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Update 'pirate.html'

onryo 2 years ago
  1. 2


@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ a:hover { color: #8c8c8c }
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush has Sietch</p><p>If you send messages to your 3 or 4, or any higher number of friends, especially with any kind of pattern (once per week, or every 39.4 hours), that can all be seen from public blockchain data. Shielded addresses do not protect you.</p><p>With HUSH, we <a href="" class="mainlink">"round up"</a> to protect the privacy of people communicating with between 1 and 8 others. So you can send a message to 4 people or 7 or just 1, and it looks exactly the same on the HUSH network.</p><p>If you want to routinely talk to 9 others or more, that is when it starts to stand out with HUSH, but you can just use another transaction, and send to 8 with one transaction and 1 with another.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Your ISPs know too much</p><p>HUSH was the very first cryptocoin to enforce encrypted P2P connections, which is just like the little lock in your browser tab. Modern websites are encrypted because so many problems and attacks happen when they aren't.</p><p>When Satoshi wrote Bitcoin, "http" was still widely being used and Bitcoin spoke in plaintext, just about every cryptocoin including ARRR has kept this design flaw. This means that your "transaction ID" and IP address is known by ISP.</p><p>With HUSH, every node connection must be encrypted with https, which means your ISP does not know when you make a transaction, nor your "transaction ID". They always know your IP address, which is why not giving them your txid is so important, Hush uses TLS 1.3 ONLY, your node can't speak TLS 1.3 with valid ciphersuite, it cannot connect to the network.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>ARRR exists for 2 years and more than 90% of the total supply has been mined already which means that a few individuals own most of the supply. Hush was created in November 2016 and only about 50% has been mined as of May 2021. HUSH has the same "emission schedule" as Bitcoin itself: block reward halving every 4 years.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>ARRR exists for 2 years and more than 90% of the total supply has been mined already which means that a few individuals own <a href="" class="mainlink">most of the supply</a>. Hush was created in November 2016 and only about 50% has been mined as of May 2021. HUSH has the same "emission schedule" as Bitcoin itself: block reward halving every 4 years.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush does not support KYC. Hush does not help the identity theft industry by linking personal information to blockchain data, which is mainly used for illegimate purposes: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Hush was the first coin ever to measure anonsets in real-time. <a href="" class="mainlink">Anonsets</a>, AKA "anonymity sets" are a measure of how much privacy a privacy coin has. Hush was the first cryptocoin ever to measure this in real-time, via the getchaintxstats RPC.</p><p>Bitcoin Core has code from HUSH since Duke Leto upstreamed a change from Hush's version of getchaintxstats to the version in BTC Core. Pirate attempted to pay him to add this so-called zindex feature, but he refused.</p></div>
<div class="blockt"><p>Duke Leto wrote large portions of ARRR while being a Komodo Core developer for about two years and now it's unmaintained because there is nobody left that understands it. The <a href="" class="mainlink">original developers</a> of Pirate were jl777 and Duke Leto, who gave jl777 the idea for Pirate, by asking "What could the opposite of -ac_public=1 mean"?</p><p>The <a href="" class="mainlink">last commit</a> on jl777 GitHub is a PR Duke Leto sent a long time ago from Hush. Only SEO people left in Piratechain who pay CryptoForge from another privacy coin to write code for them, and he gladly takes code he wrote already.</p><p>Nevertheless, CryptoForge still manages to steal Hush GPLv3 code (z_getbalances) and adding it to their MIT code: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p><p>Piratechain has been removed from Github for infringing on Hush GPLv3 license on <a href="" class="mainlink">January 19th</a>, more details in our peertube: <a href="" class="mainlink"></a></p></div>
