Official Hush blog website
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<title>Hush: Speak And Transact Freely</title>
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<!-- We will not be silenced. - The Hush Developers -->
FUCK YOU to all the KMD people who lost the vision of Satoshi.
FUCK jl777 the most, for leading the abused children and lying to them.
FUCK ca333 for being a military metadata rapist who lied about where his allegiances were.
FUCK Shossain, for doing whatever his masters say like a 3-legged dog, licking shoes for a meal.
FUCK jeezy for being a closet Nazi. You know we know now.
FUCK cipi for choosing to use his skills for evil. You know what you are doing is wrong.
FUCK MrLynch for being military/govcuck hiding out in a fake privacy coin. Learn to code dude.
<h1>New Hush website</h1>
Our infrastructure is now free of Github! This is partially because
Duke Leto was censored from that centralized platform, partially because
it geofences many users around the world, preventing people from downloading
software, and partially because it's lost all value and trust since being
purchased by Microsoft. Github is not a compatible platform for developing
freedom of speech tech, and so, Hush will run it all ourselves.
Also, remember that Github helps murder children by running the backend
servers of ICE. Hush wants nothing to do with such an organization.
<h1>Redirects Gone Wild</h1>
All redirects have been ported to our new site, please use them exclusively!
<a href="">Telegram</a>
<a href="">Telegram Support</a>
<a href="">Reddit</a>
<a href="">YouTube</a>
<a href="">BitcoinTalk</a>
<a href="">Mastodon</a>
<a href="">Matrix</a>
<h1>No mo Github?</h1>
Hush developers will attempt to mirror data to Github on a best-effort basis,
but we guide all users to download directly from our trusted servers. Many users
cannot even download data from Github, or worry that it might be backdoored (as
do we), so why spend time maintaining a poisoned well?
<a href="github-suspended.png" target=_blank>
<img height="80%" width="80%" src="github-suspended.png">
<h1>Coming Soon!</h1>
<h2> KMD Big Block Expose </h2>
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This will describe in painful detail how jl777 steals from his own village
(the KMD Notary Node operators) and they all keep it secret because they steal
funds together from others. How do I know this? Because I worked as a KMD Notary
Node Operator for 1.5 years and actually retired/quit over this exact practice.
jl777 stole from his own friends and colleagues in secret, and when it finally got
out, it almost destroyed the KMD Notary Node network.
Now jl777, ca333, Shossain and a few others made it the "rule" that they get all
the money and if others are lucky, it "trickles down" to them like pissing on the
face of somebody passed out on a bathroom floor.
<h2>Zcash Steals ZIP400, with Cryptographic Proof</h2>
Daira, author of Zcash Protocol, was stupid enough to <a href="">steal the work of Duke Leto</a>
(ZIP400) and tried to delete all history of Duke writing the document. They failed
to correctly change history and left traces that prove Duke Leto wrote ZIP400 and
that Zcash Foundation stole the document, committing MIT Copyright Infringement by removing
Duke Leto's name from the document.
<h2>KMD Adds KYC And Loses All Respect</h2>
HUSH has recently cut all ties with KMD as we have learned that the CTO of KMD,
Kadan Stadelmann, is a Blockchain Analyst for the Austrian military. We will detail
their scary journey to ruin everything real cypherpunks have built over the years.
<h2>Try to Denial-of-Service This Website</h2>
Go ahead. Hush developers are patiently waiting.
<img src="waiting.gif">
Komodo script kiddies, you are playing with Big Boys now, lulz.
The censorship of <a href="">this 3 hour interview</a> that is on Hush <a href="">YouTube</a> will
no longer be possible. No more easy websites to Denial-of-Service, skidz!
<img width="50%" height="50%" src="kmd-red-dildo.jpg">
<h2> License </h2>
This website is released under the GNU Public License Version 3 (GPLv3)