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onryo 2 years ago
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<td><a href="">Home</a></td>
<td><a href="">HushBox</a></td>
<td><a href="hushdex.html">HushDEX</a></td>
<td><a href="hushchat.html">HushChat</a></td>
<td><a href="">Gitea</a></td>
<td><a href="monero.html">Hush vs Monero</a></td>
@ -47,30 +66,30 @@
<td><a href="">Explorer</a></td>
<td><a href="http://jlqhwhak65kokg3pdjp3ufy6almf5spnhsfnugtjsc4z7wtapgozxyad.onion">Explorer on TOR</a></td>
<td><a href="">Gitea</a></td>
<td><a href="faq.html">F.A.Q</a></td>
<td><a href="team.html">Team</a></td>
<details><summary>Why this website?</summary>You're right, most of the content lands on our official self-hosted Gitea website first, but it is nice to have a minimalistic and non-bloated js-free website to read some content as well.</details>
<details><summary>What is Hush?</summary>Hush is Free Software (like Open Source, but better), which allows you to Speak And Transact Freely. That is the core mission of the software and global community of cypherpunks that make the Hush software and peer-to-peer network possible. Hush is not a company nor foundation. We are not based in any country. We are a decentralized cypherpunk community and continue to research the bleeding edge in privacy. 1 HUSH = 10000 encrypted messages which have censorship resistance backed up by Bitcoin hashrate security, which is why Hush is a Store-of-Privacy.</details>
<details><summary>Where can I get Hush?</summary>The only official place to get Hush source code and binaries is, which is the Hush Gitea instance, which replaces Github since Github has suspened the account of Duke Leto for unknown reasons. Duke develops code free from the censorship and racism of Github/Microsoft.</details>
<details><summary>What is Hush Privacy Policy?</summary>Our policy is to store as little metadata as possible, or not at all. Hush team members will never ask for your personal information, if someone is asking for your legal name, physical address, phone number, email/etc that is a scammer! We only ask for as little possible information to debug support requests, such as Operating System versions, wallet versions and other technical information. Hush does not mine your personal privacy to sell to advertisers, you keep your privacy and your dignity. Privacy is a precious asset and Hush allows you to store it in digital form.<br><br>This website is purely for marketing and education purposes and our peer-to-peer network does not rely on it in any way, not does our P2P network rely on DNS, which we believe is completely untrustable, just as Bitcoin developers rightly believe.<br><br>When using some Hush software, there are mandatory or optional features that require talking to third party websites and APIs. We cannot control how they use metadata, such as IP address, MAC address and browser details such as your language, timezone, screen resolution and other details.<br><br>Hush uses are <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>/<a href="" class="mainlink"></a> for Denial-of-Service protection and SSL (only for websites, not p2p network), for price feeds, the price feeds are optional and can be turned off in settings. Hush is designed to preserve our user privacy in every way, so when Hush software requests data from <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>, it always requests all possible data, and then only uses the data it needs, versus asking for only the data it needs, which leaks the metadata of what this particular wallet is interested in. This Private Information Retreival (PIR) technique is just one of many ways Hush implements Extreme Privacy at every level of the software stack.<br><br>If you do not want your IP address, MAC address and browser metadata we highly recommend using Tor or i2p and/or the TAILS, Whonix or Qubes operating systems with Hush.</details>
<details><summary>How can I get to know HUSH better?</summary>Hush, the world's first pure Sapling chain (yes, even before ZEC themselves) eliminating all risk of Sprout inflation bugs and reducing download size by over 1.6 GB, Hush v3 Whitepaper: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a><br><br>HushList is a protocol for mailing list style messages on the Hush chain, HushList Whitepaper: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a><br><br>HushChat Private Instant Messenger Protocol on Hush: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a><br><br>Sietch, a Hush-written metadata protecting functionality: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></details>
<details><summary>Why this website?</summary>You're right, most of the content lands on our official self-hosted <a href="" class="mainlink">Gitea</a> website first, but it is nice to have a minimalistic and non-bloated js-free website to read some content as well.</details>
<details><summary>What is Hush?</summary>Hush is Free Software. That is the core mission of the software and global community of cypherpunks that make the Hush software and peer-to-peer network possible. Hush is not a company nor foundation. We are not based in any country. We are a <a href="" class="mainlink">decentralized cypherpunk community</a> and continue to research the bleeding edge in privacy.</details>
<details><summary>Where can I get Hush?</summary>The only official place to get Hush source code and binaries is <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>, which keeps it away from Github/Microsoft.</details>
<details><summary>What is Hush Privacy Policy?</summary>Our policy is to store as little metadata as possible. We only ask for as little possible information to debug support requests, such as OS versions, wallet versions and other technical information. Hush does not mine your personal privacy to sell to advertisers, you keep your privacy and your dignity.<br><br>This website is purely for marketing and education purposes and our P2P network does not rely on it, not does our P2P network rely on DNS, which we believe is completely untrustable, just as Bitcoin developers rightly believe.<br><br>When using some Hush software, there are mandatory or optional features that require talking to third party websites and APIs. We cannot control how they use metadata, such as IP address, MAC address and other browser details.<br><br>Hush uses <a href="" class="mainlink"></a> for Denial-of-Service protection and SSL (only for websites, not p2p network), <a href="" class="mainlink"></a> for price feeds that can be turned off. We highly recommend using Tor/i2p or the TAILS/Whonix/Qubes with Hush.</details>
<details><summary>How can I get to know HUSH better?</summary>Hush, the world's first pure Sapling chain (even before ZEC themselves) eliminating all risk of Sprout inflation bugs and reducing download size by over 1.6 GB: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a><br><br>HushList is a protocol for mailing list style messages on the Hush chain, HushList Whitepaper: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>, HushChat Private Instant Messenger Protocol on Hush: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a><br><br>Sietch, a Hush-written metadata protecting functionality: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></details>
<details><summary>What Operating Systems Does Hush Work On?</summary>We support Debian/Ubuntu, Arch and ARM based devices such as Raspberry Pi.</details>
<details><summary>How can I install Hush?</summary>sudo apt install git curl build-essential libqt5websockets5-dev qttools5-dev-tools -y<br><br>curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -sSf | sh -s -- -y && exit<br><br>git clone && cd SilentDragonLite/ && ./</details>
<details><summary>How to recover HUSH from the old webwallet?</summary>Don't use webwallets! SDL can import old-style HUSH v2 private keys, which start with K or L. If you have a very old HUSH private key, from hushd or a web wallet, you can now import these funds to SDL! SDL will automatically "sweep" funds out of this private key, into a zaddr that is part of your Seed Phrase, it may take time for your funds to be confirmed in a new block and show up in your wallet.</details>
<details><summary>How to recover HUSH from the old webwallet?</summary>SDL can <a href="" class="mainlink">import</a> old-style HUSH v2 private keys, which start with K or L. SDL will automatically "sweep" funds out of this private key, into a zaddr that is part of your Seed Phrase, it may take time for your funds to show up in your wallet.</details>
<details><summary>How can I fix 16: bad-txns-oversize or bad-txns-acpublic-chain error?</summary>./hush-cli z_mergetoaddress '["RFd48drqDChxqJ6Hy"]' zs1hce6rdvum09ytce6rdvu7ewrzmfq3azaddr 0 0</details>
<details><summary>How can I buy/get Hush anonymously?</summary>The best way is to mine Hush with ASICs, the less private way is to buy Bitcoin on localbitcoins and exchange it with or<br><br>Consider some localbitcoins alternatives that provide an ability to buy BTC/XMR and other cryptocoins with cash in person, such as paxful, localcoinswap, hodlhodl, localcryptos and others.</details>
<details><summary>How can I buy/get Hush anonymously?</summary>The best way is to mine Hush with ASICs, the less private way is to buy Bitcoin on localbitcoins and exchange it with <a href="" class="mainlink"></a> or <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>, consider "cash in person" method as well with paxful, localcoinswap, hodlhodl or localcryptos.</details>
<details><summary>Where can I spend Hush?</summary><a href="" class="mainlink"></a> - pi 4 device with devuan and sdl pre-installed<br><br><a href="" class="mainlink"></a> - centralized exchange<br><br><a href="" class="mainlink"></a> - centralized exchange<br><br><a href="" class="mainlink"></a> - high-end artisan perfumes and fine arts</details>
<details><summary>Can I mine HUSH on a personal PC?</summary>No, only ASIC mining is recommended. HUSH uses the same Equihash (200,9) algo as Zcash, Horizen or Komodo, all miners are able to switch to HUSH mining at any second.</details>
<details><summary>What is the best ASIC miner to use for mining HUSH?</summary>Z15, Z11, A9++, A9+, A9, but only the first two can be considered as profitable, also please note that it varies drastically, do your own research, may help.</details>
<details><summary>What are the mining specifications?</summary>Block Time: 75 seconds, block reward: 3.125 Hush and 10% goes to Founders Reward, so 2.8125 Hush, difficulty adjustment: every block, Digishield V3. HUSH total supply is 21 million and reward halving happens every 4 years, the same as Bitcoin. P2P and RPC port is 18030 and 18031 accordingly.</details>
<details><summary>What mining pool do you recommend?</summary>LuckPool and CoolMine are the mining pools we currently recommend as they follow all needed privacy precautions to keep your zaddr address private.</details>
<details><summary>Can I install Hush on my phone?</summary>Yes, please "de-google" your device first: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>, then grab the .apk from <a href="" class="mainlink"></a> and install SDA.</details>
<details><summary>Why is my balance different than the explorer?</summary>This can happen for a few reasons. Your node may be out of sync, and still finding new blocks which contain payments to your address. You may not have imported all the private keys you thought you did. Use the validation function to check if an address is in your current wallet.<br><br>If your wallet is rescanning, it will show the balance as of the block height it is processing. You will see the balance "jump" higher when it finds a new transaction which pays one of your addresses. Your full balance will be shown when you have processed the latest block and regain "syncedness".</details>
<details><summary>What does a Hush address look like?</summary>It is not possible to send funds to transparent addresses (public such as Bitcoin addresses), but shielded only that starts with zs1 which is the prefix for Sapling Shielded Addresses. If your address starts with zc instead of zs1, it is a Sprout address and it's not valid on the current HUSH mainnet.<br><br>For the above reasons, KMD, VRSC and SAFE addresses are all compatible, with the exact same public key generating the same exact address on KMD, VRSC, SAFE and HUSH and all the side chains (smart chains) of these respective platforms. If you own a taddr or zaddr on any one of these blockchains, you own the exact same address on all the blockchains.</details>
<details><summary>How can I run a SilentDragonLite backend?</summary>You will need a VPS with at least 2 vCPUs and 4GB of RAM to compile software: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></details>
<details><summary>Can I mine HUSH on a personal PC?</summary>Only ASIC mining is recommended, HUSH uses Equihash (200,9) algo as Zcash, Horizen or Komodo.</details>
<details><summary>What is the best ASIC miner to use for mining HUSH?</summary>Z15, Z11, A9++, A9+, A9, but only the first two can be considered as profitable, <a href="" class="mainlink"></a> may help.</details>
<details><summary>What are the mining specifications?</summary>Block Time: 75 seconds, block reward: 3.125 Hush and 10% goes to FR, so 2.8125 Hush, difficulty adjustment: every block, Digishield V3. HUSH total supply is 21M and reward halving happens every 4 years. P2P and RPC port is 18030 and 18031.</details>
<details><summary>What mining pool do you recommend?</summary><a href="" class="mainlink">CoolMine</a> as they follow all needed privacy precautions to keep your zaddr address private.</details>
<details><summary>Can I install Hush on my phone?</summary>First use <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>, then install with .apk from <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>.</details>
<details><summary>Why is my balance different than the explorer?</summary>This can happen because your node may be out of sync, and still finding new blocks which contain payments to your address or all private keys were imported. Use the validation function to check if an address is in your current wallet.</details>
<details><summary>What does a Hush address look like?</summary>It is not possible to send funds to transparent addresses, but shielded only that starts with zs1, if you own a taddr or zaddr on KMD, VRSC, SAFE for example, you own the exact same address on all the blockchains.</details>
<details><summary>How can I run a SilentDragonLite backend?</summary>You will need at least 2 vCPUs and 4GB of RAM: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></details>
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<title>Messenger | Hush - Transact and Speak Freely</title>
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<td><a href="">Home</a></td>
<td><a href="">HushBox</a></td>
<td><a href="hushdex.html">HushDEX</a></td>
<td><a href="hushchat.html">HushChat</a></td>
<td><a href="">Gitea</a></td>
<td><a href="monero.html">Hush vs Monero</a></td>
@ -47,23 +66,23 @@
<td><a href="">Explorer</a></td>
<td><a href="http://jlqhwhak65kokg3pdjp3ufy6almf5spnhsfnugtjsc4z7wtapgozxyad.onion">Explorer on TOR</a></td>
<td><a href="">Gitea</a></td>
<td><a href="faq.html">F.A.Q</a></td>
<td><a href="team.html">Team</a></td>
<details><summary>Why HushChat?</summary>HushChat has no phone numbers, centralized web servers, it is not a US-based or any kind of company/non-profit/organization, it has no Javascript/Electron in our desktop full or lite wallets, while it does have Plausible Deniability, multiple layers of encryption, in-flight and at-rest, compatibility with Tor (i2p support is in progress), emoji support.</details>
<details><summary>Why HushChat?</summary><a href="" class="mainlink">HushChat</a> has no phone numbers, centralized web servers, it is not a US-based or any kind of company/non-profit/organization, it has no Javascript/Electron in our desktop full or lite wallets, while it does have Plausible Deniability, multiple layers of encryption, in-flight and at-rest, compatibility with Tor (i2p support is in progress), emoji support.</details>
<details><summary>What is HushChat Protocol?</summary>HushChat is a protocol which is a particular use case of HushList protocol and which sits on top of Hush Protocol, an improved Zcash Protocol. It is inspired by the design of Signal Protocol and uses many of the same cryptography and ideas, but does not actually use any code from Signal. A HushChat protocol whitepaper is in progress.</details>
<details><summary>How to use HushChat?</summary>Here's how to use HushChat: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></details>
<details><summary>Is HushChat only compatible with HUSH mainnet?</summary>No, it's designed to run on any compatible Zcash Protocol chain, including all Hush Smart Chains. HushChat is being developed soley on HUSH mainnet. Other cryptocoins are encouraged to port it to their codebases with appropriate licensing.</details>
<details><summary>Is HushChat only compatible with HUSH mainnet?</summary>No, it's designed to run on any compatible Zcash Protocol chain, including all <a href="" class="mainlink">Hush Smart Chains</a>. HushChat is being developed soley on HUSH mainnet. Other cryptocoins are encouraged to port it to their codebases with appropriate licensing.</details>
<details><summary>Is HushChat a fork of Signal?</summary>No. We do not use code directly from Signal, but the ideas from the protocol and ideas/concepts from the GUI interface. For instance, Signal Protocol has a concept of "ratcheting" and so do HushChat.</details>
<details><summary>Why not just use Signal?</summary>Signal requires phone numbers and is a centralized service. HushChat is completely anonymous and decentralized and requires absolutely no metadata be given to any centralized third parties. Signal is also not fully open source, the backend servers are NOT OPEN SOURCE, and so, Signal should be considered "open core" and not fully open source. HushChat is Free Software!</details>
<details><summary>How does it compare to Conceal (CCX) and LOKI chat systems (Session)?</summary>Monero family coins have no encrypted data storage at the protocol level, Zcash Protocol coins have encrypted data at the protocol level via the memo field, this means that Monero family coins are inherently inferior to build an encrypted chat system upon.<br><br>The encryption must be added at a higher level and really stands out, you know which transactions are chats and which are not. The design of HushChat is such that every normal HUSH transaction looks like a chat, and every chat looks like the most common kind of Hush transaction.<br><br>There is no way to tell if chat is being used in any z2z transaction or not. This is caused "plausible deniability" and also there is no way to know how many people are being communicated with, another kind of plausible deniability, CCX and LOKI have none of these properties, their systems are centralized and have very little privacy.<br><br>Additionally, Conceal and LOKI have no censorship-prevention and are not protected by Bitcoin Hashrate Security via Delayed-Proof-of-Work. CCX and LOKI are off-chain only, while HushChat can be either on-chain or off-chain. CCX + LOKI use Javascript/web tech extensively and HushChat avoids that stuff like a disease.</details>
<details><summary>Why not just use Signal?</summary>Signal requires phone numbers and is a centralized service. <a href="" class="mainlink">HushChat</a> is completely anonymous and decentralized and requires absolutely no metadata be given to any centralized third parties. Signal is also not fully open source, the backend servers are NOT OPEN SOURCE, and so, Signal should be considered "open core" and not fully open source. HushChat is Free Software!</details>
<details><summary>How does it compare to Conceal and LOKI chat systems?</summary>Monero family coins are inherently inferior to build an encrypted chat system upon because it has no encrypted data storage at the protocol level, while Zcash coins have encrypted data at the protocol level via the memo field.<br><br>The encryption must be added at a higher level and really stands out, you know which transactions are chats and which are not. Every HUSH transaction looks like a chat, and every chat looks like any Hush transaction.<br><br>There is no way to tell if chat is being used in any z2z transaction or not. This is caused "plausible deniability" and also there is no way to know how many people are being communicated with, another kind of plausible deniability.</details>
<details><summary>What is HushList?</summary>HushList is a protocol first published in 2017, which describes how to use Zcash Protocol for various communications use cases, including censorship-resistance: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a><br><br>HushChat is basically one specialized way to use HushList Protocol, focused on near-real-time chat versus mailing list style communicaitons. The world is increasingly chat-based versus email-based and HushChat is a response to that.</details>
<details><summary>Will HushChat store messages on the blockchain like HushList does?</summary>Yes, data must be stored on-chain to have censorship resistance and HushChat can be thought of as a "flavor" of HushList. Users may choose between storing data on the public Hush blockchain or their own Hush Smart Chain (which could be public or completely private).</details>
<details><summary>Isn't it a bad idea to store private data in a blockchain?</summary>It depends on the needs of the user. Currently, many users give all their information for free to various cloud companies who constantly mine their personal data which can then be sold to advertising companies who want to influence thinking and purchases.<br><br>These average users have a lot to benefit from controlling their data, wrapping it in multiple layers of encryption and enjoying censorship-resistance. For those with more strict needs (say a Healthcare company), a dedicated Hush Smart Chain with access controls, such as needing to be on a certain VPN with a special user/pass to connect to the network, could be used.<br><br>Ultimately, to prove to others that something happened or to easily communicate with others, a public blockchain will be the primary use case. It also provides a meeting place for users to come together and then spin up their own Just-In-Time specific-use-case blockchains.<br><br>Additionally, if somebody is trying to say false things about you, selectively disclosing data that proves your innocence can be very valuable. HushChat enables this use case, which Signal cannot possibly implement. Because Hush is backed up by Bitcoin hashrate security, the data cannot be censored or modified once it is notarized.</details>
<details><summary>Are you rolling your own crypto like stupid people?</summary>We use the industry standard libsodium to provide cryptographic primitives: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a><br><br>Specifically, we use these parts of libsodium: Key Exchange, Secretstreams, Password Hashing API (Argon2id), and potentially others. In terms of cryptographic hash functions, Blake3, Blake2B and SHA256 are used directly and internally by various libsodium functions.</details>
<details><summary>How does HushChat protect my privacy?</summary>HushChat adds various layers of privacy on top of our "base" Hush Protocol (itself an improvement on Zcash Protocol), heavily using libsodium. Every HushChat has per-conversation encryption which means that every time Alice talks to a new Bob, they have unique encryption keys compared to every other chat.<br><br>Every HushChat conversation constantly "ratchets", the shared keys to each conversation constantly change, providing "forward secrecy", if you can steal the secret keys to one chat, it won't decrypt future chats nor can you impersonate future chats.<br><br>HushChat Lite wallet have FULL wallet.dat encryption, leaving no plaintext accessible: a wallet.dat at rest therefore has two layers of encryption, wallet-level and chat-level. HushChats on the Hush blockchain have three layers of encryption, since the encrypted memo field is only visible to sender and receiver.<br><br>Every HushChat is additionally encrypted with a user passphrase, independent of wallet.dat private keys. This means if your device is seized/liberated/stolen and your wallet.dat inserted in ChainAnalysis or similar blockchain analysis platform, your chats are encrypted blobs of useless information.<br><br>HushChats cannot be truncated, removed, reordered, duplicated or modified without being detected. There are very strong encryption/decryption guarantees provided by libsodium secretstreams:</details>
<details><summary>Will HushChat store messages on the blockchain like HushList does?</summary>Yes, data must be stored on-chain to have censorship resistance. Users may choose between storing data on the public Hush blockchain or their own Hush Smart Chain, which can be completely private.</details>
<details><summary>Isn't it a bad idea to store private data in a blockchain?</summary>Many users give all their information for free to various cloud companies who constantly mine their personal data which can then be sold to advertising companies who want to influence thinking and purchases.<br><br>These average users have a lot to benefit from controlling their data, wrapping it in multiple layers of encryption and enjoying censorship-resistance. For those with more strict needs, a dedicated Hush Smart Chain could be used.<br><br>Additionally, if somebody is trying to say false things about you, selectively disclosing data that proves your innocence can be very valuable. HushChat enables this use case, which Signal cannot possibly implement. Because Hush is backed up by Bitcoin hashrate security, the data cannot be censored or modified once it is notarized.</details>
<details><summary>Are you rolling your own crypto like stupid people?</summary>We use the industry standard libsodium to provide cryptographic primitives: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>, specifically, we use these parts of libsodium: Key Exchange, Secretstreams, Password Hashing API (Argon2id). In terms of cryptographic hash functions, Blake3, Blake2B and SHA256 are used directly and internally by various libsodium functions.</details>
<details><summary>How does HushChat protect my privacy?</summary>HushChat adds various layers of privacy on top of our "base" Hush Protocol (itself an improvement on Zcash Protocol), heavily using libsodium. Every HushChat has per-conversation encryption which means that every time Alice talks to a new Bob, they have unique encryption keys compared to every other chat.<br><br>Every HushChat conversation constantly "ratchets", the shared keys to each conversation constantly change, providing "forward secrecy", having secret keys to one chat won't decrypt future chats nor can impersonate future chats.<br><br>HushChat Lite wallet have FULL wallet.dat encryption, leaving no plaintext accessible: a wallet.dat at rest therefore has two layers of encryption, wallet-level and chat-level. HushChats on the Hush blockchain have three layers of encryption, since the encrypted memo field is only visible to sender and receiver.<br><br>Every HushChat is additionally encrypted with a user passphrase, independent of wallet.dat private keys. This means if your device is seized/liberated/stolen and your wallet.dat inserted in ChainAnalysis or similar blockchain analysis platform, your chats are encrypted blobs of useless information.<br><br>HushChats cannot be truncated, removed, reordered, duplicated or modified without being detected. There are very strong encryption/decryption guarantees provided by libsodium secretstreams: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></details>
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<details><summary>Why HushDEX?</summary>HushDEX has no KYC, no IP address limiting, Alice's or Bob's blockchain address never appears in public data. Since you can't see the address of any transaction, you cannot infer if the same address appears as sender or receiver in many transactions. The amount of the transaction, how much XMR/ZEC and HUSH, is unknown, the exchange rate of the transaction never appears on the blockchain.<br><br>Either you will have Monero (XMR) and want to buy HUSH, or you have HUSH and want to buy XMR. We do not currently have plans to support fiat, and we will not initially support BTC, but may add it later. We suggest Bisq which supports buying BTC with fiat and buying XMR with BTC. You can also mine XMR with most modern CPUs effectively, which is another way to acquire XMR to buy HUSH.</details>
<details><summary>Why don't you support BTC?</summary>We have deep respect for Satoshi and the deep roots we trace from Hush back to their original vision. Also, Bitcoin is a metadata nightmare. By making XMR our first pair, we start out with Extreme Privacy, making life very hard for companies like ChainAnalysis and Ciphertrace. If we supported BTC or ZEC (which we initially were focusing on), we would have metadata problems from all the KYC infecting BTC taddrs and even Zcash zaddrs. Making HUSH/XMR the first pair avoids all these metadata problems.</details>
<details><summary>Why would anybody want this?</summary>The Hush community agrees with the United Nations, that privacy is a basic human right. We believe that people "in the know" will want liquidity between privacy coins, and currently they are trapped on metadata-scraping centralized exchanges. For traders, there is no direct way to take profits from HUSH into another privacy coin. We are fixing that. And for miners, there is no good way to take profits without losing privacy. That is being fixed as well.</details>
<details><summary>Who makes this work and who benefits?</summary>The Hush Decentralized Autonomous Organization has precipitated into existence to make Hush projects like this and HushDEX self-sustaining and censorship-resistant, just like our code.</details>
<details><summary>Why HushDEX?</summary>HushDEX has no KYC, no IP address limiting, Alice's or Bob's blockchain address never appears in public data. Since you can't see the address of any transaction, you cannot infer if the same address appears as sender or receiver in many transactions. The amount of the transaction is unknown, the exchange rate never appears on the blockchain.<br><br>Either you will have Monero and want to buy HUSH, or you have HUSH and want to buy XMR. We do not currently have plans to support fiat or BTC, we suggest <a href="" class="mainlink">Bisq</a> or <a href="" class="mainlink">Haveno</a> which supports buying BTC and XMR with fiat.</details>
<details><summary>Why don't you support BTC?</summary>We have deep respect for Satoshi. Also, Bitcoin is a metadata nightmare. By making XMR our first pair, we start out with Extreme Privacy, making life very hard for companies like <a href="" class="mainlink">ChainAnalysis</a> and <a href="" class="mainlink">Ciphertrace</a>. If we supported BTC or ZEC, we would have metadata problems from all the KYC infecting BTC taddrs and even Zcash zaddrs.</details>
<details><summary>Why would anybody want this?</summary>Privacy is a basic human right. People are trapped on metadata-scraping centralized exchanges, it must change.</details>
<details><summary>Who makes this work and who benefits?</summary>The Hush <a href="" class="mainlink">Decentralized Autonomous Organization</a> has precipitated into existence to make Hush projects like this and HushDEX self-sustaining and censorship-resistant, just like our code.</details>
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<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has the largest anonset</p><p>The anonset is the number of people you are hiding amongst. Privacy coins based on CryptoNote Protocol, such as Monero and related forks, have anonymity sets that are per transaction. One transaction from Alice to Bob has it's own, it is not network-wide, such as in Zcash Protocol coins.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul><p>The anonset of Monero is 11 per transaction, <span class='anonset'>Zcash has 184792 anonset at the recent block 1368960 and 551684 is for ARRR at block 1542116, while Hush has 631505 anonset at block 646213 meaning Hush has the largest anonset among all known privacy coins.</span></p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Zero-knowledge math instead of obfuscation</p><p>Monero transactions hide the actual funds you are spending with ten other, un-related coins, owned by other Monero users. These are called "mixins" and currently XMR uses 11 mixins. Users may have bad opsec which reduces your privacy, you are hiding in a small crowd and it gets smaller over time too.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>First cryptocoin to encrypt data at protocol level</p><p>Every single HUSH transaction has a TLS 1.3 P2P encryption. Every node connection must be encrypted with https, which means the ISP does not know when you make a transaction, nor your "Transaction ID". They always know your IP address, which is why not giving them your txid is so important.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has Sietch</p><p>Sietch makes the linkability analysis of fully shielded transactions drastically more expensive. It adds Monero-like protections on top of Zcash Protocol, which is why we describe Hush Protocol as an improved Zcash Protocol and most secure and private cryptocoin.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush Smart Chains</p><p>The future is multi-chain, hence the ease of creating new independent blockchains via Hush Smart Chains, sometimes called "sidechains". Hush empowers you to "spin up" a competitor to Hush with a single command, and it can integrate with the HUSH mainnet as much or little as you desire.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></u></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>HUSH has the same emission schedule as Bitcoin</p><p>ARRR exists for 2 years and more than 90% of the total supply has been mined already, very similar to Monero but in Monero the Maximum Supply is infinite which makes it even worse. Hush was created in November 2016 and only about 50% of all coins have been mined as of May 2021.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Monero and Zcash are supported by blockchain analysis companies</p><p>CipherTrace delivers Monero tracing tools since August 31 2020. Since Zcash users are using transparent addresses all deanonymization attacks against Zcash works the same way as for Bitcoin.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has encrypted chat system</p><p>HushChat has no phone numbers, centralized web servers, it is not a US-based or any kind of company/non-profit/organization, it has no Javascript/Electron, while it does have Plausible Deniability, multiple layers of encryption, compatibility with Tor and emoji support.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is not a company nor foundation</p><p>Hush is Free Software and not based in any country. We are a decentralized cypherpunk community and continue to research the bleeding edge in privacy. 1 HUSH = 10000 encrypted messages which have censorship resistance backed up by Bitcoin hashrate which is why Hush is a Store-of-Privacy.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has the largest anonset</p><p>The anonset is the number of people you are hiding amongst. Privacy coins based on CryptoNote Protocol, such as Monero and related forks, have anonymity sets that are per transaction. One transaction from Alice to Bob has it's own, it is not network-wide, such as in Zcash Protocol coins. At this moment Hush has the largest anonset among all known privacy coins.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Zero-knowledge math instead of obfuscation</p><p>Monero transactions hide the actual funds you are spending with ten other, un-related coins, owned by other Monero users. These are called "mixins" and currently XMR uses 11 mixins. Users may have bad opsec which reduces your privacy too.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>First cryptocoin to encrypt data at protocol level</p><p>Every single HUSH transaction has a TLS 1.3 P2P encryption. Every node connection must be encrypted with https, which means the ISP does not know when you make a transaction, nor your "Transaction ID".</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has Sietch</p><p>Sietch makes the linkability analysis of fully shielded transactions drastically more expensive. It adds Monero-like protections on top of Zcash Protocol, which is why we describe Hush Protocol as an improved Zcash Protocol.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush Smart Chains</p><p>The future is multi-chain, hence the ease of creating new independent blockchains via Hush Smart Chains, sometimes called "sidechains". Hush empowers you to "spin up" a competitor to Hush with a single <a href="" class="mainlink">command</a>.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></u></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>HUSH has the same emission schedule as Bitcoin</p><p>Hush was created in November 2016 and only about 50% of all coins have been mined as of May 2021 and for Piratechain it is 2 years and 90% of the mined total supply, in Monero the Maximum Supply is infinite.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Monero and Zcash are supported by blockchain analysis companies</p><p>CipherTrace delivers Monero tracing tools since August 31 2020 and since Zcash users are using transparent addresses all deanonymization attacks against Zcash works the same way as for Bitcoin.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has encrypted chat system</p><p>HushChat has no phone numbers, centralized web servers, it is not a US-based or any kind of company, it has no Javascript, while it does have Plausible Deniability, multiple layers of encryption, compatibility with Tor and emoji support.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is not a company nor foundation</p><p>Hush is Free Software and not based in any country. We are a <a href="" class="mainlink">decentralized cypherpunk community</a> and continue to research the bleeding edge in privacy. 1 HUSH = 10000 encrypted messages which is why Hush is a Store-of-Privacy.</p></div>
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<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has cryptographic proof it was attacked by Komodo Notary Node operators: only Komodo Notary Node operators can perform this attack because it is only their 64 public keys which are embedded into the source code of Komodo and Hush, which allows deciding which notarizations are valid.</p><p>They abused and disgraced their duty to protect and actually created malicious-yet-valid notarizations, which prevented nodes from syncing. Komodo Notary Nodes have now done this twice, once to SAFE and now to HUSH, and they can do this attack to any coin they currently "protect".</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>But jl777 says it is not possible to make malicious notarizations? jl777 is a liar who benefits from you believing it. It's possible when you combine normal notary operations with an Eclipse Attack, which KMD Notary Nodes trivially can do, since nodes connect to notary nodes by default.</p><p>KMD Notary nodes simply use their CPU/ASICs to mine a chain fork which is 1 block different than the real chain, then they come together to notarize it, which is valid since it's a valid block. This will cause any honest node to "get stuck" at that "malicious notarized chainfork".</p><p>This attack is interesting as transactions are created at the consensus layer which then eventually attack the Peer-2-Peer (P2P) network layer, preventing the node from syncing.</p><p>Notary nodes went far back into history, created a "fork in the road", made a road 1 foot long, and told everybody to go that way, knowing it to be a dead end. Notary nodes are given way too much power in the Komodo DPoW system, something we have fixed in the newly designed Hush DPoW system.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>HUSH removed all public keys from KMD and now runs its own DPoW network. Additionally, we have added features to our full nodes which allow nodes to individually respond to DPoW-related attacks: -dpow-start-height is a feature to ignore all DPoW notarizations before a certain height. This allows nodes to respond to any possible future DPoW attack without updating code.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Many, if not all, Komodo Notary Node operators came together and spent extra time and effort to attack the Hush blockchain, to create malicious notarizations and run Hush nodes even though they said they dropped support for us for no reason. It requires at least 13 of 64 notary nodes to participate, so over a dozen notary nodes conspired to attack Hush. We have quite the fanboy club!</p><p>All that time spent on attacking, and Duke Leto released "Decentralized Dominatrix" Hush 3.6.0 which completely defeats the attacks and actually drastically increases the security and privacy.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>KMD can hold your blockchain hostage if you do not pay your DPoW rent. HUSH does not want to be the master of your chain, so we will teach you how to break free of your KMD cage.</p>
<p>How can they break free of KMD bondage? FIRO and friends must demand to own the public keys and corresponding private keys which are the "trusted 64" which can make valid notarizations. The coin being notarized must own those addresses or they are "DPoW slaves" to Komodo.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush does not use JS. In 2019, the KMD team received a notification from npm about a vulnerability in one of the upstream libraries KMD's Agama wallet was using, shortly after 100 BTC was stolen.</p>
<p>Komodo introduced KYC elements to AtomicDex: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>. Likewise, the CTO of KMD, Kadan Stadelmann is a Blockchain Analyst for the Austrian military!</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has cryptographic proof it was attacked by Komodo Notary Node operators: only Komodo Notary Node operators can perform this attack because it is only their 64 public keys which are embedded into the source code of Komodo and Hush, which allows deciding which notarizations are valid.</p><p>They abused and disgraced their duty to protect and actually created malicious-yet-valid notarizations, which prevented nodes from syncing. Komodo Notary Nodes have now done this twice, once to SAFE and now to HUSH.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>But jl777 says it is not possible to make malicious notarizations? It's possible when you combine normal notary operations with an Eclipse Attack, which KMD Notary Nodes trivially can do, since nodes connect to notary nodes by default.</p><p>KMD Notary nodes use their ASICs to mine a chain fork which is 1 block different than the real chain, then they come together to notarize it. Any honest node will stuck at that "malicious notarized chainfork". Transactions are created at the consensus layer which then eventually attack the P2P network layer, preventing the node from syncing.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>HUSH removed all public keys from KMD and now runs its own DPoW network. Additionally, we have added features to our full nodes which allow nodes to individually respond to DPoW-related attacks: -dpow-start-height is a feature to ignore all DPoW notarizations before a certain height, nodes can respond to any possible future DPoW attack without updating code.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Many, if not all, Komodo Notary Node operators came together and spent extra time and effort to attack the Hush blockchain, to create malicious notarizations and run Hush nodes even though they said they dropped support for us for no reason. It requires at least 13 of 64 notary nodes to participate, so over a dozen notary nodes conspired to attack Hush.</p><p>All that time spent on attacking, and Duke Leto released <a href="" class="mainlink">"Decentralized Dominatrix"</a> Hush 3.6.0 which completely defeats the attacks and actually drastically increases the security and privacy.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>KMD can hold your blockchain hostage if you do not pay your DPoW rent. How can they break free of KMD bondage? FIRO and friends must demand to own the public keys and corresponding private keys which are the "trusted 64" which can make valid notarizations. The coin being notarized must own those addresses or they are "DPoW slaves" to Komodo.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush does not use JS. In 2019, the KMD team received a notification from npm about a vulnerability in one of the upstream libraries KMD's Agama wallet was using, shortly after 100 BTC was stolen.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Komodo introduced KYC elements to AtomicDex: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>. Likewise, the CTO of KMD, Kadan Stadelmann is a Blockchain Analyst for the Austrian military!</p></div>
<div class="links">
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<a href=""><span style="color: #262626">[</span> mastodon <span style="color: #262626">]</span></a>


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<div class="blockt"><p>Hush believes in more cryptocoins in general and more privacy coins in particular, is a good thing, needed to fully displace corrupt institutions such as WU and VISA, that have preyed on the poor for decades. Even so, HUSH believes we are the very best privacy coin based on zero-knowledge math and we compete directly with Monero, the oldest and most-used privacy coin currently.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Zero-knowledge math instead of obfuscation</p><p>Let's say Alice makes an XMR transaction to Bob. They both have relatively good privacy, at first. Alice has very good operational security (opsec) and does not use that address for any other purpose. She does her part to preserve her privacy.</p><p>Now Bob on the otherhand, he has very poor opsec. He uses this same address on every website, exchange and shady darkweb market he uses. One (or many) of these can work together, to correlate details about Bob. They can be hacked for this information and they can be legally required to share it, or the companies can dedice to work together to reduce their fraud costs.</p><p>Bob's actions would hurt any privacy coin protocol, no matter how private. The point is that it hurts CryptoNote Protocol coins much more, of which Monero is one, then coins like Hush, which use zero-knowledge math instead of obfuscation.</p><p>By default, Monero transactions hide the actual funds you are spending with ten other, un-related coins, owned by other Monero users. These are called "mixins" and currently XMR uses 11 mixins. Previously they used only a few and had to use more to make the statistics look less bleak.</p><p>As time goes on, and Bob uses his bad opsec, and his friends have bad opsec, and honest users make honest mistakes, Alice's privacy goes down. And most importantly, it is reduced by the actions of others and she has no control or way to improve it. There is simply nothing Alice can do. It's a numbers game, you are hiding in a very small crowd and it gets smaller over time too.</p><p>Hush is based on zero-knowledge math and does not have this problem. We call it our "anonymity set" which is the number of unspent shielded outputs at a block height. For Monero, their "anonymity set" is only the number of outputs involved in the transaction, which is a tiny number. The Hush anonymity set is drastically larger and protects every transaction.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Encrypted data at protocol level</p><p>Every single HUSH transaction has encrypted data section, regardless of it being used. This means that every single transaction might have encrypted data. Only the sender and receiver know. Monero lacks this basic feature, which is why they cannot even create a competitor to HushChat, they lack the basic protocol-level feature to enable it.</p><p>Monero could, in theory, change and start doing this one day. But the problem remains, years of blockchain history did not use it, and it's trivial to tell if somebody is using this new feature. It must be enabled from the beginning, which is what HUSH has done.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has Sietch</p><p>One of the main function of Sietch is to make linkability analysis of fully shielded transactions drastically more expensive.<ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Create your own Hush sidechain</p><p>The future is multi-chain, hence the ease of creating new independent blockchains via Hush Smart Chains, sometimes called "sidechains". Hush empowers you to "spin up" a competitor to Hush with a single command, and it can integrate with the HUSH mainnet as much or little as you desire and there are no taxes paid to Hush like on Ethereum.</p><p>Create your own Hush Smart chain and run all the servers, decide all the parameters such as block size/time, total supply, etc. and mine the genesis block, and create mining pools and explorers. HSC's are a scalable platform to create private HushChat communities isolated from HUSH mainnet.</p><p>This is a desired property for high-privacy use cases. HushChat is a federated chat system, where communities decide if users should be able to chat with each other, similar to Mastodon servers being a decentralized version of Twitter.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Total supply is fixed at 21 million, exactly the same as Bitcoin</p><p>There are no any real reasons to change the supply except to create a larger market capitalization in the early days of a coin, a cheap marketing trick. 21 million was good enough for Satoshi and good enough for Hush.</p><p>Monero has an unlimited supply, and hence, is not deflationary, like Bitcoin and Hush. Hush inherits more Store-of-Value properties from Bitcoin because of this.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush believes in more cryptocoins in general and more privacy coins in particular, is a good thing, needed to fully displace corrupt institutions. Even so, HUSH believes we are the very best privacy coin based on zero-knowledge math and we compete directly with Monero, the oldest and most-used privacy coin currently.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Zero-knowledge math instead of obfuscation</p><p>By default, Monero transactions hide the actual funds you are spending with ten other, un-related coins, owned by other Monero users. These are called "mixins" and currently XMR uses 11 mixins.</p><p>As time goes on, and Bob uses his bad opsec, and his friends have bad opsec, and honest users make honest mistakes, Alice's privacy goes down. Most importantly, it is reduced by the actions of others and she has no way to improve it.</p><p>Hush is based on zero-knowledge math and does not have this problem. We call it our <a href="" class="mainlink">"anonymity set"</a> which is the number of unspent shielded outputs at a block height. For Monero, their "anonymity set" is only the number of outputs involved in the transaction, which is a tiny number. The Hush anonymity set is drastically <a href="" class="mainlink">larger</a> and protects every transaction.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Encrypted data at protocol level</p><p>Every single HUSH transaction has encrypted data section, regardless of it being used. This means that every single transaction might have encrypted data. Only the sender and receiver know. Monero lacks this basic feature, which is why they cannot even create a competitor to HushChat, they lack the basic protocol-level feature to enable it.</p><p>Monero could change and start doing this one day. But the problem remains, years of blockchain history did not use it, and it's trivial to tell if somebody is using this new feature. It must be enabled from the beginning as HUSH has done.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has Sietch</p><p>One of the main function of Sietch is to make linkability analysis of z2z transactions drastically more expensive.<ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Create your own Hush sidechain</p><p>The future is multi-chain, hence the ease of creating new independent blockchains via <a href="" class="mainlink">Hush Smart Chains</a>, sometimes called "sidechains". Hush empowers you to "spin up" a competitor to Hush with a single command, and it can integrate with the HUSH mainnet as much or little as you desire and there are no taxes paid to Hush like on Ethereum.</p><p>Create your own Hush Smart chain and run all the servers, decide all the parameters such as block size/time, total supply, etc. and mine the genesis block. HSC's are a scalable platform to create privacy coins.</p><p>This is a desired property for high-privacy use cases. HushChat is a federated chat system, where communities decide if users should be able to chat with each other, similar to Mastodon servers being a decentralized version of Twitter.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Total supply is fixed at 21 million, exactly the same as Bitcoin</p><p>21 million was good enough for Satoshi and good enough for Hush. Monero has an unlimited supply, and hence, is not deflationary, like Bitcoin and Hush. Hush inherits more Store-of-Value properties from Bitcoin because of this.</p></div>
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<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has Sietch</p><p>Let's say you want to send a transaction to three friends, every Tuesday at 3:30pm, about your "secret meeting", and you use either ARRR or HUSH. Almost all transactions on ARRR have 2 outputs, the person receiving funds, and the "change output", which goes back to the original zaddr.</p><p>If you send messages to your 3 or 4, or any higher number of friends, especially with any kind of pattern (once per day, or every week, or every 39.4 hours), that can all be seen from public blockchain data. Shielded addresses on ARRR do not protect you.</p><p>With HUSH, we "round up" to protect the privacy of people communicating with between 1 and 8 others. So you can send a message to 4 people or 7 or just 1, and it looks exactly the same on the HUSH network. Talking To 3 Friends is not a problem when using HUSH.</p><p>If you want to routinely talk to 9 others or more, that is when it starts to stand out with HUSH, but you can just use another transaction, and send to 8 with one transaction and 1 with another.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Your ISPs know too much</p><p>HUSH was the very first cryptocoin to enforce encrypted Peer-To-Peer (P2P) connections, which is just like the little lock in your browser tab, which means "https" is being used. Modern websites are encrypted because so many problems and attacks happen when they aren't.</p><p>When Satoshi wrote Bitcoin, "http" was still widely being used and Bitcoin spoke in plaintext. Unfortunately just about every cryptocoin has kept this design flaw. HUSH requires encrypted connections between peers, where ARRR does not. This means that when you make a transaction, even though your address is not known, your "transaction ID" and IP address is known by ISP.</p><p>With HUSH, every node connection must be encrypted with https, which means your ISP (and the ISP of your ISP, etc..) does not know when you make a transaction, nor your "transaction ID". They always know your IP address, which is why not giving them your txid is so important. For the nerds: we use TLS 1.3 ONLY (no older TLS versions are allowed) and downgrade attacks are not allowed, i.e. if your node can't speak TLS 1.3 with valid ciphersuite, it cannot connect to the network.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>ARRR exists for 2 years and more than 90% of the total supply has been mined already which means that a few individuals own most of the supply. Hush was created in November 2016 and only about 50% has been mined as of May 2021, over 4 years after the original launch of HUSH. HUSH has the same "emission schedule" as Bitcoin itself: block reward halving every 4 years.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush does not support KYC. Hush does not help the identity theft industry by linking personal information to blockchain data, which does not work to reduce fraud and is almost always stolen, re-sold and used for illegimate purposes:</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush was the first coin ever to measure anonsets in real-time. <a href="" class="mainlink">Anonsets</a>, AKA "anonymity sets" are a measure of how much privacy a privacy coin has. Hush was the first cryptocoin ever to measure this in real-time, via the getchaintxstats RPC, which Duke Leto worked on in Bitcoin Core.</p><p>Bitcoin Core has code from HUSH since Duke Leto upstreamed a change from Hush's version of getchaintxstats to the version in BTC Core. Pirate attempted to pay him to add this so-called zindex feature, but he refused, and so they are unable to measure their anonset in real-time.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Duke Leto wrote large portions of ARRR while being a Komodo Core developer for about two years and now it's unmaintained because there is nobody left that understands it. Additionally, KMD developers consider ARRR a separate project and make decisions that hurt the privacy of ARRR users.</p><p>Pirate disabled Duke's privacy features to KMD. Duke Leto wrote code to protect against a specific kind of attack called a linkability attack and since Pirate and KMD developers who actually maintain Pirate, who has no dedicated developers don't understand it, they commented it out.</p><p>Pirate has no developers. The original developers of Pirate were jl777 and Duke Leto, who gave jl777 the idea for Pirate, by asking "What could the opposite of -ac_public=1 mean"? The next day, the Pirate testcoin was born, but there no any other developers left in Piratecoin. The last commit on jl777 GitHub is a PR Duke Leto sent a long time ago from Hush.</p><p>Only SEO people left in Piratechain who pay CryptoForge from another privacy coin to write code for them, and he gladly takes code he wrote already and charges Pirates for it.</p><p>Nevertheless, CryptoForge still manages to steal Hush GPLv3 code (z_getbalances) and adding it to their MIT code: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p><p>Piratechain has been removed from Github for infringing on Hush GPLv3 license on January 19th, more details in our peertube: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Pirate lacks Sietch</p><p>Pirate does not have the advanced privacy technology called "Sietch" which makes it much easier for blockchain analysis companies to attack.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Pirate requires a 1.6GB download of junk files. To run a full node you must download gigabytes of junk required for a disabled part of the code wasting the bandwidth of all users.</p><p>Pirate full node takes days to sync. Their full node is so slow to sync that they have built-ing the concept of downloading bootstraps (trusting somebody else's blockchain history!) into the full node itself. They truly don't grasp basic blockchain security principles.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Pirate is based on Sprout, a very old version of zaddrs that have been successfully attacked and are additionally extremely slow. Pirate based their chain on this old tech which is why it's so damn slow to sync a full node. HUSH was the very first coin to be based solely on Sapling zaddrs.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has Sietch</p><p>If you send messages to your 3 or 4, or any higher number of friends, especially with any kind of pattern (once per week, or every 39.4 hours), that can all be seen from public blockchain data. Shielded addresses do not protect you.</p><p>With HUSH, we <a href="" class="mainlink">"round up"</a> to protect the privacy of people communicating with between 1 and 8 others. So you can send a message to 4 people or 7 or just 1, and it looks exactly the same on the HUSH network.</p><p>If you want to routinely talk to 9 others or more, that is when it starts to stand out with HUSH, but you can just use another transaction, and send to 8 with one transaction and 1 with another.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Your ISPs know too much</p><p>HUSH was the very first cryptocoin to enforce encrypted P2P connections, which is just like the little lock in your browser tab. Modern websites are encrypted because so many problems and attacks happen when they aren't.</p><p>When Satoshi wrote Bitcoin, "http" was still widely being used and Bitcoin spoke in plaintext, just about every cryptocoin including ARRR has kept this design flaw. This means that your "transaction ID" and IP address is known by ISP.</p><p>With HUSH, every node connection must be encrypted with https, which means your ISP does not know when you make a transaction, nor your "transaction ID". They always know your IP address, which is why not giving them your txid is so important, Hush uses TLS 1.3 ONLY, your node can't speak TLS 1.3 with valid ciphersuite, it cannot connect to the network.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>ARRR exists for 2 years and more than 90% of the total supply has been mined already which means that a few individuals own most of the supply. Hush was created in November 2016 and only about 50% has been mined as of May 2021. HUSH has the same "emission schedule" as Bitcoin itself: block reward halving every 4 years.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush does not support KYC. Hush does not help the identity theft industry by linking personal information to blockchain data, which is mainly used for illegimate purposes: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush was the first coin ever to measure anonsets in real-time. <a href="" class="mainlink">Anonsets</a>, AKA "anonymity sets" are a measure of how much privacy a privacy coin has. Hush was the first cryptocoin ever to measure this in real-time, via the getchaintxstats RPC.</p><p>Bitcoin Core has code from HUSH since Duke Leto upstreamed a change from Hush's version of getchaintxstats to the version in BTC Core. Pirate attempted to pay him to add this so-called zindex feature, but he refused.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Duke Leto wrote large portions of ARRR while being a Komodo Core developer for about two years and now it's unmaintained because there is nobody left that understands it. The <a href="" class="mainlink">original developers</a> of Pirate were jl777 and Duke Leto, who gave jl777 the idea for Pirate, by asking "What could the opposite of -ac_public=1 mean"?</p><p>The <a href="" class="mainlink">last commit</a> on jl777 GitHub is a PR Duke Leto sent a long time ago from Hush. Only SEO people left in Piratechain who pay CryptoForge from another privacy coin to write code for them, and he gladly takes code he wrote already.</p><p>Nevertheless, CryptoForge still manages to steal Hush GPLv3 code (z_getbalances) and adding it to their MIT code: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p><p>Piratechain has been removed from Github for infringing on Hush GPLv3 license on <a href="" class="mainlink">January 19th</a>, more details in our peertube: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Pirate lacks Sietch</p><p>Sietch has been protecting HUSH mainnet since September 2019 and adds Monero-like protections on top of Zcash Protocol, Piratechain does not have Sietch which makes it much easier for blockchain analysis companies to attack.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Pirate requires a 1.6GB download of junk files. To run a full node you must download gigabytes of junk required for a disabled part of the code wasting the bandwidth of all users.</p><p>Pirate full node takes days to sync. Their full node is so slow to sync that they have built-ing the concept of downloading bootstraps (trusting somebody else's blockchain history!) into the full node itself.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Pirate is based on Sprout, a very old version of zaddrs that have been successfully attacked and are additionally extremely slow which is why it's so slow to sync a full node. HUSH is based solely on Sapling zaddrs.</p></div>
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<div class="blockt"><p>Duke Leto has been contributing to Open Source and Free Software for about 25 years, fixed bugs and contributed code to Firefox, Perl, Git, Bitcoin and countless other projects, a former Core Dev of Komodo and co-creator of Piratechain.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Duke Leto has been contributing to Open Source and Free Software for about 25 years, fixed bugs and contributed code to Firefox, Perl, Git, Bitcoin and countless other projects, a former Core Dev of Komodo and co-creator of Piratechain.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>jahway603 believes in privacy and in the re-decentralization of the internet. Hush and HushChat will be a part of this future.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>odinzu is a well known Hush puppy from old days that worked on C++ code, debugging and aided in the creation of HushChat with Qt5, some projects he enjoys are full stack development for static websites and gardening, he has experience with tackling bugs, research and persistence.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Shitoshi Kakamoto is a marketing person who may or may not be a Manure0 guy and The Crypto Show hoster. Since recently Shitoshi is helping Hush to find its audience.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>onryo is a Hush contributor, it believes that in most cases privacy means security, so bringing Hush to the masses will make the world safer.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>odinzu is a well known Hush puppy from old days that worked on C++ code, debugging and aided in the creation of HushChat with Qt5, some projects he enjoys are full stack development for static websites and gardening, he has experience with tackling bugs, research and persistence.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Shitoshi Kakamoto is a marketing person who may or may not be a Manure0 guy and The Crypto Show hoster. Since recently Shitoshi is helping Hush to find its audience.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>onryo is a Hush contributor, it believes that in most cases privacy means security, so bringing Hush to the masses will make the world safer.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# a few curl commands to update anonset and current block data for index.html #
curl -s '' > hushblock.txt
hushblock="$(cat hushblock.txt)"
curl -s '' > anonhush.txt
anonhush="$(cat anonhush.txt)"
curl -s '' | jq '.TotalBlocks' > pirateblock.txt
pirateblock="$(cat pirateblock.txt)"
curl -s '' | jq -r '.Anonset' > anonarrr.txt
anonarrr="$(cat anonarrr.txt)"
curl -s '' | jq '.TotalBlocks' > zcashblock.txt
zcashblock="$(cat zcashblock.txt)"
curl -s '' | jq -r '.Anonset' > anonzcash.txt
anonzcash="$(cat anonzcash.txt)"
sed -i "s|<span class='anonset'>.*</span>|<span class='anonset'> Zcash has $anonzcash anonset at the recent block $zcashblock and $anonarrr is for ARRR at block $pirateblock, while Hush has $anonhush anonset at block $hushblock meaning Hush has the largest anonset among all known privacy coins. </span>|g" index.html


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<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is better than Zcash because Hush has mandatory privacy</p><p>Zcash has ignored the fact that optional privacy is no privacy at all for over four years. All major blockchain analysis companies support Zcash now, but they don't support Hush.</p><p>Zcash has no mandatory privacy because it's financially profitable for them to not have privacy, so they can sell it to ChainAnalysis, CipherTrace and their like, <a href="" class="mainlink"></a> at 43 minute a presenter from CipherTrace mentions that they are actively working with Zcash.</p><p>This is one of reason why Zcash doesn't want you to use z-addresses, so their friends can track your transactions. A recent academic study published on May 18, 2020 by CarnegieMellon University showed that only 0.1% of ZEC users are using z-addresses properly.</p><p> is supported by Zcash to increase zaddrs use at least to some degree to make people believe that someone is actually using z addresses, so users link the social media accounts to their zaddrs: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Zcash reduces privacy of miners with "Shielding Rule" where newly mined coinbase funds must be sent to a zaddr first, before they can be sent to a transparent address. As a result, it infects the shielded pool with Value and Timing metadata leakage.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is not in debt to investors</p><p>Zcash raised $3.000.000 from investors, which they must pay back, at least 10-100x or maybe more to satisfy the original investors. This is why the price of ZEC in satoshis (not USD), always goes down. They are paying back initial investors by selling parts of the Founders Reward which was renamed and made it even harder to track where the money goes.</p><p>Recently the entire Zcash company was donated to a non-profit, that nobody has heard of! This was after changing their name legally to "Electric Coin Company", further throwing shade on their operation. Note that Zcash Company already was a Swiss-based Company with a US company subsidiary and a 501c3 non-profit called Zcash Foundation, which they constantly fought with. When does an entire for-profit VC-funded company get donated to a non-profit? Sounds quite shady indeed.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush uses Bitcoin for security</p><p>Zcash stupidly tries to compete and replace Bitcoin, Hush relies on BTC mainnet for protection from mining attacks. This is done via Delayed-Proof-of-Work, which allows blockchains with smaller hashrates to be protected by blockchains with larger hashrates.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is better than Zcash because Hush has mandatory privacy</p><p>Zcash has ignored the fact that optional privacy is no privacy at all for over four years. All major blockchain analysis companies support Zcash now, but they don't support Hush.</p><p>Zcash has no mandatory privacy because it's financially profitable for them to not have privacy, <a href="" class="mainlink"></a> at 43 minute a presenter from <a href="" class="mainlink">CipherTrace</a> mentions that they are actively working with Zcash.</p><p>This is one of reason why Zcash doesn't want you to use z-addresses. A recent academic study published on May 18, 2020 by CarnegieMellon University showed that only 0.1% of ZEC users are using z-addresses properly.</p><p><a href="" class="mainlink"></a> is supported by Zcash to increase zaddrs use at least to some degree to make people believe that someone is actually using z-addresses, so users link the social media accounts to their zaddrs: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Zcash reduces privacy of miners with "Shielding Rule" where newly mined coinbase funds must be sent to a zaddr first, before they can be sent to a transparent address, it infects the shielded pool with Value and Timing metadata leakage.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is not in debt to investors</p><p>Zcash raised $3.000.000 from investors. This is why the price of ZEC in satoshis always goes down, they are paying back initial investors by selling parts of the FR which was renamed and made it even harder to track where the money goes.</p><p>Zcash company was donated to a non-profit and it was already a Swiss-based Company with a US company subsidiary and a 501c3 non-profit called Zcash Foundation. When does a VC-funded company get donated to a non-profit?</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush uses Bitcoin for security</p><p>Hush relies on BTC mainnet for protection from mining attacks. This is done via Delayed-Proof-of-Work, which allows blockchains with smaller hashrates to be protected by blockchains with larger hashrates.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has Sietch</p><p>Sietch has been protecting HUSH mainnet since September 2019 and adds Monero-like protections on top of Zcash Protocol, which is why we describe Hush Protocol as an improved Zcash Protocol and most secure and private cryptocoin.</p><ul><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li><li><a href="" class="mainlink"></a></li></ul></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has HushChat</p><p>HushChat is a decentralized Signal competitor, and HushChat Protocol implements a protocol very similar to Signal Protocol, with ratcheting, where we replace traditional metadata-nightmare phone numbers with shielded Hush addresses. No centralized servers, no companies, no phone numbers, no JavaScript, Plausible Deniability and support for emoji!</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush tells the public the truth</p><p>Zcash tries to hide security problems and their various shady dealings with various organizations. For example, the Sprout CVE was kept secret for about a year by Zcash Company and then dumped on the greater community like a large turd sandwhich for lunch. Another Zcash vulnerability <a href="" class="mainlink">CVE-2019-16930</a> was publicly disclosed by Duke Leto.</p><p>Zcash Company was trying to keep it secret and this is when most Zcash people, including security officers and engineering, blocked him on Twitter, to the detriment of all Zcash users. The "Sapling Woodchipper" <a href="" class="mainlink">CVE-2019-11636</a> has actually gotten worse since Zcash made their transaction fees ten times less, in an effort to control fees, they made the attack ten times cheaper.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush uses the same zero-Knowledge math, for free. Zcash spent millions of dollars to develop bleeding edge new mathematics, called zk-SNARKs (zero knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge), which Hush uses for free. Zcash Company additionally spends obscene amounts of money maintaining this code as an upstream, for free. Zcash has no "technological moat" and Hush takes all the best ideas, for free, and combines them with the best ideas from Monero. Thanks Zcash!</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is free software. We are a GPLv3 Free Software community, so Hush owns it's own patents and intellectual property. If you use our stuff in an uncool way, we will send Software Freedom Law Center to you. They love GPLv3 enforcement.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has network-level privacy</p><p>Zcash and Bitcoin itself have no network-level privacy, it makes sense for Bitcoin as it is not a privacy coin and everything is public. Encrypting connections between Bitcoin full nodes would mostly be a waste of resources and it would prevent some very old computers from joining the network, potentially. OK Satoshi, you get a pass from Duke.</p><p>Now Zcash, on the otherhand, is supposed to be a privacy coin right? It would benefit from network-level privacy such as SSL/TLS (like the little green lock in your browser), but they never implemented it. Either they are stupid and lazy, or they are smart and realize that since most Zcash transactions don't use privacy, it's basically worthless to add network encryption to Zcash.</p><p>Hush has mandatory network-level TLS 1.3 encryption between all peers, the current best in world used by all modern web servers and browsers. All legacy ciphersuites are turned off and Hush only supports TLS 1.3, unlike almost any other software out there.</p><p>Hush nodes have mandatory privacy on the blockchain and on the network and these two things together combine to make Hush exponentially more private than Zcash.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is a platform to make privacy coins</p><p>Hush gives you the ultimate freedom to make your own privacy coins, which can integrate with Hush or not. Zcash wants to be a king, where you live on their land and pay them a tax. With Hush, you can make your own kingdom (or queendom) and there are no taxes paid to Hush, as opposed to building on Ethereum. Hush Smart Chains can be completely independent of Hush, or be protected by Hush (and Bitcoin hashrate) via Delayed-Proof-of-Work.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush tells the public the truth</p><p>Zcash tries to hide security problems and their various shady dealings with various organizations. For example, the Sprout CVE was kept secret for about a year by Zcash Company and then dumped on the greater community like a large turd sandwhich for lunch. Another Zcash vulnerability <a href="" class="mainlink">CVE-2019-16930</a> was publicly disclosed by Duke Leto.</p><p>Zcash Company was trying to keep it secret, including security officers and engineering. The "Sapling Woodchipper" <a href="" class="mainlink">CVE-2019-11636</a> has actually gotten worse since Zcash made their transaction fees ten times less.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush uses the same zero-knowledge math, for free. Zcash spent millions of dollars to develop bleeding edge new mathematics, called zk-SNARKs. Zcash Company additionally spends obscene amounts of money maintaining this code as an upstream. Hush takes all the best ideas, for free, and combines them with the best ideas from Monero.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is free software. We are a GPLv3 Free Software community, so Hush owns it's own patents and intellectual property. If you use our stuff in an uncool way, we will send Software Freedom Law Center to you. For example, Piratechain was removed from Github for infringing on Hush GPLv3 license: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a>.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has network-level privacy</p><p>Zcash and Bitcoin itself have no network-level privacy, it makes sense for Bitcoin as it is not a privacy coin and everything is public. Encrypting connections between Bitcoin full nodes would mostly be a waste of resources.</p><p>Zcash, on the otherhand, would benefit from network-level privacy such as SSL/TLS, but they never implemented it, since most Zcash transactions don't use privacy, it's basically worthless to add network encryption to Zcash.</p><p>Hush has mandatory network-level TLS 1.3 encryption between all peers. All legacy ciphersuites are turned off and Hush only supports TLS 1.3. Hush nodes have mandatory privacy on the blockchain and on the network.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush is a platform to make privacy coins</p><p>Hush gives you the ultimate freedom to <a href="" class="mainlink">make</a> your own privacy coins, which can integrate with Hush or not. Zcash wants to be a king, where you live on their land and pay them a tax. With Hush, you can make your own kingdom (or queendom) and there are no taxes paid to Hush, as opposed to building on Ethereum.</p></div>
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