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Multi z and t addresses

Aditya Kulkarni 5 years ago
  1. 294


@ -666,17 +666,23 @@ impl LightWallet {
// TODO: Iterate over all transparent addresses. This is currently looking only at
// the first one.
let pubkey = secp256k1::PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &[0]).serialize();
// Scan for t outputs
for (n, vout) in tx.vout.iter().enumerate() {
match vout.script_pubkey.address() {
Some(TransparentAddress::PublicKey(hash)) => {
if hash[..] == ripemd160::Ripemd160::digest(&Sha256::digest(&pubkey))[..] {
// This is our address. Add this as an output to the txid
self.add_toutput_to_wtx(height, &tx.txid(), &vout, n as u64);
_ => {}
let all_pubkeys =
secp256k1::PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, sk).serialize()
.collect::<Vec<[u8; secp256k1::constants::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]>>();
for pubkey in all_pubkeys {
for (n, vout) in tx.vout.iter().enumerate() {
match vout.script_pubkey.address() {
Some(TransparentAddress::PublicKey(hash)) => {
if hash[..] == ripemd160::Ripemd160::digest(&Sha256::digest(&pubkey))[..] {
// This is our address. Add this as an output to the txid
self.add_toutput_to_wtx(height, &tx.txid(), &vout, n as u64);
_ => {}
@ -1109,16 +1115,20 @@ impl LightWallet {
// Specifically, if you send an outgoing transaction that is sent to a shielded address,
// ZecWallet will add all your t-address funds into that transaction, and send them to your shielded
// address as change.
let tinputs = self.get_utxos().iter()
.filter(|utxo| utxo.unconfirmed_spent.is_none()) // Remove any unconfirmed spends
.map(|utxo| utxo.clone())
let mut tinputs = vec![];
if let Err(e) = match to {
address::RecipientAddress::Shielded(_) => {
// The destination is a sapling address, so add all transparent inputs
// TODO: This only spends from the first address right now.
let sk =[0];
.filter(|utxo| utxo.unconfirmed_spent.is_none()) // Remove any unconfirmed spends
.map(|utxo| utxo.clone()));
// Create a map from address -> sk for all taddrs, so we can spend from the
// right address
let address_to_sk: HashMap<_, _> =|sk|
(self.address_from_sk(&sk), sk.clone())
// Add all tinputs
@ -1130,7 +1140,18 @@ impl LightWallet {
script_pubkey: Script { 0: utxo.script.clone() },
builder.add_transparent_input(sk, outpoint.clone(), coin.clone())
match address_to_sk.get(&utxo.address) {
Some(sk) => builder.add_transparent_input(*sk, outpoint.clone(), coin.clone()),
None => {
// Something is very wrong
let e = format!("Couldn't find the secreykey for taddr {}", utxo.address);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
@ -1865,7 +1886,7 @@ pub mod tests {
chain_name: "test".to_string(),
sapling_activation_height: 0,
consensus_branch_id: "000000".to_string(),
anchor_offset: 1
anchor_offset: 0
@ -1967,7 +1988,107 @@ pub mod tests {
fn test_multi_z() {
const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000;
let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1);
let zaddr2 = wallet.add_zaddr();
const AMOUNT_SENT: u64 = 20;
let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string();
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("2bb40e60", 16).unwrap();
let (ss, so) =get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&zaddr2, AMOUNT_SENT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid = sent_tx.txid();
let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash);
wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2);
// Because the builder will randomize notes outputted, we need to find
// which note number is the change and which is the output note (Because this tx
// had both outputs in the same Tx)
let (change_note_number, ext_note_number) = {
let txs =;
if txs[&sent_txid].notes[0].is_change { (0,1) } else { (1,0) }
// Now this new Spent tx should be in, so the note should be marked confirmed spent
let txs =;
assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT1);
assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].spent, Some(sent_txid));
assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None);
// The sent tx should generate change + the new incoming note
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].note.value, AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].account, 0);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].is_change, true);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].spent, None);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].unconfirmed_spent, None);
assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].memo), None);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].note.value, AMOUNT_SENT);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].account, 1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].is_change, false);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].spent, None);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].unconfirmed_spent, None);
assert_eq!(LightWallet::memo_str(&txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].memo), Some(outgoing_memo));
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT1);
// No Outgoing meta data, since this is a wallet -> wallet tx
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 0);
// Now spend the money, which should pick notes from both addresses
let amount_all:u64 = (AMOUNT1 - AMOUNT_SENT - fee) + (AMOUNT_SENT) - fee;
let taddr = wallet.address_from_sk(&SecretKey::from_slice(&[1u8; 32]).unwrap());
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&taddr, amount_all, None).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_ext_txid = sent_tx.txid();
let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash());
wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 3);
// Both notes should be spent now.
let txs =;
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].is_change, true);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].spent, Some(sent_ext_txid));
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[change_note_number].unconfirmed_spent, None);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].is_change, false);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].spent, Some(sent_ext_txid));
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid].notes[ext_note_number].unconfirmed_spent, None);
// Check outgoing metadata for the external sent tx
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_ext_txid].notes.len(), 0); // No change was generated
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_ext_txid].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_ext_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].address, taddr);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_ext_txid].outgoing_metadata[0].value, amount_all);
fn test_z_spend_to_taddr() {
const AMOUNT1: u64 = 50000;
let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT1);
@ -2227,6 +2348,139 @@ pub mod tests {
fn test_multi_t() {
const AMOUNT: u64 = 5000000;
const AMOUNT_SENT1: u64 = 20000;
const AMOUNT_SENT2: u64 = 10000;
let (wallet, txid1, block_hash) = get_test_wallet(AMOUNT);
// Add a new taddr
let taddr2 = wallet.add_taddr();
let fee: u64 = DEFAULT_FEE.try_into().unwrap();
let branch_id = u32::from_str_radix("2bb40e60", 16).unwrap();
let (ss, so) = get_sapling_params().unwrap();
// Create a Tx and send to the second t address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&taddr2, AMOUNT_SENT1, None).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid1 = sent_tx.txid();
// Add it to a block
let mut cb3 = FakeCompactBlock::new(2, block_hash);
wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 2);
// Check that the send to the second taddr worked
let txs =;
// We have the original note
assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(txs[&txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT);
// We have the spent tx
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes[0].note.value, AMOUNT - AMOUNT_SENT1 - fee);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes[0].is_change, true);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes[0].spent, None);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].notes[0].unconfirmed_spent, None);
// Since we sent the Tx to ourself, there should be no outgoing
// metadata
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].total_shielded_value_spent, AMOUNT);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].outgoing_metadata.len(), 0);
// We have the taddr utxo in the same Tx
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr2);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].spent, None);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None);
// Send some money to the 3rd t addr
let taddr3 = wallet.add_taddr();
// Create a Tx and send to the second t address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&taddr3, AMOUNT_SENT2, None).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid2 = sent_tx.txid();
// Add it to a block
let mut cb4 = FakeCompactBlock::new(3, cb3.hash());
wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 3);
// Quickly check we have it
let txs =;
// We have the taddr utxo in the same Tx
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].address, taddr3);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT2);
// Old UTXO was NOT spent here, because we sent it to a taddr
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr2);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].spent, None);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None);
// Now, spend to an external z address, which will select all the utxos
let fvk = ExtendedFullViewingKey::from(&ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&[1u8; 32]));
let ext_address = encode_payment_address(wallet.config.hrp_sapling_address(),
const AMOUNT_SENT_EXT: u64 = 45;
let outgoing_memo = "Outgoing Memo".to_string();
// Create a tx and send to address
let raw_tx = wallet.send_to_address(branch_id, &ss, &so,
&ext_address, AMOUNT_SENT_EXT, Some(outgoing_memo.clone())).unwrap();
let sent_tx = Transaction::read(&raw_tx[..]).unwrap();
let sent_txid3 = sent_tx.txid();
let mut cb5 = FakeCompactBlock::new(4, cb4.hash());
wallet.scan_full_tx(&sent_tx, 4);
let txs =;
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid3].outgoing_metadata.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid3].outgoing_metadata[0].address, ext_address);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid3].outgoing_metadata[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT_EXT);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid3].outgoing_metadata[0].memo.to_utf8().unwrap().unwrap(), outgoing_memo);
// Test to see both UTXOs were spent.
// UTXO1
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT1);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].address, taddr2);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].spent, Some(sent_txid3));
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid1].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None);
// UTXO2
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].value, AMOUNT_SENT2);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].address, taddr3);
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].spent, Some(sent_txid3));
assert_eq!(txs[&sent_txid2].utxos[0].unconfirmed_spent, None);
/// Test helper to add blocks
fn add_blocks(wallet: &LightWallet, start: i32, num: i32, mut prev_hash: BlockHash) -> Result<BlockHash, i32>{
// Add it to a block
