Another biased type checking solution for Javascript
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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var tape = require('tape')
var typeforce = require('../')
var typeforceAsync = require('../async')
var typeforceNoThrow = require('../nothrow')
var fixtures = require('./fixtures')
var TYPES = require('./types')
var VALUES = require('./values')
fixtures.valid.forEach(function (f) {
var type = TYPES[f.typeId] || f.type
var value = VALUES[f.valueId] || f.value
var typeDescription = JSON.stringify(type)
var valueDescription = JSON.stringify(value)
var compiled = typeforce.compile(type)
tape('passes ' + typeDescription + ' with ' + valueDescription, function (t) {
t.doesNotThrow(function () { typeforce(type, value, f.strict) })
typeforceAsync(type, value, f.strict, t.ifErr)
t.equal(typeforceNoThrow(type, value, f.strict), true)
t.doesNotThrow(function () { typeforce(compiled, value, f.strict) })
typeforceAsync(compiled, value, f.strict, t.ifErr)
t.equal(typeforceNoThrow(compiled, value, f.strict), true)
fixtures.invalid.forEach(function (f) {
if (!f.exception) throw new TypeError('Expected exception')
var type = TYPES[f.typeId] || f.type
var value = VALUES[f.valueId] || f.value
var typeDescription = f.typeId || JSON.stringify(type)
var valueDescription = JSON.stringify(value)
var compiled = typeforce.compile(type)
tape('throws "' + f.exception + '" for type ' + typeDescription + ' with value of ' + valueDescription, function (t) {
t.throws(function () {
typeforce(type, value, f.strict)
}, new RegExp(f.exception))
typeforceAsync(type, value, f.strict, (err) => {
t.throws(function () { throw err }, new RegExp(f.exception))
t.equal(typeforceNoThrow(type, value, f.strict), false)
t.throws(function () { throw typeforceNoThrow.error }, new RegExp(f.exception))
t.throws(function () {
typeforce(compiled, value, f.strict)
}, new RegExp(f.exception))
typeforceAsync(compiled, value, f.strict, (err) => {
t.throws(function () { throw err }, new RegExp(f.exception))
t.equal(typeforceNoThrow(compiled, value, f.strict), false)
t.throws(function () { throw typeforceNoThrow.error }, new RegExp(f.exception))
var err = new typeforce.TfTypeError('mytype')
function failType () { throw err }
tape('TfTypeError is an Error', function (t) {
t.ok(err instanceof Error)
t.equal(err.message, 'Expected mytype, got undefined')
t.throws(function () {
typeforce(failType, 0xdeadbeef)
}, new RegExp('Expected mytype, got undefined'))
tape('TfTypeError is caught by typeforce.oneOf', function (t) {
t.doesNotThrow(function () {
t.ok(!typeforce.oneOf(failType, typeforce.string)('value'))