use crate::lightwallet::LightWallet; use log::{info, warn, error}; use rand::{rngs::OsRng, seq::SliceRandom}; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, AtomicI32, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::path::Path; use std::fs::File; use std::io; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter, Error, ErrorKind}; use json::{object, array, JsonValue}; use zcash_primitives::transaction::{TxId, Transaction}; use zcash_client_backend::{ constants::testnet, constants::mainnet, constants::regtest, encoding::encode_payment_address, }; use crate::grpc_client::{BlockId}; use crate::grpcconnector::{self, *}; use crate::SaplingParams; use crate::ANCHOR_OFFSET; pub const DEFAULT_SERVER: &str = "https://"; pub const WALLET_NAME: &str = "silentdragonlite-cli.dat"; pub const LOGFILE_NAME: &str = "silentdragonlite-cli.debug.log"; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct LightClientConfig { pub server : http::Uri, pub chain_name : String, pub sapling_activation_height : u64, pub consensus_branch_id : String, pub anchor_offset : u32, pub no_cert_verification : bool, } impl LightClientConfig { pub fn create(server: http::Uri, dangerous: bool) -> io::Result<(LightClientConfig, u64)> { // Do a getinfo first, before opening the wallet let info = grpcconnector::get_info(server.clone(), dangerous) .map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused, e))?; // Create a Light Client Config let config = LightClientConfig { server, chain_name : info.chain_name, sapling_activation_height : info.sapling_activation_height, consensus_branch_id : info.consensus_branch_id, anchor_offset : ANCHOR_OFFSET, no_cert_verification : dangerous, }; Ok((config, info.block_height)) } pub fn get_zcash_data_path(&self) -> Box { let mut zcash_data_location; if cfg!(target_os="macos") || cfg!(target_os="windows") { zcash_data_location = dirs::data_dir().expect("Couldn't determine app data directory!"); zcash_data_location.push("HUSH3"); } else { zcash_data_location = dirs::home_dir().expect("Couldn't determine home directory!"); zcash_data_location.push(".komodo/HUSH3/SilentDragonLite/"); }; match &self.chain_name[..] { "main" => {}, "test" => zcash_data_location.push("testnet3"), "regtest" => zcash_data_location.push("regtest"), c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c), }; zcash_data_location.into_boxed_path() } pub fn get_wallet_path(&self) -> Box { let mut wallet_location = self.get_zcash_data_path().into_path_buf(); wallet_location.push(WALLET_NAME); wallet_location.into_boxed_path() } pub fn get_log_path(&self) -> Box { let mut log_path = self.get_zcash_data_path().into_path_buf(); log_path.push(LOGFILE_NAME); log_path.into_boxed_path() } pub fn get_initial_state(&self) -> Option<(u64, &str, &str)> { match &self.chain_name[..] { "test" => Some((105942, "00000001c0199f329ee03379bf1387856dbab23765da508bf9b9d8d544f212c0", "" )), "main" => Some((105944, "0000000313b0ec7c5a1e9b997ce44a7763b56c5505526c36634a004ed52d7787", "" )), _ => None } } pub fn get_server_or_default(server: Option) -> http::Uri { match server { Some(s) => { let mut s = if s.starts_with("http") {s} else { "http://".to_string() + &s}; let uri: http::Uri = s.parse().unwrap(); if uri.port_part().is_none() { s = s + ":443"; } s } None => DEFAULT_SERVER.to_string() }.parse().unwrap() } pub fn get_coin_type(&self) -> u32 { match &self.chain_name[..] { "main" => mainnet::COIN_TYPE, "test" => testnet::COIN_TYPE, "regtest" => regtest::COIN_TYPE, c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c) } } pub fn hrp_sapling_address(&self) -> &str { match &self.chain_name[..] { "main" => mainnet::HRP_SAPLING_PAYMENT_ADDRESS, "test" => testnet::HRP_SAPLING_PAYMENT_ADDRESS, "regtest" => regtest::HRP_SAPLING_PAYMENT_ADDRESS, c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c) } } pub fn hrp_sapling_private_key(&self) -> &str { match &self.chain_name[..] { "main" => mainnet::HRP_SAPLING_EXTENDED_SPENDING_KEY, "test" => testnet::HRP_SAPLING_EXTENDED_SPENDING_KEY, "regtest" => regtest::HRP_SAPLING_EXTENDED_SPENDING_KEY, c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c) } } pub fn base58_pubkey_address(&self) -> [u8; 1] { match &self.chain_name[..] { "main" => mainnet::B58_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_PREFIX, c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c) } } pub fn base58_script_address(&self) -> [u8; 1] { match &self.chain_name[..] { "main" => mainnet::B58_SCRIPT_ADDRESS_PREFIX, c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c) } } pub fn base58_secretkey_prefix(&self) -> [u8; 1] { match &self.chain_name[..] { "main" => [0x80], "test" => [0xEF], "regtest" => [0xEF], c => panic!("Unknown chain {}", c) } } } pub struct LightClient { pub wallet : Arc, pub config : LightClientConfig, // zcash-params pub sapling_output : Vec, pub sapling_spend : Vec, } impl LightClient { pub fn set_wallet_initial_state(&self) { use std::convert::TryInto; let state = self.config.get_initial_state(); match state { Some((height, hash, tree)) => self.wallet.set_initial_block(height.try_into().unwrap(), hash, tree), _ => true, }; } pub fn new(seed_phrase: Option, config: &LightClientConfig, latest_block: u64) -> io::Result { let mut lc = if config.get_wallet_path().exists() { // Make sure that if a wallet exists, there is no seed phrase being attempted if !seed_phrase.is_none() { return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, "Cannot create a new wallet from seed, because a wallet already exists")); } let mut file_buffer = BufReader::new(File::open(config.get_wallet_path())?); let wallet = LightWallet::read(&mut file_buffer, config)?; LightClient { wallet : Arc::new(wallet), config : config.clone(), sapling_output : vec![], sapling_spend : vec![] } } else { let l = LightClient { wallet : Arc::new(LightWallet::new(seed_phrase, config, latest_block)?), config : config.clone(), sapling_output : vec![], sapling_spend : vec![] }; l.set_wallet_initial_state(); l }; info!("Read wallet with birthday {}", lc.wallet.get_first_tx_block()); // Read Sapling Params lc.sapling_output.extend_from_slice(SaplingParams::get("sapling-output.params").unwrap().as_ref()); lc.sapling_spend.extend_from_slice(SaplingParams::get("sapling-spend.params").unwrap().as_ref()); info!("Created LightClient to {}", &config.server); Ok(lc) } pub fn last_scanned_height(&self) -> u64 { self.wallet.last_scanned_height() as u64 } // Export private keys pub fn do_export(&self, addr: Option) -> JsonValue { // Clone address so it can be moved into the closure let address = addr.clone(); // Go over all z addresses let z_keys = self.wallet.get_z_private_keys().iter() .filter( move |(addr, _)| address.is_none() || address.as_ref() == Some(addr)) .map( |(addr, pk)| object!{ "address" => addr.clone(), "private_key" => pk.clone() } ).collect::>(); // Clone address so it can be moved into the closure let address = addr.clone(); // Go over all t addresses let t_keys = self.wallet.get_t_secret_keys().iter() .filter( move |(addr, _)| address.is_none() || address.as_ref() == Some(addr)) .map( |(addr, sk)| object!{ "address" => addr.clone(), "private_key" => sk.clone(), } ).collect::>(); let mut all_keys = vec![]; all_keys.extend_from_slice(&z_keys); all_keys.extend_from_slice(&t_keys); all_keys.into() } pub fn do_address(&self) -> JsonValue { // Collect z addresses let z_addresses = |ad| { encode_payment_address(self.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ad) }).collect::>(); // Collect t addresses let t_addresses = |sk| { self.wallet.address_from_sk(&sk) }).collect::>(); object!{ "z_addresses" => z_addresses, "t_addresses" => t_addresses, } } pub fn do_balance(&self) -> JsonValue { // Collect z addresses let z_addresses = |ad| { let address = encode_payment_address(self.config.hrp_sapling_address(), &ad); object!{ "address" => address.clone(), "zbalance" => self.wallet.zbalance(Some(address.clone())), "verified_zbalance" => self.wallet.verified_zbalance(Some(address)), } }).collect::>(); // Collect t addresses let t_addresses = |sk| { let address = self.wallet.address_from_sk(&sk); // Get the balance for this address let balance = self.wallet.tbalance(Some(address.clone())); object!{ "address" => address, "balance" => balance, } }).collect::>(); object!{ "zbalance" => self.wallet.zbalance(None), "verified_zbalance" => self.wallet.verified_zbalance(None), "tbalance" => self.wallet.tbalance(None), "z_addresses" => z_addresses, "t_addresses" => t_addresses, } } pub fn do_save(&self) -> String { let mut file_buffer = BufWriter::with_capacity( 1_000_000, // 1 MB write buffer File::create(self.config.get_wallet_path()).unwrap()); self.wallet.write(&mut file_buffer).unwrap(); info!("Saved wallet"); format!("Saved Wallet") } pub fn get_server_uri(&self) -> http::Uri { self.config.server.clone() } pub fn do_info(&self) -> String { match get_info(self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification) { Ok(i) => { let o = object!{ "version" => i.version, "vendor" => i.vendor, "taddr_support" => i.taddr_support, "chain_name" => i.chain_name, "sapling_activation_height" => i.sapling_activation_height, "consensus_branch_id" => i.consensus_branch_id, "latest_block_height" => i.block_height }; o.pretty(2) }, Err(e) => e } } pub fn do_seed_phrase(&self) -> JsonValue { object!{ "seed" => self.wallet.get_seed_phrase(), "birthday" => self.wallet.get_birthday() } } // Return a list of all notes, spent and unspent pub fn do_list_notes(&self, all_notes: bool) -> JsonValue { let mut unspent_notes: Vec = vec![]; let mut spent_notes : Vec = vec![]; let mut pending_notes: Vec = vec![]; // Collect Sapling notes .flat_map( |(txid, wtx)| { wtx.notes.iter().filter_map(move |nd| if !all_notes && nd.spent.is_some() { None } else { Some(object!{ "created_in_block" => wtx.block, "created_in_txid" => format!("{}", txid), "value" => nd.note.value, "is_change" => nd.is_change, "address" => self.wallet.note_address(nd), "spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)), "unconfirmed_spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)), }) } ) }) .for_each( |note| { if note["spent"].is_null() && note["unconfirmed_spent"].is_null() { unspent_notes.push(note); } else if !note["spent"].is_null() { spent_notes.push(note); } else { pending_notes.push(note); } }); // Collect UTXOs let utxos = self.wallet.get_utxos().iter() .filter(|utxo| utxo.unconfirmed_spent.is_none()) // Filter out unconfirmed from the list of utxos .map(|utxo| { object!{ "created_in_block" => utxo.height, "created_in_txid" => format!("{}", utxo.txid), "value" => utxo.value, "scriptkey" => hex::encode(utxo.script.clone()), "is_change" => false, // TODO: Identify notes as change if we send change to taddrs "address" => utxo.address.clone(), "spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)), "unconfirmed_spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)), } }) .collect::>(); // Collect pending UTXOs let pending_utxos = self.wallet.get_utxos().iter() .filter(|utxo| utxo.unconfirmed_spent.is_some()) // Filter to include only unconfirmed utxos .map(|utxo| object!{ "created_in_block" => utxo.height, "created_in_txid" => format!("{}", utxo.txid), "value" => utxo.value, "scriptkey" => hex::encode(utxo.script.clone()), "is_change" => false, // TODO: Identify notes as change if we send change to taddrs "address" => utxo.address.clone(), "spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)), "unconfirmed_spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)), } ) .collect::>();; let mut res = object!{ "unspent_notes" => unspent_notes, "pending_notes" => pending_notes, "utxos" => utxos, "pending_utxos" => pending_utxos, }; if all_notes { res["spent_notes"] = JsonValue::Array(spent_notes); } // If all notes, also add historical utxos if all_notes { res["spent_utxos"] = JsonValue::Array( .flat_map(|wtx| { wtx.utxos.iter() .filter(|utxo| utxo.spent.is_some()) .map(|utxo| { object!{ "created_in_block" => wtx.block, "created_in_txid" => format!("{}", utxo.txid), "value" => utxo.value, "scriptkey" => hex::encode(utxo.script.clone()), "is_change" => false, // TODO: Identify notes as change if we send change to taddrs "address" => utxo.address.clone(), "spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)), "unconfirmed_spent" =>|spent_txid| format!("{}", spent_txid)), } }).collect::>() }).collect::>() ); } res } pub fn do_list_transactions(&self) -> JsonValue { // Create a list of TransactionItems let mut tx_list = .flat_map(| (_k, v) | { let mut txns: Vec = vec![]; if v.total_shielded_value_spent > 0 { // If money was spent, create a transaction. For this, we'll subtract // all the change notes. TODO: Add transparent change here to subtract it also let total_change: u64 = v.notes.iter() .filter( |nd| nd.is_change ) .map( |nd| nd.note.value ) .sum(); // TODO: What happens if change is > than sent ? // Collect outgoing metadata let outgoing_json = v.outgoing_metadata.iter() .map(|om| object!{ "address" => om.address.clone(), "value" => om.value, "memo" => LightWallet::memo_str(&Some(om.memo.clone())), }) .collect::>(); txns.push(object! { "block_height" => v.block, "txid" => format!("{}", v.txid), "amount" => total_change as i64 - v.total_shielded_value_spent as i64 - v.total_transparent_value_spent as i64, "outgoing_metadata" => outgoing_json, }); } // For each sapling note that is not a change, add a Tx. txns.extend(v.notes.iter() .filter( |nd| !nd.is_change ) .map ( |nd| object! { "block_height" => v.block, "txid" => format!("{}", v.txid), "amount" => nd.note.value as i64, "address" => self.wallet.note_address(nd), "memo" => LightWallet::memo_str(&nd.memo), }) ); // Get the total transparent received let total_transparent_received = v.utxos.iter().map(|u| u.value).sum::(); if total_transparent_received > v.total_transparent_value_spent { // Create an input transaction for the transparent value as well. txns.push(object!{ "block_height" => v.block, "txid" => format!("{}", v.txid), "amount" => total_transparent_received as i64 - v.total_transparent_value_spent as i64, "address" => v.utxos.iter().map(|u| u.address.clone()).collect::>().join(","), "memo" => None:: }) } txns }) .collect::>(); tx_list.sort_by( |a, b| if a["block_height"] == b["block_height"] { a["txid"].as_str().cmp(&b["txid"].as_str()) } else { a["block_height"].as_i32().cmp(&b["block_height"].as_i32()) } ); JsonValue::Array(tx_list) } /// Create a new address, deriving it from the seed. pub fn do_new_address(&self, addr_type: &str) -> JsonValue { let new_address = match addr_type { "z" => self.wallet.add_zaddr(), "t" => self.wallet.add_taddr(), _ => { let e = format!("Unrecognized address type: {}", addr_type); error!("{}", e); return object!{ "error" => e }; } }; array![new_address] } pub fn do_rescan(&self) -> String { info!("Rescan starting"); // First, clear the state from the wallet self.wallet.clear_blocks(); // Then set the initial block self.set_wallet_initial_state(); // Then, do a sync, which will force a full rescan from the initial state let response = self.do_sync(true); info!("Rescan finished"); response } pub fn do_sync(&self, print_updates: bool) -> String { // Sync is 3 parts // 1. Get the latest block // 2. Get all the blocks that we don't have // 3. Find all new Txns that don't have the full Tx, and get them as full transactions // and scan them, mainly to get the memos let mut last_scanned_height = self.wallet.last_scanned_height() as u64; // This will hold the latest block fetched from the RPC let latest_block_height = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0)); let lbh = latest_block_height.clone(); fetch_latest_block(&self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification, move |block: BlockId| {, Ordering::SeqCst); }); let latest_block = latest_block_height.load(Ordering::SeqCst); if latest_block < last_scanned_height { let w = format!("Server's latest block({}) is behind ours({})", latest_block, last_scanned_height); warn!("{}", w); return w; } info!("Latest block is {}", latest_block); // Get the end height to scan to. let mut end_height = std::cmp::min(last_scanned_height + 1000, latest_block); // If there's nothing to scan, just return if last_scanned_height == latest_block { info!("Nothing to sync, returning"); return "".to_string(); } // Count how many bytes we've downloaded let bytes_downloaded = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let mut total_reorg = 0; // Collect all txns in blocks that we have a tx in. We'll fetch all these // txs along with our own, so that the server doesn't learn which ones // belong to us. let all_new_txs = Arc::new(RwLock::new(vec![])); // Fetch CompactBlocks in increments loop { let local_light_wallet = self.wallet.clone(); let local_bytes_downloaded = bytes_downloaded.clone(); let start_height = last_scanned_height + 1; info!("Start height is {}", start_height); // Show updates only if we're syncing a lot of blocks if print_updates && end_height - start_height > 100 { print!("Syncing {}/{}\r", start_height, latest_block); io::stdout().flush().ok().expect("Could not flush stdout"); } // Fetch compact blocks info!("Fetching blocks {}-{}", start_height, end_height); let all_txs = all_new_txs.clone(); let last_invalid_height = Arc::new(AtomicI32::new(0)); let last_invalid_height_inner = last_invalid_height.clone(); fetch_blocks(&self.get_server_uri(), start_height, end_height, self.config.no_cert_verification, move |encoded_block: &[u8], height: u64| { // Process the block only if there were no previous errors if last_invalid_height_inner.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0 { return; } match local_light_wallet.scan_block(encoded_block) { Ok(block_txns) => { all_txs.write().unwrap().extend_from_slice(&block_txns.iter().map(|txid| (txid.clone(), height as i32)).collect::>()[..]); }, Err(invalid_height) => { // Block at this height seems to be invalid, so invalidate up till that point, Ordering::SeqCst); } }; local_bytes_downloaded.fetch_add(encoded_block.len(), Ordering::SeqCst); }); // Check if there was any invalid block, which means we might have to do a reorg let invalid_height = last_invalid_height.load(Ordering::SeqCst); if invalid_height > 0 { total_reorg += self.wallet.invalidate_block(invalid_height); warn!("Invalidated block at height {}. Total reorg is now {}", invalid_height, total_reorg); } // Make sure we're not re-orging too much! if total_reorg > (crate::lightwallet::MAX_REORG - 1) as u64 { error!("Reorg has now exceeded {} blocks!", crate::lightwallet::MAX_REORG); return format!("Reorg has exceeded {} blocks. Aborting.", crate::lightwallet::MAX_REORG); } if invalid_height > 0 { // Reset the scanning heights last_scanned_height = (invalid_height - 1) as u64; end_height = std::cmp::min(last_scanned_height + 1000, latest_block); warn!("Reorg: reset scanning from {} to {}", last_scanned_height, end_height); continue; } // If it got here, that means the blocks are scanning properly now. // So, reset the total_reorg total_reorg = 0; // We'll also fetch all the txids that our transparent addresses are involved with // TODO: Use for all t addresses let address = self.wallet.address_from_sk(&[0]); let wallet = self.wallet.clone(); fetch_transparent_txids(&self.get_server_uri(), address, start_height, end_height, self.config.no_cert_verification, move |tx_bytes: &[u8], height: u64 | { let tx = Transaction::read(tx_bytes).unwrap(); // Scan this Tx for transparent inputs and outputs wallet.scan_full_tx(&tx, height as i32); } ); last_scanned_height = end_height; end_height = last_scanned_height + 1000; if last_scanned_height >= latest_block { break; } else if end_height > latest_block { end_height = latest_block; } } if print_updates{ println!(""); // New line to finish up the updates } let mut responses = vec![]; info!("Synced to {}, Downloaded {} kB", latest_block, bytes_downloaded.load(Ordering::SeqCst) / 1024); responses.push(format!("Synced to {}, Downloaded {} kB", latest_block, bytes_downloaded.load(Ordering::SeqCst) / 1024)); // Get the Raw transaction for all the wallet transactions // We need to first copy over the Txids from the wallet struct, because // we need to free the read lock from here (Because we'll self.wallet.txs later) let mut txids_to_fetch: Vec<(TxId, i32)> = .filter(|wtx| wtx.full_tx_scanned == false) .map(|wtx| (wtx.txid, wtx.block)) .collect::>(); info!("Fetching {} new txids, total {} with decoy", txids_to_fetch.len(),; txids_to_fetch.extend_from_slice(&[..]); txids_to_fetch.sort(); txids_to_fetch.dedup(); let mut rng = OsRng; txids_to_fetch.shuffle(&mut rng); // And go and fetch the txids, getting the full transaction, so we can // read the memos for (txid, height) in txids_to_fetch { let light_wallet_clone = self.wallet.clone(); info!("Fetching full Tx: {}", txid); fetch_full_tx(&self.get_server_uri(), txid, self.config.no_cert_verification, move |tx_bytes: &[u8] | { let tx = Transaction::read(tx_bytes).unwrap(); light_wallet_clone.scan_full_tx(&tx, height); }); }; responses.join("\n") } pub fn do_send(&self, addr: &str, value: u64, memo: Option) -> String { info!("Creating transaction"); let rawtx = self.wallet.send_to_address( u32::from_str_radix(&self.config.consensus_branch_id, 16).unwrap(), // Blossom ID &self.sapling_spend, &self.sapling_output, vec![(&addr, value, memo)] ); match rawtx { Ok(txbytes) => match broadcast_raw_tx(&self.get_server_uri(), self.config.no_cert_verification, txbytes) { Ok(k) => k, Err(e) => e, }, Err(e) => format!("No Tx to broadcast. Error was: {}", e) } } }