You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

150 lines
3.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 The Hush developers
// Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
4 years ago
#ifndef ZC_NOTE_H_
#define ZC_NOTE_H_
#include "uint256.h"
#include "Zcash.h"
#include "Address.hpp"
#include "NoteEncryption.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
namespace libzcash {
class BaseNote {
uint64_t value_ = 0;
BaseNote() {}
BaseNote(uint64_t value) : value_(value) {};
virtual ~BaseNote() {};
inline uint64_t value() const { return value_; };
class SaplingNote : public BaseNote {
diversifier_t d;
uint256 pk_d;
uint256 r;
SaplingNote(diversifier_t d, uint256 pk_d, uint64_t value, uint256 r)
: BaseNote(value), d(d), pk_d(pk_d), r(r) {}
SaplingNote() {};
SaplingNote(const SaplingPaymentAddress &address, uint64_t value);
virtual ~SaplingNote() {};
boost::optional<uint256> cm() const;
boost::optional<uint256> nullifier(const SaplingFullViewingKey &vk, const uint64_t position) const;
class BaseNotePlaintext {
uint64_t value_ = 0;
std::array<unsigned char, HUSH_MEMO_SIZE> memo_;
BaseNotePlaintext() {}
BaseNotePlaintext(const BaseNote& note, std::array<unsigned char, HUSH_MEMO_SIZE> memo)
: value_(note.value()), memo_(memo) {}
virtual ~BaseNotePlaintext() {}
inline uint64_t value() const { return value_; }
inline const std::array<unsigned char, HUSH_MEMO_SIZE> & memo() const { return memo_; }
typedef std::pair<SaplingEncCiphertext, SaplingNoteEncryption> SaplingNotePlaintextEncryptionResult;
class SaplingNotePlaintext : public BaseNotePlaintext {
diversifier_t d;
uint256 rcm;
SaplingNotePlaintext() {}
SaplingNotePlaintext(const SaplingNote& note, std::array<unsigned char, HUSH_MEMO_SIZE> memo);
static boost::optional<SaplingNotePlaintext> decrypt(
const SaplingEncCiphertext &ciphertext,
const uint256 &ivk,
const uint256 &epk,
const uint256 &cmu
static boost::optional<SaplingNotePlaintext> decrypt(
const SaplingEncCiphertext &ciphertext,
const uint256 &epk,
const uint256 &esk,
const uint256 &pk_d,
const uint256 &cmu
boost::optional<SaplingNote> note(const SaplingIncomingViewingKey& ivk) const;
virtual ~SaplingNotePlaintext() {}
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
unsigned char leadingByte = 0x01;
if (leadingByte != 0x01) {
throw std::ios_base::failure("lead byte of SaplingNotePlaintext is not recognized");
READWRITE(d); // 11 bytes
READWRITE(value_); // 8 bytes
READWRITE(rcm); // 32 bytes
READWRITE(memo_); // 512 bytes
boost::optional<SaplingNotePlaintextEncryptionResult> encrypt(const uint256& pk_d) const;
class SaplingOutgoingPlaintext
uint256 pk_d;
uint256 esk;
SaplingOutgoingPlaintext() {};
SaplingOutgoingPlaintext(uint256 pk_d, uint256 esk) : pk_d(pk_d), esk(esk) {}
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
READWRITE(pk_d); // 8 bytes
READWRITE(esk); // 8 bytes
static boost::optional<SaplingOutgoingPlaintext> decrypt(
const SaplingOutCiphertext &ciphertext,
const uint256& ovk,
const uint256& cv,
const uint256& cm,
const uint256& epk
SaplingOutCiphertext encrypt(
const uint256& ovk,
const uint256& cv,
const uint256& cm,
SaplingNoteEncryption& enc
) const;
#endif // ZC_NOTE_H_