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gilardh 3ff90442e4 Replace github link to git link 3 years ago
LICENSE Initial WIP 4 years ago
Makefile zchain diagram and more details on ITM 4 years ago Replace github link to git link 3 years ago
itm-zchain.gv zchain diagram and more details on ITM 4 years ago
itm-zchain.pdf Thank you Daira for pointing out this typo 4 years ago
sietch.bib fix missing quote and add hush halving citation 4 years ago
sietch.pdf Thank you Daira for pointing out this typo 4 years ago
sietch.tex Thank you Daira for pointing out this typo 4 years ago

Sietch Whitepaper

What is Sietch?

Sietch is a way to increase the privacy and anonymity set of Zcash Protocol blockchains.

This is a whitepaper for the rough notes at

Install deps

Build dependencies on Debian-based systems include, at least:

   apt-get install texlive texlive-science texlive-fonts-extra texlive-generic-recommended biber

Building the Whitepaper


will create a PDF in the current directory.


Duke Leto
