injective encoding.